Dictionary - TU Chemnitz

 English  German

venous; vein-related venös {adj} [anat.]

no raised jugular venous pressure; no raised JVP (medical report) keine Halsvenenstauung {f}; keine HVSt (Befund) [med.]

implanted venous access port; central venous port; central venous catheter; implantable venous access system; central venous access device; subcutaneous port; implantable port; port-a-cath ® zentraler Venenzugang {m}; zentraler Venenkatheter {m}; Portkatheter {m}; Port {m} [med.]

arterial murmur; venous hum; humming-top murmur; nun's murmur; bruit de diable arterielles Strömungsgeräusch {n}; Nonnengeräusch {n}; Nonnensausen {n} [med.]

high blood pressure; (arterial) hypertension; hyperpiesia Bluthochdruck {m}; hoher Blutdruck {m}; erhöhter Blutdruck {m}; Hypertonie {f}; Hypertension {f} [med.]

arterial hypertension arterieller Bluthochdruck

venous hypertension venöser Bluthochdruck

compensatory hypertension Erfordernishochdruck {m}

pulmonary hypertension /PH/ /PHTN/ Lungenhochdruck {m}; pulmonale Hypertonie

portal hypertension Pfortaderhochdruck {m}; portale Hypertonie {f}

white coat hypertension Weißkittelhypertonie {f}; isolierte klinische Hypertonie

pseudohypertension scheinbarer Bluthochdruck

to have high blood pressure; to suffer from high blood pressure / hypertension einen hohen Blutdruck haben; an Bluthochdruck leiden

filling; stopping; plugging (dentistry) [listen] Füllen {n}; Füllung {f} (Vorgang) (Zahnmedizin) [med.]

venous stopping venöse Füllung

collapse Kollaps {m} [med.]

collapses Kollapse {pl}

collapse of the lungs; pulmonary collaps Kollaps der Lunge; Lungenkollaps {m}

circum-rescue collapse Kollaps nach der Bergung

collapse due to exertion Belastungskollaps {m}

cardiovascular collapse Herzkreislaufkollaps {m}; kardiovaskulärer Kollaps {m}

collapse of the circulation; circulatory collapse; vascular collaps Kreislaufkollaps {m}

venous collapse Venenkollaps {m}

massive collapse massiver Kollaps

anaestesia-induced collapse narkosebedingter/anästhesiebedingter Kreislaufkollaps

reflex collapse reflektorischer Kollaps

to suffer a collapse; to collapse [listen] einen Kollaps erleiden/bekommen [ugs.]; kollabieren

oxygen saturation; oxygenation (of haemoglobin) Sauerstoffanreicherung {f}; Sauerstoffzufuhr {f}; Oxygenierung {f} (von Hämoglobin) [med.]

arterial desaturation mangelnde Sauerstoffsättigung

arterial oxygen saturation arterielle Sauerstoffanreicherung

arterial blood oxygen percent saturation prozentuale arterielle Sauerstoffsättigung

venous blood oxygen percent saturation prozentuale venöse Sauerstoffanreicherung

stagnation; stoppage; stasis; congestion (stoppage of flow of a body fluid) [listen] Stockung {f}; Stauung {f}; Stagnation {f}; Stase {f}; Stasis {f}; Anschoppung {f} (Stillstand einer bewegten Körperflüssigkeit) [med.]

chronic intestinal stasis; Lane's disease chronische intestinale Stauung

venous stasis; chronic passive congestion venöse Stauung

gastric stasis Magenstauung {f}

thrombosis; thrombose Thrombose {f}; Blutpfropfbildung {f} [med.]

thromboses Thrombosen {pl}

deep vein thrombosis /DVT/ of the leg tiefe Beinvenenthrombose

deep vein thrombosis; deep venous thrombosis /DVT/ tiefe Venenthrombose /TVT/; Phlebothrombose

isolated calf DVT; DVT of the calf veins 1-Etagen-TVT; 1-Etagen-Phlebothrombose

popliteal and calf DVT; DVT involving the calf and popliteal vessels 2-Etagen-TVT; 2-Etagen-Phlebothrombose

femoropopliteal and calf DVT; DVT involving calf, popliteal, and femoral vessels 3-Etagen-TVT; 3-Etagen-Phlebothrombose

iliofemoral, femoropopliteal and calf DVT; DVT involving calf, popliteal, femoral, and iliac vessels 4-Etagen-TVT; 4-Etagen-Phlebothrombose