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35 similar results for estate's
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Immobilienbranche {f}; Immobiliensektor {m}; Immobilienhandel {m} [econ.] real property business [Br.]; real property industry [Br.]; (real) property sector [Br.]; real estate business [Am.]; real estate industry [Am.]; real estate sector [Am.]

Ländereien {pl} lands; estates

Ständeordnung {f} [pol.] [hist.] system of estates; estates system

Wohnimmobilienbereich; Wohnimmobiliensektor {m} residential real estate sector

Wohnimmobiliensegment {n} residential real estate segment

Wohnimmobiliensuche {f} residential property search; residential real estate search [rare]

Anwesen {n} estate; land; premises [listen] [listen] [listen]

Anwesen {pl} estates; premises [listen]

Belastungszeuge {m}; Belastungszeugin {f}; Zeuge {m} der Anklage [jur.] witness for the prosecution; prosecution witness; Crown witness [Br.]; State's witness [Am.]

Belastungszeugen {pl}; Belastungszeuginnen {pl}; Zeugen {pl} der Anklage witnesses for the prosecution; prosecution witnesses; Crown witnesses; State's witnesses

Domäne {f} domain; estate [listen] [listen]

Domänen {pl} domains; estates

Erbanteil {m}; Erbteil {m,n} [jur.] share in the estate [Br.]/ inheritance [Am.]; portion of the estate [Br.]/ inheritance [Am.]; inherited portion

Erbanteile {pl}; Erbteile {pl} shares in the estate / inheritance; portions of the estate / inheritance; inherited portions

gesetzlicher/gesetzliches Erbteil statutory portion of the deceased's [Br.]/descendant's [Am.] estate; intestate share; share under an intestacy; distributive share [Am.]

seinen gesetzlichen Erbteil geltend machen to claim your intestate share

Vorausempfänge auf den Erbteil anrechnen to give credit for the portion already received; to bring into hotchpot sums alrady advanced [Br.]; to deduct advancements from your share in the estate

Erbschaft {f}; Erbmasse {f}; Erbe {n} [listen] inheritance; estate (of a deceased [Br.]/decedent [Am.]) [listen] [listen]

Erbschaften {pl} inheritances; estates

väterliches Erbe patrimony, property inherited from one's father

angefallene Erbschaft accrued inheritance

Nacherbschaft {f} estate of a reversionary heir

zur Erbmasse gehören to be/form part of the estate

dem Staat anheimgefallene Erbschaft escheated inheritance [Am.]

zu erwartende Erbschaft estate in expectancy

eine Erbschaft antreten to enter upon an inheritance

ein Erbe ausschlagen to disclaim an inheritance

Familiengut {n}; Erbgut {n} entailed estate

Familiengüter {pl}; Erbgüter {pl} entailed estates

Gewerbegebiet {n}; Industriegebiet {n}; gewerbliche Bauflächen {pl}; Industrieflächen {pl}; Gewerbepark {m}; Industriepark {m} commercial and light industry area; light industry zone; industrial use zone; industrial use district [Am.]; area for industrial use; industrial area; industrial estate [Br.]; business park [Br.]; industrial park [Am.]

Gewerbegebiete {pl}; Industriegebiete {pl}; gewerbliche Bauflächen {pl}; Industrieflächen {pl}; Gewerbeparke {pl}; Industrieparke {pl} commercial and light industry areas; light industry zones; industrial use zones; industrial use districts; areas for industrial use; industrial areas; industrial estates; business parks; industrial parks

Hochhaussiedlung {f} [arch.] high-rise estate

Hochhaussiedlungen {pl} high-rise estates

Immobilienmakler {m}; Immobilienmaklerin {f}; Makler {m}; Wohnungsmakler {m}; Immobilienhändler {m} estate agent [Br.]; real estate agent [Am.]; real estate broker [Am.]; realtor [Am.] [adm.]; real estate sales associate [Am.] [formal] [listen] [listen]

Immobilienmakler {pl}; Immobilienmaklerinnen {pl}; Makler {pl}; Wohnungsmakler {pl}; Immobilienhändler {pl} estate agents; real estate agents; real estate brokers; realtors; real estate sales associates

preisgünstiger Immobilienmakler [econ.] property shop [Br.]

Kronzeuge {m}; Kronzeugin {f} [jur.] principal witness

Kronzeugen {pl}; Kronzeuginnen {pl} principal witnesses

als Kronzeuge aussagen to turn King's/Queen's/State's evidence

Landgut {n}; Gut {n}; Hofgut {n}; Landsitz {m} manorial estate; estate; demesne [listen]

Landgüter {pl}; Güter {pl}; Hofgüter {pl}; Landsitze {pl} manorial estates; estates; demesnes

Rittergut [hist.] feudal estate

Landgut {n} im spanischsprachigen Mittel- und Südamerika; Hazienda {f} hacienda (manorial estate in Spanish-speaking Central and South America)

Landgut {n}; Gut {n} [hist.] manor; feudal estate [listen]

Landgüter {pl}; Güter {pl} manors; feudal estates

Königsgut {n} royal manor

Reihenhaussiedlung {f} estate of terraced houses

Reihenhaussiedlungen {pl} estates of terraced houses

Sozialwohnanlage {f}; Gemeindebau {m} [Ös.] [constr.] social housing complex [Br.]; council housing estate [Br.]; council estate [Br.]

Sozialwohnanlagen {pl}; Gemeindebauten {pl} social housing complexes; council housing estates; council estates

Spekulant {m}; Spekulantin {f} speculator

Spekulanten {pl}; Spekulantinnen {pl} speculators

Immobilienspekulant {m} property speculator; real estate speculator

wilder Spekulant wildcatter [Am.]

wildes Spekulieren wildcatting [Am.]

Spekulant, der in unerschlossenem Gebiet Erölbohrungen durchführt wildcatter [Am.]

Spekulieren {n}; Spekulation {f} (spekulative Geschäftstätigkeit) [econ.] speculation (speculative business activities)

Spekulation mit Aktien / Wertpapieren; Aktienspekulation {f}; Wertpapierspekulation {f}; Wertschriftenspekulation {f} [Schw.] speculation in shares / stocks / securities; share speculation [Br.]; stock speculation [Am.]; securities speculation

Fehlspekulation {f} bad speculation; wrong speculation

Grundstücksspekulation {f} speculation in land; land speculation; land jobbing [Br.]; speculation in property; property speculation; real-estate speculation [Am.]

Haussespekulation {f} (Börse) speculation for a rise; bull speculation (stock exchange)

Wertpapierspekulation {f}; Spekulation mit Wertpapieren security speculation; securities speculation; speculation in securities

sich auf gewagte Spekulationen einlassen to engage in risky speculations

Die jüngste Spekulationswelle ist wieder abgeebbt. The most recent wave of speculation has declined.

Staatsanwalt {m}; Staatsanwältin {f} [jur.] Public Prosecutor; Crown Prosecutor [Br.] [Austr.]; District Attorney [Am.] /DA/; State / State's Attorney; County Attorney; County Prosecutor; Prosecuting Attorney; Solicitor [Am.]

Staatsanwälte {pl}; Staatsanwältinnen {pl} Public Prosecutors; Crown Prosecutors; District Attorneys; State / State's Attorneys; County Attorneys; County Prosecutors; Prosecuting Attorneys; Solicitors

Oberstaatsanwalt {m} senior prosecutor

stellvertretender Staatsanwalt Assistant State's Attorney [Am.]

Der Staatsanwalt hat Anklage wegen Mordes gegen ihn erhoben. The public prosecutor brought a charge of murder against him.

Ständestaat {m} [pol.] [hist.] regime of the Estates

Ständestaate {pl} regimes of the Estates

Stand {m} [soc.] [pol.] [listen] estate of the realm; estate; order [listen] [listen]

die drei Stände [hist.] the three estates; the three orders

der dritte Stand [hist.] the third estate; the third order

der Bauernstand the farmers; the farming community

Verwalter {m}; Wirtschafter {m}; Verweser {m} [altertümlich]; Provisor {m} [altertümlich] estate manager; estate steward; steward [listen]

Verwalter {pl}; Wirtschafter {pl}; Verweser {pl}; Provisoren {pl} estate managers; estate stewards; stewards

Waldgut {n}; Waldbesitz {m} forest estate

Waldgüter {pl} forest estates

Wohnhausanlage {f}; Wohnanlage {f} residential complex; housing estate

Wohnhausanlagen {pl}; Wohnanlagen {pl} residential complexes; housing estates

Seniorenwohnanlage {f} retirement complex; retirement community; residence for the elderly

Großwohnanlage {f} large residential complex; large-scale housing estate

Wohnimmobilienseminar {n} residential real estate seminar

Wohnimmobilienseminare {pl} residential real estate seminars

Wohnimmobiliensuchmaschine {f} residential property search engine; residential real estate search engine

Wohnimmobiliensuchmaschinen {pl} residential property search engines; residential real estate search engines

Wohnkomplex {m} housing estate; residential complex

Wohnkomplexe {pl} housing estates; residential complexes

etw. ergeben (als Ergebnis hervorbringen) {vt} to show; to reveal; to establish; to prove sth. [listen] [listen] [listen]

Was ergeben die Zahlen? What are the figures showing?

Die Analyse ergab Folgendes: The analysis yielded the following result(s):

Die Sichtung des Nachlasses hat ergeben, dass das Manuskript fehlt. An examination of the deceased's estate shows/has shown that the manuscript is missing.

Die Prüfung des Antrags hat ergeben, dass die Voraussetzungen für die Zulassung der Methode erfüllt sind. The assessment of the application reveals/has revealed that the conditions for authorizing the method are fulfilled/satisfied.

Wenn die Ermittlungen ergeben, dass Betrug vorliegt, müssen neue Kontrollen eingeführt werden. If the investigations establish that fraud has taken place, new controls need to be implemented.

Wissenschaftliche Tests haben ergeben, dass die meisten Liverpooler einen chronischen Katarrh haben. Scientific tests prove that most Liverpudlians have chronic catarrh.

Die durchgeführten Kontrollen haben nichts ergeben, was die Ordnungsmäßigkeit der gemeldeten Ausgaben in Frage stellen würde. The inspections carried out have not disclosed any factor capable of casting doubt on the regularity of the expenditure declared.

landespolitisch [Dt.] [Ös.]; kantonspolitisch [Schw.] {adj} [pol.] the state's/states' political; the canton's/cantons' political (prepositive); of the federal states / Länder / cantons; in terms of regional policy (postpositive)

landespolitische Interessen the states' political interests

auf bundes- und landespolitischer Ebene at federal and regional levels

etw. neu formulieren (und damit verbessern) {vt} to restate sth.

neu formulierend restating

neu formuliert restated

formuliert neu restates

formulierte neu restated

einen Entwurf ergänzen und verbessern to amend and restate a draft

schwanger sein; trächtig sein {v} to gestate

ist schwanger; ist trächtig gestates

war schwanger; war trächtig gestated
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