Dictionary - TU Chemnitz

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converter [listen] Messumsetzer {m}; Umsetzer {m} (oft fälschlich: Wandler) [electr.] [phys.]

analogue-to-digital converter [Br.]; analog-to-digital converter [Am.]; analogue-digital converter [Br.]; analog-digital converter [Am.]; A/D converter /ADC/; digitizer Analog-Digital-Umsetzer; A/D-Umsetzer

digital-to-analogue converter [Br.]; digital-to-analog converter [Am.]; digital-analogue converter [Br.]; digital-analog converter [Am.]; D/A converter /DAC/ Digital-Analog-Umsetzer

binary-to-decimal converter; binary-decimal converter Binär-Dezimal-Umsetzer

eight-bit converter Acht-Bit-Umsetzer

converter [listen] Konverter {m} [techn.]

converters Konverter {pl}

converter casing; converter housing Katalysatorgehäuse {n} [auto]

converter (metallurgy) [listen] Konverter {m} (Metallurgie) [techn.]

spiked bottom of the converter Nadelboden des Konverters

power converter; converter [listen] Stromrichter {m}; Umformer {m} [electr.]

power converters; converters Stromrichter {pl}; Umformer {pl}

cascade converter; concatenated converter; motor converter; Bragstad converter; La Cour converter Kaskadenumformer {m}

standby converter Netzersatzumformer {m}

line-commutated converter netzgeführter Stromrichter

turboconverter Turboumformer {m}

current source inverter Stromrichter netzseitig

wind power plant; wind energy plant; wind plant; wind power unit / WPU/; wind power station [Br.]; wind-turbine generator system /WTGS/; wind turbine; wind energy conversion system [obs.]; wind energy converter [obs.] Windkraftanlage {f} /WKA/; Windenergieanlage {f} /WEA/; Windanlage {f}; Windkraftwerk {n}; Windkraftkonverter {m} [obs.] [envir.]

wind power plants; wind energy plants; wind plants; wind power units; wind power stations; wind-turbine generator systems; wind turbines; wind energy conversion systems; wind energy converters Windkraftanlagen {pl}; Windenergieanlagen {pl}; Windanlagen {pl}; Windkraftwerke {pl}; Windkraftkonverter {pl}

horizontal-axis wind turbine /HAWT/ Windkraftanlage mit horizontaler Achse

vertical-axis wind turbine /VAWT/ Windkraftanlage mit vertikaler Achse

offshore wind energy plant; offshore wind turbine Windenergieanlage vor der Küste

exhaust gas catalytic converter; catalytic converter; converter; catalyser [Br.] [listen] Abgaskatalysator {m}; Katalysator {m}; Kat {m} [auto]

exhaust gas catalytic converters; catalytic converters; converters; catalysers Abgaskatalysatoren {pl}; Katalysatoren {pl}; Kats {pl}

step-down converter; step-down transformer Abwärtstransformator {m} [electr.]

step-down converter; buck converter Abwärtswandler {m}; Abwärtsregler {m} [electr.]

step-down converters; buck converters Abwärtswandler {pl}; Abwärtsregler {pl}

A-D converter; analogue/digital converter [listen] AD-Wandler {m}; A/D-Wandler {m}; A-D-Wandler {m} [electr.]

step-up transformer; step-up converter Aufwärtstransformator {m}; Aufspanntransformator {m} [electr.]

step-up transformers; step-up converters Aufwärtstransformatoren {pl}; Aufspanntransformatoren {pl}

up converter Aufwärtswandler {m} [electr.]

up converters Aufwärtswandler {pl}

biomass converter Biomassekonverter {m}

biomass converters Biomassekonverter {pl}

code converter Code-Umsetzer {m}

code converters Code-Umsetzer {pl}

steam converter Dampfumformer {m} [mach.]

steam converters Dampfumformer {pl}

digital-analog converter Digital/Analog-Umsetzer {m}

digital-analog converters Digital/Analog-Umsetzer {pl}

torque converter bearing (railway) Drehmomentenstütze {f} (Bahn)

torque converter Drehmomentwandler {m} [techn.]

torque converters Drehmomentwandler {pl}

forward converter Flusswandler {m}; Durchflusswandler {m} [electr.]

frequency converter Frequenzumformer {m}; Frequenzumwandler {m}; Frequenzwandler {m}; Periodenwandler {m} [electr.]

frequency converters Frequenzumformer {pl}; Frequenzumwandler {pl}; Frequenzwandler {pl}; Periodenwandler {pl}

boost converter Hochsetzsteller {m} [electr.]

catalytic converter feedback effect Katalysator-Rückwirkung {f}

card to tape converter Lochkarten-Magnetbandumsetzer {m}; Lochstreifenumsetzer {m} [comp.] [hist.]

card to tape converters Lochkarten-Magnetbandumsetzer {pl}; Lochstreifenumsetzer {pl}

magnetic tape-to-punch-card converter Magnetband-Lochkartenumsetzer {m} [comp.] [hist.]

magnetic tape-to-punch-card converters Magnetband-Lochkartenumsetzer {pl}

frequency converter; converter (in a superheterodyne receiver) (radio, telecommunications) [listen] Mischstufe {f}; Mischer {m}; Mixer {m} (als Frequenzumsetzer in einem Überlagerungsempfänger) (Radio, Telekommunikation) [telco.]

frequency converters; converters Mischstufen {pl}; Mischer {pl}; Mixer {pl}

proximity focus converter (TV) Nahfokus-Bildwandler {m} (TV) [techn.]

protocol converter Protokoll-Konverter {m} (Datenübertragungs-Codes)

exhaust emission before catalytic converter phase Rohemission {f}

rust converter Rostumwandler {m}

voltage converter; voltage transformer; potential transformer Spannungswandler {m} [electr.]

voltage converters; voltage transformers; potential transformers Spannungswandler {pl}

flyback converter; flyback transformer Sperrwandler {m} [electr.]

top-to-top converter Spinnbandreißmaschine {f} [textil.]

top-to-top converters Spinnbandreißmaschinen {pl}

buck converter Tiefsetzsteller {m}; Abwärtswandler {m} [electr.]

buck converters Tiefsetzsteller {pl}; Abwärtswandler {pl}

isolating transducer; isolating converter; isolating transformer Trennwandler {m}

isolating transducers; isolating converters; isolating transformers Trennwandler {pl}

conversion program; converter (software) [listen] Umsetzprogramm {n}; Konvertierungsprogramm {n}; Konvertierprogramm {n}; Konverter {m} (Software) [comp.]

conversion programs; converters Umsetzprogramme {pl}; Konvertierungsprogramme {pl}; Konvertierprogramme {pl}; Konverter {pl}

frequency converter Wechselstrom-Umrichter {m}; AC/AC-Konverter {m}; Umrichter {m} [electr.]

frequency converters Wechselstrom-Umrichter {pl}; AC/AC-Konverter {pl}; Umrichter {pl}

indirect converter; DC link converter Zwischenkreisumrichter {m}

stochastic-ergodic converter stochastisch-ergodischer Umsetzer {m} [techn.]

sub-synchronous converter cascade untersynchrone Kaskade {f}

AC-DC converter AC/DC-Wandler {m}; AC-DC-Wandler {m} [techn.]

impedance converter; impedance transformer (device for adjusting impedance) Impedanzwandler {m}; Impedanztransformator {m} (Baugruppe, die den Wechselstromwiderstand anpasst)

energy converter Energiewandler {m} [auto]

wind energy converter; wind energy conversion system Windenergiekonverter {m} [techn.]

blow converter Aufblaskonverter {m} [techn.]

locomotive; loco [coll.]; railroad engine [Am.]; engine [Am.] (railway) [listen] [listen] Lokomotive {f}; Lok {f} [ugs.] (Bahn)

locomotives; locos; railroad engines; engines Lokomotiven {pl}; Loks {pl}

hump locomotive Abdrücklokomotive {f}

battery-operated locomotive Batterielokomotive {f}; batteriebetriebene Lokomotive {f}

mountain locomotive; mountain engine [Am.]; Alpine locomotive; Alpine engine [Am.] Bergbahnlokomotive {f}; Gebirgsbahnlokomotive {f}

brake locomotive Bremslokomotive {f}

steam locomotive; steam engine [Am.]; steam traction unit Dampflokomotive {f}; Dampflok {f}

oil-burning locomotive Dampflokomotive mit Ölfeuerung

fireless steam locomotive; locomotive without firebox Dampfspeicherlokomotive {f}; feuerlose Lokomotive {f}

diesel locomotive; diesel engine [Am.] Diesellokomotive {f}; Diesellok {f}

diesel-electric locomotive dieselelektrische Lokomotive; Diesellokomotive mit elektrischer Kraftübertragung

diesel-hydraulic locomotive dieselhydraulische Lokomotive; Diesellokomotive mit hydraulischer Kraftübertragung

diesel-hydromechanical locomotive Diesellokomotive mit hydromechanischer Kraftübertragung

diesel-mechanical locomotive Diesellokomotive mit mechanischer Kraftübertragung

small shunting locomotive Diesellokomotive mittlerer Leistung

non-condensing steam locomotive Direktauspuff-Lokomotive {f}

direct-drive locomotive; gearless locomotive Direktmotorlokomotive {f}; Lokomotive mit unmittelbarem Antrieb / mit Wechselstrommotor

double locomotive Doppel-Lokomotive {f}

bogie locomotive Drehgestell-Lokomotive {f}

locomotive with single-phase/three-phase converter set Drehstromlokomotive {f}

triple locomotive Dreifachlokomotive {f}

three-system locomotive Dreistromlokomotive {f}

three-cylinder locomotive Drillingslokomotive {f}; Lokomotive mit drei Zylindern

single-phase locomotive; alternating current locomotive Einphasenwechselstromlokomotive {f}

locomotive with single underframe Einrahmenlokomotive {f}

rotary converter locomotive elektrische Lokomotive mit rotierendem Umformer

electro-diesel locomotive Elektrodiesellokomotive {f}

electric locomotive Elektrolokomotive {f}; elektrische Lokomotive {f}; E-Lok {f}

simple-expansion locomotive Lokomotive mit einfacher Expansion

triple expansion locomotive Lokomotive mit dreifacher Expansion

excitron locomotive Exzitronlokomotive {f}; Lokomotive mit Exzitron

slave locomotive ferngesteuerte Lokomotive

gas-turbine locomotive (with electric transmission) Gasturbinenlokomotive {f} (mit elektrischer Kraftübertragung)

articulated locomotive Gelenklokomotive {f}; Gliederlokomotive {f}; Lenkachslokomotive {f}; Lokomotive mit einstellbaren Achsen

rectifier locomotive; locomotive with a.c./d.c. motor converter set Gleichrichterlokomotive {f}

controlled rectifier locomotive Lokomotive mit gesteuerten Gleichrichtern

goods locomotive [Br.]; freight locomotive [Am.] Güterzuglokomotive {f}

dry rectifier locomotive Lokomotive mit Halbleitergleichrichtern

cold locomotive kalte Lokomotive; Kaltlok {f}

small-power locomotive; small shunting locomotive; light rail motor tractor Kleinlokomotive {f}; K-Lok {f}; Traktor {m} [Schw.]

light locomotive; light engine [Am.] Leerlokomotive {f}; Lokomotivzug {m}; Lokzug {m} [ugs.]

universal locomotive; mixed-traffic locomotive; mixed-traffic engine [Am.] Mehrzwecklokomotive {f}; Lokomotive für gemischten Bahnverkehr

adhesion locomotive Reibungslokomotive {f}; Adhäsionslokomotive {f}

rack-rail locomotive Lokomotive für Reibungs- und Zahnradantrieb

rigid-frame locomotive Lokomotive mit Starrrahmen

tank locomotive Tenderlokokomotive {f}

thyristor locomotive Thyristor-Lokomotive {f}; Lokomotive mit Thyristorsteuerung

gas-turbine diesel locomotive Turbodiesellokomotive {f}; Diesellokomotive {f} mit Turboaufladung

compound locomotive Verbundlokomotive {f}; Lokomotive mit zweistufiger Expansion

shunting locomotive; shunting unit; shunting engine [Am.]; shunter; switch engine [Am.]; switcher [Am.]; wildcat [Am.] Verschiebelokomotive {f}; Verschiebelok {f}; Verschublokomotive {f} [Ös.]; Verschublok {f} [Ös.]; Rangierlokomotive {f}; Rangierlok {f}

multiple locomotive Vorspannlokomotive {f}; Vorspannlok {f}; Lokomotive {f} im Leervorspann

dual-cylinder locomotive; two-cylinder locomotive Zwillingslokomotive {f}; Lokomotive mit zwei Dampfzylindern

pug locomotive [Br.]; pug [Br.] kleine Dampflokomotive; kleine Dampflok [hist.]

inside framed engine Lokomotive mit Innenrahmen

light running of a locomotive; locomotive running light Leerfahrt {f} einer Lokomotive; Lok-Leerfahrt {f}; Fahrt als Lokzug [Schw.]

removal of locomotive rods Ausbau der Treibstangen einer Lokomotive

to fire a steam locomotive eine Dampflok anheizen

to put an engine in steam / under steam eine Lokomotive unter Dampf setzen

low-noise; low-noise level ... rauscharm; spektralrein {adj} [electr.]

low-noise amplifier stage rauscharme Verstärkerstufe {f}

low-noise amplifier Verstärker mit niedrigem Eigenrauschen

low-noise converter /LNC/ rauscharmer Konverter

low-noise tape Low-Noise-Band {n}