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53 ähnliche Ergebnisse für Gyi
Tipp: Suche nach mehreren Wörtern (ODER verknüpft): Wort1, Wort2

 Deutsch  Englisch

Ähnliche Wörter:
Gai, Goi, Yi, Abi, Ahi, Aki, Ami, Anti-G-Anzug, Après-Ski-Kleidung, Aye-Aye, Bai, Ballistik-Gel, Boi, Bri-Nylon, CS-Gas, Chi, Chi-Quadrat-Statistk, Chi-Quadrat-Test, Chi-Quadrat-Verteilung, Cys, Dai
Ähnliche Wörter:
gym, gyp, 'Passers-by', Bye!, Chi, G-area, G-clamp, G-spot, G-string, G-strophanthin, GM-free, GMO-free, GPS, Giv'atayim, God, God-botherer, God-botherers, God-given, God-likeness, Gor'kij, Hi!

Gaitau {n}; Gai {n} (Segelschiff) [naut.] clew line (sailing ship)

Geldmacherei {f}; Nepp {m}; Wucher {m}; Abzocke {f} [ugs.]; Abzockerei {f} [ugs.]; Abriss {m} [Schw.] [ugs.]; Geldschneiderei {f} [veraltet]; Beutelschneiderei {f} [obs.] [pej.] rip-off; daylight robbery [Br.]; highway robbery [Am.] [coll.]; gyp [Am.] [coll.] [dated]

Gymnastik {f} [sport] gymnastics; gym [anhören]

Muckibude {f} [ugs.] [sport] muscle factory (gym) [coll.]

Ringe {pl} (Turngerät) [sport] still rings; rings (gym apparatus)

Rückengymnastik {f}; Rückübungen {pl} [sport] back exercises; back care gym

Schwebebalken {m} (Turngerät) [sport] balance beam (gym apparatus)

Seitpferd {n}; Pauschenpferd {n} [Ös.] [Schw.]; Pferd {n}; Pferdpauschen {m} [Schw.] (Turngerät) [sport] [anhören] side horse; pommel horse (gym apparatus)

Spiegelung {f} der Speiseröhre, des Magens und des Zwölffingerdarms; Ösophagogastroduodenoskopie {f} /ÖGD/ [med.] upper gastrointestinal endoscopy; upper GI endoscopy; upper endoscopy; oesophagogastroduodenoscopy /OGD/

Trainingsbereich {m} ohne Geräte; Bereich {m} für freies Training (im Fitnessstudio) [sport] streching area (in the fitness gym)

Yi {pl}; Lolo {pl} [soc.] Yi people; Lolo

glykämischer Index {n} /GI/ [med.] glycaemic index [Br.]; glycemic index [Am.] /GI/

Gibraltar {n} /GI/ [geogr.] Gibraltar

Guyana {n} /GY/ (Kfz: /GUY/) [geogr.] Guyana

von der Regierung ausgegeben, Staatseigentum government issue /GI/

als Information; zu deiner Information for your information /FYI/

Angabe {f}; Auskunft {f}; Information {f}; Info {f} [ugs.] (über jdn./etw.) [anhören] [anhören] piece of information; information [mass noun] (on/about sb./sth.) [anhören]

Angaben {pl}; Auskünfte {pl}; Informationen {pl}; Infos {pl} [anhören] [anhören] information; pieces of information [anhören]

Info {f} info [anhören]

Fahrgastinformation {f} passenger information

Patienteninformation {f} patient information

zur Information; zu Ihrer Information for your information /FYI/

weiterführende Informationen; weitere Informationen further information

Senden Sie mir bitte Informationen zu ... Please send me information on ...

Information auf Anforderung information on demand

mündliche Information oral information

räumliche Informationen spatial information; spacial information

versteckte Information hidden information

Informationen sammeln; Erkundigungen einholen (über) to gather information (about; on)

Apropos jd./etw. {prp}; Stichwort jd./etw.; Da / Weil wir gerade von jdm./etw. sprechen (Einleitung) [anhören] Speaking of sb./sth.; Talking of sb./sth. [Br.]; While we are on the subject of sb./sth. (introductory phrase)

Weil wir gerade davon sprechen, vergiss nicht, das Antragsformular abzuschicken. While we are on the subject, don't forget to send off the application form.

Stichwort Fitness, gehst du noch ins Fitnessstudio? Speaking of fitness, do you still go to the gym?

Apropos Schweiz, sind Sie dort schon mal im Winter gewesen? Speaking of Switzerland, have you ever been there in winter?

Apropos klassische Musik, wer ist Ihr Lieblingskomponist? Talking of classical music, who is your favorite composer?

Apropos, woher kennst du Viktor eigentlich? While we are on the subject, how do you know Victor?

Ausrüstung {f}; Utensilien {pl}; Sachen {pl}; Zeug {n} [ugs.] (einer Person) [mil.] [sport] [anhören] [anhören] [anhören] (a person's) equipment; gear; tackle; kit [Br.]; appurtenances {pl}; things [coll.]; stuff [coll.]; equipage [archaic] [anhören] [anhören] [anhören] [anhören] [anhören] [anhören]

Badesachen {pl}; Badezeug {n} [ugs.] bathing gear; bathing things; swimming things

Kindersachen {pl} children's things; children's stuff

Putzsachen {pl} cleaning things; cleaning kit

Standardausrüstung {f} standard equipment; off-the-shelf equipment

Turnsachen {pl}; Turnzeug {n} [ugs.]; Sportsachen {pl}; Sportzeug {n} [ugs.] [school] gym things; gym stuff; gym kit [Br.]; sports kit [Br.]; PE kit [Br.]

Barren {m} (Turngerät) [sport] parallel bars; bars (gym apparatus) [anhören]

am Barren turnen to exercise on the bars

Benutzeroberfläche {f}; Bedienungsoberfläche {f}; Bedienoberfläche {f}; Benutzerschnittstelle {f}; Benutzungsoberfläche {f}; Anwenderschnittstelle {f}; Nutzerschnittstelle {f} [comp.] user interface

Benutzeroberflächen {pl}; Bedienungsoberflächen {pl}; Bedienoberflächen {pl}; Benutzerschnittstellen {pl}; Benutzungsoberflächen {pl}; Anwenderschnittstellen {pl}; Nutzerschnittstellen {pl} user interfaces

grafische Benutzeroberfläche; grafische Oberfläche graphical user interface /GUI/; graphical interface

Fehlerstromschutzschalter {m}; FI-Schutzschalter {m}; FI-Schalter {m} [ugs.] [electr.] residual-current-operated protective device; residual-current-operated circuit breaker; residual-current circuit breaker /RCCB/; circuit breaker; residual-current operated device; residual current device /RCD/; ground fault circuit interrupter /GFCI/ [Am.]; ground fault interrupter /GFI/ [Am.]; appliance leakage current interrupter /ALCI/ [Am.]

Fehlerstromschutzschalter {pl}; FI-Schutzschalter {pl}; FI-Schalter {pl} residual-current-operated protective devices; residual-current-operated circuit breakers; residual-current circuit breakers; circuit breakers; residual-current operated devices; residual current devices; ground fault circuit interrupters; ground fault interrupters; appliance leakage current interrupters

Fehlerstromschutzschalter mit Überstromauslöser; FI-LS-Schalter {m}; FI-LS-Kombination {f} residual-current breaker with overload protection / overcurrent protection /RCBO/

Fitnessstudio {n}; Fitness-Studio {n} [sport] fitness studio; fitness gym

Fitnessstudios {pl}; Fitness-Studios {pl} fitness studios; fitness gyms

(kleiner) Gauner {m}; Ganove {m}; Abzocker {m}; Bauernfänger {m}; Rosstäuscher {m}; Defraudant {m} [geh.] [veraltend] confidence trickster; confidence man; con man; conman; con artist [coll.]; deceiver; duper; hustler [Am.]; gyp artist [Am.] [dated] [anhören]

Gauner {pl}; Ganoven {pl}; Abzocker {pl}; Bauernfänger {pl}; Rosstäuscher {pl}; Defraudanten {pl} confidence tricksters; confidence men; con men; conmen; con artists; deceivers; dupers; hustlers; gyp artists

Abzocker beim Pool-Billard pool hustler

Das ist ein kleiner Ganove. He's a con man.

Er ist ein alter Gauner. He's a gyp artist.

Geodateninfrastruktur {f} /GDI/ geodata infrastructure; spatial data infrastructure /SDI/

Geodateninfrastruktur in Europa INSPIRE

Goi {m}; Nichtjude {m} goy; non-Jew

Nichtjuden {pl} goyim

nichtjüdisch {adj} goyish

Kletterhalle {f} [sport] climbing gym

Kletterhallen {pl} climbing gyms

Kraftraum {m}; Kraftkammer {f} [sport] black iron gym; weights room

Krafträume {pl}; Kraftkammern {pl} black iron gyms; weights rooms

Matte {f} mat [anhören]

Matten {pl} mats

Bambusmatte {f} bamboo mat

Ringermatte {f} wrestling mat

Turnmatte {f}; Gymnastikmatte {f} gymnastics mat; gym mat

Reckstange {f}; Reck {n} (Turngerät) [sport] horizontal bar; high bar; bar (gym apparatus) [anhören]

Reckstangen {pl}; Recks {pl} horizontal bars; high bars; bars [anhören]

Rhönrad {n} [sport] gymnastics wheel; gym wheel; German wheel; aero wheel

Rhönräder {pl} gymnastics wheels; gym wheels; German wheels; aero wheels

Riege {f}; Turnriege {f} [sport] squad; gymnastic squad; gym team [anhören]

Riegen {pl}; Turnriegen {pl} squads; gymnastic squads; gym teams

jdm. Schmerzen bereiten; jdm./einer Sache zusetzen; jdm. zu schaffen machen {vt} to trouble sb.; to ail sb./sth.; to give sb. (the) gyp [Br.] [coll.]

Sein Rücken macht ihm zu schaffen. His back is ailing him.

Seine Verletzung macht ihm immer noch zu schaffen. He is still being troubled by his injury.

Woran krankt unser Bildungssystem? What ails our educational system?

Was ist dir, mein Sohn? [poet.] What ails you, my son?

Schulstunde {f} [school] school period; school lesson; lesson [anhören]

Schulstunden {pl} school periods; school lessons; lessons [anhören]

Deutschstunde {f} German lesson

Mathematikstunde {f}; Mathestunde {f} [ugs.] mathematics lesson; math/maths lesson [coll.] [anhören]

Turnstunde {f} gym lesson; PE lesson

Soldat {m}; Kriegsknecht {m} [obs.] [mil.] soldier [anhören]

Soldaten {pl}; Kriegsknechte {pl} soldiers

Berufssoldat {m} career soldier; professional soldier; army lifer [Am.] [coll.]

einfacher Soldat common soldier; private soldier [Br.]

Besatzungssoldat {m} occupying soldier

Grenzsoldat {m} border soldier; border patrol soldier

Kindersoldaten {pl} child soldiers

amerikanischer Soldat Government Issue [Am.] [slang] /GI/

Soldatenbraut {f} [soc.] soldier's bride; GI bride [Am.]

Soldatenbräute {pl} soldier's brides; GI brides

Sporttasche {f} sports bag [Br.]; holdall [Br.]; gym bag [Am.]; carryall [Am.] (often wrongly: duffle bag)

Sporttaschen {pl} sports bags; holdalls; gym bags; carryalls

Sprungbock {n}; Bock {m} (Turngerät) [sport] vaulting buck (gym apparatus)

Sprungböcke {pl}; Böcke {pl} vaulting bucks

Sprungpferd {n}; Pferd {n} (Turngerät) [sport] [hist.] [anhören] vaulting horse; horse (gym apparatus) [anhören]

Sprungpferde {pl}; Pferde {pl} vaulting horses; horses

Sprungtisch {m} (Turngerät) [sport] vaulting table; vault (gym apparatus) [anhören]

Sprungtische {pl} vaulting tables; vaults

Tür {f}; Türe {f} (zu etw.) [constr.] [anhören] door (to sth.) [anhören]

Türen {pl}; Tore {pl} [anhören] doors

Tür {f} zur hofseitigen Terrasse oder Veranda patio door

Anschlagtür {f}; Schwenktür {f} single-action door; single-acting door; single-swing door

Balkontür {f} balcony door

Drehtür {f} revolving door

Futtertür {f} split jamb door

Haustür {f} front door

Jalousietür {f} shutter door

Lamellentür {f} louvred door; louvre door

Scheintür {f}; Scheintüre {f} false door

Schiebetür {f} sliding door; slide door

Schwenktür {f} swivel door

Schwingtür {f}; Pendeltür {f} swing door; swinging door; double-acting door; draught door

Servicetür {f}; Bedienungstür {f}; Betriebstür {f} service door

Sprossentür {f} multi-pane glass door

Stahltür {f} steel door

Verandatür {f} veranda door; patio door

Wetterschutztür {f} storm door [Am.]

Zugangstür {f}; Einstiegstür {f} access door

an der Tür at the door [anhören]

an die Tür klopfen to knock at the door

die Tür öffnen to answer the door [anhören]

mit der Tür ins Haus fallen to go like a bull at a gate

offene Tür open door

offene Türen einrennen to preach to the converted; to kick at an open door

die Tür fest schließen to shut the door tight

von Tür zu Tür door-to-door; door to door

zwischen Tür und Angel [übtr.] (auf die Schnelle) in passing

die Tür einen Spalt öffnen to open the door slightly

jdm. die Türe vor der Nase zuschlagen to slam the door in sb.'s face

Öffne bitte die Tür! Answer the door, please!

Jemand klopft, öffnest du die Tür? Somebody is knocking, will you answer the door?

Schließ die Tür bitte! Please, close the door!

Die Tür zum Turnsaal lässt sich nur von innen öffnen. You can only open the door to the gym from the inside.

Turngerät {n}; Gerät {n} [sport] [anhören] gymnastics apparatus; (item of) gym apparatus; apparatus [anhören]

Turngeräte {pl}; Geräte {pl} [anhören] gymnastics apparatuses; gym apparatuses; apparatuses

die Arbeit am Gerät the work on the apparatus

Turnhalle {f} gymnasium; gym [anhören] [anhören]

Turnhallen {pl} gymnasiums; gyms

Turnhose {f} (kurze Sporthose) [sport] gym trousers; gym shorts

Turnhosen {pl} gym trousers; gym shorts

Turnlehrer {m}; Turnlehrerin {f}; Sportlehrer {m}; Sportlehrerin {f} [school] gym teacher; PE teacher

Turnlehrer {pl}; Turnlehrerinnen {pl}; Sportlehrer {pl}; Sportlehrerinnen {pl} gym teachers; PE teachers

Turnschuh {m} gym shoe; training shoe [Br.]; trainer [Br.]; sneaker [Am.] [anhören]

Turnschuhe {pl} gym shoes; training shoes; trainers; sneakers

Turnunterricht {m}; Turnen {n}; Sportunterricht {m}; Leibesübungen {pl} /LÜ/ [adm.]; Körpererziehung {f} [adm.]; Leibeserziehung {f} [adm.] [veraltet] [school] physical education /PE/; gym [anhören]

Sportförderunterricht {m}; Schulsonderturnen {n} [adm.] [veraltet] adapted physical education

im Turnunterricht; in Turnen in gym

Wir haben heute Nachmittag Turnen. We've got gym this afternoon.

Verdauungstrakt {m} [anat.] gastrointestinal tract; GI tract; digestive tract; alimentary tract; alimentary canal

Verdauungstrakte {pl} gastrointestinal tracts; GI tracts; digestive tracts; alimentary tracts; alimentary canals

auch; gleichfalls {adv} [anhören] too; as well [in Br. spoken] [at the end of a sentence] [anhören] [anhören]

"Ich muss jetzt regelmäßig ins Fitnessstudio gehen." "Ja, ich auch." 'I need to go to the gym.' 'Yeah, me too.'

"Gute Unterhaltung im Theater. / Einen schönen Theaterabend!". "Danke. Euch auch einen schönen Abend!" 'Enjoy the play.' 'Thanks. You enjoy your evening too. / You enjoy your evening as well.'

jdn. austricksen {vt} to gyp sb. [coll.]

austricksend gyping

ausgetrickst gyped

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