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111 Ergebnisse für Therapy
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Heilbehandlung {f}; medizinische Behandlung {f}; Krankenbehandlung {f}; Behandlung {f} (von jdm.); Heilverfahren {n}; Therapie {f}; Kur {f} (bei etw.) [med.] [anhören] [anhören] medical treatment; remedial treatment; treatment (of sb.); therapy (for sth.) [anhören] [anhören]

Heilbehandlungen {pl}; medizinische Behandlungen {pl}; Krankenbehandlungen {pl}; Behandlungen {pl}; Heilverfahren {pl}; Therapien {pl}; Kuren {pl} medical treatments; remedial treatments; treatments; therapies

Aerosoltherapie {f} aerosol therapy

Anschlussheilbehandlung {f} [Dt.] follow-up treatment

Chelat-Therapie {f} (gegen Schwermetallvergiftung) chelation therapy

chirurgische Behandlung surgical treatment

eigenmächtige Heilbehandlung (Straftatbestand) [jur.] medical treatment without consent (criminal offence)

Elektrotherapie {f} electrotherapy

Entfettungskur {f} treatment for obesity

Fehlbehandlung {f} false treatment; false therapy

Folgebehandlung {f}; Folgetherapie {f} follow-on therapy

fotodynamische Therapie photodynamic therapy /PDT/

Frischzellenkur {f}; Frischzellentherapie {f}; Organotherapie {f} fresh cell therapy; living cell therapy; therapy with living cells; Niehan's treatment; Niehan's therapy

Langzeitbehandlung {f}; Langzeittherapie {f} long-term treatment; long-term therapy

Luftkur {f}; Luftliegekur {f}; Freiluftkur {f}; Freiluftliegekur {f} alpine climatotherapy

Monotherapie {f} single treatment regimen; single drug therapy; monodrug therapy; monotherapy

notfallmäßige Selbstbehandlung; Notfallbehandlung / Notfalltherapie durch den Patienten standby emergency treatment /SBET/; stand-by therapy

Palliativbehandlung {f} palliative treatment

pharmakologische Behandlung pharmacologic treatment

rhythmisierende Therapie {f} (mit Medikamenten) anti-arrhythmic (drug) therapy

Scheinbehandlung {f} placebo treatment

stationäre Behandlung stationary treatment

Stufentherapie {f} step-care therapy

Symptombehandlung {f} symptom treatment; treatment of symptoms [rare]

Sofortbehandlung {f} immediate therapy

therapiebegleitende Maßnahmen treatments accompanied by therapy

vorbeugende Behandlung; präventive Behandlung preventive treatment; preventive therapy

Vortherapie {f} previous therapy; prior therapy

Wasserbehandlung {f}; Wasseranwendungen {pl} hydrotherapy

Therapie statt Strafe (für Drogensüchtige) therapy instead of punishment (for drug addicts)

in ärztlicher Behandlung sein to be under medical treatment

die Behandlung von Krebs; die Krebsbehandlung the treatment of cancer, cancer treatment

eine neue Behandlung von/bei Depressionen a new treatment for depression

sich wegen Nierensteinen behandeln lassen to undergo treatment for kidney stones

Die beste Behandlung bei einer Erkältung ist Ruhe und viel Flüssigkeitszufuhr. The best treatment for a cold is to rest and drink lots of fluids.

Schutzimpfung {f}; Impfung {f}; Vakzination {f} [med.]; Impfstich {m} [ugs.]; Stich {m} [ugs.]; Pieks {m} [Dt.] [ugs.]; Jauckerl {n} [Ös.] [slang] [med.] [anhören] vaccination; vaccinization; inoculation; vaccine therapy; vaccinotherapy; immunization with a vaccine; immunization shot [Am.] [coll.]; jab [Br.] [coll.]; jag [Sc.] [coll.]; vax [Am.] [coll.] [anhören] [anhören]

aktive Impfung active vaccination

aktive Impfung und Serumbehandlung active serovaccination

Abriegelungsimpfung {f}; Riegelungsimpfung {f} (zur Infektionsbekämpfung) containment vaccination (for infection control)

Auffrischungsimpfung {f}; Auffrischimpfung {f}; Wiederholungsimpfung {f}; Nachimpfung {f}; Wiederimpfung {f}; Revakzination {f} booster inoculation; booster; revaccination [anhören]

Basisimpfung {f} primary vaccination

bakterielle Impfung; Bakterienvakzination {f} bacterial vaccination; bacterination

enterale Impfung; perorale Impfung enteric inoculation; peroral inoculation

epikutane Impfung epicutaneous vaccination

Erstimpfung {f}; erster Stich [ugs.] original vaccination; first inoculation; first jab (of the vaccine) [Br.]; first shot (of the vaccine) [Am.]

Grippeschutzimpfung {f}; Grippeimpfung {f}; Grippejauckerl {n} [Ös.] [slang] influenza vaccination; influenza immunization; influenza immunisation [Br.]; flu immunization [coll.]; flu shot [coll.]; flu jab [Br.]; flu vax [Am.]

Indikationsimpfung {f} vaccination for specific populations

Inkubationsimpfung {f} vaccination during the incubation stage

Intrakutanimpfung {f}; Intradermalinokulation {f} intradermal vaccination; intradermal inoculation; intracutaneous vaccination

konjunktivale Impfung conjunctival inoculation

Nachholimpfung {f} catch-up vaccination

Notimpfung {f} emergency vaccination

passive Impfung passive vaccination

präexpositionelle Impfung pre-exposure vaccination

postexpositionelle Impfung post-exposure vaccination

Regelimpfung {f}; Standardimpfung {f} routine vaccination; standard vaccination

Reihenimpfung {f}; Massenimpfung {f} mass vaccination

Reiseimpfung {f} travel vaccination

Ringimpfung {f} ring vaccination

Schluckimpfung {f} oral vaccination; endovaccination

Synchronimpfung {f}; Simultanimpfung {f} simultaneous vaccination; simultaneous immunization

Zweitimpfung {f}; zweiter Stich [ugs.] second vaccination; second jab (of the vaccine) [Br.] [coll.]; second shot (of the vaccine) [Am.] [coll.]

Impfung im Kindesalter childhood vaccination

Impfung mit Rotzbakterienextrakt malleinization

amtlich empfohlene Schutzimpfung officially recommended vaccination

Therapiehund {m} (Arbeitshund) [zool.] therapy dog (working dog)

Therapiehunde {pl} therapy dogs

Stottertherapie {f} [med.] therapy for stuttering

Bestrahlungstherapie {f}; Bestrahlung {f} [med.] irradiation/radiation therapy; radiotherapy; ray therapy; irradiation; radiation [anhören] [anhören]

Nahbestrahlung {f} contact radiation

multifraktionierte Bestahlung multifraction irradiation

Palliativbestrahlung {f} palliative radiation

postoperative Bestrahlung postoperative radiation

Sofortbestrahlung {f} instantaneous irradiation

Psychotherapie {f} [psych.] psychotherapy

Psychotherapien {pl} psychotherapies

Familientherapie {f} family therapy

Gesprächspsychotherapie {f}; Gesprächstherapie {f} talk-psychotherapy; talk-therapy

Hypnopsychotherapie {f} hypno-psychotherapy

Zelltherapie {f} [med.] cellular therapy; cell therapy

CAR-T-Zelltherapie CAR T cell therapy

dendritische Zelltherapie; Immuntherapie mit dendritischen Zellen dendritic cell therapy; immunotherapy with dendritic cells

Stammzelltherapie {f}; Stammzellentherapie {f} stem-cell therapy

Behandlungsmethode {f}; Behandlungsart {f}; Therapiemethode {f}; Therapieverfahren {n}; Therapieform {f} [med.] method of treatment; type of treatment; treatment type; form of treatment; treatment form; therapeutic method; therapy method; form of therapy; therapy [anhören]

Behandlungsmethoden {pl}; Behandlungsarten {pl}; Therapiemethoden {pl}; Therapieverfahren {pl}; Therapieformen {pl} methods of treatment; types of treatment; treatment types; forms of treatment; treatment forms; therapeutic methods; therapy methods; forms of therapy; therapies

schonendes Behandlungsverfahren gentle treatment method

Heilpraktiker {m}; Heilpraktikerin {f} /HP/ [Dt.] [Schw.] alternative medicine practitioner; alternative therapy practitioner; alternative practitioner; alternative therapist; CAM practitioner

Heilpraktiker {pl}; Heilpraktikerinnen {pl} alternative medicine practitioners; alternative therapy practitioners; alternative practitioners; alternative therapists; CAM practitioners

Naturheilpraktiker {m}; Naturheilkundler {m} [ugs.] natural health professional; natural health practitioner; naturopathic practitioner; naturopath

Radiojodbehandlung {f}; Radiojodtherapie {f} [med.] radio-iodine treatment; radio-iodine therapy

Radiojodbehandlungen {pl}; Radiojodtherapien {pl} radio-iodine treatments; radio-iodine therapies

eine Radiojodbehandlung der Schilddrüse durchführen; die Schilddrüse durch Radiojod ausschalten to radiothyroidectomize

Antibiotikabehandlung {f}; Antibiotikatherapie {f} [med.] antibiotic treatment; antimicrobic treatment; antibiotic therapy; treatment with antibiotics; antibiotherapy

hochdosierte Antibiotikabehandlung high-dose antibiotic treatment

Behandlungsabbruch {m}; Therapieabbruch {m} [med.] discontinuation of therapy

Behandlungsabbrüche {pl}; Therapieabbrüche {pl} discontinuations of therapy

Behandlungserfolg {m}; Therapieerfolg {m} [med.] therapeutical success; success of therapy

Behandlungserfolge {pl}; Therapieerfolge {pl} therapeutical successes; successes of therapy

Behandlungsversuch {m} [med.] therapeutical trial; trial of therapy

Behandlungsversuche {pl} therapeutical trials; trials of therapy

Drogenersatztherapie {f}; Substitutionstherapie {f} [med.] drug replacement therapy; drug substitution therapy

eine Drogenersatztherapie machen to be receiving a drug replacement therapy

Eklampsiebehandlung {f}; Eklampsietherapie {f} [med.] eclampsia treatment; eclampsia therapy

Eklampsietherapie der mittleren Linie combination of conservative and surgical eclampsia treatment

Gruppentherapie {f} group therapy

Gruppentherapien {pl} group therapies

Hormontherapie {f} [med.] hormone therapy

paradoxe Hormontherapie contrahormonal therapy

Impfstoffbehandlung {f}; Impfstofftherapie {f}; Vakzinetherapie {f} [med.] vaccine therapy; vaccinotherapy; vaccine immunoprophylaxis

autogene Impfstofftherapie autogenous vaccinotherapy

Komabehandlung {f}; Komatherapie {f} [med.] coma treatment; coma therapy

Komabehandlungen {pl}; Komatherapien {pl} coma treatments; coma therapies

Lichttherapiegerät {n}; Lichtdusche {f} [ugs.] light therapy device; light therapy box [coll.]

Lichttherapiegeräte {pl}; Lichtduschen {pl} light therapy devices; light therapy boxes

Sauerstoffbehandlung {f}; Sauerstofftherapie {f} [med.] oxygen treatment; oxygen therapy

hyperbare Sauerstoffbehandlung hyperbaric oxygenation

Stoßtherapie {f} [med.] pulse therapy; stoss therapy

Kortison-Stoßtherapie cortisone pulse therapy

Strahlenbehandlung {f}; Strahlentherapie {f}; Radiotherapie {f} [med.] radiation treatment; radiotherapy; (ir)radiation therapy; emanotherapy; actinotherapy

Strahlenbehandlungen {pl}; Strahlentherapien {pl}; Radiotherapien {pl} radiation treatments; radiotherapies; radiation therapies; emanotherapies; actinotherapies

Ultraschalltherapiegerät {n} [med.] ultrasonic therapy device

Ultraschalltherapiegeräte {pl} ultrasonic therapy devices

Verhaltenstherapie {f} [psych.] behaviour therapy [Br.]; behavior therapy [Am.]

kognitive Verhaltenstherapie {f} cognitive behavioural/behavioral therapy

Ansprechdauer {f}; Ansprechzeit {f} (einer Therapie) [med.] duration of reponse (of a therapy)

Antikörperbehandlung {f}; Immunkörpertherapie {f} [med.] antibody therapy; immune body therapy

Aromatherapie {f} aroma therapy; aromatherapy

Badekur {f}; Bäderbehandlung {f}; Bäderanwendung {f} [med.] balneation; balnear therapy; balneotherapy; balneological treatment; balneotherapeutics

Behandlung {f} mit Digitalis; Digitalisbehandlung {f}; Digitalistherapie {f}; Herzglykosidtherapie {f} [med.] digitalis treatment; digitalis therapy; cardiac glycoside treatment

Behandlungsbedürfnis {n} [med.] [psych.] desire for therapy

Behandlungsbeginn {m} [med.] start of therapy

Behandlungsdauer {f} [med.] duration of therapy

Bewegungstherapie {f} exercise therapy

Bindegewebsmassage {f}; subkutane Reflextherapie {f} /SRT/ [med.] connective tissue massage; subcutaneous reflex therapy /SRT/

Delfintherapie {f}; Delfin-Kur {f} dolphin therapy

Elektrokrampftherapie {f} /EKT/; Elektrokonvulsionstherapie {f}; Elektroschocktherapie {f} electroconvulsive therapy /ECT/; electroshock

Ergotherapie {f}; Arbeitstherapie {f}; Beschäftigungstherapie {f} [med.] ergotherapy; occupational therapy; work therapy

Erweiterung {f} verengter Bronchien; Bronchusaufdehnung {f}; Bronchodilatation {f}; Bronchospasmolyse {f} [selten]; Broncholyse {f} [selten] (Therapie) [med.] dilatation of a (constricted) bronchus; bronchodilatation (therapy)

Gentherapie {f} gene therapy

Gesamttherapiekosten {pl} total costs of therapy

Glaukombehandlung {f} [med.] glaucoma treatment; antiglaucomatous therapy

Immunisierungsbehandlung {f} [med.] immunization therapy

Infusionsbehandlung {f}; Infusionstherapie {f} [med.] infusion therapy; parenteral fluid therapy; drip treatment

Kaltwasserheilkunde {f} [med.] cold water therapy

Körperarbeit {f} body work; body therapy

Kombinationstherapie {f} auf Artemisiningrundlage [med.] artemisinin(-based) combination therapy /ACT/

Konvergenzbestrahlung {f} [med.] convergence-beam therapy; convergence irradiation; convergence radiation [coll.]

Konversionstherapie {f} conversion therapy

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