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1454 ähnliche Ergebnisse für Inti
Tipp: Suche nach Phrasen: Wort1 Wort2 ... oder "Wort1 Wort2"

 Deutsch  Englisch

Ähnliche Wörter:
Anti-Aliasing, Anti-Atom-Bewegung, Anti-Atombewegung, Anti-Doping-Agentur, Anti-G-Anzug, Anti-Hahnengrill, Anti-Inflationspolitik, Anti-Korruptionsgesetz, Anti-Korruptionsgesetze, Anti-Quark, Anti-Rutschbelag, Anti-Subventionsverfahren, Anti-Trendelenburg-Lagerung, Anti-Viren-Programm, Anti-Viren-Programme, Intim-Piercing, Intim-Set, anti..., intim
Ähnliche Wörter:
Anti-Catholicism, Iuti, anti, anti--capitalist, anti--capitalistic, anti-American, anti-Americanism, anti-Brexiteer, anti-Brexiteers, anti-Chinese, anti-Enlightenment, anti-European, anti-German, anti-Israel, anti-Israeli, anti-Japanese, anti-Russian, anti-Semite, anti-Semites, anti-Semitic, anti-Semitism

jdn. einschüchtern {vt} to intimidate sb.

einschüchternd intimidating [anhören]

eingeschüchtert intimidated

sich nicht einschüchtern lassen (von jdm./etw.) to refuse to be intimidated (by sb./sth.)

sich von jdm. (nicht) ins Bockshorn jagen lassen to (not) be intimidated by sb.

Er versucht, sie einzuschüchtern, damit sie nachgibt. He tries to intimidate her into submission.

Ohnmachtsanfall {m} [med.] fainting fit; syncopic attack; blackout; swoon [poet.]

Ohnmachtsanfälle {pl} fainting fits; syncopic attacks; blackouts; swoons

in Ohnmacht fallen to have a blackout; to fall into a swoon

Sinti und Roma {pl} [soc.] Sinti and Roma

Sinto {m}; Sintiza {f} Sinto; Sintisa

Rom {m}; Romni {f} Rom; Romni [anhören]

Wurmmittel {n}; Anthelminthikum {n} [pharm.] anti-worm agent; anti-worm drug; vermifuge; anthelminthic / anthelmintic agent; anthelminthic / anthelmintic drug; anthelminthic; anthelmintic; helminthicide agent; helminthicide; helminthagogue agent; helminthagogue

Wurmmittel {pl}; Anthelminthika {pl} anti-worm agents; anti-worm drugs; vermifuges; anthelminthic anthelmintic drugs; anthelminthics; anthelmintics; helminthicide agents; helminthicides; helminthagogue agents; helminthagogues

vertraut; eng; intim {adv} [anhören] [anhören] intimately

mit etw. eng verknüpft sein to be intimately connected to sth.

Abheben {n} (eines Spielkartenstoßes vor dem Geben) cut (dividing a pack of playing cards into two before dealing) [anhören]

Abhebesicherung {f}; Absturzsicherung {f} anti-derail device

Abscheider {m} [techn.] anti-entrainment ball

Abschnittsmodus {m} [aviat.] intercept mode; INT mode

Abtreibungsgegner {m}; Abtreibungsgegnerin {f} anti-abortionist; pro-life activist

Almabtrieb {m}; Abtrieb {m} (von Vieh) ceremonial driving/bringing down of cattle from the mountain pastures into the valley in autumn

Amerikafeindlichkeit {f}; Antiamerikanismus {m} [pol.] anti-Americanism

Amtseinführung {f}; Einsetzung {f} in sein Amt [adm.] installation; induction into office [anhören]

Anströmung {f} (der Rotorblätter am Hubschrauber) [aviat.] incident (air) flow; flow into the rotor blades (of a helicopter)

Antiarrhythmikum {n} [med.] anti-arrhythmic

Antidiskriminierung {f} anti-discrimination

Antidumping-Vorschriften {pl} anti-dumping provisions

Antiepileptikum {n} [med.] [pharm.] anti-epileptic

Antifaschismus {m} [pol.] anti-fascism

Anti-G-Anzug {m}; Druckanzug {m} (Luft- und Raumfahrt) anti-g suit; g-suit; pressure garment; pressure garment assembly /PGA/ (aerospace)

Anti-Hahnengrill {m} (Geflügelhaltung) [agr.] male-restrictor grille/grill; male restriction grille/grill; female-only grille/grill; FO grille/grill (poultry rearing)

Anti-Inflationspolitik {f} anti-inflationary policy

Antikapitalismus {m} [pol.] [econ.] anti-capitalism

Antikatholizismus {m} Anti-Catholicism

Antikriegs... [pol.] anti-war ...

Antinatalismus {m} [soc.] [phil.] antinatalism; anti-natalism

Antirassismus {m} anti-racism [Br.]; antiracism [Am.]

Antiraucher... anti-smoking

Anti-Rutschbelag {m} anti-slip covering

Anti-Aliasing {n}; Kantenglättung {f} [comp.] anti-aliasing; antialiasing; dejagging

Anti-Atombewegung {f}; Anti-Atom-Bewegung {f}; Antiatomkraft-Bewegung {f} anti-nuclear movement

Anti-Subventionsverfahren {n} anti-subsidy procedure

Antivirensoftware {f}; Antivirus-Software {f} [comp.] anti-virus software

Arrestierung {f}; Verhaftung {f} taking into custody

Aufgliederung {f}; Untergliederung {f} (in etw.) breakdown; subdivision; structuring; categorization; categorisation [Br.]; classification (into sth.) [anhören] [anhören] [anhören]

Aufschluss über etw. geben {vt} (Sache) to be informative of sth.; to provide insight into sth. (of a thing)

Aufsitzschutzdraht {m} (Geflügelhaltung) [agr.] anti-roost wire (poultry rearing)

Aufsteigesicherung {f} anti-derail device

Aufstellung nehmen {v} to take up position; to form a line; to get into formation

etw. auf die lange Bank schieben {vt} [übtr.] to put sth. into cold storage; to put sth. off

Bauchspeicheldrüsenschnitt {m}; Bauchspeicheldrüseneinschnitt {m} [med.] incision into the pancreas; pancreatotomy

Befahrung {f} einer Grube [min.] descent into a pit

Beintieflagerung {f}; Beintieflage {f}; Oberkörperhochlagerung {f}; Anti-Trendelenburg-Lagerung {f} [med.] head-up position; reverse Tendelenburg position

Beitrittsgegner {m} anti-marketeer

Bestimmungen {pl} zur Verhinderung von Steuerumgehung [fin.] anti-avoidance legislation; anti-avoidance rules

in Betracht kommen {v} to come into consideration; to be considered

Blendschutz... [auto] anti-dazzle; antiglare [Am.] {adj}

Blockbildung {f} arrangement into blocks; blocking

Blockierschutz... anti-lock

Blockierschutzbremsen {pl} anti-lock brakes

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