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132 Ergebnisse für mother
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 Englisch  Deutsch

mother [anhören] Mutter {f} [soc.] [anhören]

mothers Mütter {pl}

single mother; lone mother alleinerziehende Mutter

mother-to-be; expectant mother [anhören] werdende Mutter

mother [anhören] Begründerin {f}; Mutter {f} [übtr.] [anhören]

mothers Begründerinnen {pl}; Mütter {pl}

to mother [anhören] bemuttern {vt}

mothering bemutternd

mothered bemuttert

mothers bemuttert

mothered bemutterte

mother's milk; breast milk (human) Muttermilch {f} [biol.]

the songs that I had (literally) been weaned on die Lieder, die ich schon mit der Muttermilch aufgesogen hatte [übtr.]

Do I know it? I was weaned on it! Ob ich das kenne? Das hab ich schon mit der Muttermilch aufgesogen!

mother; dam [anhören] [anhören] Muttertier {n} [zool.]

mothers; dams Muttertiere {pl}

mother-in-law [anhören] Schwiegermutter {f} [soc.] [anhören]

mothers-in-law Schwiegermütter {pl}

mother of all (+ plural noun) Riesenexemplar {n} {+Gen.}; Riesen...; Mega...

the mother of all sandwiches ein Riesensandwich

the mother of all traffic jams ein Megastau

the mother of all bombs die Superbombe

mother of vinegar Essigmutter {f}; Essigpilz {m}; Essigkahm {m} (Mycoderma aceti) [cook.]

mother lode Hauptader {f} [min.]

mother lodes Hauptadern {pl}

mother cat Katzenmutter {f}

mother cats Katzenmütter {pl}

mother of the nation Landesmutter {m}

mother fixation Mutterkomplex {m}

mother cow; suckler cow Mutterkuh {f} [agr.]

mother cows; suckler cows Mutterkühe {pl}

mother country Mutterland {n}

mother countries Mutterländer {pl}

mother ship Mutterschiff {n} [naut.]

mother ships Mutterschiffe {pl}

mother tongue; native language; native tongue; first language [anhören] [anhören] Muttersprache {f}; Erstsprache {f} [anhören]

mother tongues; native languages; native tongues; first languages Muttersprachen {pl}; Erstsprachen {pl}

mother star; monaster (cell division) Mutterstern {m}; Monaster {m} (Zellteilung) [biochem.]

Mother Superior Mutter {f} Oberin; Oberin {f} (Leiterin eines Klosters / von Ordensschwesten geführten Krankenhauses) [relig.]

mother tincture (homoeopathy) Urtinktur {f} (Homöopathie)

mother bird Vogelmutter {f}

mother lye; mother liquor; mother liquid; leach brine Mutterlauge {f} [min.] [chem.]

Mother Holle (fairy tale) Frau Holle (Märchen) [lit.]

adoptive mother Adoptivmutter {f} [soc.]

adoptive mothers Adoptivmütter {pl}

Agrippina the Elder; Agrippina Major (mother of Roman emperor Caligula) Agrippina die Ältere; Agrippina maior (Mutter des römischen Kaisers Caligula) [hist.]

Agrippina the Younger; Agrippina Minor (mother of Roman emperor Nero) Agrippina die Jüngere; Agrippina minor (Mutter des römischen Kaisers Nero) [hist.]

bowstring hemp; mother-in-law's tongue; snake plant; snake tongue (botanical genus) Bogenhanf {m}; Schwiegermutterzunge {f}; Bajonettpflanzen {pl} (Sansevieria) (botanische Gattung) [bot.]

viper's bowstring hemp; Saint George's sword Afrikanischer Sisal {m}; Beamtenspargel {m} [humor.] (Sansevieria trifasciata)

bride's mother; mother of the bride Brautmutter {f}

bride's mothers Brautmütter {pl}

Christ's farewell to his mother; Christ taking leave of his mother (art subject) Christi Abschied von seiner Mutter; Abschied Christi von Maria (Kunstsujet) [art]

granny flat [Br.]; mother-in-law apartment [Am.] Einliegerwohnung {f} [arch.]

granny flats; mother-in-law apartments Einliegerwohnungen {pl}

earth mother Erdmutter {f} (myth.)

to have been dropped on one's head by one's mother [fig.] als Kind zu heiß gebadet worden sein {v} [übtr.]

queen mother Königinmutter {f}

illegitimate child (whose mother's partner wrongly believes himself to be the biological father); the milkan's child [Br.] [coll.]; the mailman's child [Am.] [coll.] Kuckuckskind {n} [ugs.] [soc.]

surrogate mother Leihmutter {f}

surrogate mothers Leihmütter {pl}

mother's heart Mutterherz {n}

mother-offspring conflict (evolutionary biology) Mutter-Kind-Konflikt {m} (Evolutionsbiologie) [biol.]

sow; mother sow [anhören] Mutterschwein {n} [agr.]

sows; mother sows Mutterschweine {pl}

Mother's Day; Mothering Day [Br.] Muttertag {m}

nacre; mother-of-pearl; pearl-shell Perlmutt {n}; Perlmutter {f}

uncaring mother Rabenmutter {f}

uncaring mothers Rabenmütter {pl}

unnatural mother Rabenmutter {f}

to be tied to mother's apron strings [fig.] am Rockzipfel der Mutter hängen {vt} [übtr.]

At the moment, our cupboard is bare like old mother Hubbard's cupboard.; We are currently on short commons. [dated] Bei uns ist momentan Schmalhans Küchenmeister. [veraltend]

the Reverend Mother (term of address) Schwester Oberin (Anrede) [relig.]

teenage mother Teenager-Mutter {f}

teenage mothers Teenager-Mütter {pl}

animal mother Tiermutter {f} [zool.]

maternal; on my mother's side [anhören] mütterlicherseits {adv}

my material grandfather; my grandfather on my mother's side mein Großvater mütterlicherseits

Like mother, like daughter. Wie die Mutter, so die Tochter.

Cape Town; Mother City [humor.]; Tavern of the Seas [humor.] (city in South Africa) Kapstadt; Mutterstadt [humor.] (Stadt in Südafrika) [geogr.]

foster mother Pflegemutter {f}

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