Dictionary - TU Chemnitz

 English  German

drawing against a guarantee credit Avalinanspruchnahme {f} [fin.]

grandparent scam; grandson scam (fraud against elderly people) Bekanntentrick {m}; Enkeltrick {m}; Neffentrick {m} (Betrug an älteren Menschen)

principles on lending against collateral/security Beleihungsgrundsätze {pl}; Belehnungsgrundsätze {pl} [Ös.] [Schw.] [fin.]

fight against fraud Betrugsbekämpfung {f}

anti-fraud office Amt für Betrugsbekämpfung

fire prevention; fire protection; protection against fire Brandschutz {m}

for reasons of fire protection; for reasons of fire safety aus Brandschutzgründen

safety against rupture Bruchsicherheit {f}

insurance for/against theft; theft insurance Diebstahlversicherung {f}; Diebstahlsversicherung {f}

protection against discrimination; protection from discrimination Diskriminierungsschutz {m} [pol.]

loan on securities; advance against/on securities Effektenlombard {m} [fin.]

calibration verification; verification of the calibration (of a measuring instrument against the national standard) Eichen {n}; Eichung {f} (eines Messgeräts) [adm.] [techn.]

erosion control; protection against erosion Erosionsschutz {m} [agr.] [envir.]

crusade (against sb./sth.) [fig.] [listen] Feldzug {m} (gegen jdn./etw.) [übtr.]

frost protection; protection against frost Frostschutz {m}

threat defence [Br.]; threat defense [Am.]; defence [Br.] / defense [Br.] against threats Gefahrenabwehr (in Bezug auf die Gefährdung der Sicherheit) {f}

fight against money laundering Geldwäschebekämpfung {f}

anti-money laundering rule Grundregel der Geldwäschebekämpfung

safety against sliding; stability against sliding Gleitsicherheit {f}

release from liability; indemnity against liability; indemnity; indemnification [listen] [listen] Haftungsfreistellung {f} [jur.]

handle (against) [listen] Handhabe {f} (gegen)

security against floods (spatial planning) Hochwassersicherheit {f} (Raumplanung)

hedg against inflation (stock exchange) Inflationssicherung {f} (Börse) [fin.]

a surgon's armamentarium; the armamentum (against sth.) das medizinische Instrumentarium {n}; die medizinischen Behandlungsmöglichkeiten {pl} (gegen etw.) [med.]

protection against (the) cold; cold protection Kälteschutz {m}

anti-trust legislation [Am.]; antitrust law; legislation against monopolies Kartellrecht {n}; Kartellgesetzgebung {f} [jur.] [econ.]

stabilizer against overturning Kipphalterung {f}

stabilizers against overturning Kipphalterungen {pl}

safety against overturning Kippsicherheit {f}

safety against tilting according to DIN Kippsicherheit nach DIN

safety against buckling Knicksicherheit {f}

to pit sb./sth. against. sb./sth.; to pit sb./sth. against. sb./sth. [coll.]; to set sb./sth. against. sb./sth.; to put sb./sth. in opposition to sb./sth. eine Konfrontation zwischen jdm. und jdm. herbeiführen; etw. gegen etw. stellen {vt}

advance against a/the letter of credit Kreditbriefbevorschussung {f}; Akkreditivbevorschussung {f} [fin.]

protection against unlawful dismissal (labour law) Kündigungs- und Entlassungsschutz {m}; Kündigungsschutz {m} (Arbeitsrecht)

protection against unwarranted eviction Kündigungsschutz {m} (Mietrecht)

protected tenant; statutory tenant unter Kündigungsschutz stehender Mieter {m} [jur.]

inner/interior surface; side against the intrados [listen] Laibungsseite {f} (Wölbung) [arch.]

glue band; glue strip (tree protection against creeping pests) Leimband {n}; Leimring {m} (Baumschutz gegen Kriechschädlinge) [agr.]

pledging of securities; (granting) advances against securities Lombardierung {f} von Wertpapieren [fin.]

preferential claims (against the bankrupt's estate) Masseansprüche {pl} (nach Konkurseröffnung) [jur.]

renewed calibration verification; renewed verification of the calibration (of a measuring instrument against the national standard) Nacheichung {f} (eines Messgeräts) [adm.]

to square up [Br.] [Austr.]; to square off [Am.] (against sb.) in die Offensive gehen; sich rüsten (gegen jdn.) {v}

oxidation protection; protection against oxidation Oxidationsschutz {m}

philippic (one of Demosthenes' speeches against king Philip II of Macedon) Philippika {f} (eine der Reden des Demosthenes gegen König Philipp von Mazedonien) [hist.]

smallpox immunization; immunization against smallpox Pockenimmunisierung {f}; Immunisierung {f} gegen die Pocken [med.]

animal experimental smallpox immunization tierexperimentelle Pockenimmunisierung

smudging (to protect against frost or to repel insects) [Am.] [Can.] Räuchern {n} gegen Frost oder Insekten; Frosträuchern [agr.]

protection against eviction Räumungsschutz {m}; Delogierungsschutz {m} [Ös.] [jur.]

sweeping attack; philhippic [formal] (against sb./sth.) verbaler Rundumschlag {m}; Rundumschlag {m}; Tirade {f} (gegen jdn./etw.)

tirade of abuse; harangue; diatribe; vituperative attack (against/about/on sb./sth.) Schimpftirade {f}; Geläster {n}; Lästerei {f}; Herziehen {n} (gegen/über jdn./etw.)

loan against borrower's note Schuldscheindarlehen {n} [fin.]

loans against borrower's note Schuldscheindarlehen {pl}

need for protection; requirement for protection (against natural hazards) Schutzbedarf {m} (gegenüber Naturgefahren) [envir.]

sun protection; protection from/against the sun Sonnenschutz {m} (Funktion)

building sun protection konstruktiver Sonnenschutz {m} [constr.]

reinforcement against tensile Spaltzugbewehrung {f} [constr.]

political offender; crime against the state Staatsverbrechen {n}

political offenders; crime against the states Staatsverbrechen {pl}

to kick against the pricks/goads (Bible) wider den Stachel löcken {v} (Bibel) [obs.]

to take a firm stand; to take up / stake out a clear-cut position (against sth.) klar Stellung beziehen; klare Kante zeigen [Nordwestdt.] {vi} (gegen etw.)

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