Dictionary - TU Chemnitz
All NounsVerbs

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Mischpult {n}; Tonmischpult {n} mixing board; mixing desk; mixing console; sound mixer

Mischpulte {pl}; Tonmischpulte {pl} mixing boards; mixing desks; mixing consoles; sound mixers

Mörtelbrett {n}; Aufziehbrett {n} [constr.] mortar board; mortar hawk

Mörtelbretter {pl}; Aufziehbretter {pl} mortar boards; mortar hawks

Namenstafel {f} name board

Namenstafeln {pl} name boards

Ottergerät {n} (Angeln) otter board

Angeln mit Ottergerät verboten! Otter board fishing is not permitted!

Peilstab {m}; Peilstock {m}; Peil {m} (zur Pegelstandsanzeige) (Wasserbau) water gauge board; water gauge ruler (water engineering)

Peilstäbe {pl}; Peilstöcke {pl}; Peile {pl} water gauge boards; water gauge rulers

Pfeiftafel {f} (Bahn) whistle board (railway)

Pfeiftafeln {pl} whistle boards

Pressspanplatte {f} press board

Pressspanplatten {pl} press boards

Rangierverteiler {m} terminal board

Rangierverteiler {pl} terminal boards

Reibbrett {n} [mus.] (Schlaginstrument) friction board

Reibbretter {pl} friction boards

Reisezielschild {n}; Anzeigetafel {f} mit dem Fahrtziel (Bahn) destination board; destination panel; dstination sign (railway)

Reisezielschilder {pl}; Anzeigetafeln {pl} mit dem Fahrtziel destination boards; destination panels; dstination signs

Reißbrett {n}; Zeichenbrett {n} drawing board; drawing table

Reißbretter {pl}; Zeichenbretter {pl} drawing boards; drawing tables

Richtungsanzeigetafel {f}; Richtungsanzeiger {m} (Bahn) direction-indicating board; direction-indicating table (railway)

Richtungsanzeigetafeln {pl}; Richtungsanzeiger {pl} direction-indicating boards; direction-indicating tables

Richtungsschild {n} destination board

Richtungsschilder {pl} destination boards

Routentafel {f}; Wagenlaufschild {n} (Bahn) route label; carriage route label [Br.]; carriage label [Br.]; carriage destination board [Br.] (railway)

Routentafeln {pl}; Wagenlaufschilder {pl} route labels; carriage route labels; carriage labels; carriage destination boards

Rückwandplatine {f}; Rückwandverdrahtungsplatine {f}; Rückwandverdrahtungsplatte {f}; Rückwandleiterplatte {f} [comp.] [electr.] backplane system; backplane; rearpanel board

Rückwandplatinen {pl}; Rückwandverdrahtungsplatinen {pl}; Rückwandverdrahtungsplatten {pl}; Rückwandleiterplatten {pl} backplane systems; backplanes; rearpanel boards

Rutschbrett {n} (für Rollstuhlfahrer) [med.] transfer board (for wheelchair users)

Rutschbretter {pl} transfer boards

Sägelade {f} [mach.] saw board

Sägeladen {pl} saw boards

Schaltplatte {f} [electr.] circuit board

Schaltplatten {pl} circuit boards

Schautafel {f} exhibition board

Schautafeln {pl} exhibition boards

Schichtpressstoffplatte {f} [constr.] high-pressure laminate board; HPL board; laminated board

Schichtpressstoffplatten {pl} high-pressure laminate boards; HPL boards; laminated boards

Schlichtungsamt {n}; Schlichtungsausschuss {m}; Schlichtungsstelle {f} arbitration board

Schlichtungsämter {pl}; Schlichtungsausschüsse {pl}; Schlichtungsstellen {pl} arbitration boards

Schneefanggitter {n}; Schneeschutzgitter {n}; Schneegitter {n} (auf dem Dach) snow fence; snow board; snow guard; gutter board

Schneefanggitter {pl}; Schneeschutzgitter {pl}; Schneegitter {pl} snow fences; snow boards; snow guards; gutter boards

Schneidebrett {n} carving board; trencher

Schneidebretter {pl} carving boards; trenchers

Schneidebrett {n}; Schneidbrett {n}; Hackbrett {n} [cook.] cutting board; chopping board

Schneidebretter {pl}; Schneidbretter {pl}; Hackbretter {pl} cutting boards; chopping boards

Schneidebrettchen {n}; Holzbrettchen {n} cutting board

Schneidebrettchen {pl}; Holzbrettchen {pl} cutting boards

Schrenzpapier {n}; Schrenzkarton {m}; Schrenz {m} (Buchbinden) chip board

anspruchsloser Schrenzkarton non-test chip board

Schulbehörde {f} [school] supervisory school authority; school board

Schulbehörden {pl} supervisory school authorities

Server-Platine {f} [comp.] server board

Server-Platinen {pl} server boards

Serviertablett {n}; Tablett {n}; Servierbrett {n} [cook.] [listen] tray; serving tray; serving board [listen]

Serviertabletts {pl}; Tabletts {pl}; Servierbretter {pl} trays; serving trays; serving boards

Sockelleistenheizung {f}; Fußleistenheizung {f} skirting-board radiation heating [Br.]; baseboard radiation heating [Am.]

Warmwasser-Sockelleistenheizung; Warmwasser-Fußleistenheizung hydronic skirting-board heating [Br.]; hydronic baseboard heating [Am.]

Spanplattenpresse {f} particle board press

Spanplattenpressen {pl} particle board presses

Sperrholzplatte {f} plywood panel; plywood board

Sperrholzplatten {pl} plywood panels; plywood boards

Stabsperrholz {n}; Stabplatte {f} [constr.] batten board

Stabsperrhölzer {pl}; Stabplatten {pl} batten boards

Standblende {f} (Marktstand) stand signboard; fascia board [Br.] (booth)

Standblenden {pl} stand signboards; fascia boards

Steckdosenleiste {f}; Steckerleiste {f} [ugs.] [electr.] power bar; power board; power strip; plug board

Steckdosenleisten {pl}; Steckerleisten {pl} power bars; power boards; power strips; plug boards

Steckkartenmodul {n} plug-in board mounted module

Steckkartenmodule {pl} plug-in board mounted modules

Stehpaddelbrett {n} [sport] stand-up paddle board; SUP board

Stehpaddelbretter {pl} stand-up paddle boards; SUP boards

Stiftleiste {f} socket board

Stiftleisten {pl} socket boards

Stoßlade {f} shooting board

Stoßladen {pl} shooting boards

Streichbrett {n} (Gießerei) [techn.] flask board; moulding board [Br.]; molding board [Am.] (foundry)

Streichbretter {pl} flask boards; moulding boards; molding boards

Stülpschalungsbrett {n}; Stülpschalbrett {n}; Stülpverschalbrett {n}; Deckbrett {n} (einseitig zugeschärft) [constr.] weather board

Stülpschalungsbretter {pl}; Stülpschalbretter {pl}; Stülpverschalbretter {pl}; Deckbretter {pl} weather boards

Tafeldienst {m} [school] blackboard duty

Wer hat heute Tafeldienst? Who has blackboard duty today?; Whose job is it to clean the board today?

Tannenbrett {n} fir board; fir joist

Tannenbretter {pl} fir boards; fir joists

Tannenholzbohle {f} thick fir board; fir plank

Tannenholzbohlen {pl} thick fir boards; fir planks

Tonkarton {m}; Fotokarton {m} card stock; cover stock; pasteboard

farbiger Tonkarton {m} tinted board

Torfdämmplatte {f} peat insulating board

Torfdämmplatten {pl} peat insulating boards

Unfalluntersuchungsausschuss {m} accident investigation board

Unfalluntersuchungsausschüsse {pl} accident investigation boards

Verwaltungsausschuss {m} administrative board

Verwaltungsausschüsse {pl} administrative boards

Vorstandsbeschluss {m}; Beschluss {m} des Vorstands resolution of the board of directors

Vorstandsbeschlüsse {pl}; Beschlüsse {pl} des Vorstands resolutions of the board of directors

Vorstandswahl {f} [adm.] [econ.] election of the management board

Vorstandswahlen {pl} elections of the management board

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