Dictionary - TU Chemnitz
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degradation of religious symbols (criminal offence) Herabwürdigung {f} religiöser Symbole (Straftatbestand)

International Criminal Police Organization /ICPO/; Interpol /IP/ Internationale kriminalpolizeiliche Organisation /IKPO/; Interpol /IP/ {f}

influence peddling; traffic of influence (criminal offence) verbotene Intervention {f} (Straftatbestand) [jur.]

parental abduction (criminal offence) Kindesentziehung {f} (Straftatbestand) [jur.]

petty criminal; shorty Kleinkriminelle {m,f}; Kleinkrimineller

petty criminals; shorties Kleinkriminellen {pl}; Kleinkriminelle

malicious falsehood damaging professional reputation (criminal offence) Kreditgefährdung {f} [Dt.] (Ziviltatbestand); Kreditschädigung {f} [Ös.] [Schw.] (Straftatbestand) [jur.]

war criminal Kriegsverbrecher {m}; Kriegsverbrecherin {f}

war criminals Kriegsverbrecher {pl}; Kriegsverbrecherinnen {pl}

crime levels and trends; crime trends; criminal trends Kriminalitätsentwicklung {f}

pandering (criminal offence) Kuppelei {f} (Verleitung von Schutzbefohlenen zur Unzucht) (Straftatbestand) [jur.]

quackery (criminal offence) Kurpfuscherei {f} (Straftatbestand) [jur.]

Regional Criminal Intelligence Service Landeskriminalamt {n} /LKA/ [Dt.] [Ös.] [adm.]

aggravated breach of the peace (criminal offence) Landfriedensbruch {m} [Dt.] [Schw.]; schwere gemeinschaftliche Gewalt {f} [Ös.] (Straftatbestand) [jur.]

human trafficking; trafficking in persons; trafficking in human beings (criminal offence) Menschenhandel {m} (Straftatbestand) [jur.]

extortive kidnapping (criminal offence) erpresserischer Menschenraub {m} [Dt.]; erpresserische Entführung {f} [Ös.]; Lösegeldentführung {f} [Schw.] (Straftatbestand) [jur.]

revitalising/promotion of nazi-era ideas (and paraphernalia); promotion of Nazi ideology (criminal offence) NS-Wiederbetätigung {f}; Wiederbetätigung {f} (Straftatbestand) [Ös.]

copycat criminal; copycat Nachahmungstäter {m}; Trittbrettfahrer {m}

copycat criminals; copycats Nachahmungstäter {pl}; Trittbrettfahrer {pl}

coercion; criminal coercion [Am.] (criminal offence) [listen] Nötigung {f} (Straftatbestand) [jur.]

He stated that he had been acting under coercion. Er gab an, dass er dazu genötigt worden war.

speech in mitigation (in criminal proceedings) Plädoyer {n} für eine Strafmilderung (im Strafverfahren) [jur.]

(narcotic) drug trafficking; trafficking in narcotic/illicit drugs (criminal offence) Rauschgifthandel {m}; Drogenhandel {m}; Suchtmittelhandel {m}; Suchtgifthandel [Ös.] (Straftatbestand)

perversion of justice; perverting the course of justice (criminal offence) Rechtsbeugung {f} (Straftatbestand) [jur.]

rowdyism; hooliganism (criminal offence) Rowdytum {n} (Straftatbestand) [jur.]

(wilful) damage to property; criminal damage [Br.]; criminal mischief [Am.]; malicious damage/mischief [Am.] (criminal offence) [listen] (mutwillige) Sachbeschädigung {f} (Straftatbestand) [jur.]

usurious dealings (criminal offence) Sachwucher {m} (Straftatbestand) [jur.]

plea of guilty; guilty plea (in criminal proceedings) Schuldbekenntnis {n}; Schuldgeständnis {n} (im Strafverfahren) [jur.]

requirement of mens rea (criminal law) Schulderfordernis {n} (Strafrecht) [jur.]

the question of guilt (or innocence) (in criminal proceedings) die Schuldfrage {f}; die Frage, ob schuldig oder nicht schuldig (in einem Strafverfahren) [jur.]

unfair preference of debtors; fraudulent preference of a debtor (criminal offence) Schuldnerbegünstigung {f}; Begünstigung {f} eines Schuldners (im Insolvenzverfahren) (Straftatbestand) [jur.]

protection racketeering (criminal offence) Schutzgelderpressung {f} (Straftatbestand)

dangerous criminal; hardened criminal Schwerverbrecher {m}; schwerer Junge/Bursche [Ös.]

dangerous criminals; hardened criminals Schwerverbrecher {pl}; schwere Jungs/Burschen

breaking of official seals (criminal offence) Siegelbruch {m} (Straftatbestand) [jur.]

social security fraud; social welfare fraud; social benefit fraud; benefit fraud (criminal offence) Sozialbetrug {m} (Straftatbestand) [jur.]

handling of goods on which tax or duty has been evaded (criminal offence) Steuerhehlerei {f}; Abgabenhehlerei {f} [Ös.] (Straftatbestand) [jur.]

disturbing the peace of the dead (criminal offence) Störung {f} der Totenruhe (Straftatbestand) [jur.]

disturbance of the public order; public disturbance; public disorder (criminal offence) Störung {f} der öffentlichen Ordnung; Störung {f} des öffentlichen Friedens [Dt.] (Straftatbestand); Erregung {f} öffentlichen Ärgernisses [jur.]

sb.'s criminal file jds. Strafakte {f} [Dt.] [Schw.]; Strafakt {m} [Bayr.] [Ös.] [jur.]

criminal files Strafakten {pl}; Strafakte {pl}

penal law; criminal law (category) Strafgesetz {n} [jur.]

penal laws; criminal laws Strafgesetze {pl}

penal code; criminal code Strafgesetzbuch {n} /StGB/ [jur.]

age of criminal responsibility; criminal discretion Strafmündigkeit {f} [jur.]

limited criminal responsibility bedingte Strafmündigkeit

Code of Criminal Procedure Strafprozessordnung {f} /StPO/ [jur.]

reform of criminal procedure Strafprozessreform {f} [jur.]

principles of criminal law; principles of penal law Strafrechtsprinzipien {pl} [jur.]

record of criminal history; criminal history record (information); details of previous convictions; copy of criminal records/conviction records [Br.]; criminal records disclosure [Br.]; Criminal Records Bureau disclosure [Br.]; CRB disclosure [Br.] Strafregisterauszug {m} [jur.]

to aid and abet a criminal offence zu einer Straftat Beihilfe leisten; an einer Straftat mitwirken {vi} [jur.]

He aided and abetted the murder by procuring a gun for the offender. Er hat bei dem Mord Beihilfe geleistet, indem er dem Täter eine Schusswaffe besorgte.

statute of limitations for criminal prosecution/criminal charges Strafverfolgungsverjährung {f}; Verfolgungsverjährung {f}; Verjährung {f} der Strafverfolgung [jur.]

conciliation proceedings (criminal law) Sühneverfahren {n}; Schlichtungsverfahren {n} (Strafrecht) [jur.]

conciliation hearing (criminal law) Sühneverhandlung {f}; Sühnetermin {m}; Schlichtungstermin {m} (Strafrecht) [jur.]

non-payment of a fuel bill (criminal offence) Tankbetrug {m}; Tankdiebstahl {m} (Straftatbestand) [jur.]

instrument of offence; instrument of crime; criminal instrument (criminal law) Tatmittel {n} (Strafrecht) [jur.]

instruments of offence; instruments of crime; criminal instruments Tatmittel {pl}

breach of trust; breach of fuduciary duty (criminal offence) Untreue {f} (Straftatbestand) [jur.]

suppression of documents (criminal offence) Urkundenunterdrückung {f} (Straftatbestand) [jur.]

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