Dictionary - TU Chemnitz

 English  German

hillside situation (of a building) Hanglage {f} (eines Gebäudes)

situated on a hillside in Hanglage

indicative evidence (of a development/situation) Indikator {m} (Hinweis auf eine Entwicklung/einen Sachverhalt) [sci.]

as-is analysis; analysis of the current situation (project management) Ist-Stand-Analyse {f}; Ist-Analyse {f} (Projektmanagement)

as-is analyses; analyses of the current situation Ist-Stand-Analysen {pl}; Ist-Analysen {pl}

disaster situation Katastrophenfall {m}

disaster situations Katastrophenfälle {pl}

conflict situation Konfliktsituation {f}

conflict situations Konfliktsituationen {pl}

business situation; economic climate Konjunkturlage {f} [econ.]

cost situation Kostensituation {f} [econ.]

revolving door situation; revolving door (events that recur in a continuous cycle) ewiger Kreislauf {m}; sich ständig wiederholender Ablauf {m}

to be caught in a revolving door of hospitalization, discharge, and readmission im ewigen Kreislauf von Einweisung ins Krankenhaus, Entlassung und neuerlicher Einlieferung gefangen sein

crisis situation Krisensituation {f}

crisis situations Krisensituationen {pl}

life situation Lebenssituation {f}

life situations; living conditions Lebenssituationen {pl}

learning situation Lernsituation {f}

learning situations Lernsituationen {pl}

market situation; market conditions; realities of the market Marktlage {f}; Marktgeschehen {n}; Marktgegebenheiten {pl} [econ.]

the current market situatio die aktuelle Marktlage; die aktuellen Marktgegebenheiten

market situation; state of the market Marktsituation {f}

normal situation Normalzustand {m}

This is the normal situation. Das ist der Normalzustand.

zero-sum situation Nullsummenspiel {n} [übtr.]

personnel situation; staff situation; staffing situation Personalsituation {f}

despite the tight personnel situation aufgrund der angespannten Personalsituation

putative necessity (as legal excuse); situation misinterpreted as an emergency Putativnotstand {m} [jur.]

source situation (when researching information) Quellenlage {f} (beim Recherchieren)

legal situation; legal position Rechtslage {f}; Rechtszustand {m} [jur.]

contango situation [Br.]; contango [Br.] (market situation where the forward price is higher than the spot price) (stock exchange) Reportsituation {f} (Marktsituation, bei der der Terminkurs für eine Aktie über dem Spotkurs liegt) (Börse) [fin.]

to save the day/situation for sb. jds. Rettung sein {v}

That's the idea that will save the day! Das ist der rettende Einfall!

security situation Sicherheitslage {f}

evidence situation (forensics) Spurenlage {f}; Spurenbild {n} (Kriminaltechnik)

job situation Stellensituation {f}

electricity shortage situation Strommangellage {f}

electricity shortage situations Strommangellagen {pl}

field situation Umfeldsituation {f} [soc.]

environmental situation Umweltsituation {f}

environmental situations Umweltsituationen {pl}

awkward situation Verlegenheit {f}; unangenehme Lage {f}

competitive situation; competitive position Wettbewerbslage {f} [econ.]

competitive situation Wettbewerbssituation {f}; Konkurrenzsituation {f}; Wettbewerbsverhältnisse {pl} [econ.]

difficult/intensified competitive situation schwierige/verschärfte Wettbewerbssituation

critical development; critical situation Zuspitzung {f} (der Entwicklung/Lage)

critical developments; critical situations Zuspitzungen {pl}

constraining situation Zwangslage {f}

to put sb. in a constraining situation jdn. in eine Zwangslage versetzen

associated with the ongoing Corona virus situation; related to the ongoing Corona virus outbreak; caused by the ongoing Corona virus pandemic coronabedingt {adj} [med.] [pol.]

due to the ongoing Corona virus situation; due to the ongoing corona virus outbreak; due to the Corona virus pandemic coronabedingt; infolge der aktuellen Corona-Situation {adv}

to want out [Am.] [coll.] (of a place/ situation) hinaus wollen (örtlich); aus einer Situation heraus wollen {vi} [übtr.] [ugs.]

to be pitchforked into a situation in eine Situation hineingeworfen werden {vt} [soc.]

When his father died, he was pitchforked into the running of the business. Als sein Vater starb, wurde er in die Geschäftsführung hineingeworfen.

situation-dependent; depending on the situation situationsabhängig {adj}

to be in keeping with the situation situationsangepasst sein; der Situation angemessen sein {v}

intractable (situation) verfahren {adj} (Situation)

non-contractual situation; situation not covered by contract vertragsloser Zustand {m} [jur.]

She's got the situation taped. Sie hat die Sache im Griff.

actual situation Ist-Situation {f}

current situation Ist-Situation {f}

installation situation Einbausituation {f}

installation conditions Einbausituation {f}

supply situation Versorgungslage {f}

conflict situation Konfliktfall {m}

in case of a conflict im Konfliktfall

overall situation Gesamtsituation {f}

stressful situation Stresssituation {f}

budgetary situation/position Haushaltslage {f} [econ.] [fin.]

ideal situation; ideal state (of affairs) Idealzustand {m}

standard situation; default situation; typical situation Standardsituation {f}

at standard/default situations bei Standardsituationen

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