Dictionary - TU Chemnitz

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area payment Flächenzahlung {f} [adm.]

early bird discount; early payment discount Frühbucherrabatt {m}

early bird discounts; early payment discounts Frühbucherrabatte {pl}

early payment discount Frühzahlerrabatt {m}; Skonto {m} [listen]

early payment discounts Frühzahlerrabatte {pl}; Skonti {pl}; Skontos {pl}

advance salary payment; salary advance; advance on salary [Am.]; advance salary/pay [listen] Gehaltsvorauszahlung {f}; Gehaltsvorschuss {m} [fin.]

cash benefit; monetary payment; payment [listen] Geldleistung {f}; Geldleistungen {pl}

payment in cash and kind Geld- und Sachleistungen

acceptance of sth. in part payment; acceptance of sth. as a trade-in Inzahlungnahme {f} von etw.

when sth. is taken as trade-in; when sth. is traded in bei Inzahlungnahme von etw.

receipt of payment for securities not yet issued (stock exchange) Kassenquittung {f} (Börse) [fin.]

key of payment Kostenschlüssel {m}

keys of payment Kostenschlüssel {pl}

accounts payable payment Kreditorenzahlung {f}

cryptocurrency; crypto (digital means of payment) Kryptowährung {f} (digitales Zahlungsmittel) [comp.] [fin.]

ex-gratia payment Kulanzzahlung {f} [econ.]

ex-gratia payments Kulanzzahlungen {pl}

advance wage payment; wage advance; advance on payroll [Am.] Lohnvorauszahlung {f}; Lohnvorschuss {m} [fin.]

wage and salary payment; wage payment Lohnzahlung {f} [econ.] [fin.]

wage payment period; payroll period [Am.] Lohnzahlungszeitraum {m} [econ.] [fin.]

wage payment periods; payroll periods Lohnzahlungszeiträume {pl}

(court) order for payment; payment order (issued by a court); default summons (gerichtlicher) Mahnbescheid {m} [Dt.]; bedingter Zahlungsbefehl {m} [Ös.] [Lie.]; Zahlungsbefehl {m} [Schw.] [jur.]

European order for payment Europäischer Zahlungsbefehl {m}

overdue payment collection; dunning Mahnwesen {n} [fin.] [adm.]

excess marginal revenue payment Mehrerlösabschöpfung {f} [fin.]

subsequent payment Nachbezahlung {f}

subsequent payments Nachbezahlungen {pl}

additional payment; additional cover Nachschusszahlung {f} [fin.]

back payment Nachzahlung {f} (nachträgliche Zahlung)

lump payment Pauschalbezahlung {f}

flat-rate payment; fixed allowance Pauschalvergütung {f}

composition payment Pauschalzahlung {f}

composition payments Pauschalzahlungen {pl}

commission payment Provisionszahlung {f} [fin.]

commission payments Provisionszahlungen {pl}

quarterly payment Quartalszahlung {f} [fin.]

quarterly payments Quartalszahlungen {pl}

credit purchase; purchase on credit; buying on a credit basis; sale for the account; hire-purchase [Br.]; deferred payment purchase [Am.]; installment buying/purchase [Am.]; purchase on the installment system [Am.]; buying on time [Am.]; charge sale [Am.] [listen] Ratenkauf {m}; Teilzahlungskauf {m}; Abzahlungskauf {m}; Zielkauf {m}; Kreditkauf {m} [econ.]

to buy sth. on hire purchase [Br.] / on H.P. [Br.]; to buy sth. on the installment plan/system [Am.] / on a deferred payment plan [Am.] / on a deferred payment basis [Am.] / on a time payment plan [Am.] / on deferred terms [Am.]; to buy sth. on the never-never [Br.] [coll.] etw. auf Raten kaufen; etw. auf Teilzahlung kaufen [geh.] {vt}

deferred payment system [Am.] Ratenzahlungsmodell {n} [fin.]

deferred payment systems Ratenzahlungsmodelle {pl}

pension payment Rentenzahlung {f} [Dt.] [Schw.]; Pensionszahlung {f} [Ös.] (gesetzliche Rente) [fin.]

pension payments Rentenzahlungen {pl}; Pensionszahlungen {pl}

annuity payment Rentenzahlung {f} (private Rente) [fin.]

annuity payments Rentenzahlungen {pl}

residual payment; final payment (einmalige) Restzahlung {f} [fin.]

residual payments; final payments Restzahlungen {pl}

surcharge for late filing; late filing penality; late payment penality; failure-to-file penality (fiscal law) Säumniszuschlag {m}; Verspätungszuschlag {m} (Steuerrecht) [fin.]

late payment fee; late payment fine Säumniszuschlag {m}; Säumnisgebühr {f} (für verspätete Zahlung) [fin.]

late payment fees; late payment fines Säumniszuschläge {pl}; Säumnisgebühren {pl}

exceptional redemption payment; special redemption payment; unscheduled repayment Sondertilgung {f} [fin.]

exceptional redemption payments; special redemption payments; unscheduled repayments Sondertilgungen {pl}

additional payment of taxes; subsequent payment of taxes Steuernachzahlung {f} [fin.]

additional payments of taxes; subsequent payments of taxes Steuernachzahlungen {pl}

default in payment of tax; tax delinquency [Am.] Steuersäumigkeit {f}; Steuersäumnis {f} [fin.]

tax deferment; tax deferral [Am.]; respite granted for tax payment Steuerstundung {f} [fin.]

tax payment date; tax deadline; deadline for tax payments Steuertermin {m}; Steuerzahlungstermin {m} [selten] [fin.] [adm.]

tax payment dates; tax deadlines; deadlines for tax payments Steuertermine {pl}; Steuerzahlungstermine {pl}

penalty payment Strafzahlung {f}; Pönale {f} [Ös.] [fin.]

deferment of payment Stundung {f} (einer Zahlung)

non-payment of a fuel bill (criminal offence) Tankbetrug {m}; Tankdiebstahl {m} (Straftatbestand) [jur.]

hire-purchase price [Br.]; deferred payment price [Am.] Teilzahlungspreis {m}; Abzahlungspreis {m}; Preis {m} bei Ratenzahlung [fin.]

credit sale; sale on credit; conditional sale; sale for the account; sale on hire-purchase [Br.]; deferred payment sale [Am.]; installment sale [Am.]; sale on the installment system [Am.]; charge sale [Am.] Teilzahlungsverkauf {m}; Abzahlungsverkauf {m}; Kreditverkauf {m} [econ.]

redemption mortgage; instalment [Br.]/installment [Am.] mortgage; constant payment mortgage [Am.] [listen] Tilgungshypothek {f}; Abzahlungshypothek {f} [fin.]

redemption mortgages; instalment/installment mortgages; constant payment mortgages Tilgungshypotheken {pl}; Abzahlungshypotheken {pl}

transfer payment (staatliche) Transferzahlung {f}; Transferleistung {f} [fin.]

transfer payments Transferzahlungen {pl}; Transferleistungen {pl}

overtime allowance; overtime pay; overtime payment; payment for overtime Überstundenzuschlag {m}; Überstundenvergütung {f}

benefit payment; benefit; support payment [listen] Unterstützungszahlung {f}

remuneration payment date Vergütungszahltag {m}

non-payment of taxes Verkürzung {f} von Abgaben/Steuern; Abgabenverkürzung {f}; Steuerverkürzung {f} [fin.]

negligent non-payment of taxes; non-payment of taxes by negligence leichtfertige Steuerverkürzung [Dt.]; fahrlässige Abgabenverkürzung [Ös.]

interest for delay; interest for late payment; interest on arrears Verzugszinsen {pl} [fin.]

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