Dictionary - TU Chemnitz
All NounsAdjectives

 English  German

derivative [listen] Weiterentwicklung {f}; verbessertes Modell [listen]

derivative [listen] Ableitung {f} [math.] [listen]

derivatives Ableitungen {pl}

total derivative totale Ableitung {f}

partial derivative partielle Ableitung {f}

f'; "f-prime"; derivative of function f Ableitung der Funktion f; f'; "f Strich"

time derivative of a function Zeitableitung einer Funktion

derivative [listen] derivativ; Derivate... {adj} [fin.]

derivative gains Derivategewinne {pl}

derivative goodwill; purchased goodwill derivativer Firmenwert

derivative collateral derivative Sicherheiten

derivative hedging instruments derivative Sicherungsinstrumente

derivative [listen] Abkömmling {m}; Derivat {n} [chem.] [pharm.]

derivatives Abkömmlinge {pl}; Derivate {pl}

sodium derivative Natriumderivat {n}

derivative financial instrument; derivative instrument; financial derivative; derivative [listen] derivatives Finanzinstrument {n}; Finanzderivat {n}; Derivat {n} [fin.]

derivative financial instruments; derivative instruments; financial derivatives; derivatives derivative Finanzinstrumente {pl}; Finanzderivate {pl}; Derivate {pl}

credit derivative Kreditderivat {n}

interest rate derivative /IRD/; interest derivative Zinsderivat {n}

derivative (of a potential field) [listen] Ableitung {f} [min.] [listen]

derivative losses; losses on derivative positions Derivateverluste {pl}; Verluste {pl} bei Derivaten [fin.]

derivative positions; derivative exposure Derivatepositionen {pl} [fin.]

derivative action; derivation action; rate action Vorhaltwirkung {f}; Vorhalt {m} [techn.]

derivative action time Vorhaltezeit {f} bei D-Wirkung [techn.]

derivative action controller Vorhalteregler {m}; Vorfühlregler {m} [techn.]

derivative action controllers Vorhalteregler {pl}; Vorfühlregler {pl}

derivative time Vorhaltzeit {f}

directional derivative Richtungsableitung {f} [math.]

variational derivative; Lagrangian derivative Variationsableitung {f} [math.]

derivative [listen] abgeleitet; abkünftig {adj}

benzidine derivative Benzidinderivat {n} [chem.]

differentiation (calculating the derivative of a function) Ableiten {n}; Differenzieren {n}; Differenziation {f} (Berechnen der Ableitung einer Funktion) [math.]

gravitative differentiation gravitative Differenziation

magmatic differentiation magmatische Differenziation

investment fund; fund Investmentfonds {m}; Anlagefonds {m}; Fonds {m} [fin.]

investment funds; funds [listen] Investmentfonds {pl}; Anlagefonds {pl}; Beteiligungsfonds {pl}; Fonds {pl}

bond fund Anleihefonds {m}

derivative fund; arbitrage fund Derivatefonds {m}

hedge fund Hedgefonds {m}; Hedge-Fonds {m} (hochspekulativer Investmentfonds)

index fund; index tracker Indexfonds {m}

mutual funds Publikumsfonds {pl}

annuity fund; fixed-income fund; bond fund Rentenfonds {m}

special funds; specialized funds Spezialfonds {pl}

growth fund Wachstumsfonds {m}

securities fund Wertpapierfonds {m}; Wertschriftenfonds {m} [Schw.]

leverage fund; leveraged fund Investmentfonds mit hohem Kreditanteil; Fonds mit kreditfinanzierten Anlagewerten

accumulative fund; fund accumulating its income thesaurierender Fonds

to liquidate a fund; to wind up a fund einen Fonds auflösen

matrix [listen] Matrix {f} [math.]

matrices Matrizen {pl}

transformation matrix Abbildungsmatrix {f}; Darstellungsmatrix {f}

resolvent matrix auflösende Matrix {f}

adjacency matrix Adjazenzmatrix {f}

band matrix; banded matrix Bandmatrix {f}

area matrix Bereichsmatrix {f}

bidiagonal matrix Bidiagonalmatrix {f}

diagonal matrix Diagonalmatrix {f}

bistochastic matrix; doubly stochastic matrix doppelt stochastische Matrix

sparse matrix dünnbesetzte Matrix

identity matrix; unit matrix Einheitsmatrix {f}

augmented matrix erweiterte Matrix

derivative matrix Funktionalmatrix {f}

conjugate matrix; transpose of a matrix gekippte Matrix; gestürzte Matrix; gespiegelte Matrix

Gram matrix Gram'sche Matrix

Hessian (matrix) (matrix) Hessematrix {f}; Hesse'sche Matrix {f}

Hessenberg matrix Hessenberg-Matrix {f}

Hilbert matrix Hilbert-Matrix {f}

auxiliary matrix Hilfsmatrix {f}

Householder matrix Householder-Matrix {f}

inverse matrix inverse Matrix

Jacobian matrix Jacobimatrix {f}; Jacobi'sche Matrix {f}

node of a matrix Knotenpunkt einer Matrix

zero matrix Nullmatrix {f}

perturbation matrix Störungsmatrix {f}

scattering matrix Streumatrix {f}

access matrix Zugriffsmatrix {f}

spur of a matrix Spur einer Matrix

commitments [listen] Obligo {n} [fin.]

commitments from derivative instruments; derivative exposure Derivate-Obligo {n}

letter of credit commitments; letter of credit exposure Kreditbriefobligo {n}; Akkreditivobligo {n}

risk exposure Risikoengagement {n}; eingegangene Risken {pl}

derivative risk exposure; exposure to loss from derivative instruments Risikoengagement bei Derivaten; Derivaterisiko

word [listen] Wort {n} [ling.] [listen]

words [listen] Worte {pl}; Wörter {pl}

derivative [listen] abgeleitetes Wort

technical word Fachwort {n}

sight word Sichtwort {n}

unmentionable word Tabuwort {n}

words of consolation [listen] tröstende Worte

a maximum of EUR 18,000 (in words: eighteen thousand euros) maximal 18.000 EUR (in Worten: achtzehntausend Euro)

to have the final say das letzte Wort haben

to frame your words carefully seine Worte sorgfältig wählen

in simple terms in einfachen Worten

to put sth. into words etw. in Worte fassen / kleiden [geh.]

to grope for words; to fumble for words nach Worten ringen / suchen

dirty word unanständiges Wort

weasel word vager Begriff; unscharfer Begriff

plain speaking klare Worte; deutliche Worte

weasel words doppelsinnige Worte; zweideutige Worte; unscharfe Ausdrucksweise

to break one's word [listen] sein Wort brechen

to keep one's word sein Wort halten

in a word mit einem Wort

in other words [listen] mit anderen Worten; anders ausgedrückt; anders gesagt

in vivid words; with insistence; insistently mit eindringlichen Worten

to use big words; to use grand words große Worte machen

compound word; compound [listen] zusammengesetztes Wort

in sum mit einem Wort

Words fail me. Mir fehlen die Worte.

You took the words right out of my mouth! Du nimmst mir das Wort aus dem Mund!

No truer word has ever been said.; No truer words were ever spoken; Never has a truer word been spoken; Never a truer word spoken.; That's a mouthful! [Am.]; You said a mouthful (there)! [Am.] Ein wahres Wort!; So ist es!; Treffender kann man es nicht ausdrücken!; Du hast es auf den Punkt gebracht!

He always wants the last word. Er will immer das letzte Wort haben.

cellulosic {adj} Zellstoff...; Zellulose...; Cellulose... [chem.]

cellulosic derivative Zellstoffderivat {n}; Zellulosederivat {n}; Cellulosederivat {n}

cellulosic paper; cellulose paper Zellstoffpapier {n}; Zellulosepapier {n}

cellulosic plastic Zellulosekunststoff {m}

legal framework; regulatory framework gesetzliche Rahmenbedingungen {pl}

a regulatory framework for the derivative markets gesetzliche Rahmenbedingungen für den Derivatehandel