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179 Ergebnisse für theater | theater
Worttrennung: The·a·ter
Tipp: Geschlecht deutscher Substantive:
{m} = männl., {f} = weibl., {n} = sächl., {pl} = Plural

 Deutsch  Englisch

Theater {n} [art] theatre [Br.]; theater [Am.] (for dramatic performances) [anhören] [anhören]

Theater {pl} theatres; theaters [Am.]

Dokumentartheater {n}; dokumentarisches Theater documentary theatre; documentary theater

Jugendtheater {n} youth theatre; youth theater

Landestheater {n} state theatre; state theater; regional theatre; regional theater

Pantomimetheater {n} pantomime theatre; pantomime theater

Schattentheater {n} shadow theatre; shadow theater

Sommertheater {n} summer theatre; summer theater

Sprechtheater {n} spoken theatre; spoken theater

Staatstheater {n} national theatre/theater; state theatre/theater [anhören] [anhören]

Stegreiftheater {n}; Improvisationstheater {n}; Impro-Theater {n} improvisational theatre [Br.]; improvisational theater [Am.]

Totaltheater {n} total theatre/theater [anhören]

Volkstheater {n} popular theatre/theater; folk theatre/theater [anhören] [anhören]

ins Theater gehen to go to the theatre; to go to the theater [Am.]

beim Theater sein to be on the stage

am Theater Arbeit finden to find work in the theatre

absurdes Theater theatre of the absurd

ein Theater bespielen {vt} to use a theatre [Br.]/theater [Am.] for performances

Wir waren gestern Abend im Theater. We were at the theatre last night.

Gibt es im Theater ein Buffet? Is there a snack bar at/in the theatre?

Was spielen sie heute Abend im Theater?; Was wird heute Abend im Theater gespielt? What's on at the theatre tonight?

schauspielerisch; Schauspiel...; bühnengerecht; Bühnen...; Theater... {adj} [art] dramatic; stage ...; thespian [formal] [humor.] [anhören]

jds. schauspielerische Fähigkeiten sb.'s dramatic skills; sb.'s thespian skills

Laienspielgruppe {f} amateur dramatic society

Er trat in die schauspielerischen Fußstapfen seiner Mutter. He followed in his mother's dramatic footsteps.

Kino {n}; Lichtspielhaus {n} [veraltet]; Lichtspieltheater {n} [veraltet]; Filmtheater {n} [veraltet]; Filmbühne {f} [veraltet]; Cinéma {n} [Schw.] [veraltet] [anhören] cinema [Br.]; movies; motion-picture theatre [Br.]; motion-picture theater [Am.]; movie theater [Am.]; bioscope [South Africa] [dated] [anhören]

Kinos {pl}; Lichtspielhäuser {pl}; Lichtspieltheater {pl}; Filmtheater {pl}; Filmbühnen {pl}; Cinémas {pl} cinemas; motion-picture theaters; motion-picture theaters; movie theaters; bioscopes

Filmkunstkino {n}; Programmkino {n} art-house cinema; repertory cinema

das älteste bespielte Kino des Landes the country's oldest cinema [Br.]/movie theater [Am.] which is still used for performances

ins Kino gehen to go to the cinema [Br.]/movie theatre [Am.]; to go the flicks [Br.] [coll.]/pictures [Br.] [dated]/movies [Am.]

ins Kino kommen; in die Kinos kommen (Film) to come to cinema screens [Br.] / movie screens [Am.]; to hit cinema screens [Br.] / movie screens [Am.]; to hit the screen; to be released theatrically (of a film)

in die heimischen Kinos kommen (Film) to come to our screens (of a film)

Ich bin mit meiner Freundin ins Kino gegangen. I took my girl-friend to the flicks/movies.

Demnächst in Ihrem Kino. Coming shortly to your screens.

Was läuft im Kino?; Was spielen sie im Kino? What's on at the cinema? [Br.]; What's on at the movies? [Am.]

Theaterintendant {m}; Intendant {m} [art] theatre manager [Br.]; theater manager [Am.]; artistic director

Theaterintendanten {pl}; Intendanten {pl} theatre managers; theater managers; artistic directors

Generalintendant {m} general manager; general director

Theater {n}; Tamtam {n}; Wirbel {m}; Getue {n}; Gedöns {n}; Aufstand {m}; Rummel {m}; Heckmeck {m,n}; Fisimatenten {pl}; Brimborium {n}; Gschisti-Gschasti {n} [Ös.] [ugs.]; Bohei {m} [slang] (um etw.) [anhören] fuss; ado; to-do; foofaraw; brouhaha; hoo-ha [Br.] [coll.]; palaver [Br.]; kerfuffle [Br.]; kerfluffle [Am.] [coll.]; hoopla [Am.]; ballyhoo [dated] (over sth.) [anhören] [anhören]

mit viel Bohei with a great to-do

ohne große/weitere Umstände without more/further ado

viel Aufhebens/Redens von/um etw. machen to make a big thing out of sth.; to make a great to-do about sth.

ein Tamtam / Trara / Gedöns [Dt.] /einen Zirkus / einen Ziehauf [Dt.] um etw. machen to kick up/make a fuss about sth.; to kick up a stink about sth.; to raise hell about sth. to make a meal (out) of sth. [Br.] [Austr.]; to ballyhoo [dated]

ein Riesentheater um etw. machen to make a great song and dance about sth. [Br.]

Mach nicht so viel Wirbel! Don't make such a fuss.

Der Fall wurde zügig und ohne viel Aufhebens bearbeitet. The case was dealt with speedily and without fuss.

Ich weiß wirklich nicht, was der ganze Wirbel soll. I don't know what all the fuss is about.

Schauplatz {m} theatre; theater [Am.] [anhören] [anhören]

Kleinkunst {f}; Kabarett {n} [art] satirical theatre [Br.]; satirical theater [Am.]

Theater spielen; spielen {v} [art] [anhören] to play-act; to act [anhören]

Theater spielend; spielend play-acting; acting [anhören]

Theater gespielt; gespielt play-acted; acted

nicht aufgeführt unacted

spielerisches Können acting ability

(in einer Rolle) zu verhalten spielen to underact

Theater {n} [übtr.]; Getue {n}; Affentheater {n} carry-on [coll.] [eBr.]

Theaterbühne {f} [art] theatre stage [Br.]; theater stage [Am.]

Theaterbühnen {pl} theatre stages; theater stages

Seitenbühne {f} side stage; the wings

Hinterbühne {f} backstage

Kriegsschauplatz {m} theatre of war; combat theater [Am.]

Kriegsschauplätze {pl} theatres of war

Nebenkriegsschauplatz {m} secondary theatre of war; secondary theater of war

Theaterszene {f}; Theaterlandschaft {f} theatre [Br.] / theater [Am.] scene; theatre/theater landscape [anhören]

die kleinen Bühnen (einer Stadt) the Fringe theatres; the Fringe (theatre) scene (in a city) [Br.]

die freie Theaterszene (einer Stadt) the independent theatre scene (in a city)

Bühnenspiel {n}; Theater {n} (als Kategorie) [art] dramatics

Laientheater {n} amateur dramatics

Bühnentechniker {m} (Theater) theatrical technician; theatre technician [Br.]; theatre tech [Br.]; theater technician [Am.]; theater tech [Am.]; techie [coll.] (theatre)

Bühnentechniker {pl} theatrical technicians; theatre technicians; theatre teches; theater technicians; theater teches; techies

Freilichtbühne {f}; Freilichttheater {n} open-air theatre; open-air theater

Freilichtbühnen {pl}; Freilichttheater {pl} open-air theatres; open-air theaters

Freilichtkino {n} open-air cinema [Br.]; open-air movie theater [Am.]

Freilichtkinos {pl} open-air cinemas; open-air movie theaters

Kellertheater {n} cellar theatre; cellar theater [Am.]

Kellertheater {pl} cellar theatres; cellar theaters

Kleinkunstbühne {f}; Kabarettbühne {f}; Kabarett-Theater {n} [art] cabaret theatre; satirical theatre

Kleinkunstbühnen {pl}; Kabarettbühnen {pl}; Kabarett-Theater {pl} cabaret theatres; satirical theatres

Laientheater {n}; Laienbühne {f} amateur theatre [Br.]; amateur theater [Am.]

Laientheater {pl}; Laienbühnen {pl} amateur theatres; amateur theaters

Marionettentheater {n} puppet theatre; puppet theater [Am.]; puppet play

Marionettentheater {pl} puppet theatres; puppet theaters; puppet plays

Musicaldarsteller {m}; Musicaldarstellerin {f} musical theatre actor [Br.]; musical theater actor [Am.]

Musicaldarsteller {pl}; Musicaldarstellerinnen {pl} musical theatre actors; musical theater actors

Schauspielhaus {n} theatre; theater [Am.] [anhören] [anhören]

Schauspielhäuser {pl} theatres; theaters [Am.]

Sexkino {n}; Pornokino {n} adult movie theater; porn cinema [Br.]; porn movie theater [Am.]

Sexkinos {pl}; Pornokinos {pl} adult movie theaters; porn cinemas; porn movie theaters

Täuschung {f}; Getue {n}; Theater {n}; Schauspielerei {f}; Spiegelfechterei {f} [geh.] pretence; pretense [Am.]; a charade

Ihre Freundlichkeit war nur gespielt. Their friendliness was only pretence/a charade.

Theaterhaus {n} theatre house; theatre [Br.]; theater house; theater [Am.] [anhören] [anhören]

Theaterhäuser {pl} theatre houses; theatres; theater houses; theaters

Theaterjahr {n} theatre year [Br.]; theater year [Am.]

Theaterjahre {pl} theatre years; theater years

Theaterkasse {f}; Theaterkassa {f} [Ös.] theatre box office [Br.]; theater box office [Am.]

Theaterkassen {pl}; Theaterkassa {pl} theatre box offices; theater box offices

Theatertext {m} theatre text [Br.]; theater text [Am.]

Theatertexte {pl} theatre texts; theater texts

Varietétheater {n} variety theatre; variety theater [Am.]

Varietétheater {pl} variety theatres; variety theaters [Am.]

Wanderbühne {f}; Wandertheater {n}; Tourneetheater {n}; Thespiskarren {m} [humor.] [art] travelling theatre; travelling theater [Am.]

Wanderbühnen {pl}; Wandertheater {pl}; Tourneetheater {pl}; Thespiskarren {pl} travelling theatres; travelling theaters

Theaterabend {m} evening of theatre/theater; evening at the theatre/theater; theatrical evening

Theaterabende {pl} evenings of theatre/theater; evenings at the theatre/theater; theatrical evenings

Theaterform {f} theatre form [Br.]; theater form [Am.]; theatrical form; form of theatre/theater

Theaterformen {pl} theatre forms; theater forms; theatrical forms; forms of theatre/theater

Außenrequisiteur {m}; Außenrequisite {f} (Theater, Film, TV) [art] props buyer; props procurer; production buyer; set decoration buyer (theatre, film, TV)

Ausstattung {f} (Theater, Film, TV) [art] [anhören] set decoration (theatre, film, TV)

Besetzungsliste {f} (Film, Theater) cast list; casting list

Bespielungskonzept {n} (Theater; Kino) [art] programming concept (theatre, cinema)

Bühnenbau {m} (Theater) [art] stage architecture (theatre)

Bühneneffekte {pl} (Theater) [art] scenic effects (theatre)

Dekorationsbauer {m}; Mann {m} für die Baubühne; Baubühne {f} (Theater; Film, TV) [art] set builder (theatre; film, TV)

Einsatz {m}; Auftritt {m} (Erscheinen auf der Bühne) (Theater) [anhören] [anhören] entrance [anhören]

Ensemblepolitik {f} (eines Theaters) theatre company policy; theater company policy

Flop {m} (Film, Theater) turkey [Am.] [coll.] (film, theatre) [anhören]

Gang {m} zwischen Sitzreihen (Theater; Flugzeug) gangway [Br.]

Gastronomietheater {n} [art] [cook.] dinner theater [Am.]

Gastspiel {m} (Theater) stand [anhören]

Guckkastenbühne {f} (Theater) [art] [hist.] picture-frame stage (theatre)

Hosenrolle {f} (Theater; Musiktheater) [art] trouser role (theatre)

Kassenöffnungszeiten {pl}; Kassaöffnungszeiten {pl} [Ös.] [Schw.] (Theater, Kino usw.) box office opening hours (theatre, cinema etc.)

Kinobesuch {m} visit to the cinema [Br.]/movie theater

Kinoeinnahmen {pl} [econ.] cinema revenue; movie theater revenue

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