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536 ähnliche Ergebnisse für Mande
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Ähnliche Wörter:
A-Bande, Baader-Meinhof-Bande, Bande, Lande, Made, Mandel, Manie, Monde, Rande
Ähnliche Wörter:
custom-made, demi-monde, factory-made, hand-made, home-made, machine-made, made, made-to-measure, made-to-order, man--made, man-made, mane, mange, pre-made, purpose-made, ready-made, self--made, tailor-made

Acrylglashalbzeug {n} [chem.] [techn.] semifinished products made from acrylic glass

Alginatseide {f} /ALS/ [textil.] alginate silk; alginate filament; alginic man-made silk

Aufschüttung {f}; Bodenauftrag {m}; Auftrag {m} [constr.] [anhören] fill; made ground

Auftragsproduktion {f} [econ.] contract manufacturing; commissioned production; contract production; made-to-order production; custom-made production

Baader-Meinhof-Bande {f}; Baader-Meinhof-Gruppe {f} (Terrorgruppe) [hist.] Baader-Meinhof Gang; Baader-Meinhof Group (terrorist group)

Bammel haben; Schiss [slang] haben; (aus Angst) die Hosen voll haben [übtr.] {v} to have made a mess in one's pants; to be in a blue funk [Am.]; to be scared shitless [vulg.]; to be pissing in one's pants (from fear)

Bande {f}; Rasselbande {f} caboodle

die Bande {f} (auf dem Sportplatz) [sport] the touchline; the edge (on a sports field)

die Bande {f} (in der Eissporthalle) [sport] the boards (in an ice rink)

die Bande {f} (bei einer Pferderennbahn) the rails (of a horse race track)

die Bande {f} (beim Billardtisch) the cushion (of a billiard table)

die Bande {f} hinter dem Schlagmal (Baseball) [sport] the backstop (behind the home plate in baseball)

aus Blei lead ...; made of lead

Chutney {n} (pikante Soße mit Obst- oder Gemüsewürfeln) [cook.] relish; pickle [Br.]; chutney (piquant sauce made of chopped fruit or vegetables) [anhören] [anhören]

aus Draht; Draht... {adj} wired; made of wire [anhören]

Federweißer {m} [cook.] federweisser; freshly made wine

Fertigbeton {m} [constr.] ready-made concrete

Gelbe Haarqualle {f}; Gelbe Nesselqualle {f}; Löwenmähnenqualle {f}; Feuerqualle {f} (Cyanea capillata) [zool.] lion's mane jellyfish; giant jellyfish; hair jelly

etw. in den Griff bekommen; mit einer Sache zurechtkommen; klarkommen [ugs.]; zu Rande kommen [geh.] {v} to get a grip on sth. (difficult); to get to grips with sth. (difficult) [Br.]; to come to grips with sth.(difficult) [Am.]

Handkäse {m}; Harzkäse {m}; Harzer Käse {m}; Harzer Roller {m}; Mainzer Käse {m}; Quargel {m} [Ös.]; Olmützer Quargel {m} [Ös.] (Rohmilchkäse) [cook.] hand-formed pungent soft cheese made from raw milk; Harz cheese

aus Horn; Horn...; hürnen [obs.] {adj} made of horn

Igelstachelbart {m}; Affenkopfpilz {m}; Löwenmähne {f}; Yamabusitake {f}; Pom-Pom-Blanc {m} (Hericium erinaceus) [bot.] bearded hedgehog mushroom; lion's mane mushroom; bearded tooth mushroom/fungus; Satyr's beard; pom pom mushroom

Innenstadtrand {m}; am Rande des Stadtzentrums midtown

Kokosläufer {m} runner made of coconut matting

Konfektion {f} [textil.] manufacture of ready-made clothes; garment industry; needle trade [Am.]

Konfektionsware {f}; Konfektion {f} [textil.] ready-made clothes; ready-to-wear clothes

Malzkaffee {m}; Kaffeeersatz {m}; Ersatzkaffee {m}; Gerstenkaffee {m}; Muckefuck {m} [ugs.]; Muckfuck {m} [ugs.] malt coffee (coffee substitute made from barley malt)

Mandel {f} [min.] amygdale [Br.]; amygdule [Am.]

Manie {f} manner; way (of doing sth.) [anhören] [anhören]

vom Menschen verursacht; durch den Menschen beeinflusst; menschengemacht; anthropogen {adj} [envir.] caused by human action; man-made; man-developed; human-induced; anthropogenic

Messing...; aus Messing; messingen brass; brazen; made of brass [anhören] [anhören]

Mischbrot {n} [cook.] bread made from wheat and rye flour

Miso {n} (japanische Würzpaste aus fermentierten Sojabohnen) [cook.] miso (Japanese seasoning paste made from fermented soya beans)

Nektar {m} (Fruchtgetränk) [cook.] drink made from fruit, sugar, and water

Neuanfertigung {f} (Produkt) newly-made article

die Oberschicht {f}; die oberen Zehntausend [soc.] the upper class; the upper stratum; the high society; the upper ten thousand; the upper ten; the four hundred [Am.]; the haut monde; the a-list

Räude {f} (Milbenerkrankungen bei Tieren) [med.] [zool.] mange

am Rande eines Krieges stehen {vi} to be on the verge of war

Rote Bete {f}; Rote Beete {f}; Rote Rübe {f}; Ranne {f} [Süddt.]; Rande {f} [Schw.]; Rahne {f} [Ös.] [bot.] beetroot [Br.]; red beet [Am.]

War nur ein Scherz!; Kleiner Scherz (am Rande)! Just kidding /jk/

die Schickeria {f}; die elegante Welt; die Seitenblickegesellschaft {f} [Ös.] [humor.]; die Hautevolee {f} [veraltend] [soc.] the smart set; the fashionable; the beautiful people; the beau monde; (the world of) the swells [dated]

Schubladenprojekt {n}; Planungsleiche {f} [Schw.] project that never made it past the planning stage / never got off the drawing board / never got off the ground

anisotope Bande {f}; A-Bande {f} [anat.] anisotopic band; A band

bekannt gemacht; bekanntgemacht [alt] made known

Am Rande bemerkt ...; Nebenbei bemerkt ... As an aside, ...; As a side remark, ...; As a side remark, ...; note that ...

druckfertiges Küpenpräparat {n} [textil.] ready-made vat-dye preparation

elfenbeinern {adj}; Elfenbein... ivory; made of ivory [anhören]

... ist dir gut gelungen You've made a good job of ...; You've done a good job on ...

handgearbeitet; handgemacht; von Hand gemacht {adj} handmade; hand-made

individuell angepasst; kundenspezifisch {adj} customized; customised [Br.]; custom-designed; custom-made [Am.]; custom [Am.] [anhören] [anhören]

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