Dictionary - TU Chemnitz
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good guy; goody [Br.] [coll.]; goodie [Br.] [coll.] (book/film/stage character) Gute {m}; Held {m} (Figur im Buch/Film/auf der Bühne) [art]

gilt edging (book printing) Goldschnitt {m} (Buchdruck) (Vorgang) [print]

Haggadah; Passover Haggadah (book used for the Jewish Passover) Haggadah {f} (Buch für das jüdische Passahfest) [relig.]

reserve book collection; (set of) reference books (on open shelves); reference collection Handapparat {m} (Bibliothek)

harp tutor book; harp method book Harfenschule {f} (Übungsbuch) [mus.]

homework book Hausaufgabenheft {n}; Aufgabenbuch {n} [school]

homework books Hausaufgabenhefte {pl}; Aufgabenbücher {pl}

housekeeping book; household account book; household budget book Haushaltsbuch {n}; Wirtschaftsbuch {n}

memorandum book Hilfsbuch {n} [econ.]

audio book; talking book Hörbuch {n}

audio books; talking books Hörbücher {pl}

hollow (between book block and book spine) (bookbinding) [listen] Hülse {f} (zwischen Buchblock und Buchrücken) (Buchbinden) [listen]

international standard book number /ISBN/ ISBN-Nummer {f}

jeremiad; biblical Book of Lamentations Jeremiade {f}; biblisches Buch der Klagelieder [relig.] [mus.]

juvenile book; book for adolescents Jugendbuch {n}

juvenile books; books for adolescents Jugendbücher {pl}

cash account book; cash book; cash journal Kassenbuch {n} [Dt.]; Kassabuch {n} [Ös.] [Schw.] [fin.]

cash account books; cash books; cash journals Kassenbücher {pl}; Kassabücher {pl}

children's book Kinderbuch {n}

children's books Kinderbücher {pl}

folding mould; book mould Klappform {f}; Klappkokille {f}; aufklappbare Form {f} [techn.]

folding moulds; book moulds Klappformen {pl}; Klappkokillen {pl}; aufklappbare Formen {pl}

clarinet tutor book; clarinet method book Klarinettenschule {f} (Übungsbuch) [mus.]

piano tutor book; piano method book Klavierschule {f} (Übungsbuch) [mus.]

paste-coloured edge; paste-coloured edges (book) Kleisterschnitt {m} (Buch) [print]

mix-and-match book Klipp-Klapp-Buch {n}

mix-and-match books Klipp-Klapp-Bücher {pl}

cookbook; cookery book Kochbuch {n} [cook.]

cookbooks; cookery books Kochbücher {pl}

grained edge; grained edges (book) Körnerschnitt {m} (Buch) [print]

(book) peddling; colportage Kolportage {f}; Straßenverkauf {m} (von Büchern usw.)

chalk-patterned edge; chalk-patterned edges (book) Kreideschnitt {m} (Buch) [print]

art book Kunstband {m}; Kunstbuch {n}

art books Kunstbände {pl}; Kunstbücher {pl}

leather back (book) Lederrücken {m} (Buch)

textbook; course book; educational book Lehrbuch {n}

textbooks; course books; educational books Lehrbücher {pl}

reading book; reader [listen] Lesebuch {n}

reading books; readers Lesebücher {pl}

Leviticus; the third book of Moses (from the Old Testament) Levitikus {n}; das 3. Buch Mose (aus dem alten Testament) [relig.]

favourite book; favorite book Lieblingsbuch {n}

favourite books; favorite books Lieblingsbücher {pl}

cadastral map book Liegenschaftskartenwerk {n}; Flurkartenwerk {n}; Katasterkartenwerk {n} [adm.]

cadastral map books Liegenschaftskartenwerke {pl}; Flurkartenwerke {pl}; Katasterkartenwerke {pl}

line cut (book printing) Linienschnitt {m} (Buchdruck) [print]

loose-leaf book; loose-leaf-binder Loseblattbuch {n}; Loseblattwerk {n}

loose-leaf books; loose-leaf-binders Loseblattbücher {pl}; Loseblattwerke {pl}

mahzor; machzor (Jewish prayer book used during the High Holy Days) Machsor {m} (jüdisches Gebetsbuch für die hohen Festtage) [relig.]

colouring book; coloring book Malbuch {n}

colouring books; coloring books Malbücher {pl}

marbled edge; marbled edges (book) Marmorschnitt {m}; marmorierter Schnitt {m} (Buch) [print]

principle that the treatment followed for book purposes must alo be adopted in the tax balance sheet Maßgeblichkeitsprinzip {n} [fin.]

mathematics book; maths book; book on mathematics Mathematikbuch {n}; Mathebuch {n} [ugs.]

mathematics books; maths books; book on mathematicses Mathematikbücher {pl}; Mathebücher {pl}

pattern book; sample book Musterbuch {n}

pattern books; sample books Musterbücher {pl}

reference book; reference work; work of reference Nachschlagewerk {n}

reference books; reference works; works of reference Nachschlagewerke {pl}

natural history book Naturgeschichtsbuch {n}

natural history books Naturgeschichtsbücher {pl}

music book Notenheft {n} [mus.]

music books Notenhefte {pl}

Numbers; the fourth book of Moses (from the Old Testament) Numeri; das 4. Buch Mose (aus dem alten Testament) [relig.]

top edge (book) Oberschnitt {m}; Kopfschnitt {m} (Buch) [print]

property book-keeping Objektbuchhaltung {f}

order book Orderbuch {n} [fin.]

order books Orderbücher {pl}

kettledrum tutor book; kettledrum method book Paukenschule {f} (Übungsbuch) [mus.]

plant identification book Pflanzenbestimmungsbuch {n} [bot.]

plant identification books Pflanzenbestimmungsbücher {pl}

botany book Pflanzenkundebuch {n}

botany books Pflanzenkundebücher {pl}

autograph book; autograph album; memory album; friendship album Poesiealbum {n}; Stammbuch {m}; Freundschaftsbuch {n}

autograph books; autograph albums; memory albums; friendship albums Poesiealben {pl}; Stammbücher {pl}; Freundschaftsbücher {pl}

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