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86 Ergebnisse für Schools
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Ganztagsschule {f} [school] all-day schooling; all-day school; primary schools' wrap-around care

Ganztagsschulen {pl} all-day schoolings; all-day schools

Bundesjugendspiele {f} [Dt.] [sport] [school] Federal Youth Games (annual sport event in schools in Germany)

Wandertag {m} [school] day's hike (for a class - in German schools)

Abendschule {f}; Abendgymnasium {n} [school] evening classes; night school

Abendschulen {pl}; Abendgymnasien {pl} evening classes; night schools

zu viele Anmeldungen bekommen {vt} [adm.] to be oversubscribed

An den meisten Schulen gibt es mehr Anmeldungen als Plätze. Most schools are oversubscribed.

Architekturschule {f} school of architecture

Architekturschulen {pl} schools of architecture

im Ausland geboren; fremdgeboren [geh.] [selten]; ausländisch; ausländischer Herkunft {adj} [soc.] foreign-born

Schulen mit einem hohen Ausländeranteil schools with a high number of foreign-born children

Bekenntnisschule {f} faith school [Br.]

Bekenntnisschulen {pl} faith schools

Bergakademie {f} mining college; mining academy; school of mines

Bergakademien {pl} mining colleges; mining academies; schools of mines

Bergsteigerschule {f}; Bergsportschule {f} mountaineering school

Bergsteigerschulen {pl}; Bergsportschulen {pl} mountaineering schools

Blindenschule {f}; Schule für Blinde [school] school for the blind

Blindenschulen {pl}; Schulen für Blinde schools for the blind

Elektrifizierung {f}; Schaffung einer Strominfrastruktur {f} electrification (creation of an electricity infrastructure)

Versorgung der Schulen mit Solarstrom solar electrification of schools

Windstromversorgungssystem {n} wind electrification system

(offenes) Erziehungsheim {n}; Jugendfürsorgeanstalt {f} [adm.] community home [Br.]; approved school [Br.] [hist.]

Erziehungsheime {pl}; Jugendfürsorgeanstalten {pl} community homes; approved schools

Fachbereich {m} [anhören] faculty; department [Am.]; school [anhören] [anhören] [anhören]

Fachbereiche {pl} faculties; departments; schools

Fachschule {f} [school] technical college; technical school

Fachschulen {pl} technical colleges; technical schools

Fachschule {f} für Betriebswirtschaft school of business administration

Fahrschule {f} driving school

Fahrschulen {pl} driving schools

Fliegerschule {f} flying school

Fliegerschulen {pl} flying schools

Flugschule {f} flight school

Flugschulen {pl} flight schools

Förderschule {f}; Schule für Lernbehinderte [school] school for children with learning difficulties

Förderschulen {pl}; Schulen für Lernbehinderte schools for children with learning difficulties

Gehörlosenschule {f}; Schule für Gehörlose [school] school for the deaf

Gehörlosenschulen {pl}; Schulen für Gehörlose schools for the deaf

Gemeinschaftsschule {f} [school] common school

Gemeinschaftsschulen {pl} common schools

Gesamtschule {f}; Einheitsschule {f} [school] comprehensive school; comp [Br.]

Gesamtschulen {pl}; Einheitsschulen {pl} comprehensive schools; comps

integrierte Gesamtschule integrated comprehensive school

kooperative/additive Gesamtschule cooperative comprehensive school

das Gesetz {n} (Rechtsvorschriften in ihrer Gesamtheit) [jur.] the law (the body of accumulated legislation)

gesetzlich [anhören] by law; by statute

gesetzlich verboten sein to be against the law

etwas Ungesetzliches tun to break the law

im Rahmen der gesetzlichen Bestimmungen within the law

gesetzlich vorgesehen sein to be prescribed by law; to be provided for by statute

Vor dem Gesetz sind alle Menschen gleich. All persons shall be equal before the law.

Sie glauben, dass sie über dem Gesetz stehen. They think they are above the law / beyond the law [rare].

In Schweden ist es ungesetzlich, ein Kind zu schlagen. In Sweden it is against the law to hit a child.

Der Verbraucherschutz ist gesetzlich verankert. Protection for the consumer is established by law/laid down by statute.

Britische Schulen sind gesetzlich verpflichtet, ihre Prüfungsergebnisse öffentlich zu machen. British schools are required by law/statute to publish their exam results.

Pyramidenspiele wurden 2010 gesetzlich verboten. Ponzi schemes were banned by statute in 2010.

Er ist in den letzten Jahren immer wieder mit dem Gesetz in Konflikt gekommen. He's been in and out of trouble with the law for the last few years.; He's fallen/run afoul of the law in the past few years. [Am.]

Gewerbeschule {f} industrial school

Gewerbeschulen {pl} industrial schools

Gladiatorenschule {f} [hist.] gladiator school; gladiatorial school

Gladiatorenschulen {pl} gladiator schools; gladiatorial schools

Graduiertenkolloquium {n}; Kolloquium {n}; Graduiertenkolleg {n} [Dt.]; ProDoc [Schw.] [stud.] postgraduate seminar [Br.]; postgraduate college [Br.]; graduate school [Am.]

Graduiertenkolloquien {pl}; Kolloquien {pl}; Graduiertenkollege {pl}; ProDocs {pl} postgraduate seminars; postgraduate colleges; graduate schools

Doktorandenkolloquium {n}; Doktoratskolleg {n} seminar for doctoral candidates; doctoral seminar

Grundschule {f} [Dt.] [Südtirol]; Klippschule {f} [Nordostdt.]; Elementarschule {f} [hist.]; Volksschule {f} [Ös.]; Primarschule {f} [Schw.]; Primärschule {f} [Lux.] [school] [anhören] primary school [Br.]; elementary school [Am.]; grammar school [Am.]; grade school [Am.] [anhören]

Grundschulen {pl}; Klippschulen {pl}; Elementarschulen {pl}; Volksschulen {pl}; Primarschulen {pl}; Primärschulen {pl} primary schools; elementary schools; grammar schools; grade schools

Gruppe {f}; Schule {f} (Delfine; Schweinswale) [zool.] [anhören] [anhören] pod; school; group (dolphins; porpoises) [anhören] [anhören] [anhören]

Gruppen {pl}; Schulen {pl} pods; schools; groups

Halbtagsschule {f} [school] half-day school

Halbtagsschulen {pl} half-day schools

Handelsschule {f} commercial school

Handelsschulen {pl} commercial schools

Hauptschule {f}; Realschule {f} [school] [anhören] [anhören] practical-oriented middle school; secondary modern school [Br.] [hist.]; semi-academic high school [Am.]; junior high school [Am.] [dated] [anhören]

Hauptschulen {pl}; Realschulen {pl} practical-oriented middle schools; secondary modern schools; semi-academic high schools; junior high schools

Hotelfachschule {f} school of hotel management

Hotelfachschulen {pl} schools of hotel management

Hundeschule {f} obedience school (for dogs); dog school

Hundeschulen {pl} obedience schools; dog schools

Ingenieurschule {f} school of engineering

Ingenieurschulen {pl} schools of engineering

Internat {n}; Pensionat {n} [veraltet] boarding school; residential school

Internate {pl}; Pensionate {pl} boarding schools; residential schools

Jungenschule {f} [school] boys' school; school for boys

Jungenschulen {pl} boys' schools; schools for boys

Kindergarten {m} nursery school; kindergarten [Br.]; preschool [Am.]; kindy [Austr.] [NZ] [coll.] [anhören] [anhören]

Kindergärten {pl} nursery schools; kindergartens; preschools; kindies

Bewegungskindergarten {m} kindergarten promoting physical activity

Klettergarten {m} [sport] rock climbing school; climbing crag

Klettergärten {pl} rock climbing schools; climbing crags

Restaurant- und Kochfachschule {f}; Kochschule {f} [ugs.] [school] culinary school

Restaurant- und Kochfachschulen {pl}; Kochschulen {pl} culinary schools

Konfessionsschule {f} [relig.] parochial school

Konfessionsschulen {pl} parochial schools

Krankenstation {f} (insbes. in Schulen, Kasernen und auf Schiffen); Krankenrevier {n} (in Kasernen) [med.] infirmary; sickbay (esp. within schools, barracks and ships)

Krankenstationen {pl}; Krankenreviere {pl} infirmaries; sickbays

Krankenstation des Gefängnisses prison infirmary

Kunstakademie {f}; Akademie {f} der bildenden Künste; Kunsthochschule {f}; Hochschule {f} für bildende Kunst [art] [stud.] academy of arts; college of art; school of arts; arts school

Kunstakademien {pl}; Akademien {pl} der bildenden Künste; Kunsthochschulen {pl}; Hochschulen {pl} für bildende Kunst academies of arts; colleges of art; schools of arts; arts schools

Kunstschule {f} school of arts

Kunstschulen {pl} schools of arts

Werkkunstschule {f} academy of fine and applied arts

Lehrschweißerei {f} welding school

Lehrschweißereien {pl} welding schools

jds. Lösungsansatz (für etw.); jds. Rezept (gegen etw.) sb.'s prescription (for sth.)

Mein Glücksrezept ist ... My prescription for happiness is ...

Der Lösungsansatz der Partei für den herrschenden Bildungsnotstand ist mehr Geld für Schulen und Universitäten. The party's prescription for the present educational emergency is to give schools and universities more money.

Luftlandeschule {f} [mil.] airborne school; jump school

Luftlandeschulen {pl} airborne schools; jump schools

Mädchenschule {f} [school] girls' school; school for girls

Mädchenschulen {pl} girls' schools; schools for girls

Mittelschule {f} [school] secondary school

Mittelschulen {pl} secondary schools

Modeschule {f} fashion school; school of fashion design

Modeschulen {pl} fashion schools; schools of fashion design

Nähe {f} zu etw. (geringe Entfernung) nearness; closeness; vicinity; proximity; propinquity [formal] to sth. [anhören] [anhören]

die Nähe des Mondes zur Erde the nearness/closeness of the moon to the Earth

fünf Schulen in nächster Nähe zueinander five schools in close vicinity/proximity to each other

Wegen seiner Nähe zur Hauptstadt ist der See sehr beliebt. The vicinity/proximity of the lake to the capital city makes it very popular.

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