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27 ähnliche Ergebnisse für Oliver Reed
Einzelsuche: Oliver · Reed
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 Deutsch  Englisch

Geschlinge {n} (Hals, Herz, Lunge, Leber von geschlachteten Tieren) [cook.] pluck (throat; heart, lungs, liver of butchered animals) [anhören]

oliv; olivfarben; olivgrün {adj} olive; olive-green [anhören]

Schlachtplatte {f}; Schlachteplatte {f}; Schlachtschüssel {f} [cook.] sausage and meat platter (blood sausage, liver sausage, and assorted meats, sometimes served on sauerkraut)

Baumpieper {m} (Anthus trivialis) [ornith.] tree pipit; olive-backed pipit

Olivenspötter {m} [ornith.] olive-tree warbler

Surinamlaubtyrann {m} [ornith.] olive-green tyrannulet

Olivrückenbülbül {m} [ornith.] yellow-bearded bulbul

Halsbandastrild {m} [ornith.] white-collared olive-back

Broterwerb {m} (Person, Firma); Grundpfeiler {m} (Sache) bread and butter [fig.]

mit etw. sein Geld verdienen; von etw. leben to be sb.'s bread-and-butter

Oliven sind der Grundpfeiler der palästinensischen Wirtschaft. Olives are the bread and butter of the Palestinian economy.

Gewebsschwund {m}; Gewebsschrumpfung {f}; Schwund {m}; Schrumpfung {f} (in Zusammensetzungen); Atrophie {f} [med.] shrinking of tissue; tissue shrinking; atrophy

akuter Schwund des Lebergewebes; akute gelbe Atrophie acute shrinking of the liver tissue; acute yellow atrophy

arthritische Gewebsschrumpfung arthritic shrinking of tissue

blaue Atrophie blue atrophy

braune Atrophie brown atrophy

chronische spinale muskuläre Atrophie chronic spinal muscular atrophy

fazioskapulohumerale Atrophie facioscapulohumeral atrophy; Landouzy-Déjerine dystrophy

graue Atrophie grey atrophy

hemifaziale Atrophie hemifacial atrophy

hemilinguale Atrophie hemilingual atrophy

idiopathische muskuläre Atrphie idiopathic muscular atrophy

interstitielle Atrophie interstitial atrophy

ischämische muskuläre Atrophie ischaemic muscular atrophy; Volkman's contracture

juvenile muskuläre Atrophie juvenile muscular atrophy; pseudohypertrophic muscular paralysis

muskulärer Gewebsschwund muscular tissue shrinking

neuropathische Atrophie neural atrophy; neuropathic atrophy

neurotrophische Atrophie neurotrophic atrophy; trophoneurotic atrophy

olivopontozerebellare Atrophie olivopontocerebellar atrophy

krankhafte Gewebsschrumpfung; pathologische Atrophie pathological shrinking of tissue [Br.]; pathologic atrophy [Am.]

physiologische Atrophie physiological atrophy

progressive muskuläre Atrophie progressive muscular atrophy; Cruveilhier's atrophy

progressive spinale muskuläre Atrophie progressive spinal muscular atrophy; Aran-Duchenne muscular atrophy; Aran-Duchenne myelopathic atrophy

pseudohypertrophe muskuläre Atrophie pseudohypertophic muscular atrophy; pseudohypertophic muscular dystrophy

rote Atrophie red atrophy

Sudeck'sche Atrophie Sudeck's atrophy

Wurzelhautatrophie {f}; Gewebsschwund der Zahnwurzel periodontal tissue shrinking; periodontal atrophy

Hain {m} [geh.]; Wäldchen {n} [bot.] grove (literary) [anhören]

Haine {pl}; Wäldchen {n} groves

Eichenhain {m} oak grove; grove of oaks

Olivenhain {m} olive grove

Zitrushain {m}; Zitronenhain {m} lemon grove

geweihte Haine [relig.] [hist.] sacred groves

Labkräuter {pl} (Galium) (botanische Gattung) [bot.] bedstraws (botanical genus)

Dreihörniges Labkraut {n} (Galium tricornutum) roughfruit corn bedstraw; rough corn bedstraw; corn cleaver

Klettenlabkraut {n} (Galium aparine) cleaver; cleaver's herb; cliver; catchweed; coachweed; goosegrass; stickywilly; stickyjack; stickyweed; stickyleaf; Robin-run-the-hedge

Waldmeister {m} (Galium odoratum) woodruff; sweet woodruff; wild baby's breath

Livree {f} [textil.] livery

in Livree; livriert {adj} in livery; wearing livery; liveried

Kellner in rot-weißer Livree waiters liveried in red-white

Olivenbaum {m}; Echter Ölbaum {m} (Olea europaea) [bot.] olive tree

Olivenbäume {pl}; Echte Ölbäume {pl} olive trees

Schwarz-weiße Stummelaffen {pl} (Colobus) (zoologische Gattung) [zool.] black-and-white colobuses; black-and-white colobi (zoological genus)

Grüner Stummelaffe {m} (Procolobus verus) olive colobus monkey; green colobus; Van Beneden's colobus

Streichwurst {m}; Aufstrichwurst {f}; Wurstaufstrich {m} [cook.] meat spread; meat paste; sausage for spreading

Leberstreichwurst {f}; Streichleberwurst {f}; (streichfähige) Leberwurst {f} liver sausage; liver pudding; liverwurst [Am.]; Braunschweiger; Brunswick sausage [Am.]

aufteilen; splitten {vt} [anhören] to sliver

aufteilend; splittend slivering

aufgeteilt; gesplittet [anhören] slivered

etw. ergeben (als Ergebnis hervorbringen) {vt} to show; to reveal; to establish; to prove sth. [anhören] [anhören] [anhören]

Was ergeben die Zahlen? What are the figures showing?

Die Analyse ergab Folgendes: The analysis yielded the following result(s):

Die Sichtung des Nachlasses hat ergeben, dass das Manuskript fehlt. An examination of the deceased's estate shows/has shown that the manuscript is missing.

Die Prüfung des Antrags hat ergeben, dass die Voraussetzungen für die Zulassung der Methode erfüllt sind. The assessment of the application reveals/has revealed that the conditions for authorizing the method are fulfilled/satisfied.

Wenn die Ermittlungen ergeben, dass Betrug vorliegt, müssen neue Kontrollen eingeführt werden. If the investigations establish that fraud has taken place, new controls need to be implemented.

Wissenschaftliche Tests haben ergeben, dass die meisten Liverpooler einen chronischen Katarrh haben. Scientific tests prove that most Liverpudlians have chronic catarrh.

Die durchgeführten Kontrollen haben nichts ergeben, was die Ordnungsmäßigkeit der gemeldeten Ausgaben in Frage stellen würde. The inspections carried out have not disclosed any factor capable of casting doubt on the regularity of the expenditure declared.

feige; feig; kleinmütig; memmenhaft [geh.]; kleingläubig; hasenfüßig [veraltet] {adj} [anhören] cowardly; faint-hearted; chicken-hearted; chicken-livered; chicken; pigeon-hearted; yellow; craven [formal]; pusillanimous [formal]; gutless [coll.]; lily-livered [dated]; yellow-bellied [coll.] [dated] [anhören] [anhören]

feige sein to be a chicken; to be yellow; to have no guts

Diese Tour ist nichts für Feiglinge / für schwache Nerven. This tour is not for the faint-hearted.

Dieser Film ist nichts für schwache Nerven / für zarte Gemüter. This film is not for the faint-hearted.

es unterlassen/verabsäumen, etw. zu tun; etw. nicht tun {vi} [adm.] to fail to do sth.; to omit to do sth. [formal]

Oliver hat nicht erwähnt, dass er verheiratet ist. Oliver omitted to mention that he was married.

Manchmal verstehe ich mich selbst nicht. Sometimes I fail to understand myself.

Fehlende Planung ist der erste Schritt zum Misserfolg. Failing to plan is planning to fail.; If you fail to plan you plan to fail.

zersplittern {vi}; sich abspalten {vr} to sliver

zersplitternd; sich abspaltend slivering

zersplittert; sich abgespaltet slivered

Trompetervögel {pl} (Psophia) (zoologische Gattung) [ornith.] trumpeter birds; trumpeters (zoological genus)

Grauflügel-Trompetervogel {m} (Psophia crepitans) common trumpeter; grey-winged trumpeter

Grünflügel-Trompetervogel {m}; Olivflügel-Trompetervogel {m} (Psophia viridis) green-winged trumpeter; olive-winged trumpeter; dark-winged trumpeter

Weißflügel-Trompetervogel {m}; Weißrücken-Trompetervogel {m} (Psophia leucoptera) white-winged trumpeter; pale-winged trumpeter

Pittas {pl} (Pittidae) (zoologische Familie) [ornith.] pittas (zoological family)

Graubrust-Ameisenpitta {m} white-throated antpitta

Bartstreif-Ameisenpitta {m} moustached antpitta

Strichelkopf-Ameisenpitta {m} stripe-headed antpitta

Olivrücken-Ameisenpitta {m} santa marta antpitta

Blakeameisenpitta {m} chestnut antpitta

Blaßschnabel-Ameisenpitta {m} pale-billed antpitta

Tachiraameisenpitta {m} tachira antpitta

Rostkehl-Ameisenpitta {m} ochre-striped antpitta

Weißkehl-Ameisenpitta {m} elusive antpitta

Kastanienameisenpitta {m} chestnut-brown antpitta

Rotohr-Ameisenpitta {m} rufous-faced antpitta

Großameisenpitta {m} great antpitta

Riesenameisenpitta {m} giant antpitta

Graunacken-Ameisenpitta {m} grey-naped antpitta

Schuppenkopf-Ameisenpitta {m} scaled antpitta

Braunrücken-Ameisenpitta {m} plain-backed antpitta

Rotrücken-Ameisenpitta {m} bay-backed antpitta

Bandameisenpitta {m} brown-banded antpitta

Rotkopf-Ameisenpitta {m} chestnut-naped antpitta

Punaameisenpitta {m} puna antpitta

Bergameisenpitta {m} tawny antpitta

Rostkappen-Ameisenpitta {m} chestnut-crowned antpitta

Zweifarben-Ameisenpitta {m} bicoloured antpitta

Einfarb-Ameisenpitta {m} rufous antpitta

Schuppenbauch-Ameisenpitta {m} undulated antpitta

Königsameisenpitta {m} variegated antpitta

Watkinsameisenpitta {m} Watkin's antpitta

Salomonenpitta {m} black-faced pitta

Angolapitta {m} (Pitta angolensis) African pitta

Rotkopfpitta {m} (Pitta arcuata) blue-banded pitta

Rotrückenpitta {m} (Pitta baudii) blue-headed pitta

Bengalenpitta {m}; Neunfarbenpitta {m} (Pitta brachyura) blue-winged pitta

Riesenpitta {m} (Pitta caerulea) giant pitta

Blaupitta {m} (Pitta cyanea) blue pitta

Schmuckpitta {m} (Pitta elegans) elegant pitta

Elliotpitta {m} Elliot's pitta

Rotbauchpitta {m} (Pitta erythrogaster) red-breasted pitta

Granatpitta {m} (Pitta granatina) garnet pitta

Blauschwanzpitta {m} blue-tailed pitta

Goldkehlpitta {m} (Pitta gurneyi) Gurney's pitta

Regenbogenpitta {m} (Pitta iris) rainbow pitta

Luzonpitta {m} Koch's pitta

Halmaherapitta {m} great pitta

Blauflügelpitta {m} (Pitta moluccensis) blue-winged pitta; moluccan pitta

Blaunackenpitta {m} (Pitta nipalensis) blue-naped pitta

Nymphenpitta {m} (Pitta nympha) fairy pitta

Braunkopfpitta {m} (Pitta oatesi) fulvous pitta

Sichelpitta {m} Phayre's pitta

Grünbrustpitta {m} (Pitta reichenowi) green-breasted pitta

Schneiderpitta {m} (Pitta schneideri) Schneider's pitta

Kappenpitta {m} (Pitta sordida) hooded pitta

Blaubürzelpitta {m} (Pitta soror) blue-backed pitta

Blaubauchpitta {m} (Pitta steerii) Steere's pitta

Mohrenpitta {m} superb pitta

Schwarzscheitelpitta {m} black-crowned garnet pitta

Lärmpitta {m} (Pitta versicolor) noisy pitta

Organisten {pl} (Euphonia) (zoologische Gattung) [ornith.] euphonias (zoological genus)

Buschorganist {m} scrub euphonia

Braunscheitelorganist {m} tawny-capped euphonia

Goldbürzelorganist {m} golden-rumped euphonia

Cayenneorganist {m} golden-sided euphonia

Bronzeorganist {m} green-throated euphonia

Purpurkehlorganist {m} purple-throated euphonia

Zügelorganist {m} golden-bellied euphonia

Samtstirnorganist {m} velvet-fronted euphonia

Blaukappenorganist {m} blue-hooded euphonia

Finschorganist {m} Finsch's euphonia

Rotsteißorganist {m} fulvous-vented euphonia

Olivrückenorganist {m} olive-backed euphonia

Schwalbenorganist {m} yellow-throated euphonia

Stirnfleckenorganist {m} spot-crowned euphonia

Gimpelorganist {m} Jamaican euphonia

Dickschnabelorganist {m} thick-billed euphonia

Gelbscheitelorganist {m} yellow-crowned euphonia

Grünscheitelorganist {m} bronze-green euphonia

Weißbauchorganist {m} white-vented euphonia

Antillenorganist {m} antillean euphonia

Braunbauchorganist {m} chestnut-bellied euphonia

Grauorganist {m} plumbeous euphonia

Rotbauchorganist {m} rufous-bellied euphonia

Orangescheitelorganist {m} orange-crowned euphonia

Trinidadorganist {m} trinidad euphonia

Veilchenorganist {m} violaceous euphonia

Gelbbauchorganist {m} orange-bellied euphonia

Tangaren {pl} (Thraupidae) (zoologische Familie) [ornith.] tanagers (zoological family)

Abttangare {f} yellow-winged tanager

Azurkopftangare {f} blue-necked tanager

Bangstangare {f} blue & gold tanager

Bischofstangare {f} blue-grey tanager

Blaubarttangare {f} blue-whiskered tanager

Blaubrusttangare {f} gilt-edged tanager

Blauflecktangare {f} glaucous tanager

Blauflügeltangare {f} black-headed tanager

Blaukappentangare {f} red-necked tanager

Blaurücken-Bergtangare {f} hooded mountain tanager

Blauschultertangare {f} black & gold tanager

Blauschwingen-Bergtangare {f} blue-winged mountain tanager

Bluttangare {f} flame-coloured tanager

Brasiltangare {f} brazilian tanager

Brauenschopftangare {f} scarlet-browed tanager

Braunbauch-Bergtangare {f} chestnut-bellied mountain tanager

Braunbauchtangare {f} buff-bellied tanager

Braunbrust-Würgertangare {f} fulvous shrike-tanager

Braunflankentangare {f} brown-flanked tanager

Braunohr-Bunttangare {f} orange-eared tanager

Brustfleckentangare {f} puerto rican tanager

Cabanistangare {f} azure-rumped tanager

Carmioltangare {f} Carmioli's tanager

Diademtangare {f} diademed tanager

Dreifarbentangare {f} green-headed tanager

Drosseltangare {f} spotted tanager

Edwardstangare {f} moss-backed tanager

Elstertangare {f} magpie tanager

Feuerbürzeltangare {f} flame-rumped tanager

Finkenbuschtangare {f} common bush tanager

Flammentangare {f} crimson-collared tanager

Fleckentangare {f} speckled tanager

Flügelbindentangare {f} white-banded tanager

Fuchstangare {f} brown tanager

Furchentangare {f} blue & yellow tanager

Gelbbauchtangare {f} yellow-bellied tanager

Gelbbrauentangare {f} lemon-browed tanager

Gelbbürzeltangare {f} yellow-backed tanager

Gelbkehl-Buschtangare {f} yellow-throated bush tanager

Gelbkehltangare {f} yellow-throated tanager

Gelbkopftangare {f} saffron-crowned tanager

Gelbrückentangare {f} yellow-rumped tanager

Gelbschenkeltangare {f} blue-capped tanager

Gelbschopftangare {f} yellow-crested tanager

Gelbstirn-Würgertangare {f} white-winged shrike-tanager

Gimpeltangare {f} cinnamon tanager

Glanzfleckentangare {f} spangle-cheeked tanager

Goldbandtangare {f} yellow-scarfed tanager

Goldbrusttangare {f} green & gold tanager

Goldflügeltangare {f} rufous-winged tanager

Goldkappentangare {f} rust & yellow tanager

Goldohrtangare {f} golden-eared tanager

Goldringtangare {f} gold-ringed tanager

Goldrücken-Bergtangare {f} golden-backed mountain tanager

Goldscheiteltangare {f} golden-crowned tanager

Goldschopftangare {f} fulvous-crested tanager

Goldtangare {f} golden tanager

Graubrust-Buschtangare {f} dusky-bellied bush tanager

Graukehl-Buschtangare {f} ash-throated bush tanager

Graukopf-Buschtangare {f} grey-hooded bush tanager

Graukopftangare {f} grey-headed tanager

Graurücken-Ameisentangare {f} sooty ant-tanager

Grauscheitel-Palmtangare {f} grey-crowned palm tanager

Grünkappentangare {f} green-capped tanager

Grünkehltangare {f} green-throated tanager

Grünnackentangare {f} green-naped tanager

Grüntangare {f} bay-headed tanager

Guiratangare {f} guira tanager

Haarschopftangare {f} black-goggled tanager

Halsbandtangare {f} yellow-collared tanager

Haubentangare {f} flame-crested tanager

Heinetangare {f} black-capped tanager

Isabelltangare {f} burnished-buff tanager

Jelskitangare {f} golden-collared tanager

Karminameisentangare {f} red-crowned ant-tanager

Kieferntangare {f} western tanager

Krontangare {f} ruby-crowned tanager

Kurzschnabel-Buschtangare {f} short-billed bush tanager

Maskentangare {f} masked crimson tanager

Mennigohr-Bergtangare {f} scarlet-bellied mountain tanager

Mennigtangare {f} vermilon tanager

Natterertangare {f} Natterer's tanager

Ockerbrusttangare {f} ochre-breasted tanager

Ockerschopftangare {f} rufous-crested tanager

Olivmanteltangare {f} olive-backed tanager

Olivtangare {f} olive-green tanager

Opalscheiteltangare {f} opal-crowned tanager

Orangebrusttangare {f} brassy-breasted tanager

Orangekopftangare {f} orange-headed tanager

Palmentangare {f} palm tanager

Palmertangare {f} grey & gold tanager

Papageitangare {f} grass-green tanager

Parodihemispingus {m} Parodi's tanager

Passerinitangare {f} scarlet-rumped tanager

Prachttangare {f} chestnut-backed tanager

Purpurmanteltangare {f} purplish-mantled tanager

Purpurmaskentangare {f} golden-masked tanager

Purpurtangare {f} silver-beaked tanager

Rosenkehltangare {f} rose-throated tanager

Rostkappentangare {f} rufous-headed tanager

Rostkopftangare {f} fulvous-headed tanager

Rotbauchtangare {f} opal-rumped tanager

Rotbrusttangare {f} scarlet-throated tanager

Rothschildtangare {f} golden-chested tanager

Rotkappentangare {f} lesser antillean tanager

Rotkehl-Ameisentangare {f} red-throated ant-tanager

Rotkehltangare {f} rufous-throated tanager

Rotkopftangare {f} red-headed tanager

Rotnackentangare {f} golden-naped tanager

Rotohr-Bunttangare {f} glistening-green tanager

Rotscheiteltangare {f} scrub tanager

Rotschultertangare {f} red-shouldered tanager

Rotstirntangare {f} flame-faced tanager

Rotwangentangare {f} rufoud-cheeked tanager

Rubinkehltangare {f} cherry-throated tanager

Rußgesichttangare {f} dusky-faced tanager

Sayacatangare {f} sayaca tanager

Scharlachbauchtangare {f} crimson-backed tanager

Scharlachhauben-Ameisentangare {f} crested ant-tanager

Scharlachkopftangare {f} red-hooded tanager

Scharlachtangare {f} scarlet tanager

Schiefertangare {f} slaty tanager

Schleiertangare {f} black-faced tanager

Schlichttangare {f} plain-coloured tanager

Schmätzertangare {f} chat-tanager

Schmucktangare {f} golden-chevroned tanager

Schwalbentangare {f} swallow tanager

Schwarzachseltangare {f} tawny-crested tanager

Schwarzbauchtangare {f} black-bellied tanager

Schwarzbrust-Bergtangare {f} black-chested tanager

Schwarzbrusttangare {f} masked tanager

Schwarzkappentangare {f} hooded tanager

Schwarzkehl-Würgertangare {f} black-throated shrike-tanager

Schwarzkinn-Bergtangare {f} black-chinned mountain tanager

Schwarzmanteltangare {f} black-backed tanager

Schwarznackentangare {f} metallic-green tanager

Schwarzohr-Bunttangare {f} multicoloured tanager

Schwarzrückentangare {f} fawn-breasted tanager

Schwarzscheitel-Palmtangare {f} black-crowned palm tanager

Schwarzstirn-Buschtangare {f} yellow-green bush tanager

Schwarztangare {f} white-lined tanager

Schwarzwangen-Ameisentangare {f} black-cheeked ant-tanager

Schwarzwangen-Bergtangare {f} black-cheeked mountain tanager

Schwarzwangen-Buschtangare {f} pirre bush tanager

Seidenflankentangare {f} scarlet & white tanager

Siebenfarbentangare {f} paradise tanager

Silberbrauen-Bergtangare {f} buff-breasted mountain tanager

Silberbrauentangare {f} blue-browed tanager

Silberfleckentangare {f} beryl-spangled tanager

Silberkehltangare {f} silver-throated tanager

Silbertangare {f} silvery tanager

Siratangare {f} sira tanager

Smaragdtangare {f} emerald tanager

Sommertangare {f} summer tanager

Spiegeltangare {f} black & white tanager

Stolzmanntangare {f} black-backed bush tanager

Streifenkopftangare {f} stripe-headed tanager

Tacarcunabuschtangare {f} tacarcuna bush tanager

Tränenbergtangare {f} lacrimose mountain tanager

Trauertangare {f} white-shouldered tanager

Trupialtangare {f} rose-breasted tanager

Tüpfeltangare {f} dotted tanager

Türkistangare {f} turquoise tanager

Vassoritangare {f} blue & black tanager

Vielfarbentangare {f} seven-coloured tanager

Violettschultertangare {f} azure-winged tanager

Weißbindentangare {f} white-winged tanager

Weißbrauen-Buschtangare {f} pileated bush tanager

Weißbürzeltangare {f} white-rumped tanager

Weißkappentangare {f} white-capped tanager

Weißkehl-Würgertangare {f} white-throated shrike-tanager

Wetmoretangare {f} masked mountain tanager

Witwentangare {f} cone-billed tanager

Ziertangare {f} blue-backed tanager

Zimtbrusttangare {f} rufous-chested tanager

Zimtkopftangare {f} chestnut-headed tanager

Zinnobertangare {f} hepatic tanager

Zitronentangare {f} black & yellow tanager

Bogenflügel {pl} (Camaroptera) (zoologische Gattung) [ornith.] camaropteras (zoological genus)

Gelbbrauenbogenflügel {m}; Gelbbrauengrasmücke {f} (Camaroptera superciliaris) yellow-browed camaroptera

Grünmantelbogenflügel {m} (Camaroptera brachyura) green-backed camaroptera; bleating camaroptera

Hartert-Bogenflügel {m}; Hartert-Grasmücke {f} (Camaroptera harterti) Hartert's camaroptera

Meckerbogenflügel {m} (Camaroptera brevicaudata) grey-backed camaroptera

Olivbogenflügel {m} (Camaroptera chloronota) olive-green camaroptera

Contopus-Tyrannen {pl} (Contopus) (zoologische Gattung) [ornith.] contopus flycatchers; pewees; peewees [Sc.] [Am.] [Austr.] (zoological genus)

Braunbauchtyrann {m} (Contopus caribaeus) crescent-eyed pewee; crescent-eyed peewee; Cuban pewee; Cuban peewee

Einfarbtyrann {m} (Contopus nigrescens) blackish pewee; blackish peewee

Fichtentyrann {m}; Olivflanken-Schnäppertyrann (Contopus cooperi) olive-sided flycatcher

Großer Schnäppertyrann {m} (Contopus pertinax) greater pewee; greater peewee

Hispaniola-Schnäppertyrann {m} (Contopus hispaniolensis) Hispaniolan pewee; Hispaniolan peewee

Jamaika-Schnäppertyrann {m} (Contopus pallidus) Jamaican pewee; Jamaican peewee

Ockerbrusttyrann {m}; Ockergelb-Schnäppertyrann {m} (Contopus ochraceus) ochraceous pewee; ochraceous peewee

Östlicher Waldtyrann {m} (Contopus eastern virens) eastern wood pewee; eastern wood peewee

Rostbauchtyrann {m} (Contopus latirostris) lesser Antillean pewee; lesser Antillean peewee

Schiefertyrann {m} (Contopus fumigatus) smoke-coloured pewee; smoke-coloured peewee

Silberkehltyrann {m} (Contopus albogularis) white-throated pewee; white-throated peewee

Spixtyrann {m} (Contopus cinereus) tropical pewee; tropical peewee

Trauerschnäppertyrann {m} (Contopus lugubris) dark pewee; dark peewee

Waldschnäppertyrann {m} (Contopus punensis) Tumbes pewee; Tumbes peewee

Westlicher Waldtyrann {m} (Contopus sordidulus) western wood pewee; western wood peewee
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