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214 Ergebnisse für Study
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Bestreben {n}; Sinn {m} [altertümlich] {+Gen.} [anhören] study (of sb.) [archaic] [anhören]

Studie {f}; Untersuchung {f}; Analyse {f} [sci.] [anhören] [anhören] study; survey; review [anhören] [anhören]

Studien {pl}; Untersuchungen {pl}; Analysen {pl} [anhören] studies; surveys; reviews [anhören] [anhören] [anhören]

analytische Studie analytic study

Arbeitszeitstudie {f}; Zeitaufnahme {f} time study; time study observations

Fall-Kontroll-Studie {f} case-control study

Impfstudie {f} vaccination study; vaccine study

Interventionsstudie {f} intervention study; preventive study

Kohortenstudie {f}; Kohortenuntersuchung {f}; Longitudinalstudie {f} cohort study; follow-up study

Provokationsstudie {f} challenge study; provocation study; provocative study

Querschnittsstudie {f} cross-sectional study

Systemstudie {f} systems study

Voraussagestudie {f} prediction study

Vorstudie {f} preliminary study; lead-in study [med.]

Studie anhand von Sekundärmaterial desk study; desktop study

eine Studie durchführen to conduct / make / do a study

akademisches Fach {n}; Wissenschaft {f} [stud.] [sci.] [anhören] scientific study; science [anhören]

akademische Fächer {pl}; Wissenschaften {pl} sciences

Einzelwissenschaft {f} individual science

Hilfswissenschaft {f} complementary science

Populärwissenschaft {f} popular science

Ernährungswissenschaft {f} nutritional science

Forstwissenschaft {f} science of forestry; forestry science

Geschichtswissenschaft {f} science of history; history as a science

Gesundheitswissenschaften {pl} health sciences

Ingenieurwissenschaft {f} engineering science

Kognitionswissenschaft {f} cognitive science

Kommunikationswissenschaft {f} communication science

Regionalwissenschaften {pl} regional sciences; regional studies

Sozialwissenschaften {pl}; Gesellschaftswissenschaften {pl} social sciences; social studies

Werkstoffwissenschaft {f}; Materialwissenschaft {f} [sci.] materials science

Wirtschaftswissenschaft {f}; Wirtschaftswissenschaften {pl}; Ökonomik {f} economic science; economics; political economy [dated] [anhören]

Zeitungswissenschaft {f} science of journalism

angewandte Wissenschaften applied sciences

Studium {n}; Studieren {n}; Lernen {n} [stud.] [anhören] study [anhören]

Studium generale {n} general studies course; extracurricular studies

Fachstudium {n} specialized studies

Philosophiestudium {n} study of philosophy; studies in philosophy

sein Studium beginnen to start college

Bestandsaufnahme {f}; Aufnahme {f} [ugs.]; Bestandserhebung {f} (Bauplanung) [constr.] [anhören] area study survey (building planning)

Studiengang {m}; Studium {n} [stud.] [anhören] [anhören] course of study; course of studies; studies; study course; study path; degree programme [Br.]; degree program [Am.] [anhören]

Bakkalaureatsstudiengang {m}; Bachelorstudiengang {m}; Bakkalaureatsstudium {n}; Bachelorstudium {n} Bachelor's course; Bachelor's studies (often wrongly: bachelor course, bachelor studies)

Masterstudiengang {m}; Masterstudium {n}; Magisterstudium {n} Master's course; Master's studies (often wrongly: master course, master studies)

Doktoratsstudiengang {m}; Doktoratsstudium {n} doctoral course; doctoral studies; Ph.D. studies; DPhil studies

eigenständiger Studiengang autonomous course of study

duale Studiengänge {pl} dual study programmes/programs; dual courses

zulassungsfreie Studiengänge free-admission courses of studies; free-admission degree programmes/programs; degree programmes/programs with unrestricted admission

Lehrfach {n}; Unterrichtsfach {n}; Unterrichtsgegenstand {m} [Ös.]; Gegenstand {m} [Ös.] [school] [anhören] subject of study; subject [anhören]

Lehrfächer {pl}; Unterrichtsfächer {pl}; Unterrichtsgegenstände {pl}; Gegenstände {pl} subjects of study; subjects [anhören]

Schulfach {n}; Fach {n}; Schulgegenstand {m} [Ös.]; Gegenstand {m} [Ös.] [school] [anhören] [anhören] school subject; subject [anhören]

jds. Horrorfach {n} sb.'s hate subject

Welche Fächer hast du? What school subjects do you have?

ein Fach abwählen to drop a subject

Arbeitsgruppe {f}; Arbeitskreis {f}; Arbeitsgemeinschaft {f} /AG/ [adm.] working group; work group; study group; working team

Arbeitsgruppen {pl}; Arbeitskreise {pl}; Arbeitsgemeinschaften {pl} working groups; work groups; study groups; working teams

Ad-hoc Arbeitsgruppe ad-hoc working group

Bibelkreis {m} Bible study group

Facharbeitsgruppe {f}; Facharbeitskreis {m} specialized working group; specialized working team

interdisziplinäre Arbeitsgemeinschaft cross-skilled working team

Projektarbeitsgruppe {f} project working group; project working team

Gotteslehre {f}; Theologie {f} [relig.] study of God; theology

Moraltheologie {f}; Ethikotheologie {f} moral theology; ethico-theology

ein akademisches Fach studieren {vt} [stud.] to study an academic subject

studierend studying [anhören]

studiert studied [anhören]

er/sie studiert he/she studies [anhören]

ich/er/sie studierte I/he/she studied [anhören]

er/sie hat/hatte studiert he/she has/had studied

Gesang studieren to study voice

Medizin studieren; ein Medizinstudium absolvieren to study medicine

Germanistik als/im Hauptfach studieren to study German philology as your main subject [Br.]; to major in German studies [Am.]

etw. als/im Nebenfach studieren to study sth. as your second subject [Br.]; to minor in sth. [Am.]

Studienleistung {f} [stud.] study achievement; academic achievements

Studienleistungen {pl} study achievements

anrechenbare Studienleistungen transfer credits [Am.]; creditable study performance

Anerkennung von Studienleistungen recognition of study achievements; recognition of courses

Europäisches System zur Anrechnung von Studienleistungen European Credit Transfer System /ECTS/

Anerkennung/Anrechnung von Studien- und Prüfungsleistungen recognition of studies and qualifications; transfer of credits [Am.]

Studienpopulation {f} study population

endliche Population finite population

unendliche Population infinite population

Zielpopulation {f} target population

jdn. eingehend mustern; jdn. taxieren {vt} to study sb.

eingehend musternd; taxierend studying [anhören]

eingehend gemustert; taxiert studied [anhören]

jdn. (bei einer Begegnung mit sexuellem Interesse) mustern; abschätzen; taxieren {vt} [soc.] [anhören] to cruise sb. (sexually assess)

Studienprogramm {n} [stud.] study program; study programme [Br.]

Studienprogramme {pl} study programs; study programmes

Gemeinsame Studienprogramme (EU) joint study programmes

(gründlich) durchstudieren {vt} to study through; to study thoroughly; to examine studiously

durchstudierend studying through; studying thoroughly; examining studiously

durchstudiert studied through; studied thoroughly; examined studiously

etw. studieren; sich etw. genau durchlesen {vt} to study sth.

studierend; sich genau durchlesend studying [anhören]

studiert; sich genau durchgelesen studied [anhören]

Aktstudie {f} study from the nude

Aktstudien {pl} studies from the nude

Arbeitszimmer {n} study [anhören]

Arbeitszimmer mit Bett bedroom-cum-study

Enquete-Kommission {f} [pol.] study commission

Enquete-Kommission "Internet und digitale Gesellschaft" [Dt.] Study Commission on the Internet and Digital Society

Erlösungslehre {f}; Soteriologie {f} [relig.] study of salvation; doctrine of salvation; soteriology

christlicher Erlösungsglaube {m} Christian belief in salvation

Kulturwissenschaft {f} study of civilization; study of civilisation [Br.]

Kulturwissenschaften {pl} cultural studies

Lehre {f} vom Aufbau des Körpers; Anatomie {f} [med.] [sci.] study of anatomy; anatomy (branch of science concerned with the body's structure) [anhören]

pathologische Anatomie pathological anatomy [Br.]; pathologic anatomy [Am.]

Lernpartner {m} [school] study buddy

Lernpartner {pl} study buddies

Sprachstudium {n} [stud.] study of languages

Sprachstudien {pl} studies of languages

Studienaufenthalt {m} (in) [stud.] study visit (in)

Studienaufenthalte {pl} study visits

Studienauswertung {f} study evaluation; study analysis

Studienauswertungen {pl} study evaluations; study analyses

Studienautor {m}; Studienautorin {f} [sci.] study author; author of the study

Studienautore {pl}; Studienautorinnen {pl} study authors; authors of the study

Studiengebühr {f}; Studienbeitrag {m} [stud.] study fee; university tuition fee; tuition [Am.] [anhören]

Studiengebühren {pl}; Studienbeiträge {pl} study fees; university tuition fees; tuitions

Studienreise {f}; Studienaufenthalt {m} [school] [stud.] [sci.] study trip; field trip

Studienreisen {pl}; Studienaufenthalte {pl} study trips; field trips

Studienteilnehmer {m}; Studienteilnehmerin {f} study participant

Studienteilnehmer {pl}; Studienteilnehmerinnen {pl} study participants

Universitätsstudium {n} [stud.] study at a university

Universitätsstudien {pl} studies at universities

Studienzentrum {n} study centre [Br.]; study center [Am.]

Studienzentren {pl} study centres; study centers

Amphibien- und Reptilienkunde {f}; Herpetologie {f} [zool.] study of amphibians and reptiles; herpetology

Auslandsstudium {n} [stud.] study abroad

Binnengewässerkunde {f}; Lehre von den Binnengewässern {f}; Limnologie {f} (oft fälschlich: Süßwasserkunde) [envir.] study of inland waters; limnology

Erzählforschung {f}; Erzähltheorie {f}; Narratologie {f} [lit.] study of narrative poetics; theory of narrative; narrative theory; narratology

Flaggenkunde {f}; Fahnenkunde {f}; Vexillologie {f} study of flags; vexillology

Gallenkunde {f}; Cecidologie {f} [bot.] study of galls; cecidology

Glockenkunde {f}; Campanologie {f}; Kampanologie {f} study of bells; campanology

Knotenkunde {f} study of knots; theory of knots; knot theory

Landformenkunde {f}; Geomorphologie {f} [geol.] study of landforms; geomorphology; geomorphic geology; morphological geology; orography; physiography

Lawinenkunde {f} study of avalanches; avalanche studies

Metrik {f}; Taktlehre {f} [mus.] study of rhythm and tempo

Lehre {f} von den Missbildungen; Teratologie {f} [med.] study of abnormal formations; teratology

Naturlehre {f} [hist.] study of nature

Pflanzenkunde {f}; Pflanzenlehre {f}; Botanik {f} [bot.] study of plants; botany

Philologie {f} study of language and literature; philology [Am.]

Rassenkunde {f}; Rassenlehre {f} study of human races; raciology

Säugetierkunde {f}; Mammalogie {f}; Theriologie {f} [zool.] study of mammals; mammalogy; mastology; theriology

Seenkunde {f} [envir.] study of lakes

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