Dictionary - TU Chemnitz
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contact lens care product Kontaktlinsenpflegemittel {n}

contact lens care products Kontaktlinsenpflegemittel {pl}

health care establishment; health care facility Krankenanstalt {f} [med.]

health care establishments; health care facilities Krankenanstalten {pl}

hospital care Krankenhauspflege {f}; Spitalspflege {f} [Ös.] [Schw.] [med.]

to be in hospital care sich in Krankenhauspflege befinden; in Spitalspflege sein

customer care center; customer service center Kundenbetreuungszentrum {n}; Kundenberatungszentrum {n}

customer care Kundenpflege {f} [econ.]

short-term care place Kurzzeitpflegeplatz {m} [med.]

short-term care places Kurzzeitpflegeplätze {pl}

life care contract (granting special rights to an outgoing farmer) Leibgedinge {n} (für einen Landwirt bei Hofübergabe)

Take care! (leaving phrase) Mach's gut! (Verabschiedung)

For all I care! Meinetwegen!; Von mir aus!

child-care over the lunch hour Mittagsbetreuung {f} für Kinder

prenatal care Mutterschaftsvorsorge {f}

after-treatment; aftertreatment; after-care Nachbehandlung {f}

non-hospital after-care; outpatient follow-up ambulante Nachbehandlung [med.]

substandard care /SSC/ Nichteinhaltung {f} der Behandlungsrichtlinien [med.]

urgent and emergency care /UEC/; emergency care Notversorgung {f} [med.]

(specially equipped) bathroom for residential care Pflegebad {n} (Raum) [med.]

(textile) care label (textiles) Pflegekennzeichen {n} [textil.]

nursing care allowance Pflegegeld {n} [adm.]

nursing care insurance fund; nursing insurance fund Pflegekasse {f}

ease of care Pflegeleichtigkeit {f}

recovery of nursing care costs Pflegeregress {m} [adm.]

standard of care Pflegestandard {m} [med.]

standards of care Pflegestandards {pl}

nursing ward; care unit Pflegestation {f} [med.]

nursing wards; care units Pflegestationen {pl}

system of care Pflegesystem {n} [med.]

ambulatory care system ambulantes Pflegesystem

residential home; nursing home; rest home; care home Pflegewohnheim {n}; Pflegeheim {n}; Pflegeanstalt {f}; Pflegeeinrichtung {f}; Altenpflegeheim {n}

residential homes; nursing homes; rest homes; care homes Pflegewohnheime {pl}; Pflegeheime {pl}; Pflegeanstalten {pl}; Pflegeeinrichtungen {pl}; Altenpflegeheime {pl}

lawn maintenance; lawn care Rasenpflege {f} [agr.]

back exercises; back care gym Rückengymnastik {f}; Rückübungen {pl} [sport]

back care; programme of back exercises Rückenschule {f} [sport]

baby care Säuglingspflege {f}

beauty care; body care; beauty treatment Schönheitspflege {f}; (kosmetische) Körperpflege {f}; Kosmetik {f}

care cosmetics pflegende Kosmetik; nichtdekorative Kosmetik

child care centre [Br.]; after-school care center [Am.] (for school-age children) Schulhort {m}; Kinderhort {m}; Hort {m}

child care centres; after-school care centers Schulhorte {pl}; Kinderhorte {pl}; Horte {pl}

antenatal care Schwangerschaftsfürsorge {f}

spiritual welfare; care of souls; pastoral care Seelsorge {f}; seelsorgerische Begleitung {f} [relig.]

self-aid and buddy care [Am.] Selbst- und Kameradenhilfe {f} (Erste Hilfe) [med.] [mil.]

duty of care Sorgfaltspflicht {f} [jur.]

obligation to exercise diligence; due diligence; due care [listen] Sorgfaltspflicht {f}

minister for social affairs; Secretary of state for Social Care [Br.]; Secretary for Human Services [Am.] Sozialminister {m}; Bundesminister {m} für Soziales [Dt.] [Ös.] [adm.]

burn care center Spezialklinik {f} für Verbrennungen [med.]

day care Tagespflege {f}

breakfast and after school club; after school club care; after schoo club; wraparound childcare; wraparaound care Tagesschulheim {n}; Tagesheim {n}; schulergänzende Tagesstruktur {f} [Schw.] [school]

environmental care Umweltpflege {f} [envir.]

legal duty to maintain safety; public safety obligations; property owner's duty of care Verkehrssicherungspflicht {f} [jur.]

violation of safety obligations Verletzung der Verkehrssicherungspflicht

health care proxy; medical power of attorney Vorsorgevollmacht {f} [med.] [jur.]

health care agent Bevollmächtigte {m,f} einer Vorsorgevollmacht

laundry care Wäschepflege {f} [textil.]

car care; car valeting Wagenpflege {f}; Autopflege {f}

postnatal care Wochenbettfürsorge {f}

wound care; wound toilet Wundbehandlung {f}; Wundversorgung {f}; Wundpflege {f} [med.]

wound care; wound management Wundpflege {f} [med.]

couldn't-care-less attitude [Br.] [coll.] Wurstigkeit {f} [Norddt.] [Mitteldt.]; Wurschtigkeit {f} [Süddt.] [Ös.] [ugs.]

painstakingly; with utmost care akribisch {adv}

to take care [listen] sich hüten {vr}; vorsichtig sein {v}

I will take good care not to do that. Ich werde mich hüten, das zu tun.

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