Dictionary - TU Chemnitz

 English  German

to go down the tubes; to go down the pan [Br.] [coll.] den Bach runtergehen {vi} [ugs.]

boomwhackers (tuned percussion tubes) Boomwhacker-Schlaginstrument {n}; Boomwhackers {pl} (gestimmte Plastikröhren) [mus.]

paper for textile paper tubes Kötzerhülsenpapier {n} [textil.]

ribbed pasta tubes; ribbed tubes of pasta; rigatoni [mass noun] gerillte Röhrennudeln {pl}; Rigatoni {pl} [cook.]

bedding of tubes or pipes Rohrlegung {f}; Rohrverlegung {f} [techn.]

salpingitis; inflammation of the fallopian tubes Salpingitis {f}; Eileiterentzündung {f} [med.]

spreader tubes Schleppschlauchverteiler {m} [agr.]

(furnace) wall tubes Wandberohrung {f} (Feuerraum) [techn.]

aluminium tubes Aluminiumtuben {pl} [techn.]

automotive tubes Automobilrohre {pl} [auto]

welding fume exhaust tubes Absaugarme {pl} [mach.] [techn.]

exhaust tube Abgasschlauch {m}

exhaust tubes Abgasschläuche {pl}

screening tube Abschirmschlauch {m}; Entstörschlauch {m} [electr.]

screening tubes Abschirmschläuche {pl}; Entstörschläuche {pl}

launching tube Abschussrohr {n} [mil.]

launching tubes Abschussrohre {pl}

distance tube; spacer tube Abstandshülse {f} [techn.]

distance tubes; spacer tubes Abstandshülsen {pl}

swab tube Abstrichröhrchen {n} [med.]

swab tubes Abstrichröhrchen {pl}

axle tube Achsrohr {n}

axle tubes Achsrohre {pl}

aluminium tube [Br.]; aluminum tube [Am.] Aluminiumrohr {n}

aluminium tubes; aluminum tubes Aluminiumrohre {pl}

suction tube Ansaugleitung {f}

suction tubes Ansaugleitungen {pl}

suction hose; flexible suction tube (vacuum cleaner etc.) Ansaugschlauch {m}; Saugschlauch {m} (Staubsauger usw.)

suction hoses; flexible suction tubes Ansaugschläuche {pl}; Saugschläuche {pl}

bantam tube Bantamröhre {f} [electr.]

bantam tubes Bantamröhren {pl}

breathing tube; resprirator tube; resuscitation tube Beatmungsschlauch {m}; Atemschlauch {m} [med.]

breathing tubes; resprirator tubes; resuscitation tubes Beatmungsschläuche {pl}; Atemschläuche {pl}

clipper tube (TV; radar) [Am.] Begrenzerröhre {f}; Schwellenröhre {f} (TV; Radar)

clipper tubes Begrenzerröhren {pl}; Schwellenröhren {pl}

picture tube Bildröhre {f}

picture tubes Bildröhren {pl}

picture tube; viewing storage tube; oscillograph tube Bildwiedergaberöhre {f}; Sichtspeicherröhre {f}; Oszillographenröhre {f} [techn.]

picture tubes; viewing storage tubes; oscillograph tubes Bildwiedergaberöhren {pl}; Sichtspeicherröhren {pl}; Oszillographenröhren {pl}

dark-trace tube Blauschriftröhre {f} [techn.]

dark-trace tubes Blauschriftröhren {pl}

flash tube (discharge tube) Blitzröhre {f} (Gasentladungslampe) [phys.]

flash tubes Blitzröhren {pl}

calyx tube Blütenkelchröhre {f} [bot.]

calyx tubes Blütenkelchröhren {pl}

combustion chamber cooling tube Brennkammerkühlrohr {n} [techn.]

combustion chamber cooling tubes Brennkammerkühlrohre {pl}

spacer bushing; distance tube; distance bush Distanzbuchse {f} [techn.]

spacer bushings; distance tubes; distance bushes Distanzbuchsen {pl}

spacer sleeve; distance bush; spacer tube Distanzhülse {f}; Abstandhalterhülse {f} [techn.]

spacer sleeves; distance bushes; spacer tubes Distanzhülsen {pl}; Abstandhalterhülsen {pl}

spacer tube; distance tube Distanzrohr {n} [techn.]

spacer tubes; distance tubes Distanzrohre {pl}

drainage tube; drain tube; drain; tube [listen] [listen] Drainageröhrchen {n}; Drainagekanüle {f}; Kanüle {f}; Drain {m} [med.]

drainage tubes; drain tubes; drains; tubes [listen] Drainageröhrchen {pl}; Drainagekanülen {pl}; Kanülen {pl}; Drains {pl}

splinting drain Schienungsdrain {m}

to insert a drain tube eine Drainagekanüle einlegen; einen Drain legen

bushing tube; bushing socket; bushing nipple Durchführungsrohr {n}; Durchführungstülle {f}; Durchführung {f} [electr.] [listen]

bushing tubes; bushing sockets; bushing nipples Durchführungsrohre {pl}; Durchführungstüllen {pl}; Durchführungen {pl}

stainless steel tube Edelstahlrohr {n}

stainless steel tubes Edelstahlrohre {pl}

acorn tube; door-knob tube Eichelröhre {f} [electr.]

acorn tubes; door-knob tubes Eichelröhren {pl}

uterine tube; Fallopian tube; tuba; oviduct; salpinx [rare] Eileiter {m}; Salpinx {f} [selten] (Tuba uterina / Tuba Falloppii) [anat.]

uterine tubes; Fallopian tubes; tubas; oviducts; salpinges Eileiter {pl}; Salpingen {pl}

intratubal innerhalb des Eileiters (liegend/gelegen) {adj}

filler; filler tube; filling orifice [listen] Einfüllstutzen {m}

fillers; filler tubes; filling orifices Einfüllstutzen {pl}

Carius tube Einschmelzrohr {n}

Carius tubes Einschmelzrohre {pl}

iron tube Eisenrohr {n}

iron tubes Eisenrohre {pl}

electron tube; electronic tube; valve [Br.] [listen] Elektronenröhre {f} [electr.]

electron tubes; electronic tubes; valves [listen] Elektronenröhren {pl}

multigrid tube Mehrgitterröhre {f}

electron ray tube Elektronenstrahlröhre {f}

electron ray tubes Elektronenstrahlröhren {pl}

vent pipe; breather tube Entlüftungsrohr {n}

vent pipes; breather tubes Entlüftungsrohre {pl}

teltron tube Fadenstrahlrohr {n} [phys.]

teltron tubes Fadenstrahlrohre {pl}

quill tube Faltenrohr {n} [techn.]

quill tubes Faltenrohre {pl}

corrugated hose; gusseted tube Faltenschlauch {m}

corrugated hoses; gusseted tubes Faltenschläuche {pl}

television set; TV set; television; TV; telly; boob tube [Am.] [coll.]; idiot box [coll.] [listen] [listen] [listen] Fernsehgerät {n}; Fernsehapparat {m}; Fernseher {m}; Flimmerkiste {f} [humor.]; Mattscheibe {f} [ugs.]; Röhre {f} [ugs.]; Glotze {f} [Dt.] [ugs.] [pej.] [listen] [listen]

television sets; TV sets; televisions; TVs; tellies; boob tubes; idiot boxes Fernsehgeräte {pl}; Fernsehapparate {pl}; Fernseher {pl}; Flimmerkisten {pl}; Mattscheiben {pl}; Röhren {pl}; Glotzen {pl} [listen]

flat-panel television; flat-panel TV Flachbildfernsehgerät {n}; Flachbildfernseher {m}

LCD television; LCD-TV LCD-Fernsehgerät {n}; LCD-Fernseher {m}

in-set TV; at-seat TV in die Rückenlehne eingebauter Fernseher

to spent the evening in front of the boob tube den Abend vor der Flimmerkiste / Glotze verbringen

(large) flue tube Feuerrohr {n}

flue tubes Feuerrohre {pl}

flame tube (gas turbine) Flammrohr {n} (Gasturbine) [techn.]

flame tubes Flammrohre {pl}

goggle box [Br.]; box [Br.]; tube [Am.] (TV set) [listen] [listen] Flimmerkiste {f}; Kiste {f}; Flimmerkasten {m}; Glotze {f}; Glotzkiste {f} [ugs.] (Fernseher) [listen]

goggle boxes; boxes; tubes [listen] Flimmerkisten {pl}; Kisten {pl}; Flimmerkästen {pl}; Glotzen {pl}; Glotzkisten {pl}

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