Dictionary - TU Chemnitz

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electricity supply grid; electricity grid; electric power grid; electric/electrical grid; power grid; the mains [Br.] [listen] Elektrizitätsversorgungsnetz {n}; Energieversorgungsnetz {n}; Stromnetz {n}; Netz {n} [ugs.] [electr.] [listen]

electricity supply grids; electricity grids; electric power grids; electric/electrical grids; power grids Elektrizitätsversorgungsnetze {pl}; Energieversorgungsnetze {pl}; Stromnetze {pl}; Netze {pl}

grid sampling; configuration [listen] Gitterstichprobenverfahren {n}; Gestalt {f}; Struktur {f} [statist.] [listen] [listen]

grid [listen] Gitter {n} [listen]

grids Gitter {pl} [listen]

moving grids bewegliche Gitter

grid usage fee; through-transmission charge Durchleitungsgebühr {f} (für Energiedurchleitung)

grid usage fees; through-transmission charges Durchleitungsgebühren {pl}

grid gas Ferngas {n}

grid deviation Gitterabweichung {f}

grid clipping Gitterbeschneidung {f} [electr.]

grid references (on a map) Gitterkoordinaten {pl} (auf einer Landkarte)

grid intersection Gitterkreuz {n}

grid intersections Gitterkreuze {pl}

grid point Gitterpunkt {m}

grid points Gitterpunkte {pl}

grid voltage Gitterspannung {f}

grid system Gittersystem {n}

grid systems Gittersysteme {pl}

grid value Gitterwert {m}

grid values Gitterwerte {pl}

grid footing slab; grid footing plate; grid footing Gründungsrostplatte {f} [constr.]

grid footing slabs; grid footing plates; grid footings Gründungsrostplatten {pl}

grid connection; connection to the electric grid; mains connection; power connection; electrical service connection Netzanbindung {f}; Netzanschluss {m}; Stromanschluss {m} [electr.]

grid connections; connection to the electric grids; mains connections; power connections; electrical service connections Netzanbindungen {pl}; Netzanschlüsse {pl}; Stromanschlüsse {pl}

grid square Planquadrat {n}

grid squares Planquadrate {pl}

grid [listen] Raster {n}

grid design Rastergestaltung {f}

grid point; mesh point; net point Stützstelle {f} [math.]

grid points; mesh points; net points Stützstellen {pl}

grid [listen] Überlandleitungsnetz {n}

off-the-grid; off-grid netzunabhängig; energieautonom; energieautark {adj}

off-the-grid houses energieautonome Häuser

off-grid system netzunabhängiges System {n}; Inselanlage {f}

off-the-grid electricity system; stand-alone power system /SAPS/ /SPS/ automome/autarke Stromerzeugungsanlage; Inselanlage {f}

off-grid operation energieautomomer Betrieb; Inselbetrieb {m}

tree grille; tree grid [Br.]; tree grate [Am.] Baumscheibengitter {n}; Baumscheibenrost {m}; Gitterrost {m} für Baumscheiben

tree grilles; tree grids; tree grates Baumscheibengitter {pl}; Baumscheibenroste {pl}; Gitterroste {pl} für Baumscheiben

concrete tree grille; concrete tree grid [Br.]; concrete tree grate [Am.] Baumscheibenabdeckung {f} aus Beton; Betonbaumscheibe {f} [ugs.]

power feed-in; power feed into the grid; grid feed-in Netzeinspeisung {f}; Einspeisung {f} ins Netz [electr.]

solar power feed-in Solarstromeinspeisung {f}

wind power feed-in Windstromeinspeisung {f}

grass-filled paving block; grass-crete paver; grass paver; turf paver; turf block; Turf Cell ®; grid block Rasengitterstein {m}; Rasenstein {m}; Rasenwabe {f} [constr.]

grass-filled paving blocks; grass-crete pavers; grass pavers; turf pavers; turf blocks; Turf Cells; grid blocks Rasengittersteine {pl}; Rasensteine {pl}; Rasenwaben {pl}

grass concrete slab; lattice concrete block Betongrasstein {m}; Betonrasenstein {m} [veraltend]

gully grid; waste grating Ablaufgitter {n}; Ablaufrost {n}

gully grids; waste gratings Ablaufgitter {pl}; Ablaufroste {pl}

extraction grid Absauggitter {n}

outlet grid Auslassgitter {n}

outlet grids Auslassgitter {pl}

ventilation grid Belüftungsgitter {n}

ventilation grids Belüftungsgitter {pl}

accounting grid Bilanzkreis {m}

accumulator grid Bleigitter {n} für Akkumulatoren

gridiron; grid [listen] Bratrost {m}; Rost {m} [listen]

gridirons; grids Bratroste {pl}; Roste {pl}

Federal Network Agency; Federal Grid Agency Bundesnetzagentur {f}

power-function grid Darstellung {f} von Korngrößenverteilungen; Potenznetz {n}

expansion joint for ceiling grid Deckensprung {m}

compensation for electricity fed into the grid Einspeisevergütung {f}

floor grid; floor framing; floor skeleton (bridge) Fahrbahnrost {m}; Fahrbahngerippe {f} (Brücke) [constr.]

intercepting grid Fanggitter {n} [telco.]

intercepting grids Fanggitter {pl}

district heating grid; integrated district heating system Fernwärmeverbund {m}

filter ceiling grid Filterdeckenraster {n}

grid-by-number analysis; grid-point counting method Flächenprobe {f} [agr.] [envir.]

grating; flat grid [listen] Gitter {n}; Gitterrost {n}; Abdeckgitter {n}; Abdeckrost {n} [listen]

slope grating; slope grid; slope trellis Hangrost {m} [envir.]

lighting grid Gitterrostdecke {f}

Glitsch-grid packing Glitsch-Grid-Packung {f} [chem.]

wooden grille; wooden grid Holzgitter {n}

wooden grilles; wooden grids Holzgitter {pl}

negative control grid (backward wave tube) Intensitätsgitter {n} (Rückwärtswellenröhre) [electr.]

cost grid Kostenraster {n} [econ.]

cost grids Kostenraster {pl}

pile-grid foundation; pile grid; pile foundation Pfahlrost {m}; Pfahlgründung {f} [constr.]

elevated pile grid; elevated pile foundation hoher Pfahlrost

pile grid brace; pile foundation brace Pfahlrostholm {m}; Pfahlholm {m}; Pfahlrostband {n} [constr.]

pile grid braces; pile foundation braces Pfahlrostholme {pl}; Pfahlholme {pl}; Pfahlrostbänder {pl}

surfacing of grass-filled paving blocks; pavement of grass pavers [Br.]; grid pavement [Am.]; surfacing of lattice concrete blocks [Am.] Rasengittersteinbelag {m}; Rasensteinbelag {m} [constr.]

ceiling grid Rasterdecke {f}

ceiling grids Rasterdecken {pl}

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