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40 ähnliche Ergebnisse für Yella Boy
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 Deutsch  Englisch

Alante {pl} (Inula) (botanische Gattung) [bot.] yellowheads; fleabanes (botanical genus)

Barbarakräuter {pl}; Winterkressen {pl} (Barbarea) (botanische Gattung) [bot.] winter cresses; yellow rockets (botanical genus)

bunte Bellardie {f} (Bartsia trixago) [bot.] Mediterranean lineseed

Bitterenziane {pl}; Bitterlinge {pl} (Blackstonia) (botanische Gattung) [bot.] yellow-worts (botanical genus)

Gelbe Korallengrundel {f} (Gobiodon okinawae) [zool.] yellow clown goby

Gelbe Symbiosegrundel {f} (Cryptocentrus cinctus) [zool.] yellow watchman goby

Gelbfleckung {f} [bot.] yellow flecking

Gelbhornstrauch {m}; Gelbhorn {n} (Xanthoceras sorbifolium) [bot.] shiny-leaved yellowhorn; yellowhorn

Gelbkragen-Krankheit {f}; Gelbkragen {n} (Tomatenkrankheit) [agr.] [bot.] yellow shoulder disorder; yellow shoulder (tomato disease)

Gelbspitzigkeit {f} [bot.] yellowing of needle tips

Gelbwurz {f} (Xanthorhiza simplicissima) [bot.] yellowroot

Gemeines Bartgras {n}; Gewöhnliches Bartgras {n}; Hühnerfuss {m} [Schw.] (Bothriochloa ischaemum) [bot.] yellow bluestem; King Ranch bluestem; KR bluestem

Goldsiegelwurzel {f}; Kanadische Orangenwurzel {f}; Kanadische Gelbwurz {f} (Hydrastis canadensis) [bot.] goldenseal; orangeroot; yellow puccoon

Maisvergiftung {f}; Maidismus {m} [med.] poisoning by damaged maize; maidism; pellagra

Rittersterne {pl} (Amaryllis) (botanische Gattung) [bot.] belladonna lilies; Jersey lilies; naked ladies; amarillos (botanical genus)

Sumpfkressen {pl} (Rorippa) (botanische Gattung) [bot.] yellow cresses (botanical genus)

die gelbe Gefahr (unterstellte Bedrohung durch China/Südostasien) [pol.] the yellow peril (threat regarded as being posed by China/SE Asia)

Gelbbauchwürger {m} [ornith.] yellow-breasted boubou

Afrikanische Steineiben {pl}; Afrogelbhölzer {pl} (Afrocarpus) (botanische Gattung) [bot.] African fern pines; yellowwoods (botanical genus)

Gewöhnliches Afrogelbholz {n} (Afrocarpus falcatus) common yellowwood; bastard yellowwood; small-leaved yellowwood; outeniqua yellowwood

Schlankes Afrogelbholz {n} (Afrocarpus gracilior) East African pine; East African yellowwood

Brunnenkressen {pl} (Nasturtium) (botanische Gattung) [bot.] watercresses (botanical genus)

Echte Brunnenkresse {f} (Nasturtium officinale) common watercress; yellowcress

Kleinblättrige Brunnenkresse {f} (Nasturtium microphyllum) onerow yellowcress

Fingerhüte {pl} (Digitalis) (botanische Gattung) [bot.] foxgloves (botanical genus)

gelber Fingerhut {m} (Digitalis lutea) yellow foxglove

roter Fingerhut {m}; Fingerkraut {n}; Fuchskraut {n}; Schwulstkraut {n}; Unserer-lieben-Frauen-Handschuh {m}; Waldglöckchen {n}; Waldschelle {f} (Digitalis purpurea) common foxglove; purple foxglove; Lady's glove

Gelbholz {n} (Maackia) (botanische Gattung) [bot.] yellowwood (botanical genus)

Asiatisches Gelbholz {n} (Maackia amurensis) Amur maackia

Gelbkörper {m} yellow body; corpus luteum; luteal corpus

hämorrhagischer Gelbkörper haemorrhagic corpus luteum

prägravider Gelbkörper progestional corpus luteum

zystischer Gelbkörper cystic corpus luteum

Gelsemium-Sträucher {pl} (Gelsemium) (botanische Gattung) [bot.] gelsemium shrubs (botanical genus)

Asiatischer Giftjasmin {m} (Gelsemium elegans) allspice jasmine; allspice jessamine [Am.]; heartbreak grass

Gelber Jasmin {m}; Falscher Jasmin {m}; Wilder Jasmin {m}; Giftjasmin {m} (Gelsemium sempervirens) yellow jasmine; false jasmine; wild jasmine; yellow jessamine [Am.]; false jessamine [Am.]; wild jessamine [Am.]; Carolina jessamine [Am.]; evening trumpet-flower

Sumpfjasmin {m} (Gelsemium rankinii) swamp jasmine; swamp jessamine [Am.]; Rankin's trumpetflower

Günseln {pl} (Ajuga) (botanische Gattung) [bot.] bugleweeds; bugles (botanical genus)

Kriechender Günsel {m} (Ajuga reptans) common bugleweed; carpet bugleweed; common bugle; carpet bugle

Gelber Günsel {m}; Ackergünsel {m} (Ajuga chamaepitys) yellow bugleweed; yellow bugle; ground-pine

Hartriegel {pl}; Hornsträucher {pl} (Cornus) (botanische Gattung) [bot.] dogwoods (botanical genus)

Gelber Hartriegel {m}; Kornelkirsche {f}; Herlitze {f}; Dürlitze {f}; Hirlnuss {f}; Dirndlstrauch {m} [Ös.]; Dirndlbaum {m} [Ös.]; Tierlibaum {m} [Schw.] (Cornus mas) yellow dogwood; European dogwood; European cornel; Cornelian cherry

Kiefern {pl}; Forlen {pl} [Süddt.]; Föhren {pl} [Süddt.] [Ös.] (Pinus) (botanische Gattung) [bot.] pines (botanical genus)

Einnadelige Kiefer {f}; Einblättrige Kiefer {f}; Nusskiefer {f} (Pinus monophylla) single-leaf pinyon

Gemeine Kiefer {f}; Waldkiefer {f}; Weißkiefer {f}; Rotföhre {f}; Forche {f} (Pinus sylvestris) Scots pine

Italienische Steinkiefer {f}; Mittelmeerkiefer {f}; Schirmkiefer {f}; Pinie {f} (Pinus pinea) stone pine; pine [anhören]

Bergkiefer {f} (Pinus mugo) dwarf mountain pine; scrub mountain pine, Swiss mountain pine; mountain pine

Latschenkiefer {f}; Latsche {f}; Legkiefer {f}; Legföhre {f}; Krummholzkiefer {f}; Krüppelkiefer {f} (Pinus mugo subsp. mugo) mugo mountain pine

Aufrechte Bergkiefer {f}; Hakenkiefer {f}; Spirke {f} (Pinus mugo subsp. uncinata) uncinata mountain pine

Moor-Bergkiefer {f}; Moorspirke {f} (Pinus mugo subsp. rotundata) rotundata mountain pine

Gelbkiefer {f}; Goldkiefer {f}; Ponderosa-Kiefer {f} (Pinus ponderosa) Western yellow pine; blackjack pine; bullpine; ponderosa pine

Grannenkiefer {f} (Pinus aristata) Rocky Mountain bristlecone pine

Japanische Zwergkiefer {f}; Zwergkiefer {f} (Pinus pumila) Japanese stone pine; Siberian dwarf pine; dwarf stone pine; creeping pine

Küstenkiefer {f}; Murraykiefer {f}; Drehkiefer {f} (Pinus contorta) lodgepole pine; lodgepole; shore pine; twisted pine

Pechkiefer {f} (Pinus rigida) pitch pine

Weymouth(s)kiefer {f}; Strobe {f} (Pinus strobus) Eastern/Northern white pine; white pine; soft pine; Weymouth pine

Zirbelkiefer {f}; Zirbel {f}; Zirbe {f}; Zirm {f}; Arbe {f}; Arve {f} (Pinus cembra) Swiss stone pine; Swiss pine; arolla pine

Aleppo-Kiefer {f} (Pinus halepensis) Aleppo pine

Amerikanische Rotkiefer {f} (Pinus resinosa) red pine

Chinesische Rotkiefer {f} (Pinus tabuliformis) Chinese red pine

Emodi-Kiefer {f} (Pinus roxburghii) chir pine

Huangshan-Kiefer {f} (Pinus hwangshanensis) Huangshan pine

Japanische Rotkiefer {f} (Pinus densiflora) Japanese red pine

Japanische Schwarzkiefer {f} (Pinus thunbergii) Japanese black pine, Japanese pine

Kanarische Kiefer {f}; Kanarenkiefer {f} (Pinus canariensis) Canary Island pine

Masson-Kiefer {f} (Pinus massoniana) Masson's pine; horsetail pine

Merkus-Kiefer {f} (Pinus merkusii) Sumatran pine

Okinawa-Kiefer {f} (Pinus luchuensis) Okinawa pine; Luchu pine

Östliche Mittelmeerkiefer {f}; Kalabrische Kiefer {f}; Türkische Kiefer {f} (Pinus brutia) East Mediterranean pine; Calabrian pine; Turkish pine

Philippinenkiefer {f} (Pinus kesiya) Khasi pine

Sandkiefer {f} (Pinus clausa) sandhill pine; sand pine

Schlangenhaut-Kiefer {f}; Panzerkiefer {f}; Lorica-Kiefer {f} (Pinus heldreichii) Bosnian pine

Schwarzkiefer {f}; Schwarzföhre {f} (Pinus nigra) black pine

Seestrandkiefer {f}; Strandkiefer {f}; Seekiefer {f}; Meerkiefer {f}; Bordeaux-Kiefer {f}; Igelkiefer {f}; Sternkiefer {f} (Pinus pinaster) maritime pine; cluster pine

Sikang-Kiefer {f} (Pinus densata) Sikang Pine

Strauchkiefer {f}; Banks-Kiefer {f} (Pinus banksiana) Jack pine; grey pine; scrub pine

Taiwanesische Rotkiefer {f}; Taiwankiefer {f} (Pinus taiwanensis) Taiwan red pine; Formosan pine

Tenasserim-Kiefer {f} (Pinus latteri) Tenasserim pine

Tropenkiefer {f} (Pinus tropicalis) tropical pine

Virginia-Kiefer {f}; Jersey-Kiefer {f} (Pinus virginiana) Virginia pine; Jersey pine

Yunnan-Kiefer {f} (Pinus yunnanensis) Yunnan Pine

Reseden {pl}; Waus {pl} (Reseda) (botanische Gattung) [bot.] mignonettes (botanical genus)

Färber-Wau {m}; Färber-Resede; Echter Wau {m}; Gelbkraut {n}; Gilbkraut {n} (Reseda luteola) dyer's rocket; dyer's weed; weld; woold; yellow weed [anhören]

Robinienbäume {pl}; Robinien {pl} (Robinia) (botanische Gattung) [bot.] yellow locust trees; yellow locusts; robinias (botanical genus)

Gewöhnliche Robinie {f}; Weiße Robinie {f}; Scheinakazie {f}; Falsche Akazie {f}; Gemeiner Schotendorn {m}; Silberregen {m} (Robinia pseudoacacia) black locust; false acacia; bastard acacia

Scheinzypressen {pl} (Chamaecyparis) (botanische Gattung) [bot.] false cypresses; white cedars (botanical genus)

Lawsons Scheinzypresse {f} (Chamaecyparis lawsoniana) Lawson's (false) cypress; Lawson's cedar; ginger pine; Oregon cedar; Port Orford (white) cedar

Muschelzypresse; Hinoki-Scheinzypresse (Chamaecyparis obtusa) Japanese cypress; Hinoki cypress; hinoki

Nutka-Scheinzypresse {f}; Nutkazypresse {f}; Sitkazypresse {f} (Cupressus/Chamaecyparis/Xanthocyparis nootkatensis) Nootka cypress; Nootka cedar; Alaska (yellow) cedar

Sawara-Zypresse {f}; erbsenfrüchtige Scheinzypresse {f} (Chamaecyparis pisifera) Sawara cypress

Feuerscheinzypresse {f}; Hinoki(schein)zypresse {f}; Hinokibaum {m} (Chamaecyparis obtusa) hinoki (false) cypress

Zederzypresse {f}; weiße Scheinzypresse {f} (Chamaecyparis thyoides) Atlantic white cedar; Southern white cedar

Stacheleschen {pl}; Gelbholzbäume {pl} (Zanthoxylum) (botanische Gattung) [bot.] prickly ash trees; yellowwood trees (botanical genus)

Amerikanische Stachelesche {f}; Täuschende Stachelesche {f}; Zahnwehholz {n} (Zanthoxylum americanum) common prickly-ash; American prickly-ash; northern prickly-ash; toothache tree

Szechuanpfeffer {m}; Japanischer Pfeffer {m}; Chinesischer Pfeffer {m} (Zanthoxylum piperitum) Sichuan pepper; Sichuan peppercorn; Szechuan pepper; Chinese coriander

Steinfruchteiben {pl}; Steineiben {pl} (Podocarpus) (botanische Gattung) [bot.] podocarpus pines; Podocarpus yellowwood; podocarps (botanical genus)

Breitblättrige Steineibe {f} (Podocarpus latifolius) broadleaved yellowwood; true yellowwood; real yellowwood; South African yellowwood

Großblättrige Steineibe {f}; Tempelsteineibe {f}; Buddhisteneibe {f} (Podocarpus macrophyllus) big-leaved podocarp; yew plum-pine; Chinese yew-pine; Buddhist pine; Japanese yew; Japanese temple tree

Tasmanische Alpensteineibe {f}; Alpensteineibe {f} (Podocarpus lawrencei) alpine plum-pine; mountain plum-pine

Totara-Steineibe {f} (Podocarpus totara) totara pine; totara

Steinklee {m}; Honigklee {m} (Melilotus) (botanische Gattung) [bot.] melilots; sweet-clovers (botanical genus)

gelber Steinklee; echter Steinklee; echter Honigklee; gewöhnlicher Steinklee (Melilotus officinalis) common melilot; yellow melilot; ribbed melilot; yellow sweet clover

weißer Steinklee; weißer Honigklee; Bokhara-Klee (Melilotus albus) white melilot; sweet clover; honey clover; tree clover; white-flowered sweet clover; white sweet clover; Bokhara clover

Teichrosen {pl} (Nuphar) [bot.] pond lilies; water-lilies [Br.]; spatterdocks [Am.]

Gelbe Teichrose {f}; Gelbe Teichmummel {f}; Teichmummel {f}; Teichkandel {f} (Nuphar lutea) yellow water-lily; brandy-bottle

Kleine Teichrose {f}; Zwergteichrose {f} [bot.] (Nuphar pumila) small yellow pond-lily; least water-lily; dwarf water-lily

Amerikanische Teichrose {f} (Nuphar advena) yellow pond lily; cow lily; spatterdock [Am.]

Tollkirschen {pl} (Atropa) (botanische Gattung) [bot.] atropa nightshades (botanical genus)

schwarze Tollkirsche {f} (Atropa belladonna) deadly nightshade; devil's berry, death cherry; belladonna; divale [archaic]; dwale [archaic]

Tollkraut {n} (Scopolia) (botanische Gattung) [bot.] scopolia (botanical genus)

Krainer Tollkraut {n}; Kärntner Tollkraut {n}; Tollrübe {f}; Glockenbilsenkraut {n} (Scopolia carniolica) European scopolia; Russian belladonna; Carniolan nightshade; henbane bell

japanisches Tollkraut {n} (Scopolia japonica) Japanese belladonna

Vergissmeinnicht {pl}; Vergißmeinnicht {pl} [alt] (Myosotis) (botanische Gattung) [bot.] forget-me-nots (botanical genus)

Alpen-Vergissmeinnicht {n} (Myosotis alpestris) Alpine forget-me-not

Acker-Vergissmeinnicht {n} (Myosotis arvensis) field forget-me-not

Bunt-Vergissmeinnicht {n}; buntes Vergissmeinnicht {n} (Myosotis discolor) changing forget-me-not; yellow and blue forget-me-not

Hügel-Vergissmeinnicht {n}; raues Vergissmeinnicht {n} (Myosotis ramosissima) early forget-me-not

Rasen-Vergissmeinnicht {n}; schlaffes Vergissmeinnicht {n} (Myositis laxa) bay forget-me-not; tufted forget-me-not

Sand-Vergissmeinnicht {n}; aufrechtes/steifes Vergissmeinicht {n}; kleinblütiges Vergissmeinnicht {n} (Myosotis stricta) blue scorpion grass; strict forget-me-not; small-flowered forget-me-not

Bodensee-Vergissmeinnicht {n}; Rehsteiners Vergissmeinnicht {n} (Myosotis rehsteineri) Lake Constance forget-me-not

Sumpf-Vergissmeinnicht {n} (Myosotis scorpioides) water forget-me-not; true forget-me-not

Wald-Vergissmeinnicht {n} (Myosotis sylvatica) wood forget-me-not; woodland forget-me-not

Verwarnung {f}; gelbe Karte {f}; Gelb {n} [ugs.] [sport] [anhören] [anhören] booking; yellow card [anhören]

gelb-rote Karte (Fussball) second yellow card

eine Verwarnung erhalten; die gelbe Karte (gezeigt) bekommen to be booked; to be yellow-carded; to be carded

einem Spieler die gelbe Karte zeigen to yellow card a player

vom Schiedsrichter die gelbe Karte erhalten (wegen) to be yellow carded by the referee (for)

Er erhielt die gelbe Karte wegen Behinderung des Gegners. He got the yellow card for blocking an opponent.

Der Stürmerstar hat in den ersten zwei Spielen (jeweils) Gelb gesehen. In the first two matches the star striker has gone into the book twice. / has been booked twice. / has picked up two yellow cards. / has got [Br.]/gotten [Am.]/been shown two yellow cards.

ausgerechnet; gerade {adv} [anhören] [anhören] of all things / people / places / times etc.; just [anhören]

Muss das ausgerechnet heute sein? Does it have to be today of all days?

Warum willst du ausgerechnet häkeln lernen? Why do you want to learn to crochet of all things (to do)?

Wieso hast du dir ausgerechnet ein gelbes Handy gekauft? Why of all things did you buy a yellow mobile phone?

Und das muss ausgerechnet mir passieren! And this had to happen to me of all people!

Warum ausgerechnet / gerade er? Why he, of all people?

Ausgerechnet nach Bangkok will er? He wants to go to Bangkok, of all places?

Ausgerechnet, als ich gehen wollte, klingelte das Telefon. Just when I was about to leave the phone rang.

Warum muss das ausgerechnet jetzt sein?; Warum gerade jetzt? Why does it have to be now of all times?; Why now of all times?

Musste sie auch ausgerechnet dann niesen? Did she have to sneeze just then?

Wieso sollte er gerade sie fragen? Why would he have asked her, of all people?

Tangaren {pl} (Thraupidae) (zoologische Familie) [ornith.] tanagers (zoological family)

Abttangare {f} yellow-winged tanager

Azurkopftangare {f} blue-necked tanager

Bangstangare {f} blue & gold tanager

Bischofstangare {f} blue-grey tanager

Blaubarttangare {f} blue-whiskered tanager

Blaubrusttangare {f} gilt-edged tanager

Blauflecktangare {f} glaucous tanager

Blauflügeltangare {f} black-headed tanager

Blaukappentangare {f} red-necked tanager

Blaurücken-Bergtangare {f} hooded mountain tanager

Blauschultertangare {f} black & gold tanager

Blauschwingen-Bergtangare {f} blue-winged mountain tanager

Bluttangare {f} flame-coloured tanager

Brasiltangare {f} brazilian tanager

Brauenschopftangare {f} scarlet-browed tanager

Braunbauch-Bergtangare {f} chestnut-bellied mountain tanager

Braunbauchtangare {f} buff-bellied tanager

Braunbrust-Würgertangare {f} fulvous shrike-tanager

Braunflankentangare {f} brown-flanked tanager

Braunohr-Bunttangare {f} orange-eared tanager

Brustfleckentangare {f} puerto rican tanager

Cabanistangare {f} azure-rumped tanager

Carmioltangare {f} Carmioli's tanager

Diademtangare {f} diademed tanager

Dreifarbentangare {f} green-headed tanager

Drosseltangare {f} spotted tanager

Edwardstangare {f} moss-backed tanager

Elstertangare {f} magpie tanager

Feuerbürzeltangare {f} flame-rumped tanager

Finkenbuschtangare {f} common bush tanager

Flammentangare {f} crimson-collared tanager

Fleckentangare {f} speckled tanager

Flügelbindentangare {f} white-banded tanager

Fuchstangare {f} brown tanager

Furchentangare {f} blue & yellow tanager

Gelbbauchtangare {f} yellow-bellied tanager

Gelbbrauentangare {f} lemon-browed tanager

Gelbbürzeltangare {f} yellow-backed tanager

Gelbkehl-Buschtangare {f} yellow-throated bush tanager

Gelbkehltangare {f} yellow-throated tanager

Gelbkopftangare {f} saffron-crowned tanager

Gelbrückentangare {f} yellow-rumped tanager

Gelbschenkeltangare {f} blue-capped tanager

Gelbschopftangare {f} yellow-crested tanager

Gelbstirn-Würgertangare {f} white-winged shrike-tanager

Gimpeltangare {f} cinnamon tanager

Glanzfleckentangare {f} spangle-cheeked tanager

Goldbandtangare {f} yellow-scarfed tanager

Goldbrusttangare {f} green & gold tanager

Goldflügeltangare {f} rufous-winged tanager

Goldkappentangare {f} rust & yellow tanager

Goldohrtangare {f} golden-eared tanager

Goldringtangare {f} gold-ringed tanager

Goldrücken-Bergtangare {f} golden-backed mountain tanager

Goldscheiteltangare {f} golden-crowned tanager

Goldschopftangare {f} fulvous-crested tanager

Goldtangare {f} golden tanager

Graubrust-Buschtangare {f} dusky-bellied bush tanager

Graukehl-Buschtangare {f} ash-throated bush tanager

Graukopf-Buschtangare {f} grey-hooded bush tanager

Graukopftangare {f} grey-headed tanager

Graurücken-Ameisentangare {f} sooty ant-tanager

Grauscheitel-Palmtangare {f} grey-crowned palm tanager

Grünkappentangare {f} green-capped tanager

Grünkehltangare {f} green-throated tanager

Grünnackentangare {f} green-naped tanager

Grüntangare {f} bay-headed tanager

Guiratangare {f} guira tanager

Haarschopftangare {f} black-goggled tanager

Halsbandtangare {f} yellow-collared tanager

Haubentangare {f} flame-crested tanager

Heinetangare {f} black-capped tanager

Isabelltangare {f} burnished-buff tanager

Jelskitangare {f} golden-collared tanager

Karminameisentangare {f} red-crowned ant-tanager

Kieferntangare {f} western tanager

Krontangare {f} ruby-crowned tanager

Kurzschnabel-Buschtangare {f} short-billed bush tanager

Maskentangare {f} masked crimson tanager

Mennigohr-Bergtangare {f} scarlet-bellied mountain tanager

Mennigtangare {f} vermilon tanager

Natterertangare {f} Natterer's tanager

Ockerbrusttangare {f} ochre-breasted tanager

Ockerschopftangare {f} rufous-crested tanager

Olivmanteltangare {f} olive-backed tanager

Olivtangare {f} olive-green tanager

Opalscheiteltangare {f} opal-crowned tanager

Orangebrusttangare {f} brassy-breasted tanager

Orangekopftangare {f} orange-headed tanager

Palmentangare {f} palm tanager

Palmertangare {f} grey & gold tanager

Papageitangare {f} grass-green tanager

Parodihemispingus {m} Parodi's tanager

Passerinitangare {f} scarlet-rumped tanager

Prachttangare {f} chestnut-backed tanager

Purpurmanteltangare {f} purplish-mantled tanager

Purpurmaskentangare {f} golden-masked tanager

Purpurtangare {f} silver-beaked tanager

Rosenkehltangare {f} rose-throated tanager

Rostkappentangare {f} rufous-headed tanager

Rostkopftangare {f} fulvous-headed tanager

Rotbauchtangare {f} opal-rumped tanager

Rotbrusttangare {f} scarlet-throated tanager

Rothschildtangare {f} golden-chested tanager

Rotkappentangare {f} lesser antillean tanager

Rotkehl-Ameisentangare {f} red-throated ant-tanager

Rotkehltangare {f} rufous-throated tanager

Rotkopftangare {f} red-headed tanager

Rotnackentangare {f} golden-naped tanager

Rotohr-Bunttangare {f} glistening-green tanager

Rotscheiteltangare {f} scrub tanager

Rotschultertangare {f} red-shouldered tanager

Rotstirntangare {f} flame-faced tanager

Rotwangentangare {f} rufoud-cheeked tanager

Rubinkehltangare {f} cherry-throated tanager

Rußgesichttangare {f} dusky-faced tanager

Sayacatangare {f} sayaca tanager

Scharlachbauchtangare {f} crimson-backed tanager

Scharlachhauben-Ameisentangare {f} crested ant-tanager

Scharlachkopftangare {f} red-hooded tanager

Scharlachtangare {f} scarlet tanager

Schiefertangare {f} slaty tanager

Schleiertangare {f} black-faced tanager

Schlichttangare {f} plain-coloured tanager

Schmätzertangare {f} chat-tanager

Schmucktangare {f} golden-chevroned tanager

Schwalbentangare {f} swallow tanager

Schwarzachseltangare {f} tawny-crested tanager

Schwarzbauchtangare {f} black-bellied tanager

Schwarzbrust-Bergtangare {f} black-chested tanager

Schwarzbrusttangare {f} masked tanager

Schwarzkappentangare {f} hooded tanager

Schwarzkehl-Würgertangare {f} black-throated shrike-tanager

Schwarzkinn-Bergtangare {f} black-chinned mountain tanager

Schwarzmanteltangare {f} black-backed tanager

Schwarznackentangare {f} metallic-green tanager

Schwarzohr-Bunttangare {f} multicoloured tanager

Schwarzrückentangare {f} fawn-breasted tanager

Schwarzscheitel-Palmtangare {f} black-crowned palm tanager

Schwarzstirn-Buschtangare {f} yellow-green bush tanager

Schwarztangare {f} white-lined tanager

Schwarzwangen-Ameisentangare {f} black-cheeked ant-tanager

Schwarzwangen-Bergtangare {f} black-cheeked mountain tanager

Schwarzwangen-Buschtangare {f} pirre bush tanager

Seidenflankentangare {f} scarlet & white tanager

Siebenfarbentangare {f} paradise tanager

Silberbrauen-Bergtangare {f} buff-breasted mountain tanager

Silberbrauentangare {f} blue-browed tanager

Silberfleckentangare {f} beryl-spangled tanager

Silberkehltangare {f} silver-throated tanager

Silbertangare {f} silvery tanager

Siratangare {f} sira tanager

Smaragdtangare {f} emerald tanager

Sommertangare {f} summer tanager

Spiegeltangare {f} black & white tanager

Stolzmanntangare {f} black-backed bush tanager

Streifenkopftangare {f} stripe-headed tanager

Tacarcunabuschtangare {f} tacarcuna bush tanager

Tränenbergtangare {f} lacrimose mountain tanager

Trauertangare {f} white-shouldered tanager

Trupialtangare {f} rose-breasted tanager

Tüpfeltangare {f} dotted tanager

Türkistangare {f} turquoise tanager

Vassoritangare {f} blue & black tanager

Vielfarbentangare {f} seven-coloured tanager

Violettschultertangare {f} azure-winged tanager

Weißbindentangare {f} white-winged tanager

Weißbrauen-Buschtangare {f} pileated bush tanager

Weißbürzeltangare {f} white-rumped tanager

Weißkappentangare {f} white-capped tanager

Weißkehl-Würgertangare {f} white-throated shrike-tanager

Wetmoretangare {f} masked mountain tanager

Witwentangare {f} cone-billed tanager

Ziertangare {f} blue-backed tanager

Zimtbrusttangare {f} rufous-chested tanager

Zimtkopftangare {f} chestnut-headed tanager

Zinnobertangare {f} hepatic tanager

Zitronentangare {f} black & yellow tanager
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