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83 results for virus | virus
Word division: Vi·rus
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 English  German

virus [listen] Virus {n}; Virus {m} [ugs.] [med.]

viruses Viren {pl}

attenuated virus abgeschwächtes Virus

adenovirus Adenovirus {n}

adeno-associated virus adeno-assoziiertes Virus

amphotropic virus amphotropes Virus

avian virus aviäres Virus; Virus, das bei Vögeln auftritt

bacterial virus bakterienpathogenes Virus

croup-associated virus Croup-assoziiertes Virus

dermotropic virus dermatotropes Virus; dermotropes Virus

DNA viruses DNS-Viren

Epstein-Barr virus; EB virus /EBV/ Epstein-Barr-Virus

human pathogenic viruses humanpathogene Viren

human cytomegaly virus /HCMV/ humanes Cytomegalie-Virus

human papillomaviruses /HPV/ humane Papillomviren/Papillomaviren /HPV/

human orthopneumovirus; (human) respiratory syncytial virus /RSV/ (humanes) respiratorisches Synzytial-Virus; RS-Virus /HRSV/ /RSV/

vaccination virus Impfvirus {n}

karyotropic virus karyotropes Virus

cancer-producing virus; oncogenic virus krebsauslösendes Virus; onkogenes Virus

slow virus langsames Virus

mesogenic virus mesogenes Virus

neurotropic virus neurotropes Virus

filter-passing virus; non-filterable virus; non-filtrable virus nicht filtrierbares Virus

respiratory syncitial virus respiratorisches Synzytial-Virus; RS-Virus

retrovirus Retrovirus {n}

rhinovirus Rhinovirus {n}

syncytial virus synzytiales Virus

animal virus tierisches Virus

varicella zoster virus Varizella-Zoster-Virus {n}

wild virus; live virus Wildvirus {n}

virus excretion Virusausscheidung {f} [med.]

excretion of virusses in the faeces; virucopria Virusausscheidung im Kot

excretion of virusses in the urine; viruria Virusausscheidung im Urin

excretion of virusses in the milk; virolactia Virusausscheidung in der Milch

virus vaccine Virusimpfstoff {m} [pharm.]

virus vaccines Virusimpfstoffe {pl}

attenuated virus vaccine abgeschwächter Virusimpfstoff

formalin-inactivated measles virus vaccine formalininaktivierter Masernvirusimpfstoff {m}

virus variant Virusvariante {f} [biol.]

virus variants Virusvarianten {pl}

Delta variant Deltavariante {f}

virus yellows Vergilbungskrankheit {f} der Zuckerrüben [agr.]

virus release Virenfreisetzung {f} [med.]

virus checking Virenprüfung {f}; Überprüfung {f} auf Viren [comp.]

virus checkings Virenprüfungen {pl}

virus breeding ground Virenschleuder {f} [comp.] [med.]

virus breeding grounds Virenschleudern {pl}

virus protection Virenschutz {m} [comp.]

pre-boot virus protection Virenschutz vor dem Hochfahren

virus signature Virensignatur {f}; Virussignatur {f} [comp.]

virus signatures Virensignaturen {pl}; Virussignaturen {pl}

virus disease; virosis Viruserkankung {f}; Viruskrankheit {f}; Virose {f} [med.]

virus diseases; viroses Viruserkankungen {pl}; Viruskrankheiten {pl}; Virosen {pl}

virus inactivation; inactivation of virusses Virusinaktivierung {f} [med.]

virus interference (in an organism) Virusinterferenz {f} (im Organismus) [med.]

virus isolation Virusisolierung {f} [med.]

virus marketing; viral marketing; marketing buzz Virusmarketing {n}; virales Marketing {n}; Viralmarketing {f} [econ.] [comp.]

viral video; viral clip; viral spot Viralvideo {n}; Viralclip {m}; Viral {n} (viral im Internet verbreitetes Werbevideo) [econ.] [comp.]

virus particle Viruspartikel {n}

virus particles Viruspartikel {pl}

virus enhancement gesteigerte Virusvermehrung {f} [med.]

computer virus Computervirus {n}; Computervirus {m} [ugs.] [comp.]

computer viruses Computerviren {pl}

boot sector virus; boot virus Bootsektorvirus {n}; Bootvirus {n}

mobile phone virus [Br.]; cellphone virus [Am.] Handyvirus {n}

anti-virus software Antivirensoftware {f}; Antivirus-Software {f} [comp.]

arabis mosaic virus /AMV/ Arabismosaik-Virus {n} /AMV/ [bot.]

bacterial virus; bacteriophage; phage [coll.] Bakterienvirus {n}; Bakteriophage {m}; Phage {m} (Virus, das Bakterien infiziert) [biol.]

bacterial viruses; bacteriophages; phages Bakterienviren {pl}; Bakteriophagen {pl}; Phagen {pl}

avian infectious bronchitis virus /IBV/; chicken bronchitis virus; avian corona virus Infektiöses Bronchitisvirus {n} des Huhnes /IBV/; Hühnerbronchitisvirus {n}; aviäres infektiöses Bronchitisvirus {n}; aviäres Coronavirus {n} [med.]

intestinal virus; bowel virus Darmvirus {m} [med.]

Ebola virus Ebolavirus {m,n} [med.]

strawberry latent ringspot virus /SLRV/ Erdbeerringflecken-Virus {n} [bot.]

cold virus Erkältungsvirus {n} [med.]

flu virus Grippevirus {m} [med.]

cucumber mosaic virus Gurkenmosaikvirus {n}

cucumber mosaic viruses Gurkenmosaikviren {pl}

raspberry ringspot virus /RRSV/ Himbeerringflecken-Virus {n} [bot.]

Rous' saroma virus; chicken sarcoma virus Hühnersarkomvirus {n} [med.]

cherry leaf roll virus /CLRV/ Kirschenblattrollvirus {n}

Marburg virus disease /MVD/ Marburgfieber {n} [med.]

Marburg virus Marburg-Virus {m,n} [med.]

prunus necrotic ringspot virus /PNRSV/ Nekrotisches Ringflecken-Virus {n} [bot.]

virus-infested virenverseucht {adj} [med.] [comp.]

grapevine fanleaf virus /GFLV/ Reisigvirus {n}; Fächerblättigkeitsvirus {n} (Weinrebenkrankheit) [bot.]

rubella virus Rötelnvirus {n} [med.]

rubella viruses Rötelnviren {pl}

head cold virus Schnupfenvirus {n} [med.]

rabies virus Tollwutvirus {n} [med.]

rabies virus group Tollwutvirusgruppe {f} [med.]

tomato black ring virus /TBRV/ Tomatenschwarzringflecken-Virus {n} [bot.]

antivirus software; anti-virus software; virus protection program Virenschutzprogramm {n}; Antivirenprogramm {n}; Anti-Viren-Programm {n} [comp.]

antivirus software; anti-virus programs; virus protection programs Virenschutzprogramme {pl}; Antivirenprogramme {pl}; Anti-Viren-Programme {pl}

virus-scanning software; virus-checking software Virensuchprogramm {n}; Virenscanner {m} [comp.]

caused by a virus / virusses; virogenetic durch ein Virus verursacht; durch Viren verursacht [med.]

attachment of a/the virus (to a cell); viropexis Virusanbindung {f}; Virusanheftung {f} (an eine Zelle) [biol.]

associated with the ongoing Corona virus situation; related to the ongoing Corona virus outbreak; caused by the ongoing Corona virus pandemic coronabedingt {adj} [med.] [pol.]

due to the ongoing Corona virus situation; due to the ongoing corona virus outbreak; due to the Corona virus pandemic coronabedingt; infolge der aktuellen Corona-Situation {adv}

virus-inhibiting; virostatic virushemmend; virostatissch; virustatisch {adj} [pharm.]

antibody; immune body Abwehrkörper {m}; Antikörper {m}; Abwehrstoff {m}; Immunkörper {m}; Schutzkörper {m} [biol.]

antibodies; immune bodies Abwehrkörper {pl}; Antikörper {pl}; Abwehrstoffe {pl}; Immunkörper {pl}; Schutzkörper {pl}

anaphylactic antibody Anaphylaxieantikörper {m}

anti-idiotypic antibody antiidiotypischer Antikörper

antiplatelet immune body antithrombozytärer Immunkörper

anti-nuclear antibody Antizellkern-Antikörper {m}

xeno-antibody; xenogenic immune body artfemder Antikörper

autoaggresive antibody autoaggressiver Antikörper

autologous antibody autologer Antikörper

blocking antibody blockierender Antikörper

blood-group specific antibody blutgruppenspezifischer Antikörper

Epstein-Barr virus antibody Epstein-Barr-Virus-Antikörper

idiotypic antibody idiotypischer Antikörper

isologue antibody isologer Antikörper

cold-reactive antibody Kälte-reaktiver Antikörper

complement-fixing antibody komplementbindender Antikörper

cross-reacting antibody kreuzreagierende Antikörper

monoclonal antibodies /MAB/ monoklonale Antikörper /MAK/

unconjugated monoclonal antibody nichtkonjugierter monoklonaler Antikörper

heat-labile antibody thermolabiler Antikörper

treponema-immobilizing immune body Treponema-immobilisierender Immunkörper

cell-bound antibody zellständiger Antikörper

antibrucella immune body Antikörper gegen Bruzellen

auto-antibody Antikörper gegen das eigene Gewebe

steroid cell antibody Antikörper gegen steroidbildende Zellen

to develop antibodies against sth. gegen etw. Antikörper / Schutzkörper entwickeln

kudos [Br.] [used without article] [listen] öffentliches Ansehen {n}; Berühmtheit {f}; Prestige {n}; Ehre {f} [listen]

Being an actor has a certain amount of kudos attached to it. Schauspieler zu sein bringt ein gewisses Maß an öffentlichem Ansehen mit sich.

He acquired kudos by appearing on television. Er erlangte dadurch Berühmtheit, dass er im Fernsehen auftrat.

In the good old days virus writers wrote their malcode for the kudos alone. In der guten alten Zeit erstellten die Virenschreiber ihre Schadroutinen nur des Prestiges/der Ehre wegen.

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