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Laubblatt {n}; Blatt {n} [bot.] [listen] leaf [listen]

Laubblätter {pl}; Blätter {pl} [listen] leaves [listen]

abgestorbene haftende Laubblätter clinging dead leaves

die Blätter abwerfen to cast its leaves

Blatt {n}; Türflügel {m}; Flügel {m} (Tür) [listen] [listen] leaf [listen]

Blätter {pl}; Türflügel {pl}; Flügel {pl} [listen] [listen] leaves [listen]

Abenddämmerung {f}; Niedergang {m}; Ausklang {m} sere and yellow leaf [fig.]

Lebensabend {m} the sere and yellow leaf (of life/age) [fig.]

Blattnasennatter {f} (Langaha) [zool.] leaf-nosed snake; spear-nosed snake

Blattnasennattern {pl} leaf-nosed snakes; spear-nosed snakes

Hufeisennase {f} [zool.] (Fledermaus) leaf-nosed and horseshoe bat

Hufeisennasen {pl} leaf-nosed and horseshoe bats

etw. durchblättern {vt} to leaf through sth.; to thumb through sth.; to flick through sth.; to flip through sth.

durchblätternd leafing through; thumbing through; flicking through; flipping through

durchgeblättert leafed through; thumbed through; flicked through; flipped through

Ich habe mein Adressbuch durchgeblättert, aber seine Telefonnummer nicht gefunden. I flipped through my address book but couldn't find his phone number.

Blattansatzstelle {f}; Insertion {f} [geh.] [bot.] leaf attachment site; leaf initiation site

Blattansatzstellen {pl}; Insertionen {pl} leaf attachment sites; leaf initiation sites

Blattfeder {f} [techn.] leaf spring; laminated spring; coach spring; plate spring; compound spring

Blattfedern {pl} leaf springs; laminated springs; coach springs; plate springs; compound springs

Blattfederhammer {m} [techn.] leaf spring hammer

Blattfederhämmer {pl} leaf spring hammers

Blattfederkupplung {f} [techn.] leaf spring coupling

Blattfederkupplungen {pl} leaf spring couplings

Blattform {f} [bot.] leaf shape

Blattformen {pl} leaf shapes

Blattgrund {m} [bot.] leaf base

abgeflachter Blattgrund flattened leaf base

Blattknoten {m} [bot.] leaf node

Blattknoten {pl} leaf nodes

Blattkrankheit {f} [bot.] leaf disease

Blattkrankheiten {pl} leaf diseases

Blattleitwert {m} [bot.] leaf conductance

stomatärer Blattleitwert leaf stomatal conductance

Blattnerv {m}; Blattader {f}; Blattrippe {f} [bot.] leaf vein

Blattnerven {pl}; Blattader {pl}; Blattrippen {pl} leaf veins

Blattnarbe {f} [bot.] leaf scar; cicatrix (on a stem)

Blattnarben {pl} leaf scars; cicatrices

Blattrand {m} [bot.] leaf margin

Blattränder {pl} leaf margins

Blattspitze {f} [bot.] leaf point

Blattspitzen {pl} leaf points

Blattstiel {m} [bot.] leaf stalk

Blattstiele {pl} leaf stalks

Blattstruktur {f} [bot.] leaf structure

Blattstrukturen {pl} leaf structures

Laubdach {n}; Laubetage {f}; Kronenraum {m}; Kronendach {n} des Waldes; Waldkronenschicht {f} [bot.] leaf canopy; tree canopy; forest canopy; forest crown

geschlossenes Kronendach closed canopy; complete canopy; continuous canopy

Laubrechen {m} leaf rake

Laubrechen {pl} leaf rakes

Laubsauger {m} [agr.] leaf vacuum; garden vacuum

Laubsauger {pl} leaf vacuums; garden vacuums

Blattdeformation {f} [biochem.] leaf deformation

Blattdeformationen {pl} leaf deformations

Blattansatz {m} [bot.] leaf attachment; leaf insertion; stipule

Blattdüngung {f} [agr.] leaf dressing; foliage dressing; leaf fertilization; foliar fertilization

Blattflächenquotient {m} [agr.] [envir.] leaf area ratio

Blattfleckenkrankheit {f} [bot.] [agr.] leaf spot disease

Blattfleckung {f} [bot.] leaf mottling

Blattkäfer {pl} (Chrysomelidae) (zoologische Familie) [zool.] leaf beetles (zoological family)

Blattnekrose {f} [bot.] leaf necrosis

Blattnervatur {f}; Blattaderung {f} [bot.] leaf venation

Blattschicht {f} [bot.] leaf layer

Blattspiegelwert {m} [bot.] leaf nutrient content

Blattspinat {m} [bot.] [cook.] leaf spinach

Blattspitzennekrose {f} [bot.] leaf tip necrosis

Deckungsgrad {m} der Blattflächen; Blattflächenindex {m} [agr.] [envir.] leaf area index

Kaffeerost {m} (durch Hemileia vastatrix) [bot.] leaf disease; coffee disease

Lauberde {f} [agr.] leaf soil; leaf-mould [Br.]; leaf mold [Am.]

Laubfall {m} [bot.] leaf fall

Laubstreuschicht {f}; Laubschicht {f}; Streuschicht {f} (im Wald) [envir.] leaf litter layer; fallen-leaf layer; litter layer (in forests)

Laubstreuzersetzung {f} [bot.] leaf litter decomposition; leaf litter decay

Minierer {pl} [zool.] leaf miners

Säulenlaubwerk {n}; Laubverzierung {f}; Akanthus {m} [arch.] leaf decoration; acanthus

Tischplatte {f} (ausziehbar) leaf [listen]

Wandelnde Blätter {pl} (Phylliinae) (zoologische Unterfamilie) [zool.] leaf insects; walking leaves (zoological subfamily)

Blattgewichtsquotient {m} [bot.] leaf weight ratio

Blattinhaltsstoff {m} [bot.] leaf borne compound

Nadeloberfläche {f} [bot.] leaf area

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