Dictionary - TU Chemnitz

 English  German

sports team; team [listen] Sportmannschaft {f}; Mannschaft {f}; Team {n} [sport] [listen]

sports teams; teams Sportmannschaften {pl}; Mannschaften {pl}; Teams {pl}

youth team Jugendmannschaft {f}

peewee team Kindermannschaft

junior team Nachwuchsmannschaft {f}; Jugendmannschaft {f}

school team; varsity team [Am.] Schulmannschaft {f}

university team; varsity team [Am.] Universitätsmannschaft {f}

senior team; A-team Erstmannschaft {f}; A-Mannschaft {f}; Ligamannschaft {f} [Dt.]; Kampfmannschaft {f} [Dt.]; Fanionteam {n} [Schw.]

second-string team; B-team Zweitmannschaft {f}; B-Mannschaft {f}; Reservemannschaft {f}

to support a team; to follow a team [Br.] Anhänger einer Mannschaft sein

Which team do you support? Zu welcher Mannschaft hältst du?; Zu wem hältst du?

tracksuit; sports suit; sweatsuit [Am.]; warm-up suit [Am.]; warm-up [Am.] Trainingsanzug {m}; Trainer {m} [Ös.] [Schw.] [ugs.]; Sportanzug {m} [textil.] [listen]

tracksuits; sports suits; sweatsuits; warm-up suits; warm-ups Trainingsanzüge {pl}; Trainer {pl}; Sportanzüge {pl} [listen]

sport [Br.]; sports [Am.] (as individual activity or competition) [listen] [listen] Sport {m} (als individuelle Betätigung oder Wettkampf) [sport]

power sport; strength sports Kraftsport {m}

air sport/sports [listen] Luftsport {m}

female sport/sports; female dominated sport/sports [listen] Frauensport {m}

male sport/sports; male dominated sport/sports [listen] Männersport {m}

outdoor sport/sports [listen] Natursport {m}; Freilandsport {m}; Freiluftsport {m}

pro sport/sports; professional sport/sports [listen] [listen] Profisport {m}

bloodsport Sport, bei denen Tiere verletzt oder getötet werden (z. B. Hahnenkämpfe)

to do/play sport/sports Sport betreiben/treiben/treiben/machen; sporteln

while doing sport/while playing sports beim Sporteln

Do you do any sport? Treiben Sie Sport?

Do you play a sport?; Do you play any sports? Betreiben Sie einen Sport?

I used to do/play a lot of sport. Ich habe früher viel Sport getrieben.

I always hated sport/sports at school. Sport habe ich in der Schule nie gemocht.

Why is there so much sport/sports on TV? Wieso bringen sie im Fernsehen so viel Sport?

sports stadium; stadium; sports arena; coliseum [Am.] [listen] Sportstadion {n}; Stadion {n}; Sportarena {f}; Kampfbahn {f} [Dt.] [veraltet] [sport] [listen]

sports stadiums; stadiums; sports arenas; coliseums Sportstadien {pl}; Stadien {pl}; Sportarenen {pl}; Kampfbahnen {pl}

ice stadium Eissportstadion {n}; Eisstadion {n}

Olympic stadium; Olympic arena Olympiastadion {n}

sports hall; sport hall [Br.] Sporthalle {f}

sports halls; sport halls Sporthallen {pl}

sports confederation Sportbund {m} [sport]

sports confederations Sportbünde {pl}

German Olympic Sports Confederation Deutscher Olympischer Sportbund {m} /DOSB/

German Sports Youth Deutsche Sportjugend

official partner of the German Olympic Sport Confederation offizieller Partner des Deutschen Olympischen Sportbundes

sports kit [Br.]; kit [Br.]; sports strip [Br.]; strip [Br.]; sports uniform [Am.]; uniform [Am.] [listen] [listen] [listen] Sportdress {n}; Dress {n}; Sporttrikot {n}; Trikot {n}; Tricot {n} [Schw.] [sport] [textil.] [listen]

sports kits; kits; sports strips; strips; sports uniforms; uniforms Sportdresse {pl}; Dresse {pl}; Sporttrikots {pl}; Trikots {pl}; Tricots {pl}

football kit [Br.]; football strip [Br.]; soccer uniform [Am.] Fußballdress {n}

sports shirt Sporthemd {n}; sportliches Hemd [textil.]

sports shirts Sporthemden {pl}

sport shirt with a button-down collar; button-down collar sport shirt Sporthemd mit geknöpftem Kragen; sportliches Hemd mit geknöpftem Kragen

sports commentator; sports announcer Sportkommentator {m}; Sportkommentatorin {f}

sports commentators; sports announcers Sportkommentatoren {pl}; Sportkommentatorinnen {pl}

live commentator; play-by-play announcer [Am.] Livekommentator {m}; Live-Kommentator {m}

sports jersey; jersey Sportleibchen {n}; Leibchen {n}; Sportleiberl {n} [Bayr.] [Ös.]; Leiberl {n} [Bayr.] [Ös.]; Trikot {n} [sport] [listen]

sports jerseys; jerseys Sportleibchen {pl}; Leibchen {pl}; Sportleiberl {pl}; Leiberl {pl}; Trikots {pl}

football jersey [Br.]; soccer jersey [Am.] Fußballleibchen {n}

sports facility Sportstätte {f} [sport]

sports facilities Sportstätten {pl}

Olympic sports facilities olympische Sportstätten

sports portfolio; sports activities Sportangebote {pl}

sport programs to take part in Sportangebote zum Mitmachen

sports facility Sportanlage {f} [sport]

sports facilities Sportanlagen {pl}

sports physician Sportarzt {m}; Sportärztin {f} [med.] [sport]

sports physicians Sportärzte {pl}; Sportärztinnen {pl}

sports equipment; sports gear [Br.] Sportausrüstung {f}; Sportsachen {pl}; Sportzeug {n} [sport]

sports outfitter Sportausstatter {m}; Sporthändler {m}

sports outfitters Sportausstatter {pl}; Sporthändler {pl}

sports report; sporting report Sportbericht {m}

sports reports; sporting reports Sportberichte {pl}

sports spectacles Sportbrille {f}

sports spectacles Sportbrillen {pl}

sports meeting Sportfest {n}

sports meetings Sportfeste {pl}

sports fan Sportfreund {m}

sports fans Sportfreunde {pl}

sports shop Sportgeschäft {n}

sports shops Sportgeschäfte {pl}

sports jacket; sport(s) coat Sportjacke {f}; Sportsakko {n}; Sportveston {m} [Schw.] [textil.]

sports jackets; sport(s) coats Sportjacken {pl}; Sportsakkos {pl}; Sportvestons {pl}

sports club Sportklub {m}; Sportverein {m}

sports clubs Sportklubs {pl}; Sportvereine {pl}

sports instructor; instructor; physical education teacher [Am.] [listen] Sportlehrer {m} [sport]

sports instructors; instructors; physical education teachers Sportlehrer {pl}

sports type motorcycle; chopper Sportmaschine {f}; Chopper {m} (Motorrad) [auto]

sports type motorcycles; choppers Sportmaschinen {pl}; Chopper {pl}

sports medicine Sportmedizin {f} [med.]

sports field; playing field Sportplatz {m}

sports fields; playing fields Sportplätze {pl}

sports shoe Sportschuh {m}

sports shoes Sportschuhe {pl}

sports bag [Br.]; holdall [Br.]; gym bag [Am.]; carryall [Am.] (often wrongly: duffle bag) Sporttasche {f}

sports bags; holdalls; gym bags; carryalls Sporttaschen {pl}

sports coach Sporttrainer {m}; Sporttrainerin {f} [sport]

sports coaches Sporttrainer {pl}; Sporttrainerinnen {pl}

sports event; sports meeting; sports [listen] Sportveranstaltung {f}

sports events; sports meetings Sportveranstaltungen {pl}

sports association; athletic association [Am.] Sportverband {m} [sport]

sports associations; athletic associations Sportverbände {pl}

sports injury Sportverletzung {f} [med.] [sport]

sports injuries Sportverletzungen {pl}

sports bet Sportwette {f}

sports bets Sportwetten {pl}

sports betting; sports bets Sportwetten {n}; Sportwettgeschäft {n}

sports science; science of sport; sports sciences Sportwissenschaft {f}; Sportwissenschaften {pl}

sports magazine Sportzeitung {f}

sports magazines Sportzeitungen {pl}

sports centre [Br.]; sports center [Am.] Sportzentrum {n}; Sportforum {n}

sports centres; sports centers Sportzentren {pl}; Sportforen {pl}

sports psychology Sportpsychologie {f} [sport]

sports course; exercise class Sportkurs {m} [sport]

sports courses; exercise classes Sportkurse {pl}

sports opportunities Sportmöglichkeiten {pl}

adventure sports Abenteuersportarten {pl}

defence formation [Br.]; defense formation [Am.] (team sports) Abwehrformation {f} (Mannschaftssport) [sport]

forechecking (team sports) Angriffsverteidigung {f} (Mannschaftssport) [sport]

execution (assessment criterion in sports) [listen] Ausführung {f} (Bewertungskriterium im Sport) [sport] [listen]

away goals rule (ball sports) Auswärtstorregel {f} (Ballsport) [sport]

ball sports Ballsportarten {pl}; Ballsport {m} [sport]

the touchline; the edge (on a sports field) die Bande {f} (auf dem Sportplatz) [sport]

bantamweight (combat sports) Bantamgewicht {n} (Kampfsport) [sport]

clearance kick; clearance (ball sports) [listen] Befreiungsschuss {m}; Befreiungsschlag {m} (Ballsport) [sport]

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