Dictionary - TU Chemnitz

 English  German

piece of scenery (theatre, film, TV) Kulissenteil {m} (Theater, Film, TV) [art]

amateur theatre [Br.]; amateur theater [Am.] Laientheater {n}; Laienbühne {f}

amateur theatres; amateur theaters Laientheater {pl}; Laienbühnen {pl}

puppet theatre; puppet theater [Am.]; puppet play Marionettentheater {n}

puppet theatres; puppet theaters; puppet plays Marionettentheater {pl}

musical theatre actor [Br.]; musical theater actor [Am.] Musicaldarsteller {m}; Musicaldarstellerin {f}

musical theatre actors; musical theater actors Musicaldarsteller {pl}; Musicaldarstellerinnen {pl}

opera and musical theatre [Br.]; opera and musical theater [Am.] Musiktheater {n} [mus.] (Genre)

machinery of the flies (theatre stage) Obermaschinerie {f} (Theaterbühne)

surgical nurse; theatre nurse [Br.]; operating-room nurse [Am.] Operationsschwester {f}; OP-Schwester {f}; Operationspfleger {m}; OP-Pfleger {m} [med.]

surgical nurses; theatre nurses; operating-room nurses Operationsschwestern {pl}; OP-Schwestern {pl}; Operationspfleger {pl}; OP-Pfleger {pl}

operating theatre [Br.]; operating room [Am.]; operating suite Operationssaal {m} /OP/ [med.]

operating theatres; operating rooms; operating suites Operationssäle {pl}

puppet theatre Puppentheater {n}

puppet theatres Puppentheater {pl}

repertory theatre; rep [coll.] Repertoiretheater {n} [art]

prop building; prop-making; prop design (theatre; film, TV) Requisitenanfertigung {f}; Requisitenherstellung {f} (Theater, Film, TV) [art]

props construction (theatre; film, TV) Requisitenbau {m} (Theater; Film, TV) {m} [art]

prop house (theatre, film, TV) Requisitenfundus {m}; Fundus {m} (Theater, Film, TV) [art]

revue theatre Revuetheater {n}

revue theatres Revuetheater {pl}

scrim drop; scrim (theatre) Schleiervorhang {m} (Theater) [art] [textil.]

ham-acting (theatre) Schmiere {f} (Theater) [art]

simultaneous stage; multiple stage (theatre) Simultanbühne {f} (Theater) [art]

municipal theatre Stadttheater {n}

municipal theatres Stadttheater {pl}

construction manager (theatre; film, TV) Studio- und Kulissenbauleiter {m}; Kulissenbauleiter {m} (Theater; Film, TV) [art]

dance theatre Tanztheater {n}

visit to a theatre [Br.]/theater [Am.] Theaterbesuch {m}

release print; positive copy for theatre use /TH/ (film) Theaterkopie {f} /TH/ (Film)

theatrical producer; theatre producer Theaterproduzent {m}; Theaterproduzentin {f}

theatrical producers; theatre producers Theaterproduzenten {pl}; Theaterproduzentinnen {pl}

variety theatre; variety theater [Am.] Varietétheater {n}

variety theatres; variety theaters [Am.] Varietétheater {pl}

safety curtain; iron curtain [Br.]; fire curtain [Am.] (fire protection at a theatre) eiserner Vorhang {m} (Brandschutz im Theater)

travelling theatre; travelling theater [Am.] Wanderbühne {f}; Wandertheater {n}; Tourneetheater {n}; Thespiskarren {m} [humor.] [art]

travelling theatres; travelling theaters Wanderbühnen {pl}; Wandertheater {pl}; Tourneetheater {pl}; Thespiskarren {pl}

drop curtain; drop cloth (theatre) Zwischenaktvorhang {m} (Theater)

photoflood lamp; Kliegl light; klieg light (theatre, film, TV) lichtstarker Filmscheinwerfer {m}; Jupiterlicht {n} ®; Jupiterlampe {f} ® (Theater, Film, TV)

plot twist; twist (theatre, film, literature) [listen] überraschende Wendung {f}; unerwartete Wendung {f} (Theater, Film, Literatur) [art] [lit.]

Kabuki (classical Japanese dance theatre) Kabuki {f} (klassisches japanisches Tanztheater) [mus.]

one-act play (theatre) Einakter {m} (Theater)

Burgtheater (Austrian National Theatre) Burgtheater {n}

evening of theatre/theater; evening at the theatre/theater; theatrical evening Theaterabend {m}

evenings of theatre/theater; evenings at the theatre/theater; theatrical evenings Theaterabende {pl}

image theatre [Br.]; image theater [Am.] Bildertheater {n}

national theatre [Br.]; national theater [Am.] Nationaltheater {n}

'The Great Salzburg World Theatre' (by Hofmannsthal / work title) "Das Salzburger große Welttheater" (von Hofmannsthal / Werktitel) [lit.]

academy [listen] Akademie {f}; Hochschule {f}; höhere Lehranstalt {f} [stud.] [listen]

academies Akademien {pl}; Hochschulen {pl}; höhere Lehranstalten

Royal Academy of Arts [Br.] Akademie der Künste (in Großbritannien)

academy of sciences Akademie der Wissenschaft

academy of drama Akademie für Schauspielkunst

film academy Filmakademie {f}

higher technical college höhere technische Lehranstalten

engineers academy Ingenieurakademie {f}

naval academy Marineakademie {f}

military academy Militärakademie {f}; Kriegsakademie {f}

police academy Polizeiakademie {f}

theatre academy Theaterakademie {f}

dressing room Ankleideraum {m}; Umkleideraum {m}; Garderobe {f} (für einen öffentlichen Auftritt)

dressing rooms Ankleideräume {pl}; Umkleideräume {pl}; Garderoben {pl}

artist's dressing room; backstage dressing room (theatre, film, TV) Künstlergarderobe {f} (Theater, Film, TV)

the elementary form; the rudimentary version; the rudiments (of sth.) erste Ansätze {pl}; erste Formen {pl}; eine primitive Version {f} (einer Sache)

the rudiments of collective bargaining erste Ansätze von Tarifverhandlungen

The rudiments of double-entry accounting were practiced in the Islamic world. Erste Formen der doppelten Buchhaltung wurden in der islamischen Welt praktiziert.

They created the rudiments of modern theatre. Sie schufen eine primitive Form des modernen Theaters.

It was a very rudimentary version of a wheelchair, but was a wheeled device. Es hatte nur entfernt Ähnlichkeit mit einem Rollstuhl, aber es fuhr auf Rädern.

atomic weapon; nuclear weapon; nuke [coll.] [listen] Atomwaffe {f}; A-Waffe {f}; Atomsprengkörper {m}; Kernwaffe {f}; Nuklearwaffe {f} [mil.]

atomic weapons; nuclear weapons; nukes Atomwaffen {pl}; A-Waffen {pl}; Atomsprengkörper {pl}; Kernwaffen {pl}; Nuklearwaffen {pl}

nuclear implosion weapon atomare Implosionswaffe

battlefield nuclear weapons atomare/nukleare Gefechtsfeldwaffen

operational nuclear weapons einsatzbereite Atomwaffen

mininuke Miniatomsprengkörper {m}

clean nuclear weapons saubere Atomwaffen

strategic nuclear weapons strategische Atomwaffen

tactical nuclear weapon; theatre nuclear weapon taktische Atomwaffe; taktischer Atomsprengkörper; taktische Kernwaffe

non-nuclear weapon states Staaten ohne Atomwaffen

pronunciation [listen] Aussprache {f}; Lautung {f} [geh.] [ling.] [listen]

pronunciations Aussprachen {pl}; Lautungen {pl}

standard pronunciation (standard pronunciation used in German theatre) Bühnensprache {f}; Bühnenaussprache {f}

clear pronunciation deutliche Aussprache

mispronunciation falsche Aussprache

spelling pronunciation Schriftaussprache {f}; an der Schreibung orientierte Aussprache

set decorator (theatre, film, TV) Ausstatter {m} (Theater, Film, TV)

set decorators Ausstatter {pl}

art department (theatre, film, TV) Ausstattungsabteilung {f}; Szenenbildabteilung {f} (Theater, Film, TV) [art]

art departments Ausstattungsabteilungen {pl}; Szenenbildabteilungen {pl}

pass (for using a service) [listen] Ausweis {m}; Karte {f}; Schein {m}; Pass {m} (Benutzungsberechtigung) [adm.] [listen] [listen] [listen]

passes [listen] Ausweise {pl}; Karten {pl}; Scheine {pl}; Pässe {pl} [listen]

rail pass Bahnausweis {m}

free passes for the theatre Freikarten für das Theater

free pass Freifahrkarte {f}; Freifahrschein {m}

hall pass [Am.] Pausenraumschein {m}; Toilettenschein {m} [school]

The guards checked our passes. Das Wachpersonal kontrollierte unsere Ausweise.

lighting designer (theatre, film, TV) Beleuchtungsmeister {m} (Theater, Film, TV)

lighting designers Beleuchtungsmeister {pl}

(regular) attender [Br.]; (regular) attendee [Am.] (of an event); -goer (of a place/an event) (in compounds) (regelmäßiger) Besucher {m} (einer Örtlichkeit/Veranstaltung); -gänger {m}; -geher {m} (in Zusammensetzungen) [soc.] [listen]

attenders; attendees; -goers [listen] Besucher {pl}; -gänger {pl}; -geher {pl} [listen]

(regular) attender at horse races; race goer [Br.]; race-goer [Br.] (regelmäßiger) Besucher von Pferderennen

disco-goer; discogoer [Am.]; club-goer; clubgoer [Am.]; clubber Diskobesucher {m}; Diskogänger {m}; Diskogeher {m}; Clubbesucher {m}

party goer; party-goer; partygoer [Am.]; partier [coll.] Festbesucher {m}; Partybesucher {m}; Partygänger {m}; Partygeher {m}

festival goer; festival-goer; festivalgoer [Am.]; festival attender [Br.]; festival attendee [Am.] Festspielbesucher {m}; Festivalbesucher {m}

gallery goer; gallery-goer; gallerygoer [Am.] Galeriebesucher {m}; Galeriegänger {m}; Galeriegeher {m}

carnival goer; carnival-goer; carnivalgoer [Am.]; carnival reveller Karnevalsbesucher {m}; Karnevalbesucher {m}; Karnevalgänger {m}; Karnevalist {m}

cinema goer [Br.]; cinema-goer [Br.]; film goer [Br.]; film-goer [Br.]; moviegoer [Am.] Kinobesucher {m}; Kinobesucherin {f}; Kinogänger {m}; Kinogeher {m}

church goer; church-goer; churchgoer [Am.]; Mass goer; (regular) attender at church [Br.]; attender of church services [Br.]; church attender [Br.]; church attendee [Am.]; worshipper [Br.]; worshiper [Am.] (regelmäßiger) Kirchenbesucher {m}; Gottesdienstbesucher {m}; Messbesucher {m}; Kirchgänger {m} [geh.]; Kirchengänger {m} [geh.] [selten]

concert goer; concert-goer; concertgoer [Am.]; concert attender [Br.]; concert attendee [Am.] Konzertbesucher {m}; Konzertgeher {m}; Konzertgänger {m}

bar goer; bar-goer; bargoer [Am.]; pub goer [Br.]; pub-goer [Br.] Lokalbesucher {m}; Barbesucher {m}; Kneipenbesucher {m}

restaurant goer; restaurant-goer; restaurantgoer [Am.] Lokalbesucher {m}; Restaurantbesucher {m}; Restaurantgänger {m}; Restaurantgeher {m}

matinée goer; matinée-goer; matinéegoer [Am.] Matineebesucher {m}; Matineegänger {m}

fair goer; fair-goer; fairgoer [Am.]; trade show attendee [Am.] Messebesucher {m}; Messegänger {m}; Messegeher {m}

mosque goer; mosque-goer; mosquegoer [Am.] Moscheebesucher {m}; Moscheegänger {m}; Moscheengänger {m} [selten]

non-church goer; non-churchgoer [Am.] Nichtkirchengänger {m}

opera goer; opera-goer; operagoer [Am.] Opernbesucher {m}; Operngänger {m}; Operngeher {m}

beach goer; beach-goes; beachgoer [Am.] Strandbesucher {m}; Strandgeher {m}; Strandgänger {m}

zoo goer; zoo-goer; zoogoer [Am.] Tiergartenbesucher {m}; Zoobesucher {m}

theatre goer [Br.]; theatre-goer [Br.]; play goer [Br.]; play-goer [Br.]; theatergoer [Am.]; playgoer [Am.] Theaterbesucher {m}; Theatergänger {m}; Theatergeher {m}

buffet; snack bar (dining area with a snack counter) [listen] Büfett {n} [Dt.]; Buffet {n} [Ös.] [Schw.] (Speiseraum mit Imbisstheke) [cook.]

theatre snack bar [Br.]; theatre bar [Br.]; theater snack bar [Am.]; theater bar [Am.] Theaterbüfett {n}; Theaterbuffet {n}

buttery [Br.] Universitätsbüffel {n}; Unibüffet {n} [ugs.]

stagehand; stage grip; grip (theatre) Bühnenarbeiter {m}; Bühnenarbeiterin {f}; Bühnenhelfer {m}; Bühnenhelferin {f} (Theater)

stagehands; stage grips; grips [listen] Bühnenarbeiter {pl}; Bühnenarbeiterinnen {pl}; Bühnenhelfer {pl}; Bühnenhelferinnen {pl}

stage form (theatre) Bühnenform {f} (Theater) [art]

stage forms Bühnenformen {pl}

set construction (theatre; film, TV) Dekorationsbau {m} (Theater; Film, TV) [art]

underwater set construction Unterwasserdekorationsbau {m}; Unterwasserdekorationen {pl}

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