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420 ähnliche Ergebnisse für Oli
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Ähnliche Wörter:
Escherichia-coli-Bakteriozin, Ili, La-Ola-Welle, La-Ola-Wellen, OLS-Schätzfunktion, OSI-Schichtenmodell, Olm, Omi, Opi, Ori, Poo-Uli, oliv, oll
Ähnliche Wörter:
Ili, Oi!, Ori, age-old, centuries-old, eight-year-old, eleven-year-old, fifteen-year-old, fifty-year-old, five-year-old, forty-year-old, four-year-old, nine-year-old, old, old--school, old-established, old-fashioned, old-fashionedness, old-sighted, old-sightedness, old-style

die Polizei {f} the police; the Old Bill [Br.] [slang] (used with plural verb forms)

Flugpolizei {f} airborne police

Kantonspolizei {f} [Schw.] cantonal police

Nationalpolizei {f} national police

Ordnungspolizei {f} /Orpo/ [Dt.] [hist.] order police

Schutzpolizei {f} /Schupo/ [Dt.] uniformed police (branch of police in Germany)

Sicherheitspolizei {f} public security police

Staatspolizei {f} security police; Special Branch [Br.]

Wasserschutzpolizei {f} water police

berittene Polizei mounted police

städtische Polizei municipal police

Londoner Polizei Metropolitan Police (Service) /Met/

bei der Polizei with the police; in the police service

die Polizei rufen (holen) to call the police

amtliche Bezeichnung der irischen Polizei the Garda Síochána, the Gardaí

für die Poizei arbeiten to work for the police

Er ist bei der Polizei. He is in the police service.

Die Polizei rät zur Vorsicht. Police are warning the public to be careful.

Beschwerden {pl} [med.] [anhören] complaints; afflictions; trouble; discomfort; molimina [anhören] [anhören]

Altersbeschwerden {pl} complaints of old age

Begleitbeschwerden {pl} accompanying complaints; concomitant complaints

Brustbeschwerden {pl} chest troubles

Hauptbeschwerden {pl} chief complaints

Herzbeschwerden {pl} heart trouble

Kreislaufbeschwerden {pl} circulatory distress

Leberbeschwerden {pl}; Leberleiden {n} liver trouble

Magenbeschwerden {pl} stomach trouble

Rückenbeschwerden {pl} back complaints; back trouble

Schwangerschaftsbeschwerden {pl} pregnancy compaints; pregnancy discomfort

Unterleibsbeschwerden {pl} pelvic complaints

Verdauungsbeschwerden {pl} digestive complaints

aktuelle Beschwerden current complaints

orthostatische Beschwerden orthostatic complaints

zunehmende Beschwerden progressive symptoms

Was fehlt Ihnen denn?; Was haben Sie denn für Beschwerden? (beim Arzt) So what is your trouble? (at the doctor's)

Scheitelkäppchen {n}; Pileoluskäppchen {n}; Pileolus {n}; Subbiretum {n}; Submitrale {n}; Soli Deo {n} [ugs.]; Kalotte {f} [altertümlich]; Tonsurkäppchen {n} [veraltet] (Kopfbedeckung von Geistlichen) [textil.] [relig.] skullcap; pileolus; zucchetto; berrettino; soli deo [coll.]; calotta [archaic] (headpiece worn by clergymen)

Scheitelkäppchen {pl}; Pileoluskäppchen {pl} skullcaps

übelriechend; stinkend; fötid [med.] {adj} malodorous; fetid; funky [Am.] [slang]; olid [rare] [anhören]

ein übler Geruch a fetid smell

Altweltliche Ährenfische {pl} (Atherinidae) (zoologische Familie) [zool.] Old World silversides (zoological family)

Alpha-Androstenol {n}; 3alpha-Androstenol {n}; Androstenol (Pheromon) {n} [biochem.] 5alpha-androst-16-en-3alpha-ol; 3alpha,5alpha-androstenol; 3alpha-androstenol; androstenol (pheromone)

Altanlagen {pl} old sites

Altbaugebiet {f} (Raumplanung) [adm.] [geogr.] old part of the city/town/village (spatial planning)

Altbaumodernisierung {f} [constr.] modernisation of an old building

Altbausanierung {f} [constr.] refurbishing; refurbishment of an old building / of old buildings

ein Alter an old person

jds. Alte {f} (Ehefrau, Freundin) [slang] [soc.] sb.'s old Dutch [Br.]; sb.'s squaw [Am.] [slang]

Altenhilfe {f} old people's welfare

Altersquotient {m} old age dependency ratio /OADR/; ageing quotient

Alterssicherung {f}; Altersvorsorge {f} provision for one's old age

Altersstarrsinn {m} obstinacy of old age; senile stubbornness

Altersweitsichtigkeit {f}; Weitsichtigkeit {f} im Alter; Alterssichtigkeit {f}; Presbyopie {f} [med.] old-sightedness; senopia; gerontopia; presbyopia; presbytism

Altfranzösisch {n} [ling.] Old French

Althochdeutsch {n} [ling.] Old High German

Altjapanisch {n} [ling.] Old Japanese (Old Japanese language)

Altkirchenslawisch {n}; Altslawisch {n} [ling.] Old Church Slavic; Old Church Slavonic; ancient Church Slavonic; ancient Slavic; ancient Slavonic

Altkleider {pl} old clothes

Altmond {m} old moon

Altniederdeutsch {n} [ling.] Old Low German

Altnordisch {n}; Altskandinavisch {n} [ling.] Old Norse; Old Nordic; Old Scandinavian

Altnorwegisch {n} [ling.] Old Norwegian (Old Norse language of Norway)

Altpreußisch {n} [ling.] Old Prussian

Altstadt {f}; historischer Stadtkern {m} old town; historical town centre [Br.]; historical town center [Am.]; ancient town centre [Br.]; ancient town center [Am.]

Altstadtfest {n} festival in the old town

Altweltgeier {pl} (Aegypiinae) (zoologische Familie) [ornith.] Old World vultures (zoological family)

Altweltmäuse {pl} (Murinae) (zoologische Unterfamilie) [zool.] Old World rats and mice; murines (zoological subfamily)

Anwendungsschicht {f}; Schicht 7 {f} (im OSI-Schichtenmodell) [comp.] [telco.] application layer; layer 7 (in the OSI reference model)

Ist das ein Auslaufmodell? Is there life in the old dog yet? [fig.]

Baumwolleulenraupe {f} [zool.] Old World earworm; Old World bollworm

Bellatrix; Gamma Orionis; Gamma Ori; Orionis; Ori (Stern) [astron.] Bellatrix; Gamma Orionis; Gamma Ori; Orionis; Ori (star)

Betagtheit {f} old age

Bitübertragungsschicht {f}; physikalische Schicht 1; Schicht 1 {f} (im OSI-Schichtenmodell) [comp.] [telco.] physical layer; layer 1 (in the OSI reference model)

Bobtail {m} (Hunderasse) [zool.] bob-tailed sheepdog; Old English sheepdog /OES/ (dog breed)

Darstellungsschicht {f}; Schicht 6 {f} (im OSI-Schichtenmodell) [comp.] [telco.] presentation layer; layer 6 (in the OSI reference model)

Datenverbindungsebene {f}; Verbindungsebene {f}; Datenverbindungsschicht {f}; Verbindungsschicht {f}; Datensicherungsschicht {f}; Sicherungsschicht {f}; Schicht 2 {f} (im OSI-Schichtenmodell) [comp.] [telco.] data link layer; link layer; layer 2 (in the OSI reference model)

Eliteschulmentalität {f} old school tie [Br.]

Exodus; das 2. Buch Mose (aus dem alten Testament) [relig.] Exodus; the second book of Moses (from the Old Testament)

Exuvie {f}; abgestreifte Haut {f}; abgeworfene Federn {pl} [ornith.]; (beim Haarwechsel) verlorene Haare {pl} [zool.] moult [Br.]; molt [Am.] (shed old feathers, hair, or skin)

Fahrensmann {m}; (alter) Seebär {m} [ugs.] (erfahrener Seemann) [naut.] sea dog; old salt [coll.]; shellback [Am.] (experienced sailor)

Frakturschrift {f}; Fraktura {f}; Fraktur {f}; gotische Schrift [comp.] [print] black letter (type); Old English letter; Gothic/German type/print/text; Gothic script

alter Fuchs [ugs.] cunning old bird [fig.]

Führen [Dt.]/Lenken [Ös.] {n} eines Fahrzeuges in fahruntüchtigem Zustand (Straftatbestand) [jur.] operating a vehicle impaired /OVI/; driving while impaired /DWI/; driving under the influence /DUI/ (criminal offence)

Fustikfarbe {f} [textil.] old fustic

Gebrechlichkeit {f}; Altersschwäche {f}; Hinfälligkeit {f} [veraltet] [med.] frailty (of old age); infirmity (of old age); decrepitude; decrepitness

Genesis; das 1. Buch Mose (aus dem alten Testament) [relig.] Genesis; the first book of Moses (from the Old Testament)

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