Dictionary - TU Chemnitz

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tooth [listen] Stachel {m} (eines Walzenbrechers) [mach.]

back tooth; cheek tooth; buccal tooth; posterior tooth Backenzahn {m}; Backzahn {m} [Mittelostdt.] [anat.]

back teeth; cheek teeth; buccal teeth; posterior teeth Backenzähne {pl}; Backzähne {pl}

premolar tooth; premolar; bicuspid vorderer Backenzahn; Vormahlzahn {m}; Prämolar {m}

molar tooth; molar; grinder [listen] hinterer Backenzahn; Mahlzahn {m}; Molar {m}

hindmost molar; wisdom tooth [listen] hinterster Backenzahn; Weisheitszahn {m}; Stockzahn {m} [Bayr.] [Ös.] [Schw.]

first bicuspid; first premolar erster Prämolar

multicuspid(al) molar mehrhöckriger Mahlzahn

tribosphenic molar tribosphenischer Molar

pseudo-tribosphenic molar pseudotribosphenischer Molar

root of a/the tooth; tooth root; dental root Zahnwurzel {f} [anat.]

tooth roots; dental roots Zahnwurzeln {pl}

exposed tooth root freiliegende Zahnwurzel

artificial tooth root künstliche Zahnwurzel

saw tooth Sägezahn {m} [techn.]

saw teeth Sägezähne {pl}

saw teeth cutting one way auf den Stoß gestellte Sägezähne

armature tooth Ankerzahn {m} [electr.]

dentine [Br.]; dentin [Am.]; tooth enamel Dentin {n}; Zahnbein {n} [anat.]

canine tooth; canine; eye tooth; tusk; cuspid Eckzahn {m}; Spitzzahn {m}; Augenzahn {m} [anat.]

canine teeth; canines; eye teeth; tusks; cuspids Eckzähne {pl}; Spitzzähne {pl}; Augenzähne {pl}

anterior tooth Frontzahn {m} [anat.]

anterior teeth Frontzähne {pl}

hook tooth; rake tooth (saw) Hakenzahn {m}; Wolfszahn {m}; K-Zahn {m} (Säge)

hook teeth; rake teeth Hakenzähne {pl}; Wolfszähne {pl}; K-Zähne {pl}

buck tooth Hasenzahn {m} [ugs.]

buck teeth Hasenzähne {pl} (vorstehende Zähne)

Bermuda grasses; dog's tooth grasses (botanical genus) Hundszahngräser {pl} (Cynodon) (botanische Gattung) [bot.]

bearded hedgehog mushroom; lion's mane mushroom; bearded tooth mushroom/fungus; Satyr's beard; pom pom mushroom Igelstachelbart {m}; Affenkopfpilz {m}; Löwenmähne {f}; Yamabusitake {f}; Pom-Pom-Blanc {m} (Hericium erinaceus) [bot.]

to be getting on in years; to reach middle age; to be getting long in the tooth [fig.] in die Jahre kommen {vi}

scraper chain tooth Kratzerzahn {m} [techn.]

cultivator tooth; cultivator tine Kultivatorzinke {f}; Grubberzinke {f} [agr.]

cultivator tooths; cultivator tines Kultivatorzinken {pl}; Grubberzinken {pl}

barrel anchor lug; anchor lug; barrel locking lug; locking lug; barrel locking tooth; barrel lip (gun) Laufriegelwarze {f}; Riegelwarze {f} (Schusswaffe) [mil.]

barrel anchor lugs; anchor lugs; barrel locking lugs; locking lugs; barrel locking teeth; barrel lips Laufriegelwarzen {pl}; Riegelwarzen {pl}

milk tooth; primary tooth Milchzahn {m} [anat.]

milk teeth; primary teeth; primary dentition Milchzähne {pl}; Milchgebiss {n}; erste Zähne [ugs.]

rodent front tooth Nagezahn {m}

rodent front teeth Nagezähne {pl}

person with a sweet tooth Naschkatze {f} [humor.]

to have a sweet tooth [fig.] gerne naschen; eine Naschkatze sein; ein Leckermaul sein

slot ripple; tooth ripple Nutenoberwellen {pl}; Nutungsoberwellen {pl} (Spannungsschwankungen aufgrund der Ankernuten) [electr.]

carnassial; carnassial tooth Reißzahn {m} [anat.]

carnassials; carnassial teeth Reißzähne {pl}

scarifier tooth Reißzahn {m}

scarifier teeths Reißzähne {pl}

saw tooth tread design Sägezahnprofil {n}

serpent's tooth; snake tooth Schlangenzahn {m}

serpent's teeth; snake teeth Schlangenzähne {pl}

pharyngeal tooth Schlundzahn {m} [zool.]

pharyngeal teeth Schlundzähne {pl}

incisor; cutting tooth Schneidezahn {m}; Inzisive {m} [anat.]

incisors; cutting teeth Schneidezähne {pl}; Inzisiven {pl}

roughing tooth (broaching tool) Schruppzahn {m} (Räumwerkzeug) [techn.]

roughing teeth Schruppzähne {pl}

rise per tooth Spanungsdicke {f}

pivot tooth Stiftzahn {m}

pivot teeth Stiftzähne {pl}

front tooth Vorderzahn {m} [anat.]

front teeth Vorderzähne {pl}

point; tooth; serration [listen] [listen] Zacke {f}; Zacken {m}

points; tooths; serrations [listen] Zacken {pl}

dental film; (dental) plaque; tooth/dental deposit [listen] [listen] Zahnbelag {m}; Plaque {m} [med.]

neck of the tooth; dental neck Zahnhals {m} (Collum dentis / Cervix dentis) [anat.]

necks of teeth; dental necks Zahnhälse {pl}

cervical line of the tooth Zahnhalslinie {f}; Schmelz-Zement-Grenze {f} beim Zahn [anat.]

face/breast of a cutting tooth Zahnbrust {f} [techn.]

alveolus; socket of a tooth Zahndamm {n} [anat.]

malalignment; misplacement of a/the tooth / of the teeth Zahnfehlstellung {f} [med.]

fissure of a tooth Zahnfissur {f}

fissures of a tooth Zahnfissuren {pl}

root of the tooth (on a gear wheel) Zahnfuß {m} (beim Zahnrad)

discrepancy of tooth size Zahngrößendiskrepanz {f}

inverted tooth chain Zahnkette {f} [techn.]

inverted tooth chains Zahnketten {pl}

tip of a tooth (gearwheel) Zahnkopf {m} (Zahnrad) [techn.]

artificial tooth Zahnprothese {f} [med.]

toothpick; tooth pick; tooth stick Zahnstocher {m}

toothpicks; tooth picks; tooth sticks Zahnstocher {pl}

root canal of tooth Zahnwurzelkanal {m} [anat.]

root canals of teeth Zahnwurzelkanäle {pl}

radial tooth-to-tooth composite error (transmission) Zweiflankenwälzsprung {m} (Getriebe)

red in tooth and claw grausam; blutrünstig {adj} [listen]

nature red in tooth and claw grausame Natur

after root-end resection (postpositive); having had root-end resection; apicoectomized; apicoectomised [Br.] (tooth) wurzelspitzenreseziert {adj} (Zahn) [med.]

tooth-shaped; dentiform; odontinoid; odontoid zahnförmig {adj}

An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. (Bible quotation) Auge um Auge, Zahn um Zahn. (Bibelzitat)

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