Dictionary - TU Chemnitz

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auflösende Bedingung {f} (bei einem Rechtsgeschäft) [jur.] resolutory condition; condition subsequent (in a legal transaction)

Matrix {f} [math.] matrix [listen]

Matrizen {pl} matrices

Abbildungsmatrix {f}; Darstellungsmatrix {f} transformation matrix

auflösende Matrix {f} resolvent matrix

Adjazenzmatrix {f} adjacency matrix

Bandmatrix {f} band matrix; banded matrix

Bereichsmatrix {f} area matrix

Bidiagonalmatrix {f} bidiagonal matrix

Diagonalmatrix {f} diagonal matrix

doppelt stochastische Matrix bistochastic matrix; doubly stochastic matrix

dünnbesetzte Matrix sparse matrix

Einheitsmatrix {f} identity matrix; unit matrix

erweiterte Matrix augmented matrix

Funktionalmatrix {f} derivative matrix

gekippte Matrix; gestürzte Matrix; gespiegelte Matrix conjugate matrix; transpose of a matrix

Gram'sche Matrix Gram matrix

Hessematrix {f}; Hesse'sche Matrix {f} Hessian (matrix) (matrix)

Hessenberg-Matrix {f} Hessenberg matrix

Hilbert-Matrix {f} Hilbert matrix

Hilfsmatrix {f} auxiliary matrix

Householder-Matrix {f} Householder matrix

inverse Matrix inverse matrix

Jacobimatrix {f}; Jacobi'sche Matrix {f} Jacobian matrix

Knotenpunkt einer Matrix node of a matrix

Nullmatrix {f} zero matrix

Störungsmatrix {f} perturbation matrix

Streumatrix {f} scattering matrix

Zugriffsmatrix {f} access matrix

Spur einer Matrix spur of a matrix

auflösend {adj} (annullierend) [jur.] resolutive (operating to annul)

eine auflösende Bedingung des Vertrags a resolutive condition of the contract