Dictionary - TU Chemnitz
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cooling [listen] Kühlung {f} [techn.]

forced cooling Fremdkühlung {f}

envelope cooling Mantelkühlung {f} [electr.]

emergency cooling; standby cooling (nuclear engineering) Notkühlung {f} (Kerntechnik)

cooling; chilling [listen] [listen] Abkühlung {f}; Kühlung {f}

cooling-off period (nuclear engineering) Abkühlungszeit {f} (Kerntechnik) [techn.]

cooling-off periods Abkühlungszeiten {pl}

cooling-off period (consumer transaction) Widerspruchsfrist {f} [Dt.]; Rücktrittsfrist {f} [Ös.] (Verbrauchergeschäft) [jur.]

cooling-off periods Widerspruchsfristen {pl}; Rücktrittsfristen {pl}

cooling; refrigerant; refrigerating; antithermic [listen] kühlend {adj}

cooling rate Abkühlgeschwindigkeit {f}

cooling down; cool-off Abkühlung {f}

cooling effect Abkühlungseffekt {m}

cooling effects Abkühlungseffekte {pl}

cooling down Herunterkühlen {n}

cooling agent suction pressure Kältemittelansaugdruck {m} [techn.]

cooling agent high pressure Kältemittelhochdruck {m}

cooling agent pipe; refrigerant pipe Kältemittelleitung {f}

cooling and crushing screw Kühl- und Brechschnecke {f} [techn.]

cooling and crushing screws Kühl- und Brechschnecken {pl}

cooling unit (of diesel engines) Kühlergruppe {f} (bei Dieselmotoren) [techn.]

cooling units Kühlergruppen {pl}

cooling fan; radiator fan Kühlerlüfter {m}

electric cooling fan elektrischer Kühlerlüfter

cooling liquid; refrigerant; coolant; cooling fluid Kühlflüssigkeit {f}

cooling liquids; refrigerants; coolants; cooling fluids Kühlflüssigkeiten {pl}

cooling unit Kühlgerät {n} [aviat.]

cooling units Kühlgeräte {pl}

cooling circuit Kühlkreislauf {m} [techn.]

cooling circuits Kühlkreisläufe {pl}

cooling fluid temperature Kühlmitteltemperatur {f}

cooling oil Kühlöl {n} [techn.]

cooling battery Kühlregister {n}

cooling batteries Kühlregister {pl}

cooling gill (ringförmige) Kühlrippe {f}; Kühlring {m} [techn.]

cooling gills Kühlrippen {pl}; Kühlringe {pl}

cooling rib; cooling fin (längs verlaufende) Kühlrippe {f} [techn.]

cooling ribs; cooling fins Kühlrippen {pl}

cooling web (foundry) Kühlrippe {f} (Gießerei) [techn.]

cooling webs Kühlrippen {pl}

cooling tube Kühlrohr {n}

cooling tubes Kühlrohre {pl}

cooling lubricant Kühlschmierstoff {m}

cooling lubricants Kühlschmierstoffe {pl}

cooling line (foundry) Kühlstraße {f} (Gießerei) [techn.]

cooling lines Kühlstraßen {pl}

cooling system Kühlsystem {n}

cooling systems Kühlsysteme {pl}

cooling tunnel Kühltunnel {m}

cooling tunnels Kühltunnel {pl}

cooling tower Kühlturm {m}

cooling towers Kühltürme {pl}

cooling tower basin; cooling tower pond Kühlturmtasse {f} [mach.]

cooling tower basins; cooling tower ponds Kühlturmtassen {pl}

cooling pad (for notebooks) Kühlunterlage {f}; Kühlplatte {f} (für Notebooks) [comp.]

cooling pads Kühlunterlagen {pl}; Kühlplatten {pl}

cooling water Kühlwasser {n}

cooling water distributor Kühlwasserbatterie {f} [techn.]

cooling water distributors Kühlwasserbatterien {pl}

cooling water flow rate Kühlwasserdurchsatz {m} [techn.]

cooling water circuit Kühlwasserkreislauf {m}

cooling water circuits Kühlwasserkreisläufe {pl}

cooling water pipe Kühlwasserleitung {f} [techn.]

cooling water pipes Kühlwasserleitungen {pl}

cooling water pump Kühlwasserpumpe {f}

cooling water pumps Kühlwasserpumpen {pl}

cooling water control radiator Kühlwasserregler {m}

cooling water control radiators Kühlwasserregler {pl}

cooling water filler neck Kühlwasserstutzen {m} [auto]

cooling water filler necks Kühlwasserstutzen {pl}

cooling effect/action; refrigerating effect/action [listen] Kühlwirkung {f} [techn.]

cooling fan switch Lüftermotorschalter {m} [techn.]

cooling fan switches Lüftermotorschalter {pl}

cooling jacket Kühlmantel {m} [auto]

cooling capacity Kühlleistung {f} [techn.]

cooling air Kühlluft {f} [techn.]

cooling surface Kühlfläche {f} [techn.]

cooling power Kühlleistung {f}

fuel cooling pond; fuel cooling pool; water storage pool (nuclear reactor) Abklingbecken {n} (Kernreaktor)

fuel cooling ponds; fuel cooling pools; water storage pools Abklingbecken {pl}

cooling-down period; decay time (nuclear engineering) Abklingzeit {f} (Kerntechnik) [phys.]

type of cooling Abkühlungsart {f}

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