Dictionary - TU Chemnitz
All NounsAdjectives

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Famulus {m} [med.] medical student doing clinical training; intern [Am.] [listen]

Geomedizin {f} [med.] medical geography

Krankenblatt {n} [med.] medical record; case sheet

Krankenpflegehelfer {m}; Krankenträger {m} medical orderly

Krankheitskosten {pl} medical costs; cost of illness

Medizinrecht {n} [med.] [jur.] medical jurisprudence; legal medicine

Notfallakte {f} [med.] medical emergency record/file

Patientendokumentation {f} [med.] medical charting

Sanitätsartikel {m} medical supplies

Sanitätsdienst {m} [adm.] [med.] medical service in government institutions and companies

medizinische Trainingstherapie {f} /MTT/; physikalische Trainingstherapie {f}; Trainingstherapie {f} [med.] medical exercise therapy /MET/; physical exercise therapy; exercise therapy

praktisches Jahr {n} [med.] [stud.] medical internship

Ärztehaus {n} [med.] medical building; medical center [Am.]

Arztserie {f}; Krankenhausserie {f} medical drama

Arzt im Praktium /AiP/; Turnusarzt {m} [Ös.] junior doctor [Br.]; junior house officer [Br.]; foundation house officer /FHO/ [Br.]; house officer [Br.]; houseman [Br.]; medical intern [Am.]; hospital intern [Am.]

Arzt im ersten Praktikumsjahr; Turnusarzt im ersten Jahr [Ös.] pre-registration house officer [Br.]; intern [Am.]; first-year resident [Am.] [listen]

Arzt in der Ausbildung doctor-in-training

Dienst habender Arzt; behandelnder Arzt doctor in charge; physician in charge

angehender Arzt doctor-to-be

Jungassistent {m} senior house officer /SHO/ [Br.]; resident [Am.] [listen]

Altassistent {m} registrar [Br.]; fellow [Am.] [listen] [listen]

Wir ließen den Arzt kommen. We sent for the doctor.

Kannst du mir einen guten Hausarzt empfehlen? Can you recommend a good family doctor?

Er war beim Arzt. He has been to see the doctor.

Krankenversicherungskarte {f}; Krankenversichertenkarte {f}; Versichertenkarte {f} health insurance card; medical card

Krankenversicherungskarten {pl}; Krankenversichertenkarten {pl}; Versichertenkarten {pl} health insurance cards; medical cards

europäische Krankenversichertenkarte European Health Insurance Card

elektronische Gesundheitskarte {f} /eGK/ electronic health insurance card

Rettungssanitäter {m}; Sanitäter {m} [med.] emergency care assistant; emergency medical technician /EMT/; associate ambulance practitioner; ambulance man [coll.]

Rettungssanitäter {pl}; Sanitäter {pl} emergency care assistants; emergency medical technicians; associate ambulance practitioners; ambulance men; trainee emergency ambulance crew

Sanitäter {m} vor Ort /SvO/ /SanvO/; Helfer vor Ort /HvO/; Ersthelfer {m}; Ersthelferin {f} first responder /FR/; first-aid attendant; first aider; emergency medical responder /EMR/ [Am.]

Notfallsanitäter {m}; Rettungsassistent {m} [Dt.] [frühere Bezeichnung] paramedic; paramedical

Vorerkrankung {f} [med.] underlying health condition; underlying medical condition; underlying condition

Vorerkrankungen {pl} underlying health conditions; underlying medical conditions; underlying conditions; medical history

eine Vorerkrankung haben to have an underlying health condition

Ambulanzflug {m}; Krankentransport {m} per Flugzeug [med.] air-ambulance flight; medical flight

Ambulanzflüge {pl}; Krankentransporte {pl} per Flugzeug air-ambulance flights; medical flights

Amtsarzt {m}; Amtsärztin {f} public health officer; medical officer

Amtsärzte {pl}; Amtsärztinnen {pl} public health officers; medical officers

Anwendungshinweis {m}; Einnahmehinweis {m} (für ein Medikament) [pharm.] instructions for drug use; instructions for medical use; instructions for use

Anwendungshinweise (Überschrift im Beipackzettel) 'How to take/use the drug/medicine' (heading in a patient information leaflet)

Ärzteteam {n}; Ärztekollegium {n} [geh.] [selten] [med.] team of doctors; medical team; medical crew [Am.]

Ärzteteams {pl}; Ärztekollegien {pl} teams of doctors; medical teams; medical crews

Behandlungszentrum {n} [med.] treatment centre [Br.]; treatment center [Am.]; medical care centre [Br.]; medical care center [Am.]

Behandlungszentren {pl} treatment centres; treatment centers; medical care centres; medical care centers

Biopharmakum {n}; biopharmazeutisches Produkt {n} [pharm.] biopharmaceutical; biological medical product; biologic

Biogenerikum {n}; biopharmazeutisches Folgeprodukt {n} biosimilar; follow-on biologic; subsequent entry biologic

Gesundheitszentrum {n}; medizinisches Versorgungszentrum {n}; Ärztezentrum {n}; Ärztehaus {n}; Poliklinik {f} [med.] health care clinic; medical centre [Br.]; health centre [Br.]; medical center [Am.]; health center [Am.]

Gesundheitszentren {pl}; medizinische Versorgungszentren {pl}; Ärztezentren {pl}; Ärztehäuser {pl}; Polikliniken {pl} health care clinics; medical centres; health centres; medical centers; health centers

Gesundheitszustand {m} [med.] state of health; physical condition; health condition; medical condition

Allgemeinzustand {m} general health condition /GHC/

Kassenpatient {m}; Kassenpatientin {f} National Health patient; panel patient [Br.]; patient belonging to medical insurance scheme; statutory health insurance patient

Kassenpatienten {pl}; Kassenpatientinnen {pl} National Health patients; panel patientss; patients belonging to medical insurance scheme; statutory health insurance patients

Krankengymnastiker {m}; Krankengymnastikerin {f}; Physiotherapeut {m}; Physiotherapeutin {f} remedial gymnast; medical gymnast; physiotherapist; physical therapist; physio [Br.] [coll.] [listen]

Krankengymnastiker {pl}; Krankengymnastikerinnen {pl}; Physiotherapeuten {pl}; Physiotherapeutinnen {pl} remedial gymnasts; medical gymnasts; physiotherapists; physical therapists; physios

Militärarzt {m} military surgeon; medical officer

Militärärzte {pl} military surgeons; medical officers

Notaufnahmestelle {f}; Notfallaufnahme {f} [ugs.]; Notaufnahme {f} [ugs.]; Notfallstation {f}; Rettungsstelle {f} (im Krankenhaus) [med.] Accident and Emergency; A+E unit [Br.]; casuality department [Br.]; Casuality [Br.]; emergency medical treatment room; emergency room [Am.] /e.r./ /ER/

Notaufnahmestellen {pl}; Notfallaufnahmen {pl}; Notaufnahmen {pl}; Notfallstationen {pl}; Rettungsstellen {pl} Accident and Emergencies; A+E units; casuality departments; Casualities; emergency medical treatment rooms; emergency room /ER/s

Sanitätspanzer {m} [mil.] armoured medical evacuation vehicle [Br.]; armored medical evacuation vehicle [Am.]

Sanitätspanzer {pl} armoured medical evacuation vehicles; armored medical evacuation vehicles

Stabsarzt {m}; Stabsärztin {f} [mil.] surgeon major; medical officer

Stabsärzte {pl} surgeons major

Verbandkasten {m}; Verbandskasten {m} [med.] first aid box; medical kit

Verbandkästen {pl}; Verbandskästen {pl} first aid boxes

Vertrauensarzt {m}; Vertrauensärztin {f} [med.] independent medical examiner; independent examining doctor

Vertrauensärzte {pl}; Vertrauensärztinnen {pl} independent medical examiners; independent examining doctors

Vorsorgevollmacht {f} [med.] [jur.] health care proxy; medical power of attorney

Bevollmächtigte {m,f} einer Vorsorgevollmacht health care agent

Reisekrankenversicherung {f} travel health insurance; travel medical insurance

Auslandsreisekrankenversicherung {f} foreign travel health insurance

Arztphobie {f} fear of medical procedures

Bäderkunde {f}; Balneologie {f} (medizinische Wasseranwendungen) [med.] balneology (medical application of baths)

Befolgungsgrad {m}; Umsetzungsgrad {m}; Adhärenz {f} (bei medizinischen Maßnahmen) [med.] adherence (to medical regimes) [listen]

Begleitgeruch {m}; Geruchsaura {f}; olfaktorische Aura {f} (eines medizinischen Phänomens) [med.] olfactory aura (of a medical phenomenon)

Behandlungskosten {pl} expenses for (medical) treatment

Facharzt {m} für Allgemeinmedizin; Allgemeinarzt {m}; Allgemeinmediziner {m}; praktischer Arzt [med.] specialist in general practice [Br.]; specialist in family medicine [Am.]; general medical practitioner; general practitioner /GP/

Facharztdiplom {n}; fachärztliche Anerkennung {f} [stud.] certificate of completion of specialist medical training

keine Halsvenenstauung {f}; keine HVSt (Befund) [med.] no raised jugular venous pressure; no raised JVP (medical report)

Indikationenlösung {f} (bei der Abtreibung) [pol.] [jur.] legalization of abortion on medical and social grounds

Krankengymnastik {f}; Physiotherapie {f}; Physio {f} [ugs.] [med.] remedial gymnastics; medical gymnastics; physiotherapy; physical therapy; physio [Br.] [coll.]; physiatrics; therapeutic exercise

freiwilliges Krankheitsmeldesystem {n}; Sentinella-System {n} (mit Arztpraxen, Kliniken, Labors, Gesundheitsämtern) (Epidemiologie) [med.] sentinel reporting system; sentinel system (involving medical practices; hospitals, laboratories, public health authorities) (epidemiology)

jds. Laborwerte {pl} [med.] sb.'s (medical) laboratory values; lab values; laboratory parameters; lab parameters

amtlicher Leichenbeschauer {m}; Totenschauer {m} [obs.] (bei Fremdeinwirkung, plötzlichem Tod und ungeklärter Todesursache) [adm.] coroner; medical examiner [Am.] (holding inquests into violent, sudden, or suspicious deaths)

Lungenspastik {f} beim Abhören (Befund) [med.] wheeze due to bronchospasm heard on auscultation (medical report)

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