Dictionary - TU Chemnitz
All NounsVerbs

 English  German

needling pitch (carding) Besatzeinheit {f} (Kardieren) [textil.]

wire spacing; needling pitch (carding machine) Besatzfeinheit {f} (Kardiermaschine) [textil.]

birch pitch; birch bark pitch Birkenpech {n}

out-of-pitch Blattfehleinstellung {f} [aviat.]

kick-about pitch Bolzplatz {m} [sport]

kick-about pitches Bolzplätze {pl}

camping pitch; camping site; campsite [Am.]; camp and caravan site [Br.]; camper with trailer site [Am.] Campingplatzparzelle {f}; Campingparzelle {f}; Campingstandplatz {m}; Campingstellplatz {m}

camping pitches; camping sites; campsites; camp and caravan sites; camper with trailer sites Campingplatzparzellen {pl}; Campingparzellen {pl}; Campingstandplätze {pl}; Campingstellplätze {pl}

bogie pivot pitch; pivot pitch; distance between bogie pins/bogie pivots; bogie centre distance (railway) Drehzapfenabstand {m} (Bahn) [techn.]

feathered pitch; feathering pitch (of windmill rotor blades) Fahnenstellung {f}; Fahnenposition {f} (von Windradrotorblättern)

fixed pitch propeller Festpropeller {m} [aviat.]

football ground; football pitch [Br.]; soccer field [Am.] Fußballplatz {m}; Fußballfeld {n} [sport]

football grounds; football pitches; soccer fields Fußballplätze {pl}; Fußballfelder {pl}

foot-pitch (organ) Fußtonhöhe {f}; Fußtonzahl {f}; Fußlage {f} (Orgel) [mus.]

harness pitch Geschirrteilung {f} [textil.]

thread pitch; lead; screw pitch [listen] Gewindesteigung {f}

lattice spacing; lattice pitch Gitterabstand {m} (Kristall)

lattice spacings; lattice pitches Gitterabstände {pl}

hard pitch [Br.]; hard court [Am.] (for sports) Hartplatz {m} (für Sportaktivitäten) [sport]

resin gall; pitch pocket (wood) Harzgalle {f} (Holz)

standard pitch; concert pitch Kammerton {m}; Normstimmton {m} [mus.]

French pitch; continental pitch (diapason normal) französischer Kammerton (diapason normal) [hist.]

boiling point /b.p./; boiling pitch; boiling heat Kochpunkt {m} /Kp/ [techn.]

contact pitch Kontaktraster {n}

gyroscopic roll and pitch recorder Kreiselschlinger- und Stampfanzeiger {m} [naut.]

coin flip; coin flipping; coin toss; coin tossing; heads or tails; head or tail; pitch-and-toss Münzwurf {m}; Münzwerfen {n}; "Kopf oder Zahl"

angle of incline; angle of inclination; inclination angle; angle of pitch; angle of deviation Neigungswinkel {m}

angles of incline; angles of inclination; inclination angles; angles of pitch; angles of deviation Neigungswinkel {pl}

pitching; pitch [listen] Nickbewegung {f}; Nickschwingung {f}; Nicken {n} [auto] [aviat.]

unison pitch; native pitch; 8-foot-pitch; 8'-pitch (organ) Normallage {f}; Äquallage {f}; 8-Fuß-Lage {f}; 8'-Lage {f} (Orgel) [mus.]

at unison pitch in Normallage

tooth pitch Nutenteilung {f}; Nutteilung {f} [electr.]

coil pitch; coil span Nutschritt {m}; Spulenweite {f} in Nutteilungen [electr.]

octave pitch (organ) Oktavlage {f} (Orgel) [mus.]

to seal sth. with pitch; to pay sth. etw. mit Pech abdichten; etw. verpichen {vt} [naut.]

petroleum pitch Petrolpech {n}

field invasion; rushing the field; pitch invasion [Br.] (team sports) Platzsturm {m}; Platzerstürmung {f} (Mannschaftssport) [sport]

turfed pitch [Br.]; play lawn [Am.] (for recreational use) Rasenplatz {m} (für Freizeitaktivitäten)

turfed pitches; play lawns Rasenplätze {pl}

grass playing field; grass sports field; turf playing field; grass playing pitch [Br.] Rasenspielfeld {n}; Rasenspielplatz {m} [sport]

grass playing fields; grass sports fields; turf playing fields; grass playing pitches Rasenspielfelder {pl}; Rasenspielplätze {pl}

fin pitch; gill pitch Rippenteilung {f} [mach.]

selective pitch Rotorblattverstellung {f} (Hubschrauber) [aviat.]

saddle roof; saddleback roof; gable roof; double pitch roof Satteldach {n} [arch.]

saddle roofs; saddleback roofs; gable roofs; double pitch roofs Satteldächer {pl}

screw pitch (of an injection moulding machine) Schneckensteigung {f} (bei einer Spritzgießmaschine) [techn.]

rope pitch; pitch (section of a climb) (climbing) [listen] Seillänge {f} (Kletterabschnitt) (Klettern) [sport]

speaking pitch Sprechstimmlage {f}

track pitch Spurenabstand {m}

rosin; colophony; Greek pitch Terpentinharz {n}; Kolophonium {n}

low-pitch ... Tiefton...

woofers; subwoofers Tieftonlautsprecher {pl}; Tieftöner {pl}

tonal pitch space (music theory) Tonraum {m} (Musiktheorie) [mus.]

tonal pitch spaces Tonräume {pl}

back pitch Wicklungsschritt {m} antriebsseitig [electr.]

to have a hissy fit; to have a fit; to throw a fit; to pitch a fit [Am.]; to have a (temper) tantrum; to throw a tantrum; to fly into a temper; to fly into a rage; to throw a wobbly [Br.]; to have kittens [Br.]; to have a cow [Am.]; to have a meltdown [Am.] [coll.]; to go psycho; to flip out; to flip [coll.] [listen] einen Wutanfall bekommen / haben; (vor Wut) an die Decke gehen; hochgehen; außer sich geraten [geh.]; ausrasten; auszucken [Ös.]; alle Zustände kriegen [ugs.]; explodieren {vi}

He threw a hissy fit when she decided the hotel room wasn't big enough. Er rastete aus, als sie meinte, das Hotelzimmer wäre nicht groß genug.

tooth pitch Zahnteilung {f}; Nutteilung {f}; Nutenteilung {f} [electr.]

real circular pitch; circumferential circular pitch (helical gearwheel) Zahnteilung {f} senkrecht zur Achse (Schraubenrad) [techn.]

normal circular pitch (helical gearwheel) Zahnteilung {f} senkrecht zum Zahn (Schraubenrad) [techn.]

circular pitch /c.p./ (toothed wheel work) Zahnteilung {f} im Teilkreis gemessen (Verzahnung) [techn.]

chordal pitch (toothed wheel work) Zahnteilung {f} entlang der Sehne im Teilkreis gemessen (Verzahnung) [techn.]

character pitch Zeichenabstand {m}; Zeichenbreite {f}

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