Dictionary - TU Chemnitz

 English  German

bureau [listen] Büro {n}; Amt {n} [listen] [listen]

bureaus Büros {pl}

travel bureau; travel agency; travel agent; travel agent's [coll.] Reisebüro {n}; Reiseagentur {f} [selten] [listen]

travel bureaus; travel agencies; travel agents; travel agent'ses Reisebüros {pl}; Reiseagenturen {pl}

independent travel agency Reisevermittler {m}; Reisemittler {m}

advertising bureau Anzeigenannahmebüro {n}

advertising bureaus Anzeigenannahmebüros {pl}

information bureau; inquiry office Auskunftsbüro {n}; Auskunftei {f}

information bureaus; inquiry offices Auskunftsbüros {pl}; Auskunfteien {pl}

credit agency/bureau [Br.]; status enquiry agency [Br.]; credit reporting bureau [Am.]; credit rating agency/bureau [Am.]; mercantile/commercial agency [Am.] [listen] [listen] Bonitätsauskunftei {f}; Kreditauskunftei {f}; Ratingagentur {f} [fin.]

marriage-bureau Ehevermittlung {f}

information bureau; information office Informationsbüro {n}

information bureaus; information offices Informationsbüros {pl}

chest of drawers; dresser [Am.]; bureau [Am.] [listen] Kommode {f}

chests of drawers; dressers Kommoden {pl}

secretary; bureau [listen] [listen] Sekretär {m} (Schreibschrank)

service bureau Serviceunternehmen {n}

tax consultancy; firm of tax consultants; tax consultants (bureau); tax counsellors Steuerberatungskanzlei {f}; Steuerberatungsfirma {f}

record of criminal history; criminal history record (information); details of previous convictions; copy of criminal records/conviction records [Br.]; criminal records disclosure [Br.]; Criminal Records Bureau disclosure [Br.]; CRB disclosure [Br.] Strafregisterauszug {m} [jur.]

meteorological office; met office; weather bureau staatlicher Wetterdienst {m} [meteo.]

German Meteorological Service Deutscher Wetterdienst

'The Assassination Bureau Ltd' (by Jack London / work title) "Das Mordbüro" (von Jack London / Werktitel) [lit.]

National Criminal Intelligence Service /NCIS/; Federal Criminal Intelligence Service Bundeskriminalamt {n} /BKA/ [Dt.]; Bundeskriminalamt {n} /BK/ [Ös.]; Bundeskriminalpolizei {f} /BKP/ [Schw.] [adm.]

National Crime Agency /NCA/ britisches Bundeskriminalamt

Federal Bureau of Investigation /FBI/ Bundeskriminalpolizei und Inlandsgeheimdienst der USA

chief; boss [coll.] (supreme head of an institution/organization) [listen] [listen] Chef {m}; Chefin {f}; Boss {m} [ugs.] (oberster Leiter einer Institution/Organisation) [adm.] [listen]

chiefs; bosses Chefs {pl}; Bosse {pl}

railway chief [Br.]; railroad chief [Am.] Bahnchef {m}

design chief; chief designer Designchef {m}

regional chief; head of ... Länderchef {m}

the chief of police; the police chief der Polizeichef

propaganda chief; propaganda boss; chief propagandist Propagandachef {m}

a union chief; a union boss ein Gewerkschaftsboss

the former deputy bureau chief at the news service die ehemalige stellvertretende Bürochefin der Presseagentur

the research and development chiefs at VW die Chefs der Forschungs- und der Entwicklungsabteilung bei VW

criminal records registry; criminal records database; criminal records system; criminal records; penal records Strafregister {n} [jur.]

criminal records entry; CRB entry [Br.] Eintrag im Strafregister

criminal record check; Criminal Records Bureau check [Br.]; CRB check [Br.] Strafregisterüberprüfung {f}