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136 results for boat
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ship; boat [listen] [listen] Schiff {n} [naut.] [listen]

ships; boats Schiffe {pl}

small ship Schiffchen {n} (kleines Schiff)

excursion ship; sightseeing boat; tour boat; tourist vessel Ausflugsschiff {n}; Rundfahrtschiff {n}

factory ship Fabrikschiff {n}

passenger ship Fahrgastschiff {n}; Passagierschiff {n}

fishing boat Fangschiff {n}

fishing boats Fangschiffe {pl}

glass-bottom boat (for a view of the underwater world) Schiff mit Glasboden (zur Beobachtung der Unterwasserwelt)

large capacity ship; large capacity carrier Großraumschiff {n}

ship with a high freeboard hochbordiges Schiff

pilot boat; pilot vessel Lotsenschiff {n}; Lotsenversetzboot {n}; Lotsenboot {n}

whaling ship; whale catcher Walfangschiff {n}; Walfänger {m}

maintenance ship Wartungsschiff {n}

repair ship Werkstattschiff {n}

ocean weather ship; weather ship Wetterbeobachtungsschiff {n}

Viking ship Wikingerschiff {n} [hist.]

ex ship ab Schiff

to abandon a ship ein Schiff aufgeben; ein Schiff verlassen

to abandon a burning ship ein brennendes Schiff verlassen

The ship sails for the Caribbean / sails on the Danube river. Das Schiff fährt in die Karibik / fährt auf der Donau.

boat (small vessel) [listen] Boot {n} [naut.] [listen]

boats Boote {pl}

fishing boat Fischerboot {n}

flat-bottomed fishing boat; bateau [Am.]; johnboat [Am.]; jonboat [Am.] Flachbodenboot {n}; flaches Angelboot {n}

rubber boat Gummiboot {n}

high-speed boat; go-fast boat Hochgeschwindigkeitsboot {n}

keelboat; poleboat Kielboot {n} (für die Binnenschifffahrt) [hist.]

clincher-built boat Klinkerboot {n}

rescue boat Rettungsboot {n}; Bereitschaftsboot {n}

rowboat; rowing boat [Br.] Ruderboot {n}

coracle kleines, ovales, geflochtenes Ruderboot {n}

sports boat; recreational craft Sportboot {n}

fresh water boat; water boat Trinkwasserboot {n}; Wasserboot {n}

to be in the same boat [fig.] im gleichen Boot sitzen [übtr.]

cockle; cockleshell kleines Boot; Nussschale {f}

to lower a boat ein Boot aussetzen

We're all in the same boat. Wir sitzen alle in einem / im selben Boot.

boat trip Schiffsfahrt {f}; Vergnügungsfahrt {f} [naut.]

boat trips Schiffsfahrten {pl}; Vergnügungsfahrten {pl}

harbor boat tour; harbour boat trip Hafenrundfahrt {f}

boat tour Schiffsrundfahrt {f}; Schiffstour {f}; Bootstour {f}

to boat [listen] Boot fahren {v}

boating Boot fahrend

boated Boot gefahren

boat shaped heart Aortenherz {n}; Aortenkonfiguration {f}; Schuhform des Herzens [med.]

boat and ship builder Boots- und Schiffbauer {m}

boat and ship builders Boots- und Schiffbauer {pl}

boat davit Bootsaussetzvorrichtung {f}; Davit {m} [naut.]

folding davit; collapsible davit Klappdavit {m}

boat building industry Bootsbau {m}

boat builder; boatbuilder Bootsbauer {m}; Bootsbauerin {f}

boat builders; boatbuilders Bootsbauer {pl}; Bootsbauerinnen {pl}

boat ride Bootsfahrt {f}

boat rides Bootsfahrten {pl}

boat horn Bootsfanfare {f} [naut.]

boat grave Bootsgrab {n}

boat hook Bootshaken {m}

boat hooks Bootshaken {pl}

boat house; boathouse Bootshaus {n}

boat houses; boathouses Bootshäuser {pl}

boat engine Bootsmotor {m}

boat engines Bootsmotoren {pl}

boat orchids (botanical genus) Kahnorchideen {pl}; Kahnlippen {pl} (Cymbidium) (botanische Gattung) [bot.]

boat bearer; boat boy Schiffchenträger {m}; Navikular {m} [relig.]

boat bearers; boat boys Schiffchenträger {pl}; Navikulare {pl}

boat race Wettrudern {n}

boat drive Bootsantrieb {m} [naut.] [mach.]

boat equipment Bootsausstattung {f} [techn.]

boat heater Bootsheizung {f} [naut.] [mach.]

boat mast Bootsmast {m} [naut.] [mach.]

boat cover Bootsplane {f} [naut.] [mach.]

boat repair Bootsreparatur {f} [naut.] [mach.]

boat service Bootsservice {m} [naut.] [mach.]

boat cover material Bootsverdeckstoff {m} [naut.] [mach.]

boat window Schiffsfenster {n}

submarine boat; submarine Unterseeboot {n}; U-Boot {n} [naut.]

submarine boats; submarines Unterseeboote {pl}; U-Boote {pl}

nuclear-powered submarine; nuclear submarine; nuke sub [coll.] atomgetriebenes U-Boot {n}; U-Boot {n} mit Atomantrieb; Atom-U-Boot {n} [mil.]

ballistic missile submarine /SSB/ U-Boot mit ballistischen Flugkörpern; BFK-U-Boot [mil.]

nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarine /SSBN/ atomgetriebenes U-Boot mit ballistischen Flugkörpern [mil.]

cruise missile submarine /SSG/ U-Boot mit Marschflugkörpern [mil.]

nuclear-powered cruise missile submarine /SSGN/ atomgetriebenes U-Boot mit Marschflugkörpern [mil.]

attack submarine; hunter-killer submarine /SS/ Unterseeboot zur U-Boot-Bekämpfung; U-Jagd-U-Boot [mil.]

nuclear-powered attack submarine; nuclear-powered hunter submarine atomar angetriebenes U-Jagd-U-Boot [mil.]

U-boat deutsches U-Boot (im ersten/zweiten Weltkrieg) [mil.] [hist.]

ferry-boat; ferryboat; ferry [listen] Fährschiff {n}; Fährboot {n}; Fähre {f} [naut.]

ferry-boats; ferryboats; ferries Fährschiffe {pl}; Fährboote {pl}; Fähren {pl}

car ferry; auto ferry Autofähre {f}

train ferry; rail ferry; railway ferry [Br.]; railroad ferry [Am.] Eisenbahnfährschiff {n}; Eisenbahnfähre {f}; Bahnfähre {f}; Trajektschiff {n} [geh.]

chain ferry Kettenfähre {f}

suspension ferry Schwebefähre {f}; Fährbrücke {f}

rope ferry; cable ferry Seilfähre {f}

motor boat; motorboat Motorboot {n} [naut.]

motor boats; motorboats Motorboote {pl}

launch [listen] großes Motorboot

runabout [Am.] kleines offenes Motorboot

inboard-outboard Motorboot mit Innenbordmotor und Außenbordschraube

motor patrol craft; patrol craft /PC/; patrol boat Patrouillenboot {n}; Streifenboot {n}; Wachboot {n} [naut.]

motor patrol crafts; patrol crafts; patrol boats Patrouillenboote {pl}; Streifenboote {pl}; Wachboote {pl}

river patrol craft Flusspatrouillenboot {n}

seaward defence patrol craft Küstenschutzpatrouillenboot {n}

patrol launch großes Streifenboot; großes Wachboot

sailing boat [Br.]; sailboat [Am.] Segelboot {n} [naut.]

sailing boats; sailboats Segelboote {pl}

sloop-rigged sailing boat; skipjack [Am.] Segelboot mit Sluptakelung; Slup

three-person keelboat Dreihandkielboot {n}

fast patrol craft /FPC/; fast patrol boat /FPB/ Küstenschnellboot {n} [naut.]

fast patrol craft; fast patrol boats Küstenschnellboote {pl}

fast missile patrol boat Flugkörperschnellboot {n}

sea trip; boat trip; cruise [listen] Schiffsreise {f}; Vergnügungsreise {f}; Kreuzfahrt {f} [naut.]

sea trips; boat trips; cruises Schiffsreisen {pl}; Vergnügungsreisen {pl}; Kreuzfahrten {pl}

to take a cruise; to go on a cruise eine Schiffsreise machen; eine Kreuzfahrt machen

inflatable boat; inflatable; pneumatic boat; rubber raft Schlauchboot {n} [naut.]

inflatable boats; inflatables; pneumatic boats; rubber rafts Schlauchboote {pl}

rigid-hulled inflatable boat /RHIB/; rigid-hull inflatable boat /RHIB/; rigid inflatable boat /RIB/ Schlauchboot mit festem Rumpf; Festrumpfschlauchboot {n}

towing boat; towboat; tugboat; tug [listen] Schleppschiff {n}; Bugsierschiff {n}; Bugsierschlepper {m}; Schlepper {m} [naut.]

towing boats; towboats; tugboats; tugs Schleppschiffe {pl}; Bugsierschiffe {pl}; Bugsierschlepper {pl}; Schlepper {pl}

steam tug; steam-powered tugboat Schleppdampfer {m}

speedboat; high-speed patrol boat Schnellboot {n}

speedboats; high-speed patrol boats Schnellboote {pl}

patrol torpedo boat; PT boat Torpedoschnellboot {n}

to careen a boat ein Schiff kielholen {vt} [naut.]

careening kielholend

careened kielgeholt

algae removal boat Algenmähboot {n} [naut.]

algae removal boats Algenmähboote {pl}

reserve buoyancy (of a boat or ship) Auftriebsreserve {f}; Auftriebsüberschuss {m}; Restauftrieb {m}; Reserveverdrängung {f} (Boot, Schiff) [naut.]

excursion boat; pleasure boat Ausflugsboot {n}

excursion boats; pleasure boats Ausflugsboote {pl}

banana boat; water sled (towed inflatable tube as a recreational attraction) Bananenboot {n}; Banane {f} (gezogene aufblasbare Röhre als Freizeitattraktion) [naut.]

banana boats; water sleds Bananenboote {pl}; Bananen {pl}

launch (largest boat carried on a sailing warship) [listen] Barkasse {f} (größtes Beiboot eines Segelkriegsschiffs) [naut.] [hist.]

boatyard; boat builder's yard; boat builders; boat building works Bootswerft {f}; kleinere Werft {f} [naut.]

boatyards; boat builder's yards; boat builders; boat building works Bootswerften {pl}; kleinere Werften {pl}

shopping excursion (by boat) to buy cheap/duty-free goods Butterfahrt {f} [ugs.]

quadruple sculling boat; quad scull; quad (sculling) Doppelvierer {m} (Skullrudern) [sport]

quadruple sculling boats; quad sculls; quads Doppelvierer {pl}

dragon boat racing Drachenbootrennen {n} [sport]

fire-fighting boat; fireboat Feuerlöschboot {n}

fire-fighting boats; fireboats Feuerlöschboote {pl}

flying boat Flugboot {n}

flying boats Flugboote {pl}

river boat; river barge Flusskahn {m}; Lastkahn {m}; Kanalschiff {n} [naut.]

river boats; river barges Flusskähne {pl}; Lastkähne {pl}; Kanalschiffe {pl}

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