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58 similar results for strubs
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 German  English

Similar words:
A-Staub, E-Staub, Schubs, Staub, Staus, Strass, Streb, Strebe, Stress, Strobe, Struma, Strunk, Stube, Stups, Stuss, T-Staub, T-Streb, Trub, strebt, sträubt, Östrus
Similar words:
pea-shrubs, scrubs, shrubs, struts, stubs

Altholz {n}; altes Astmaterial {n} [agr.] hardwood (mature growth on shrubs)

Blasensträucher {pl} (Colutea) (botanische Gattung) [bot.] bladder shrubs (botanical genus)

Erbsensträucher {pl} (Caragana) (botanische Gattung) [bot.] pea-shrubs; pea-trees (botanical genus)

Gerbersträucher {pl} (Coriaria) (botanische Gattung) [bot.] coriaria shrubs (botanical genus)

Kapernsträucher {pl} (Capparis) (botanische Gattung) [bot.] caper shrubs; caper bushes (botanical genus)

Kranzspieren {pl} (Stephanandra) (botanische Gattung) [bot.] stephanandra shrubs (botanical genus)

Obstgehölze {pl}; Obsthölzer {pl} [bot.] fruit trees and shrubs

Operationskleidung {f}; OP-Bekleidung {f} [med.] [textil.] scrubs

Schaumspieren {pl} (Holodiscus) (botanische Gattung) [bot.] holodiscus spirea shrubs (botanical genus)

Traubenspieren {pl} (Neillia) (botanische Gattung) [bot.] neillia shrubs (botanical genus)

verhocken {vi} (verpflanzte Gehölze) [agr.] to become stunted (of transplanted shrubs or trees)

Abgasstutzen {m} exhaust gas stub

Abgasstutzen {pl} exhaust gas stubs

Abrissabschnitt {m}; Abriss {m}; abtrennbarer Abschnitt {m}; Abschnitt {m} zum Abtrennen; Abrisscoupon {m} [Dt.] [Schw.]; Coupon {m} [Dt.] [Schw.]; Abrisskupon {m} [Ös.]; Kupon {m} [Ös.]; Talon {m} [Schw.]; Abrisszettel {m} [ugs.] coupon; counterfoil [Br.]; stub [Am.]; tear-off slip; detachable portion [listen]

Abrissabschnitte {pl}; Abrisse {pl}; abtrennbare Abschnitte {pl}; Abschnitte {pl} zum Abtrennen; Abrisscoupons {pl}; Coupons {pl}; Abrisskupons {pl}; Kupons {pl}; Talons {pl}; Abrisszettel {pl} coupons; counterfoils; stubs; tear-off slips; detachable portions

Achsstrebe {f} [auto] [techn.] axle strut; axial strut

Achsstreben {pl} axle struts; axial struts

Achsstummel {m} [techn.] axle stub

Achsstummel {pl} axle stubs

Anklebefalz {m} (für gefaltete Karten beim Buchbinden) stub (bookbinding) [listen]

Anklebefalze {pl} stubs

Ansetzfalz {m}; Ansatzfalz {m}; Anklebefalz {m}; Flügenfalz {m}; Ausgleichsfalz {m}; Kreuzbruchfalz {m}; Fälzel {n} (Buchbinden) filling-in guard; compensation guard; flange; stub (bookbinding) [listen] [listen]

Ansetzfalze {pl}; Ansatzfalze {pl}; Anklebefalze {pl}; Flügenfalze {pl}; Ausgleichsfalze {pl}; Kreuzbruchfalze {pl}; Fälzel {pl} filling-in guards; compensation guards; flanges; stubs

Aussteifungsstab {m} bracing strut

Aussteifungsstäbe {pl} bracing struts

Baumstumpf {m}; Stumpf {m}; Stubben {m} [Norddt.]; Stubbe {f} [Norddt.]; Stockholz {n}; Erdstammblock {m} [bot.] stump of a tree; stump; stub of a tree [listen]

Baumstümpfe {pl}; Stümpfe {pl}; Stubben {pl} stumps of a tree; stumps; stubs of a tree

Befestigungsstrebe {f} [techn.] fastening strut

Befestigungsstreben {pl} fastening struts

Blindleitung {f}; Stichleitung {f} (Übertragungsleitung, Wellenleiter) [electr.] resonant stub; stub (transmission line; waveguide) [listen]

Blindleitungen {pl}; Stichleitungen {pl} resonant stubs; stubs

Bockstütze {f}; Biese {f}; Litzenbesatz {m}; Vorstoß {m} (Stahlbau) [constr.] [listen] lean-to strut (structural steel engineering)

Bockstützen {pl}; Biesen {pl}; Litzenbesätze {pl}; Vorstöße {pl} lean-to struts

Brombeersträucher {pl}; Brombeerstauden {pl}; Brombeeren {pl} (Rubus fruticosus) (botanische Sektion) [bot.] blackberry bushes; blackberry shrubs; blackberries; bramble bushes [Br.]; brambles (botanical section)

Mittelmeerbrombeere {f}; Ulmenblättrige Brombeere {f}; Ulmenblattbrombeere {f} (Rubus ulmifolius) elmleaf blackberry; elm-leaved bramble [Br.]; thornless blackberry

Samtige Brombeere {f}; Samtbrombeere {f}; Weichblattbrombeere {f} (Rubus vestitus) European blackberry; velvet bramble [Br.]

Busch {m}; Strauch {m} [bot.] bush; shrub [listen] [listen]

Büsche {pl}; Sträucher {pl} bushes; shrubs

Kleinstrauch {m} small shrub

Kulturstrauch {m}; Staude {f} [Süddt.] [Ös.] [Schw.] cultivated bush; cultivated shrub

Zierstrauch {m}; Zierstaude {f} [Süddt.] [Ös.] [Schw.] ornamental shrub

Ziersträucher {pl}; Zierstauden {pl} ornamental shrubs

leichter Strauch [agr.] young shrub transplant

Diagonalstab {m} diagonal bar; diagonal strut

Diagonalstäbe diagonal bars; diagonal struts

Einströmstutzen {m} inlet stub

Einströmstutzen {pl} inlet stubs

Federbein {n} [auto] suspension strut

Federbeine {pl} suspension struts

luftgestütztes Federbein air-assisted suspension strut

MacPherson-Federbein; McPherson-Federbein MacPherson suspension strut; McPherson strut

niveauregulierendes Federbein self-levelling [Br.] / self-leveling [Am.] suspension strut

Federstrebe {f}; Federbein {n} [aviat.] telescopic leg; telescopic strut; shock strut; shock-absorbing leg

Federstreben {pl}; Federbeine {pl} telescopic legs; telescopic struts; shock struts; shock-absorbing legs

Fragment {n} stub (a stunted thing) [listen]

Fragmente {pl} stubs

Artikelfragment {n} article stub

Mauerfragment {n} wall stub

Gehaltsabrechnung {f}; Lohnabrechnung {f}; Verdienstabrechnung {f} [Dt.]; Gehaltszettel {m}; Gehaltsbescheinigung {f}; Lohnzettel {m}; Lohnstreifen {m}; Lohnbeleg {m} [fin.] salary statement; wage statement; payslip [Br.]; pay stub [Am.]

Gehaltsabrechnungen {pl}; Lohnabrechnungen {pl}; Verdienstabrechnungen {pl}; Gehaltszettel {pl}; Gehaltsbescheinigungen {pl}; Lohnzettel {pl}; Lohnstreifen {pl}; Lohnbelege {pl} salary statements; wage statements; payslips; pay stubs

Gehölzstreifen {m}; Gehölzsaum {m} [geogr.] band of trees and shrubs

Gehölzstreifen {pl}; Gehölzsäume {pl} bands of trees and shrubs

Gelsemium-Sträucher {pl} (Gelsemium) (botanische Gattung) [bot.] gelsemium shrubs (botanical genus)

Asiatischer Giftjasmin {m} (Gelsemium elegans) allspice jasmine; allspice jessamine [Am.]; heartbreak grass

Gelber Jasmin {m}; Falscher Jasmin {m}; Wilder Jasmin {m}; Giftjasmin {m} (Gelsemium sempervirens) yellow jasmine; false jasmine; wild jasmine; yellow jessamine [Am.]; false jessamine [Am.]; wild jessamine [Am.]; Carolina jessamine [Am.]; evening trumpet-flower

Sumpfjasmin {m} (Gelsemium rankinii) swamp jasmine; swamp jessamine [Am.]; Rankin's trumpetflower

Himbeerstrauch {m}; Himbeerstaude {f}; Himbeere {f} (Rubus idaeus) [bot.] raspberry bush; raspberry shrub; raspberry [listen]

Himbeersträucher {pl}; Himbeerstauden {pl}; Himbeeren {pl} raspberry bushes; raspberry shrubs; raspberries

Colorado-Himbeere {f} (Rubus deliciosus) boulder raspberry; Rocky Mountain raspberry; delicious raspberry; snowy bramble [Br.]

Schwarze Himbeere {f}; Schwarzhimbeere {f} (Rubus occidentalis) wild black raspberry, blackcap raspberry; black cap; Scotch cap; thimbleberry

Weiße Zimthimbeere; Nutka-Himbeere {f} (Rubus parviflorus) white-flowering raspberry; western thimble raspberry; western thimbleberry

Zimthimbeere {f}; Wohlriechende Himbeere {f} (Rubus odoratus) purple-flowered raspberry; flowering raspberry; Virginia raspberry; sweet-scented bramble [Br.]

Hinterachsstrebe {f} [auto] rear-axle strut; rear-axle tie-bar

Hinterachsstreben {pl} rear-axle struts; rear-axle tie-bars

Kontrollabschnitt {m}; Kontrollabriss {m} [adm.] counterfoil [Br.]; stub [Am.] [listen]

Kontrollabschnitte {pl}; Kontrollabrisse {pl} counterfoils; stubs

Kontrollabschnitt einer Eintrittskarte; Kartenabriss ticket counterfoil [Br.]; ticket stub [Am.]

Larreasträucher {m} (Larrea) (botanische Gattung) [bot.] larrea shrubs (botanical genus)

Kresotstrauch {m}; Kreosotbusch {m} (Larrea tridentata) desert larrea; three-toothed larrea; creosote bush; greasewood

Laubgehölz {n}; Laubhölzer {pl} [bot.] broadleaved woody plants; broadleaved trees and shrubs; broadleaf woody plants [Am.]; deciduous woody plants; deciduous trees and shrubs

immergrüne Laubgehölze broadleaved evergreens

Löffelstrebe {f}; löffelförmige Strebe {f} [aviat.] spoonshaped strut; spatular strut

Löffelstreben {pl}; löffelförmige Streben {pl} spoonshaped struts; spatular struts

Lohnzettel {m}; Lohnbeleg {m}; Lohnstreifen {m}; Gehaltsabrechnung {f} [adm.] pay slip; pay statement; pay stub [Am.]

Lohnzettel {pl}; Lohnbelege {pl}; Lohnstreifen {pl}; Gehaltsabrechnungen {pl} pay slips; pay statements; pay stubs

Pfeifensträucher {pl} (Philadelphus) (botanische Gattung) [bot.] mock-orange bushes; mock-orange shrubs; mock-oranges (botanical genus)

Gewöhnlicher Pfeifenstrauch {m}; Gemeiner Pfeifenstrauch {m}; Europäischer Pfeifenstrauch {m}; Jasminstrauch {m}; Falscher Jasmin {m} (Philadelphus coronarius) garden mock-orange; sweet mock-orange

Pistazienbäume {pl}; Pistaziensträucher {pl}; Pistazien {pl} (Pistacia) (botanische Gattung) [bot.] pistachio trees; pistachio shrubs (botanical genus)

Echter Pistazienbaum {m}; Echte Pistazie {f} (Pistacia vera) true pistachio tree; true pistachio

Wilder Pistazienbaum {m}; Wilde Pistazie {f}; Mastixpistazie {f}; Mastixbaum {m}; Mastixstrauch {m}; Lentiske {f} (Pistacia lentiscus) mastic tree; mastic shrub; Mediterranean mastic; lentisk

Atlantischer Pistazienbaum {m}; Atlantische Pistazie {f} (Pistacia atlantica) Atlantic pistachio tree; Atlas pistachio; Atlantic mastic tree; (Mt.) Atlas mastic tree

Profilrohrstrebe {n}; Profilrohrstiel {m} [aviat.] profile strut; streamline strut

Profilrohrstreben {pl}; Profilrohrstiele {pl} profile struts; streamline struts

Rabatte {f} (schmales Zierpflanzenbeet am Rand oder entlang von Wegen) [agr.] border (narrow bed for ornamental plants) [listen]

Rabatten {pl} borders [listen]

Blumenrabatte {f} border of flowers; flower border; mixed border

Gehölzrabatte {f} border with shrubs and trees

Staudenrabatte {f} herbaceous border; perennial border

Strauchrabatte {f} shrub border

Sammlernippel {n}; Sammlerstutzen {m} [mach.] header nozzle; header stub

Sammlernippel {pl}; Sammlerstutzen {pl} header nozzles; header stubs

Scheckabschnitt {m} [fin.] cheque counterfoil [Br.]; check counterfoil [Am.]; check stub [Am.]

Scheckabschnitte {pl} cheque counterfoils; check counterfoils; check stubs

Schecktalon {m} [fin.] cheque counterfoil [Br.]; check stub [Am.]

Schecktalons {pl} cheque counterfoils; check stubs

Spindelspreize {f} adjustable metal strut

Spindelspreizen {pl} adjustable metal struts

Strebebalken {m}; Stützstrebe {f}; Strebe {f}; Stützbalken {m}; Stütze {f} [constr.] [listen] supporting strut; support strut; strut; strut member; brace; shore [listen] [listen] [listen]

Strebebalken {pl}; Stützstreben {pl}; Streben {pl}; Stützbalken {pl}; Stützen {pl} supporting struts; support struts; struts; strut members; braces; shores [listen]

waagrechter Stützbalken (zwischen zwei Gebäuden) flying shore; flier; flyer [listen]

Verstrebung {f} struts

diagonale Druckstrebe {f} diagonal strut

Querstrebe {f} cross strut; cross brace; cross member

Zwischenstrebe {f} intermediate member

Stummel {m} (kurzer Rest eines dünnen, länglichen Gegenstands) stub (short rest of an elongated object) [listen]

Stummel {pl} stubs

Bleistiftstummel {m} pencil stub

Kerzenstummel {m} candle stub

Stumpf {m} (Reststück eines länglichen Gegenstands) stump; stub [listen] [listen]

Stümpfe {pl} stumps; stubs

Aststumpf {m} branch stump; branch stub

Zahnstumpf {m} stump of the tooth; tooth stump

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