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387 ähnliche Ergebnisse für Windt
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Ähnliche Wörter:
Am-Wind-Kurs, Chinook-Wind, E-Winde, Muring-Winde, Wind, Winde
Ähnliche Wörter:
wind, wind-!-mill, wind-!-proof, wind-blown, wind-borne, wind-carried, wind-carved, wind-clipped, wind-deposited, wind-exposed, wind-farm, wind-farms, wind-firm, wind-hardy, wind-kanter, wind-pollinated, wind-protected, wind-tightness, winds, windy

Ablenkung {f} durch den Wind windage

Am-Wind-Kurs {m} (Segeln) [sport] close reach course; close reach [coll.] (sailing)

jdm. Angst machen; jdn. ins Bockshorn jagen [übtr.] [ugs.] {v} to put the wind up sb. [coll.]

Anströmrichtung {f} [aviat.] relative wind; free stream velocity vector

Backwind {m} caught aback (wind)

ein Bäuerchen machen {vi} (Säugling) [med.] to bring up wind (of a baby)

Baiser {n}; spanischer Wind {m}; Meringe {f} [BW]; Windgebäck {n} [Ös.]; Windbäckerei {f} [Ös.]; Meringue {f} [Schw.] [cook.] meringue

Beaufortskala {f}; Windstärkenskala {f} Beaufort scale; Beaufort wind force scale

Birne {f}; Wulst {f} (Blasinstrument) [mus.] [anhören] barrel socket (wind instrument)

Bläserquintett {n} [mus.] wind quintet

Blutauffrischung {f}; frischer Wind {m} (in einer Organisation) [soc.] fresh blood; new blood (in an organisation)

Bodenwindscherung {f} [aviat.] low-level wind shear

Brille {f} (Blasinstrument) [mus.] [anhören] ring key (wind instrument)

Chinook {m}; Chinook-Wind {m}; warmer Föhnwind in den Rocky Mountains chinook; chinook wind

Dahintreiben {n} (von Wolkenfetzen/Nebelfetzen) [poet.] scud (fast motion of clouds/mist driven by the wind)

Darrieus-Rotor {m} (bei Windkraftanlagen) Darrieus rotor (in wind power stations)

Drehen {n} des Windes [meteo.] shift of the wind; veering of the wind; veer of the wind

Dunkelflaute {f} [meteo.] wind and solar lull; dark lull; dark doldrums

Eckeneffekt {m} (bei Luftdruck und Wind an Landvorsprüngen) [meteo.] corner effect

Fallwind {m} [meteo.] fall wind

Flugsand {m} wind-borne sand; drifting sand; flying sand; drift sand; windblown sand; aeolian sand; quicksand

Flugstaub {m} [envir.] wind-borne dust

Flugwindachsen {pl} [aviat.] wind axes

Gebläseluft {f}; Blaswind {m}; Wind {m} (Metallurgie) [anhören] blast (metallurgy) [anhören]

das schwächste Glied in der Kette berücksichtigen {v} to temper the wind to the shorn lamb [fig.]

Grenzschichtzaun {m} wind split

Halbwindkurs {m}; halber Wind {m} [ugs.] (Segeln) [sport] beam reach course; beam reach [coll.] (sailing)

Hangwindsystem {n} [meteo.] slope wind system

Herbstwind {m}; herbstlicher Wind {m} [meteo.] autumn wind; fall wind [Am.]

Himmelsrichtung {f} (des Windes) quarter (from which the wind blows) [anhören]

Horizontalverband {m}; waagrechter Windverband {m} (Stahlbau) [constr.] horizontal wind brace; horizontal wind bracing; horizontal sway bracing (structural steel engineering)

gefühlte Kältegrade {pl}; gefühlte Kälte {f}; gefühlte Temperatur {f} (bei Wind) [meteo.] wind chill temperature; wind chill; windchill [Am.]

Kessel {m} (Blasinstrument) [mus.] [anhören] cup (wind instrument) [anhören]

Klappenmechanik {f} (Blasinstrument) [mus.] key work (wind instrument)

Kopfstück {n} mit Schnabel (Blasinstrument) [mus.] head joint with beak (wind instrument)

Kuhschellen {pl}; Küchenschellen {pl} (Pulsatilla) (botanische Gattung) [bot.] pasque flowers; Easter flowers; wind flowers; meadow anemones; prairie crocusses (botanical genus)

Kurs {m} (auf die Windrichtung bezogen) (Segeln) [sport] [anhören] tack (course relative to the direction of the wind) (sailing) [anhören]

Landwind {m}; ablandiger Wind [meteo.] offshore wind

Libeccio {m} (Südwestwind im Mittelmeerraum) [meteo.] Libeccio (south-westerly wind in the Mediterranean)

Liebesfuß {m} (Blasinstrument) [mus.] pear-shaped bell (wind instrument)

leichter Zug {m} (Windstärke 1) [meteo.] light air (wind force 1)

Luftwiderstand {m}; Fahrwiderstand {m} wind resistance

den Mantel nach dem Winde hängen {v} [übtr.] to float with the tide; to set one's sail to every wind

Massentransport {m} (durch Wind, Wasser oder Eis) [geol.] [meteo.] mass transport (by wind, water or ice)

Nachtigall, ick hör dir trapsen. [ugs.] [Berlin] I can tell which way the wind blows.; I see what you're after.

Ostro {m}; Austro {m} (Südwind im Mittelmeerraum) [meteo.] Ostro; Austro (southerly wind in the Mediterranean)

Passat {m}; Passatwind {m} [meteo.] the Trades; trade wind; geostrophic wind

Passatzirkulation {f} [geogr.] trade wind circulation

Rollenschneidemaschine {f} für Kanten (Metallurgie) [techn.] edge-trimming cutter and wind-up roll (metallurgy)

Rütteln {n} (durch Wind oder Wellen) [constr.] [aviat.] [naut.] buffeting

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