Dictionary - TU Chemnitz

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impedance Scheinwiderstand {m}; Impedanz {f} [electr.]

impedances Scheinwiderstände {pl}

anode load impendance Scheinwiderstand im Anodenkreis

cable impedance Kabelimpedanz {f}

impedance corrector Anpassungstrafo {m} [electr.]

impedance matching transformer Anpassungstransformator {m} [electr.]

impedance matching transformers Anpassungstransformatoren {pl}

impedance voltage Kurzschlussspannung {f} [electr.]

impedance bridging; voltage bridging Spannungsanpassung {f} [electr.]

impedance converter; impedance transformer (device for adjusting impedance) Impedanzwandler {m}; Impedanztransformator {m} (Baugruppe, die den Wechselstromwiderstand anpasst)

impedance spectroscopy Impedanzspektroskopie {f} [electr.]

terminating impedance Abschlussimpedanz {f} [electr.]

asynchronous impedance Asynchronimpedanz {f}

rated percent impedance Bemessungs-Kurzschlussspannung {f} [electr.]

intrinsic impedance Eigenimpedanz {f} [electr.]

intrinsic free space impedance (radio engineering) Freiraumimpedanz {f} (Funktechnik) [phys.]

mimic impedance; replica impedance Impedanznachbildung {f} [electr.]

shunt impedance Querimpedanz {f} [electr.]

acoustic resistance; acoustical impedance Schallhärte {f}

oscillation impedance (mechanics) Schwingungswiderstand {m} (Mechanik) [phys.]

wave impedance; intrinsic free space impedance (radio engineering) Wellenwiderstand {m}; Wellenimpedanz {f}; Freiraumimpedanz {f} (Funktechnik) [phys.]

low-impedance niederohmig {adj} (Elektronik) [electr.]

of high acoustic impedance (acoustics) schallhart; mit hoher Schallimpedanz {adj} (Akustik)

complex impedance komplexer Widerstand {m} [phys.]

matching [listen] Anpassung {f} [comp.] [electr.] [telco.] [listen]

impedance matching Impedanzanpassung {f}

characteristic; characteristic curve; characteristic line; performance curve [listen] Kennlinie {f}; Charakteristik {f} [math.] [electr.]

characteristics; characteristic curves; characteristic lines; performance curves [listen] Kennlinien {pl}; Charakteristiken {pl}

family of characteristics Kennlinienschar {f}; Kennlinienfeld {n}

load characteristic Belastungskennlinie {f} [techn.]

spring characteristics Federkennlinie {f} [techn.]

heating characteristics Heizkennlinie {f}

locked rotor impedance characteristic (asynchronous machine) Kurzschlusskennlinie {f} [electr.]

no-load characteristic Leerlaufkennlinie {f}; Leerlaufcharakteristik {f}

selectivity characteristic (of a switch/relay) Schutzkennlinie {f} (eines Schalters/Relais) [electr.]

probe characteristic Sondenkennlinie {f} (Röhre) [electr.]

response curve of a seismograph Kennlinie eines Seismografen

conjugate imaginary; conjugate /conjg./ konjugiert-komplex {adj} [telco.]

conjugate-complex attenuation; conjugate attenuation konjugiert-komplexe Dämpfung

conjugate phase constant konjugiert-komplexe Phasenkonstante

conjugate impedance konjugiert-komplexer Widerstand eines Vierpols; konjugiert-komplexer Scheinwiderstand

conjugate transfer coefficient; conjugate transfer constant konjugiert-komplexes Übertragungsmaß