Dictionary - TU Chemnitz

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Abmanteln {n} (eines Kabels) [electr.] cable insulation stripping; cable stripping

Arillus {m}; fleischiger Samenmantel [bot.] aril

Asthenosphäre {f}; Teil des oberen Erdmantels [geogr.] [phys.] asthenosphere

Bohlenummantelung {f} von Baumstämmen (auf der Baustelle) [constr.] boarding-up of tree trunks (on a building site)

Doppelmantel {m} double shell

Drahtummantelung {f} [electr.] wire sheathing; wire covering

Duster {m}; Staubmantel {m} [textil.] duster

Eismantel {m} [astron.] ice mantle

Erdmantel {m} [geol.] earth's mantle; mantle of the earth

Flechtwerkmantel {m}; Mantelfläche {f} einer Kuppel [constr.] trelliswork casing

Frisiermantel {m} peignoir

Gebetsmantel {m} (der Juden) [relig.] prayer shawl; scarf; tallith; tallis [listen]

Gehäuse {m}; Mantel {m}; Hülle {f} (eines Sprengkörpers) [mil.] [listen] [listen] [listen] casing (of an explosive device) [listen]

Geschossmantel {m}; Geschoßmantel {m} [Ös.] [mil.] projectile/bullet case; projectile/bullet jacket [listen] [listen]

Hartmantel {m} self-setting finish

Kabelmantel {m} cable sheath

Kunststoffmantel {m} plastic sheathing

Kurventrommel {f}; Mantelkurve {f}; Zylinderkurve {f} [techn.] barrel cam; cylinder cam; cylindrical cam; cam barrel; cam drum

Mantel {m} eines optischen Leiters [techn.] cladding [listen]

den Mantel nach dem Winde hängen {v} [übtr.] to float with the tide; to set one's sail to every wind

Mantelblech {n} jacket sheet

Mantelfläche {f} girthed area

Mantelflansch {m} für Vorkammer [techn.] shell flange channel end

Mantelheizkörper {m}; Röhrenheizkörper {m} (Brauerei) calandria (brewery)

Mantelkurve {f} [statist.] envelope curve

Mantelkühler {m} shell type cooler

Mantelreibung {f} carcass friction

Mantelschnegel {pl} (Parmacellidae) (zoologische Familie) [zool.] parmacellidae slugs; parmacellids (zoological family)

Mantelstrom {m} (Kabel) [electr.] sheath current (cable)

Mantelstromfilter {m} [electr.] sheath current filter [Br.]

Motormantel {m} motor casing

Pluviale {n}; Vespermantel {m}; Segensmantel {m}; Chormantel {m} [relig.] cope [listen]

PVC-Mantel {m} PVC sheated cable

Raglan {m}; Raglanmantel {m} raglan; raglan coat

Reifendecke {f}; Reifenmantel {m} tyre; tire [Am.] [listen] [listen]

Saatelementmantel {m} (Kerntechnik) [techn.] seed and blanket core (nuclear engineering)

Saatelement-Mantelreaktor {m} (Kerntechnik) [techn.] seed blanket reactor (nuclear engineering)

Salzmantel {m}; Salzkruste {f} [cook.] salt coat

Schlitz {m} (in Mantel; Jacke) vent (in coat) [listen]

Schutzmantelmadonna {f} (Mariendarstellung) [art] Virgin of Mercy (madonna)

Sedimentmantel {m} [geol.] sedimentary mantle

betonummantelte Stahlbauteile encased steelwork

im Teigmantel [cook.] battered {adj} [listen]

Trauermantelsalmler {m} (Gymnocorymbus ternetzi) [zool.] black widow (tetra)

Trenchcoat {m} (sportlicher Mantel mit Gürtel und Applikationen) [textil.] trench coat

Ummantelung {f}; Mantel {m} (Kabel, Draht) [listen] sheathing; coating (of a cable or wire) [listen]

Verzögerungswicklung {f}; Kupfermantel {m} (Relais) [electr.] slug (of a relay) [listen]

Vollmantelgeschoss {n}; Vollmantelgeschoß {n} [Ös.] [mil.] full metal jacket

Wellmantel {m} [techn.] corrugated sheath

Wurzelmantel {m} [bot.] root mantle

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