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angeboren; natürlich; nativ [geh.] {adj} [psych.] [listen] native

sein Mutterwitz his native wit

jds. Heimatland {n}; Heimat {f} [geogr.] [pol.] [listen] sb.'s homeland; native land; native country; own country; home country

Heimatländer {pl} homelands; native countries; home countries; countries of origin

ursprünglich; original {adj}; Ur... [listen] native; original [listen]

Ursprungsformat {n}; Originalformat {n} [comp.] native format; legacy format; historical format

Bezeichnung der originalen Version designation of the original version

Heimatgemeinde {f}; Heimatstadt {f} home town; native town

einheimisch; eingeboren; indigen; autochthon {adj} [soc.] native; indigenous; aboriginal [listen]

indigene Völker; Urvölker {pl} indigenous peoples; aboriginal peoples

einheimische Folklore native folklore

Eingeborene {m,f}; Eingeborener native; indigenous man; indigenous woman [listen]

Eingeborenen {pl}; Eingeborene indigenous people; tribal people

heimisch; einheimisch; beheimatet; autochthon {adj} (an einem Ort) [bot.] [zool.] native; indigenous; autochthonous (to a place) [listen]

heimisch; einheimisch; (alt)eingesessen; bodenständig {adj} [soc.] native; indigenous [listen]

gediegen {adj} [min.] native; free [listen]

Muttersprachler {m}; Muttersprachlerin {f} [ling.] native speaker

Muttersprachler {pl}; Muttersprachlerinnen {pl} native speakers

englische Muttersprachler; Englischsprachige {pl} native speakers of English; native English speakers; English speakers

italienische Muttersprachler Italian native speakers; native speakers of Italian

muttersprachlich {adj} [ling.] native language ...; native; in your native language (postpositive) [listen]

muttersprachlicher Unterricht teaching in your native language

ein Sprachkurs in einem muttersprachlichen Land a language course in a native country

Eingeborenenstamm {m} native tribe

Eingeborenenstämme {pl} native tribes

Geburtsstadt {f} native town

Geburtsstädte {pl} native towns

Heimatort {m} native place

Heimatorte {pl} native places

heimatlich {adj}; Heimat... [soc.] [pol.] native

sein heimatliches Polen; seine Heimat Polen his native Poland

Berggold {n} [geol.] native gold

Eingeborenenrecht {n} native law

Lebensraumkorridor {m} [envir.] native plants and wildlife corridor; wildlife corridor

Native Theorie {f} [psych.] theory of mind

Urbevölkerung {f} native population; native inhabitants

Vaterland {n} native country

programmeigen; systemeigen; auf die Software/Hardware zugeschnitten {adj} [comp.] native

Scherbenkobalt {m} [min.] native arsenic

Ureinwohner {m}; Eingeborener {m} indigenous inhabitant; indigene; aboriginal inhabitant; native inhabitant; native [dated] [pej.] [listen]

Ureinwohner {pl}; Eingeborene {pl} indigenous inhabitants; indigenes; aboriginal inhabitants; native inhabitants; natives

Ureinwohner Australiens; australische Ureinwohner aborigines

Ureinwohner Kanadas First Nations people

Ureinwohner Nordamerikas native American

gebürtig {adj} (+ Ortsbezug) (Person) a native; a native of; ...born (+ reference to a place) (of a person)

gebürtiger Berliner sein to be born in Berlin; to be a native Berliner; to be Berlin-born

Ich bin gebürtiger Dresdner. I was born in Dresden.

Sie ist gebürtige Irin. She is Irish-born.

Einheimischer {m} [soc.] local person; local inhabitant; local native; local; native of the place [listen]

Einheimische {pl} local persons; local inhabitants; local natives; locals; natives of the place

Einheimische und Touristen locals and tourists

Vaterland {n} fatherland; native country

Vaterländer {pl} fatherlands; native countries

vaterlandslose Gesellen [pej.] [hist.] rogues without a fatherland

programmspezifisch; programmeigen; nativ {adj} [comp.] program-specific; native

programmeigenes Dateiformat native file format

nativer Kode native code

systemspezifisch; systemeigen; maschinenspezifisch; nativ {adj} [comp.] system-specific; native; machine ...

systemspezifischer/maschinenspezifischer Kompilierer native compiler

Maschinenkode {m} native code; machine code

Heimathafen {m} [naut.] home port; native port; home base [Am.]

Heimathäfen {pl} home ports; native ports; home bases

Muttersprache {f}; Erstsprache {f} [listen] mother tongue; native language; native tongue; first language [listen] [listen]

Muttersprachen {pl}; Erstsprachen {pl} mother tongues; native languages; native tongues; first languages

Normallage {f}; Äquallage {f}; 8-Fuß-Lage {f}; 8'-Lage {f} (Orgel) [mus.] unison pitch; native pitch; 8-foot-pitch; 8'-pitch (organ)

in Normallage at unison pitch

geboren sein {v} (+ Ortsbezug) to be a native of (+ reference to a place)

Geboren in Belgrad und wohnhaft in New York, zählt sie zu den bedeutendsten Musikerinnen unserer Zeit. A native of Belgrade and a resident of New York, she is among the most important musicians of our time.

Aeta {m}; Agta {m}; Ayta {m} (Ureinwohner der Philippinen) [soc.] Aeta; Agta; Dumagat (native Filipino)

Natriumchlorid {n} /NaCl/ (Kochsalz) [chem.] sodium chloride; native salt

vaterlandslos {adj} without a native land; stateless; unpatriotic [pej.]

Tagalog {m} [geogr.] Tagalog; member (language) of the native people of the Philippines

Mohave; Mojave {pl} (Indianervolk) Mohave; Mojave {pl} (Native American people)

Pemmikan {m} (nahrhaftes Nahrungsmittel der Indianer Nordamerikas) pemmican (nutritous food invented by the native peoples of North America)

Kickapoo sing/pl Kickapoo (a Native American nation)

Heimatliebe {f} love of one's native country

Grünfuß-Pfuhlhuhn {n} [ornith.] Tasmanian native hen

Rotfuß-Pfuhlhuhn {n} [ornith.] black-tailed native hen

Vivianit {m}; Blaueisenerde {f}; Eisenblau {n}; Eisen-Phyllit {m}; Glaukosiderit {m}; Mullinit {m}; natürliches Berlinblau [min.] vivianite; blue ochre; blue iron earth; native Prussian blue

Akadier {m} [soc.] Acadian (native of Acadia)

Akadier {pl} Acadians

Beutelmarder {pl} (Dasyurus) (zoologische Gattung) [zool.] quolls (zoological genus)

Tüpfelbeutelmarder {m}; Östlicher Beutelmarder {m} (Dasyurus viverrinus) eastern quoll; eastern native cat

Bevölkerung {f} /Bev./ population /pop./

abnehmende Bevölkerung declining population

einheimische Bevölkerung; indigene Population native population; indigenous population

naive Bevölkerung; naive Population (Bevölkerung, die noch keinen Kontakt mit einem bestimmten Krankheitserreger hatte) [med.] naive population; naïve population

Risikobevölkerung {f}; Risikopopulation {f} [med.] population at risk; vulnerable population

überalterte Bevölkerung ageing population

die Wohnbevölkerung (einer Stadt/eines Landes) the residential population; the usually resident population (of a town/country)

Zivilbevölkerung {f} civil population

die Zuwanderungsbevölkerung eines Landes the immigrant population of a country

Compilerprogramm {n}; Compiler {m}; Übersetzerprogramm {n} [comp.] compiling programm; compiler programm; compiler; compiling routine; compiler routine

Compilerprogramme {pl}; Compiler {pl}; Übersetzerprogramme {pl} compiling programms; compiler programms; compilers; compiling routines; compiler routines

systemspezifisches Übersetzerprogramm native compiler

systemübergreifendes Übersetzerprogramm; Kreuzcompiler cross compiler

Digitalzeitalter {n} digital age

Kind des Digitalzeitalters [soc.] digital native

die digitale Generation; die Generation, die mit der digitalen Welt aufgewachsen ist [soc.] the digital natives

Erdwachs {m} [geol.] earth wax; mineral wax; ader wax; fossil wax; ozocerite; ozokerite; (native) parafin

gereinigtes Erdwachs; Zeresin {n} ceresin; ceresine

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