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31 ähnliche Ergebnisse für U-Comix
Tipp: Rechtschreibprüfung: Wort?

 Deutsch  Englisch

Schriftsteller {m}; Schriftstellerin {f}; Autor {m}; Autorin {f}; Literat {m}; Literatin {f} [lit.] [anhören] [anhören] (professional) writer; (professional) author; authoress (rare and slightly affected); (professional) penman; (professional) penwoman; man of letters; woman of letters; littérateur [anhören] [anhören]

Schriftsteller {pl}; Schriftstellerinnen {pl}; Autoren {pl}; Autorinnen {pl}; Literaten {pl}; Literatinnen {pl} [anhören] writers; authors; authoresses; penmen; penwomen; men of letters; women of letters; littérateurs

Comicautor {m} comic writer

Erfolgsautor {m}; Bestsellerautor {m} best-selling author; best-seller autor

Kinderbuchautor {m}; Kinderbuchautorin {f} children's book author; children's author

Reiseschriftsteller {m} travel book writer; travel writer; travel book author; travel author

Romanschriftsteller {m}; Romanautor {m}; Romancier {m} novelist

Autor von Kurzgeschichten short story writer; writer of short stories

ein Schriftsteller von Rang a writer of distinction

Schlumpf {m} (Comicfigur) [lit.] smurf (comic character)

Schlümpfe {pl} smurfs

Schlumpfine {f} smurfette

Schlaubi Schlumpf Brainy Smurf

Komiker {m}; Komikerin {f}; Spaßmacher {m} [humor.]; Spaßmacherin {f} [humor.] comic; comedian; comedienne (rare and slightly affected); comedy actor; comedy actress; funny man; funny woman

Komiker {pl}; Komikerinnen {pl}; Spaßmacher {pl}; Spaßmacherinnen {pl} comics; comedians; comediennes; comedy actors; comedy actresses; funny men; funny women

Komikerduo {n} comedy double act; comic double act

Bühnenkomiker {m} stand-up comedian; stand-up comic; stand-up

Bühnenkomiker {pl} stand-up comedians; stand-up comics; stand-ups

Hiobstränengras {n}; Hiobsträne {f} (Coix lacryma-jobi) [bot.] Job's tears; coixseed, adlay, adlai

Pausenclown {m} (allgemein); Klinikclown {m} (im Krankenhaus) comic relief (person)

Schopflilien {pl}; Ananaslilien {pl} (Eucomis) (botanische Gattung) [bot.] pineapple lilies; pineapple flowers (botanical genus)

Verkleidungswettbewerb {m} mit Kostümen einer Film-, Comic- oder Computerspielfigur costume play; cosplay

Zeichentrickserie {f} (in Zeitungen/Zeitschriften) comic strip series; newspaper cartoon series

heldenhaft-komisch {adj} [lit.] heroicomic; mock-heroic; mock-epic

tragikomisch {adj} tragicomic; tragicomical

Betonmischung {f} [constr.] concrete mix

Betonmischung mit niedrigem w/z-Wert low-w/c mix [anhören]

Bilderzählung {f}; Zeichentrickroman {m}; Comic-Roman {m}; Autoren-Comic {m} (in Buchform) [lit.] graphic novel

Bilderzählungen {pl}; Zeichentrickromane {pl}; Comic-Romane {pl}; Autoren-Comics {pl} graphic novels

Comicausstellung {f} comic exhibition

Comicausstellungen {pl} comic exhibitions

Comicbuchpreis {m}; Comicpreis {m} comic book price

Comicbuchpreise {pl}; Comicpreise {pl} comic book prices

Comicfigur {f} comic character; cartoon character

Comicfiguren {pl} comic characters; cartoon characters

Komödie {f}; Lustspiel {n} [art] comedy; comic play

Komödien {pl}; Lustspiele {pl} comedies; comic plays

Komödiendarstellerin {f} comic actress

Komödiendarstellerinnen {pl} comic actresses

Oper {f} [mus.] opera [anhören]

Opern {pl} operas

komische Oper comic opera

Märchenoper {f} fairytale opera

jds. Rechtsverständnis {n} [jur.] the legal philosophy of sb.

das Rechtsverständnis in Zeichentrickheften the legal philosophy of comic books

nach deutschem Rechtsverständnis under the German legal system

Roman {m}; Langerzählung {f} [selten] [lit.] novel [anhören]

Romane {pl} novels

Abenteuerroman {m} adventure novel

Abenteuerromane {pl} adventure novels

Agentenroman {m}; Spionageroman {m} cloak-and-dagger novel

Arztroman {m} medical romance novel; medical fiction

Bildungsroman {m} coming-of-age novel; bildungsroman

Bildungsromane {pl} coming-of-age novels; bildungsromans

Briefroman {m} epistolary novel

Detektivroman {m} private detective novel; private investigator novel; PI novel

Dialogroman {m} dialogue novel; dialog novel

Dialogromane {pl} dialogue novels; dialog novels

Entwicklungsroman {m} entwicklungsroman; development novel

Entwicklungsromane {pl} entwicklungsromen; development novels

Fantasy-Roman {m} fantasy novel

Fortsetzungsroman {m} serial novel; serial [anhören]

Fortsetzungsromane {pl} serial novels; serials

Fotoroman {m} photo comic; photonovel; fotonovela

Gegenwartsroman {m} contemporary novel

Groschenroman {m}; Heftroman {m}; Hintertreppenroman {m}; Kitschroman {m}; Billigroman {m} [lit.] penny dreadful; dime novel [Am.]

Groschenromane {pl}; Heftromane {pl}; Hintertreppenromane {pl}; Kitschromane {pl}; Billigromane {pl} penny dreadfuls; dime novels

Heimatroman {m} rural novel; regional novel

Heimatromane {pl} rural novels; regional novels

Kolportageroman {m} serialized pulp novel

Kolportageromane {pl} serialized pulp novels

Kriminalroman {m} [lit.] detective novel; mystery novel

Künstlerroman {m} Künstlerroman; artist novel

Kurzroman {m} short novel

Kurzromane {pl} short novels

Liebesroman {m} romantic novel

Mitschreibroman {m}; Interaktivroman {m} write-along novel; collaborative novel

Schauerroman {m}; Gruselroman {m} [lit.] horror novel; Gothic novel

Schauerromane {pl}; Gruselromane {pl} horror novels; Gothic novels

Schelmenroman {m}; pikarischer/pikaresker Roman picaresque novel

Schlüsselroman {m} roman a clef

Schmunzelroman {m} funny novel

Schmunzelromane {pl} funny novels

Schundroman {m}; Kitschroman {m} trashy novel; pulp novel

Schundromane {pl}; Kitschromane {pl} trashy novels; pulp novels

Sensationsroman {m} sensation novel

Sittenroman {m} novel of manners

Tatsachenroman {m} non-fiction novel

Zukunftsroman {m}; Science-Fiction-Roman {m} science fiction novel; sci-fi novel

Schauspieler {m}; Schauspielerin {f}; Darsteller {m}; Darstellerin {f} [art] [anhören] [anhören] actor; actress; player [dated] (usually in proper names); thespian [formal] [humor.]; stager [archaic] [anhören] [anhören] [anhören]

Schauspieler {pl}; Schauspielerinnen {pl}; Darsteller {pl}; Darstellerinnen {pl} [anhören] actors; actresses; players; thespians

Bühnenschauspieler {m}; Bühnendarsteller {m} stage actor

Charakterschauspieler {m}; Charakterdarsteller {m}; Mime {m} [geh.]; Mimin {f} [geh.] character actor

Filmschauspieler {m}; Filmdarsteller {m} film actor [Br.]; movie actor [Am.]

Kleindarsteller {m} small-part actor; bit-part actor; bit player

Komödiendarsteller {m}; Komödiant {m} comic actor

Nachwuchsschauspieler {m} up-and-coming actor

Pornodarsteller {m} pornographic actor; porn actor;

Seriendarsteller {m} series actor; serial actor

Vollblutschauspieler {m} passionate actor

regieführender Schauspieler actor-director

An dir ist ein Schauspieler / Politiker verloren gegangen. You would have made a splendid actor / politician.

Witzblatt {n} comic paper

Witzblätter {pl} comic papers

Zeichentrickfigur {f} comic-strip character; cartoon-strip character; cartoon character; anime character

Zeichentrickfiguren {pl} comic-strip characters; cartoon-strip characters; cartoon characters; anime characters

Zeichentrickgeschichte {f}; Comicstrip {m} (in Zeitungen /Zeitschriften) comic strip; comic [Am.]; cartoon strip; cartoon [anhören]

Zeichentrickgeschichten {pl}; Comicstrips {pl} comic strips; comics; cartoon strips; cartoons

Zeichentrickheft {n}; Comic-Heft {n}; Comicbuch {n} comic book; comic

Zeichentrickhefte {pl}; Comic-Hefte {pl}; Comicbücher {pl} comic books; comics

Kindercomic {m} children's comic

Zeichentrickheld {m}; Comic-Held {m} comic-strip hero; cartoon-strip hero; cartoon hero

Zeichentrickhelden {pl}; Comic-Helden {pl} comic-strip heroes; cartoon-strip heroes; cartoon heroes

Zeichentrickzeichner {m}; Zeichentrickzeichnerin {f}; Comiczeichner {m}; Comiczeichnerin {f} comic-strip artist; cartoon-strip artist; cartoon artist; cartoonist

Zeichentrickzeichner {pl}; Zeichentrickzeichnerinnen {pl}; Comiczeichner {pl}; Comiczeichnerinnen {pl} comic-strip artists; cartoon-strip artists; cartoon artists; cartoonists

heiter; komisch {adj}; Komödien... [art] [lit] [anhören] [anhören] comic

ein heiterer Roman a comic novel

komische Einlage {f} (während eines ernsten Geschehens) [art] [soc.] comic relief

zur Auflockerung (der Stimmung) for comic relief

bei etw. schneller sein; vor jdm. da/fertig sein {v} to beat sb. to sth.

Sie war vor mir auf dem Hügel. She beat me to the top of the hill.

Wetten, dass ich vor dir an der Haustür bin? I bet I can beat you to the front door!

Er hat die Ziellinie knapp vor mir passiert. He beat me narrowly to the finish line.

Wir haben uns gefragt, wer von uns zuerst mit der Arbeit fertig ist und sie hat es zwei Tage früher geschafft. We wondered which of us would finish our work first, and she beat me to it by two days.

Du bist mir zuvorgekommen.; Du warst schneller. You beat me to it.; You beat me to the punch.

Ich wollte das letzte Kuchenstück nehmen, aber da war jemand schneller. I wanted to take the last piece of pie, but somebody beat me to it.

Sie wollten die Zeichentrickserie verfilmen, aber ein anderes Studio kam ihnen zuvor. They wanted to make the comic strip series into a film, but another studio beat them to the punch.
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