Dictionary - TU Chemnitz

 English  German

in combination zusammen; gemeinsam {adv} [listen] [listen]

combine; combination [Am.] [listen] [listen] Zusammenschluss {m}; Gemeinschaft {f}; Verbund {m} [econ.] [pol.] [listen] [listen]

combines; combinations Zusammenschlüsse {pl}; Gemeinschaften {pl}; Verbünde {pl}

combination; mixture (of two phenomena) [fig.] [listen] [listen] Mischung {f} (aus zwei Phänomenen) [übtr.] [listen]

a combination/mixture of anger and disappointment eine Mischung aus Wut und Enttäuschung

combination [listen] Kombination {f}

combinations Kombinationen {pl}

combination of two Zweierkombination {f}

combination [listen] Verknüpfung {f} [listen]

combination drop gemischte Absetzung {f}; Absetzen {n} von Personen und Lasten [mil.]

combination drill tap Bohr-Gewinde-Werkzeug {n}

combination of subjects Fächerkombination {f} [school]

combinations of subjects Fächerkombinationen {pl}

combination of colours Farbenzusammenstellung {f}

combinations of colours Farbenzusammenstellungen {pl}

combination of colours/colors Farbkombination {f}; Farbzusammenstellung {f}

combinations of colours/colors Farbkombinationen {pl}; Farbzusammenstellungen {pl}

combination cutting tool; compound press tool; compound die Gesamtschneidwerkzeug {n}

combination plane Kombinationshobel {m} [mach.]

combination planes Kombinationshobel {pl}

combination hump /CH/ Kombinationshump /CH/

combination drug; fixed-dose combination drug Kombinationspräparat {n} [pharm.]

combination drugs; fixed-dose combination drugs Kombinationspräparate {pl}

combination square Kombinationswinkel {m}

combination squares Kombinationswinkel {pl}

combination of characteristics; characteristic combination Merkmalskombination {f}

combinations of characteristics; characteristic combinations Merkmalskombinationen {pl}

combination skin Mischhaut {f} [med.]

combination drill and counterbore Spiralbohr- und Senkwerkzeug {n}

combination element Verknüpfungsglied {n}

combination elements Verknüpfungsglieder {pl}

combination [listen] Verquickung {f}

combination of active agents/substances; active agent combination; active substance combination Wirkstoffkombination {f} [pharm.]

combination lock Zahlenschloss {n}; Kombinationsschloss {n}; Buchstabenschloss {n}

combination locks Zahlenschlösser {pl}; Kombinationsschlösser {pl}; Buchstabenschlösser {pl}

combination vacuum cleaner; combivac Combisauger {m}; Kombisauger {m} [techn.]

combination [listen] Mehrteiler {m} [textil.]

combinations Mehrteiler {pl}

intergrowth; aggregation; intercrescence; combination (of twinned crystals) [listen] [listen] Verwachsung {f}; Aggregation {f} (von Zwillingskristallen) [min.] [geol.]

oriented intergrowth orientierte Verwachsung

parallel intergrowth (of minerals) parallele Verwachsung

graphic(al) intergrowth; graphic(al) texture schriftgranitische Verwachsung

to act in combination; to combine [listen] zusammenwirken; vereint wirken {vi}

acting in combination; combining zusammenwirkend; vereint wirkend

acted in combination; combined [listen] zusammengewirkt; vereint gewirkt

There has been a happy coincidence of several factors here. Hier haben mehrere Faktoren glücklich zusammengewirkt.

drive combination Antriebskombination {f}

alphanumeric combination Buchstaben-Ziffern-Kombination {f}

overlapping of land uses; layering of different land uses; combination of different land uses (spatial planning) Flächennutzungsüberlagerung {f}; Nutzungsüberlagerung {f} (Raumplanung) [adm.] [geogr.]

gas combination boiler; combination boiler; combi [coll.] Gas-Kombiwasserheizer {m}; Kombikessel {m}; Kombitherme {f}; Gas-Kombitherme {f}; Gastherme {f}; Therme {f} [ugs.] [Ös.]

gas combination boilers; combination boilers; combis Gas-Kombiwasserheizer {pl}; Kombikessel {pl}; Kombithermen {pl}; Gas-Kombithermen {pl}; Gasthermen {pl}; Thermen {pl}

bearing surface combination (prosthetics) Gleitpaarung {f} (Prothetik) [med.]

artemisinin(-based) combination therapy /ACT/ Kombinationstherapie {f} auf Artemisiningrundlage [med.]

rifle-shotgun combination; rifle-shotgun Kombinationswaffe {f}; kombinierte Waffe {f} [mil.]

convex combination Konvexkombination {f} [math.]

tug-barge system (articulated tug-barge combination) Koppelverband {m} (gelenkig gekuppelter Schlepper-Leichter-Verband) [naut.]

drawbar (lorry) combination [Br.]; articulated lorry [Br.] LKW-Zug {m}; Hängerzug {m}; Gliederzug {m}; Lastzug {m} [ugs.] [auto]

linear combination Linearkombination {f} [math.]

punch combination; pattern of holes (punch cards; punch tapes) Lochkombination {f} (Lochkarten, Lochstreifen) [comp.] [hist.]

least-cost combination Minimalkostenkombination {f} [econ.]

car-trailer combination PKW mit Anhänger {m}; Pkw-Gespann {n} [Dt.] [auto]

weighted sum model /WSM/; weighted linear combination /WLC/; simple additive weighting /SAW/ (for a benefit-value analysis) Punktbewertungsverfahren {n}; Punktwertverfahren {n}; Rangfolgemodell {n} (für die Nutzwertanalyse) [econ.]

seed combination implements Saatbettkombinationen {pl} [agr.]

articulated vehicle; articulated lorry [Br.]; artic [Br.]; semi-trailer combination [Br.]; juggernaut [Br.]; tractor-trailer [Am.]; semi-trailer truck [Am.]; semitruck [Am.]; semi [Am.]; big rig [Am.]; truck and trailer [Am.]; transfer truck [Am.] [listen] Sattelzug {m}; Sattelkraftfahrzeug {n} [auto]

articulated vehicles; articulated lorries; artics; semi-trailer combinations; juggernauts; tractor-trailers; semi-trailer trucks; semitrucks; semis; big rigs; trucks and trailers; transfer trucks Sattelzüge {pl}; Sattelkraftfahrzeuge {pl}

push-barge system; push-barge combination Schubverband {m} [naut.]

push-barge systems; push-barge combinations Schubverbände {pl}

contactor combination Schützkombination {f} [electr.]

jump combination (figure skating) Sprungkombination {f} (Eiskunstlauf) [sport]

jump combinations Sprungkombinationen {pl}

key combination Tastenkombination {f} [comp.]

key combinations Tastenkombinationen {pl}

washer dryer combination laundry machine; washer/dryer combo machine; washer/dryer combination; washer/dryer combo; washer dryer [listen] Waschtrockner {m} (Waschmaschine und Trockner)

washer dryer combination laundry machines; washer/dryer combo machines; washer/dryer combinations; washer/dryer combos; washer dryers Waschtrockner {pl}

word combination Wortverbindung {f}; Wortkombination {f}; Fügung {f} [ling.]

word combinations Wortverbindungen {pl}; Wortkombinationen {pl}; Fügungen {pl}

anticompetitive combination wettbewerbsschädlicher Zusammenschluss

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