Dictionary - TU Chemnitz

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Blickachse {f}; Blickbezug {m}; Sichtachse {f}; Sicht {f} [arch.] [listen] line of sight; sight line; sight axis; view axis; axis of vision; eyeline

Blickachsen {pl}; Blickbezüge {pl}; Sichtachsen {pl}; Sichten {pl} lines of sight; sight lines; sight axes; view axes; axes of vision; eyelines

freie Sicht auf den Himmel a clear eyeline to the sky; a straight view to the sky

Axis {m}; zweiter Halswirbel {m} [anat.] axis; second cervical vertebra [listen]

Achse {f} [listen] axis [listen]

Achsen {pl} axes

dorsoventrale Achse dorsoventral axis

eintauchende Achse plunging axis; pitching axis

Kippachse {f} tilt axis; tilting axis

optische Achse optic axis

parallaktische Achse equatorial axis

Symmetrieachse {f}; Mittelachse {f} axis of symmetry; symmetry axis

Symmetrieachsen {pl}; Mittelachsen {pl} axes of symmetry; symmetry axes

optische Symmetrieachse optic axis of symmetry; axis of optic symmetry

zweizählige Symmetrieachse axis of twofold/binary symmetry

dreizählige Symmetrieachse axis of threefold symmetry

vierzählige Symmetrieachse axis of fourfold/tetragonal symmetry

Axishirsche {pl} (Axis) (zoologische Gattung) [zool.] axis deer (zoological genus)

Axishirsch {m}; Chital {m} (Axis axis) spotted deer; axis deer; chital; cheetal

Schweinshirsch {m} (Axis porcinus) Indian hog deer; hog deer

Achse {f} [math.] [listen] axis [listen]

Spiegelachse {f} mirror axis

Achsenposition {f} axis position

Achsenpositionen {pl} axis positions

Achsensteuerung {f} axis control

Achsensteuerungen {pl} axis controls

Bezugsachse {f} axis of reference

Bezugsachsen {pl} axes of reference

Drehimpulsachse {f} [phys.] axis of spin

Drehimpulsachsen {pl} axes of spin

Erdachse {f} axis of the earth

Erdachsen {pl} axes of the earth

Rotationsachse {f} axis of rotation

Rotationsachsen {pl} axes of rotation

Vorschubmotor {m} (numerische Steuerung) axis drive motor (numerical control)

Vorschubmotoren {pl} axis drive motors

Abszissenachse {f} (x-Achse im zweidimensionalen kartesischen Koordinatensystem) [math.] axis of abscissae; axis of abscissas (x-axis in a two dimensional coordinate system)

Achse des Bösen {f} [pol.] axis of evil (countries disliked by American neoconservatives)

Achsenkalibrierung {f} axis calibration

Achsenmächte {pl} [hist.] Axis Powers

Achsensymmetrie {f} [math.] axis symmetry; line symmetry; bilateral symmetry; mirror symmetry

Achsvorschub {m} axis feed

Affinitätsachse {f} [math.] axis of affinity; axis of reflection

Beckenführungslinie {f} [anat.] axis of the pelvis

Handlungsachse {f}; 180°-Linie {f} (Film, TV) axis of action; 180-degree line (film, TV)

Ordinatenachse {f}; Hochachse {f} (y-Achse im zweidimensionalen kartesischen Kordinatensystem) [math.] axis of ordinates (y-axis in a two dimensional coordinate system)

Achsenbeschriftung {f} axis label; axis designation; axis labeling

Achsendepression {f} axis depression

Achsenkulmination {f} axis culmination; axis elevation

Körperachse {f} [anat.] body axis

Körperachsen {pl} body axes

Longitudinalachse {f} longitudinal axis

Sagittalachse {f} sagittal axis

Transversalachse {f} transverse axis

Achsenverhältnis {n} [techn.] axial ratio; axis ratio

Achsenverhältnisse {pl} axial ratios; axis ratios

Brennachse {f} [phys.] focal axis

Brennachsen {pl} focal axes

Brückenlängsachse {f} longitudinal axis of bridge

Brückenlängsachsen {pl} longitudinal axes of bridge

Drehachse {f}; Rotationsachse {f} (mechanisch) [phys.] rotational axis; rotation axis; axis of rotation; spin axis

Drehachsen {pl}; Rotationsachsen {pl} rotational axes; rotation axes; axes of rotation; spin axes

Drehachse {f}; Schwenkachse {f} swivelling axis

Drehachsen {pl}; Schwenkachsen {pl} swivelling axes

Fahnenachse {f} [envir.] plume axis

Fahnenachsen {pl} plume axes

Halbachse {f} half-axis

Halbachsen {pl} half-axes

Hauptachse {f} [math.] principal axis

Hauptachsen {pl} principal axes

Hauptachse {f} [techn.] rotational axis

Hauptachsen {pl} rotational axes

Hauptträgheitsachse {f} mass centroid axis

Hauptträgheitsachsen {pl} mass centroid axiss

Hauptspannungsachse {f} principal stress axis

Hauptspannungsachsen {pl} principal stress axiss

Koordinatenachse {f} coordinate axis

Koordinatenachsen {pl} coordinate axes

Kristallachse {f} crystal axis

Kristallachsen {pl} crystal axes

Längsachse {f} longitudinal axis

Längsachsen {pl} longitudinal axes

Linearachse {f} [mach.] linear axis

Linearachsen {pl} linear axes

Linkslagetyp {m} /LLT/; Linkstyp {m}; Horizontaltyp {m} (EKG-Befund) [med.] left axis deviation shift; left axis deviation /LAD/; left dominance; horizontal heart; horizontal type (ECG summary)

überdrehter Linkslagetyp /üLLT/; überdrehter Linkstyp marked left axis deviation

Musterachse {f} [constr.] specimen axis

Musterachsen {pl} specimen axes

Potenzlinie {f} [math.] radical axis

Potenzlinien {pl} radical axes

Querachse {f} lateral axis; transverse axis

Querachsen {pl} lateral axes; transverse axes

Querkomponente {f}; Queranteil {m} [electr.] shunt component; quadrature-axis component

Querkomponenten {pl}; Queranteile {pl} shunt components; quadrature-axis components

Rechtslagetyp {m} /RLT/; Rechtstyp {m} (EKG-Befund) [med.] right axis deviation shift; right axis deviation /RAD/; right dominance (ECG summary)

überdrehter Rechtslagetyp /üRLT/; überdrehter Rechtsstyp marked right axis deviation

Schubachse {f} (Luft- und Raumfahrt) [aviat.] thrust axis (aerospace)

Schubachsen {pl} thrust axes

Schwerpunktsachse {f} centre of gravity axis

Schwerpunktsachsen {pl} centres of gravity axis

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