Dictionary - TU Chemnitz

 English  German

slime moulds [Br.]; slime molds [Am.]; mycetozoa Schleimpilze {pl} (Eumycetozoa / Mycetozoa) [biol.]

plasmodial slime moulds [Br.] / molds [Am.]; acellular slime moulds [Br.] / molds [Am.]; syncytial slime moulds [Br.] / molds [Am.]; myxmycetes; myxogastrids (biological taxon) Echte Schleimpilze {pl}; plasmodiale Schleimpilze {pl}; Myxomyceten {pl} (Myxogastria) (biologisches Taxon) [biol.]

cellular slime moulds [Br.]; cellular slime molds [Am.]; dictyostelids (biological taxon) zelluläre Schleimpilze {pl} (Dictyosteliida) (biologisches Taxon) [biol.]

ice lolly moulds [Br.]; ice lolly maker [Br.]; popsicle moulds [Am.]; popsicle maker [Am.] Stieleisformer {m}; Gefrierform {f} für Eislutscher [cook.]

protosteloid slime moulds [Br.]; protosteloid slime molds [Am.]; protostelids (biological taxon) Urschleimpilze {pl}; haploide Schleimpilze {pl} (Protostelia) (biologisches Taxon) [biol.]

chill plate; chill (for casting moulds) (foundry) [listen] Abschreckplatte {f}; Kokille {f} (zur Abkühlung in Gießformen) (Gießerei) [techn.]

chill plates; chills Abschreckplatten {pl}; Kokillen {pl}

ingot mould [Br.]; ingot mold [Am.] (foundry) Blockkokille {f}; Blockform {f} (Gießerei)

ingot moulds; ingot molds Blockkokillen {pl}; Blockformen {pl}

centrifugal ingot mould / mold Schleudergussblockkokille {f}

printing block; printing mould (dyeing) Druckform {f} (Färben) [textil.]

printing blocks; printing moulds Druckformen {pl}

wallpaper block Tapetendruckform {f}

bullet mould [Br.]; bullet mold [Am.] Geschossgießform {f}; Geschoßgießform {f} [Ös.] [mil.]

bullet moulds; bullet molds Geschossgießformen {pl}; Geschoßgießformen {pl}

casting mould [Br.]; mould [Br.]; casting mold [Am.]; mold [Am.] [listen] [listen] Gussform {f}; Gießform {f}; Form {f} (zur Herstellung von Gussstücken) (Gießerei) [listen]

casting moulds; moulds; casting molds; molds Gussformen {pl}; Gießformen {pl}; Formen {pl}

permanent mould / mold; die-set [Br.] Dauerform {f}; Kokille {f}

to blacken the mould/mold die Form anschwärzen

cheese mould Käseform {f} [agr.]

cheese moulds Käseformen {pl}

folding mould; book mould Klappform {f}; Klappkokille {f}; aufklappbare Form {f} [techn.]

folding moulds; book moulds Klappformen {pl}; Klappkokillen {pl}; aufklappbare Formen {pl}

parison; blank mould (glassmaking) Külbel {n} (vorgeformter Hohlkörper bei der Glaserzeugung)

parisons; blank moulds Külbel {pl}

reheating of the parison Rückerwärmung des Külbels

male mould [Br.]; male mold [Am.] Prägestock {m}; Patrize {f} [print]

male moulds; male molds Prägestöcke {pl}; Patrizen {pl}

press mould; pressing mould Pressform {f} [mach.]

press moulds; pressing moulds Pressformen {pl}

compression mould (plastics processing) Presswerkzeug {n}; Pressform {f} (Kunststoffverarbeitung) [techn.]

compression moulds Presswerkzeuge {pl}; Pressformen {pl}

blancmange mould [Br.]; pudding mould [Am.] Puddingform {f} [cook.]

blancmange moulds; pudding moulds Puddingformen {pl}

injection mould [Br.]; injection mold [Am.] (plastics processing) Spritzgussform {f} (Kunststoffverarbeitung) [techn.]

injection moulds; injection molds Spritzgussformen {pl}

baluster mould [Br.]; baluster mold [Am.] Balusterform {f} [mach.] [techn.]

baluster moulds; baluster molds Balusterformen {pl}

battery mould Batterieform {f} [electr.]

battery moulds Batterieformen {pl}

concrete block mould; concrete block mold [Am.] Betonsteinform {f} [constr.]

concrete block moulds; concrete block molds Betonsteinformen {pl}

stony cast; rock kernel; internal cast; internal mould Steinkern {m} [geol.]

stony casts; rock kernels; internal casts; internal moulds Steinkerne {pl}