Dictionary - TU Chemnitz

 English  German

resuscitation; reanimation; revivification Reanimation {f}; Maßnahmen zur Wiederbelebung [med.]

breathing tube; resprirator tube; resuscitation tube Beatmungsschlauch {m}; Atemschlauch {m} [med.]

breathing tubes; resprirator tubes; resuscitation tubes Beatmungsschläuche {pl}; Atemschläuche {pl}

centre [Br.] / center [Am.] of artificial respiration; resuscitation centre [Br.] / center [Am.] Beatmungszentrum {n} [med.]

centres centers of artificial respiration; resuscitation centres / centers Beatmungszentren {pl}

mouth-to-mouth breathing; mouth-to-mouth ventilation; mouth-to-mouth resuscitation; mouth-to-mouth insufflation; breath donation; transanimation; kiss of life Mund-zu-Mund-Beatmung {f} [med.]

mouth-to-nose breathing; mouth-to-nose ventilation; mouth-to-nose resuscitation Mund-zu-Nase-Beatmung {f} [med.]

attempt at resuscitation Wiederbelebungsversuch {m}

attempts at resuscitation Wiederbelebungsversuche {pl}

cardiopulmonary kardiopulmonal {adj}; Herz-Lungen... [med.]

cardiopulmonary resuscitation kardiopulmonale Wiederbelebung; Herz-Lungen-Wiederbelebung {f}