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16 ähnliche Ergebnisse für Otto Walter
Einzelsuche: Otto · Walter
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 Deutsch  Englisch

etw. (in einem Gewässer) versenken {vt} to sink sth. {sank, sunk; sunk} (in a body of water); to send sth. to the bottom (of a body of water)

versenkend sinking; sending to the bottom [anhören]

versenkt sunk; sent to the bottom

er/sie versenkt he/she sinks

ich/er/sie versenkte I/he/she sank; I/he/she sunk

er/sie hat/hatte versenkt he/she has/had sunk

Bodenwasser {n} soil water; bottom water

pflanzenverfügbares Bodenwasser available soil water

Epibiont {m} (Lebewesen, das auf dem Körper eines anderen oder am Gewässerboden lebt) [biol.] epibiont (organism that lives on the body of another or on the bottom of a water body)

Gewässersohlenbreite {f}; Gerinnesohlenbreite {f}; Sohlenbreite {f} (Wasserbau) channel bottom width; stream bottom width; bottom width; bed width (water engineering)

Grundablass {m} (Wasserbau) bottom outlet; scour outlet; bottom discharge tunnel; lower discharge tunnel; bottom-emptying gallery (water engineering)

Sohlenbauwerk {n} (Wasserbau) river bottom protection structure (water engineering)

Sohlenschutz {m}; Sohlensicheung {f}; Sohlenbefestigung {f}; Sohlenfixierung {f} (Wasserbau) streambed control; streambed protection; streambed stabilization; streambed consolidation; stream bottom protection (water engineering)

Sohlenschwelle {f}; Sohlschwelle {f} [Schw.]; Sohlgurte {f}; Grundschwelle {f} (Wasserbau) river bottom sill; bottom sill; bed sill (water engineering)

Wassermokassinotter {f} (Agkistrodon piscivorus) [zool.] cottonmouth; water moccasin; black moccasin; black snake

benthisch; benthonisch {adj} (am/im Gewässerboden lebend) [biol.] benthic; benthonic; benthal; demersal (living on/in the bottom of a water body)

Huttonsturmtaucher {m} [ornith.] Hotton's shearwater

Boot {n} [naut.] [anhören] boat (small vessel) [anhören]

Boote {pl} boats

Fischerboot {n} fishing boat

Flachbodenboot {n}; flaches Angelboot {n} flat-bottomed fishing boat; bateau [Am.]; johnboat [Am.]; jonboat [Am.]

Gummiboot {n} rubber boat

Hochgeschwindigkeitsboot {n} high-speed boat; go-fast boat

Kielboot {n} (für die Binnenschifffahrt) [hist.] keelboat; poleboat

Klinkerboot {n} clincher-built boat

Rettungsboot {n}; Bereitschaftsboot {n} rescue boat

Ruderboot {n} rowboat; rowing boat [Br.]

kleines, ovales, geflochtenes Ruderboot {n} coracle

Sportboot {n} sports boat; recreational craft

Trinkwasserboot {n}; Wasserboot {n} fresh water boat; water boat

im gleichen Boot sitzen [übtr.] to be in the same boat [fig.]

kleines Boot; Nussschale {f} cockle; cockleshell

ein Boot aussetzen to lower a boat

Wir sitzen alle in einem / im selben Boot. We're all in the same boat.

Helicoverpa-Falter {pl} (Helicoverpa) (zoologische Gattung) [zool.] helicoverpa moths (zoological genus)

Baumwollkapselbohrer {m} (Helicoverpa zea) corn earworm moth, cotton bollworm moth

Baumwollkapseleule {f}; Baumwolleule {f}; Maiseule {f} (Helicoverpa armigera) Old World bollworm moth; scarce bordered straw [Br.]

lange Hose {f}; Hose {f} [textil.] [anhören] (pair of) trousers [Br.]; (pair of) pants [Am.]; trews [Br.] [coll.]; strides [Br.] [coll.]; kecks [Br.] [coll.]; daks [Austr.] [coll.]; rammies [Austr.] [coll.]; reach-me-downs [dated]; britches [Am.] [coll.] [dated] [anhören] [anhören]

Hosen {pl} trousers; pants [anhören] [anhören]

Baumwollhose {f} cotton trousers [Br.]; cotton pants [Am.]

Bundfaltenhose {f} pleat-front trousers [Br.]; pleated trousers [Br.]/pants [Am.]; trousers [Br.]/pants [Am.] with front pleats

Caprihose {f} Capri trousers [Br.]; Capri pants [Am.]

Cargohose {f}; Kampfhose {f} cargo trousers [Br.]; cargo pants [Am.]; cargoes [coll.]; combat trousers [Br.]; combat pants [Am.]; combats [coll.]

Dreiviertelhose {f} 3/4 length trousers [Br.]; 3/4 length pants [Am.]

Freizeithose {f}; Chinohose {f}; Chino {f} slacks; chinos; chino trousers [Br.]; chino pants [Am.]

Hochwasserhose {f} [humor.] high-water trousers [Br.]; high-water pants [Am.]; floods [Am.]

Hüfthose {f}; tiefgeschnittene Hose {f} low-rise trousers [Br.]; low-rise pants [Am.]; hip-huggers; hipsters [Br.]

Karottenhose {f} peg-top trousers; peg-top pants [Am.]

Keilhose {f} wedge-shaped trousers [Br.]; wedge pants [Am.]

(enganliegende) Kniebundhose {f}; Kniehose {f} knee breeches; breeches; britches [Am.] [coll.]

(lockere) Kniebundhose {f}; Kniehose {f}; Knickerbocker {pl} knickerbockers; knickers

Kordhose {f}; Cordhose {f}; Manchester-Hose {f} [Nordwestdt.]; Schnürlsamthose {f} [Ös.] corduroy trousers [Br.]; corduroy pants [Am.]

kurze Trachtenlederhose {f}; kurze Lederhose {f}; Lederne {f} [Bayr.] [Ös.] [ugs.]; Seppelhose {f} [Norddt.] [ugs.] (mit H-Trägern) leather shorts (with H-shaped braces); lederhosen

(modische) Lederhose {f} leather trousers [Br.]; leather pants [Am.]

Pantalons {pl} [hist.] pantaloons

Pluderhose {f}; Pumphose {f}; Flatterhose {f} bloomers

Pluderhose {f} für Damen [textil.] harem pants; yoga pants; pantaloons

Regenhose {f}; Matschhose {f} (bei Kindern) splash trousers [Br.]; splash pants [Am.]

Reithose {f}; Stiefelhose {f} horse riding breeches; riding breeches; riding britches [Am.] [coll.]

lange Reithose {f}; Jodhpur-Reithose {f} jodhpur trousers [Br.]; jodhpur pants [Am.]; jodhpurs

Satinhose {f} satin trousers; satin pants

Schlabberhose {f}; schlotternde Hose {f} baggy trousers [Br.]; baggy pants [Am.]

Schlaghose {f}; Glockenhose {f} [Ös.]; ausgestellte Hose {f} bell-bottom trousers [Br.]; bell-bottomed trousers [Br.]; bell-bottomed plants [Am.]; bell-bottoms; flares

Skihose {f} ski trousers [Br.]; ski pants [Am.]

Skihose / Schihose mit Hosenträgern; Schneehose mit Hosenträgern ski salopettes

Steghose {f} [sport] stirrup trousers [Br.]; stirrup pants [Am.]

Trainingshose {f}; Trainerhose {f} [Schw.]; Jogginghose {f} tracksuit bottoms [Br.]; jogging bottoms [Br.]; sweatpants [Am.]; tracksuit pants [Am.]; jogging pants [Am.]

wetterfeste Hose all-weather trousers; all-weather pants

Yogahose {f} yoga pants

Hose für jede Jahreszeit all-season trousers; all-season pants

eine Hose finden, die wie angegossen sitzt to find a pair of trousers that fit perfectly [Br.]

die ideale Hose für Golfer the ideal pair of pants for golfers [Am.]

Kluft {f}; Spalte {f} [geol.] [anhören] chasm; cleft; diaclase; joint [anhören] [anhören]

Klüfte {pl}; Spalten {pl} chasms; clefts; diaclass; joints [anhören]

einfallende Kluft cutter [anhören]

erzführende Kluft feeder (of ore) [anhören]

geschlossene Kluft tightset

kleine Kluft parting

offene Kluft vug(g)

schichtungsparallele Kluft strata joint

söhlige Kluft bottom joint

verborgene Kluft blind joint

verschlossene Kluft sealed joint

wasserführende Kluft water slip; feeder (of water) [anhören]

Schiff {n} [naut.] [anhören] ship; boat [anhören] [anhören]

Schiffe {pl} ships; boats

Schiffchen {n} (kleines Schiff) small ship

Ausflugsschiff {n}; Rundfahrtschiff {n} excursion ship; sightseeing boat; tour boat; tourist vessel

Fabrikschiff {n} factory ship

Fahrgastschiff {n}; Passagierschiff {n} passenger ship

Fangschiff {n} fishing boat

Schiff mit Glasboden (zur Beobachtung der Unterwasserwelt) glass-bottom boat (for a view of the underwater world)

Großraumschiff {n} large capacity ship; large capacity carrier

hochbordiges Schiff ship with a high freeboard

Lotsenschiff {n}; Lotsenversetzboot {n}; Lotsenboot {n} pilot boat; pilot vessel

Walfangschiff {n}; Walfänger {m} whaling ship; whale catcher

Wartungsschiff {n} maintenance ship

Werkstattschiff {n} repair ship

Wetterbeobachtungsschiff {n} ocean weather ship; weather ship

Wikingerschiff {n} [hist.] Viking ship

ab Schiff ex ship

ein Schiff aufgeben; ein Schiff verlassen to abandon a ship

ein brennendes Schiff verlassen to abandon a burning ship

Das Schiff fährt in die Karibik / fährt auf der Donau. The ship sails for the Caribbean / sails on the Danube river.
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