Dictionary - TU Chemnitz

 English  German

feed-in meter (solar installation) Einspeisezähler {m} (Solaranlage) [electr.]

feed-in meters Einspeisezähler {pl}

power feed-in; power feed into the grid; grid feed-in Netzeinspeisung {f}; Einspeisung {f} ins Netz [electr.]

solar power feed-in Solarstromeinspeisung {f}

wind power feed-in Windstromeinspeisung {f}

fall-back feed-in tariff (solar installation) Ausfallvergütung {f} (Solaranlage) [fin.]

feed-in Einspeise {f} [econ.]

energy feed-in Energieeinspeisung {f} [techn.]

rate structure; rate plan; rate; tariff system; tariff [listen] [listen] Tarifmodell {n}; Tarif {m}; Satz {m} [listen] [listen]

rate structures; rate plans; rates; tariff systems; tariffs [listen] Tarifmodelle {pl}; Tarife {pl}; Sätze {pl} [listen]

feed-in tariff (for privately generated electricity) Einspeisetarif {m} (für privat produzierten Strom)

business rate; business tariff Geschäftstarif {m}

basic rate plan; basic rate; basic tariff; autonomous tariff Grundtarif {m}

goods tariff [Br.]; freight rate [Am.] Gütertarif {m} (Bahn)

wagon-load tariff [Br.]; car-load tariff [Am.] (railway) Tarif je Güterwagen; Tarif pro Wagen (Bahn)

mobile phone tariff [Br.]; calling plan [Am.] Mobilfunktarif {m} [telco.]

night-time rate; (reduced) night rate; night-time tariff; night tariff Nachttarif {m}; Mondscheintarif {m}

normal rate; regular rate Normaltarif {m}

European passenger tariff (railway) europäischer Personentarif {m} (Bahn)

pre-pay rate; pre-pay tariff Tarif bei Vorauszahlung

contract rate; contract tariff Vertragstarif {m} [telco.]

pay-as-you-go rate; pay-as-you-go tariff Wertkartentarif {m} [telco.]

zone tariff Zonentarif {m} [telco.]

two-part rate structure; two-part tariff Zweikomponententarif {m}

the lowest rate for health insurance der niedrigste Satz für eine Krankenversicherung

What tariff are you on? [Br.] Welchen Tarif hast du?