Dictionary - TU Chemnitz

 English  German

cut-off Grenze {f} [listen]

cut-off Trennung {f} [listen]

qualifying date; effective date; record date; deadline [Am.]; cut-off date [Am.] [listen] Stichtag {m}; Lostag {m} [Ös.] [adm.]

qualifying dates; effective dates; record dates; deadlines; cut-off dates Stichtage {pl}; Lostage {pl}

cut-off; cut (water engineering) [listen] Durchstich {m} (Wasserbau)

meander cut-off Mäanderdurchstich {m}

pilot cut Probedurchstich {m}

cut-off; switching-off Abschalten {n}; Abschaltung {f}; Ausschaltung {f} [electr.]

cut-off current; breaking current Abschaltstrom {m}; Unterbrechungsstrom {m} [electr.]

cut-off lathe; cut-off machine Abstechdrehmaschine {f}; Abstechmaschine {f} [mach.]

cut-off lathes; cut-off machines Abstechdrehmaschinen {pl}; Abstechmaschinen {pl}

cut-off switch; cutoff switch; breaker Ausschalter {m}

cut-off switches; cutoff switches; breakers Ausschalter {pl}

cut-off wall Dichtwand {f} (Sperrwand für Baugruben und Deponien) [constr.]

cut-off walls Dichtwände {pl}

cut-off wall construction Dichtwandbau {m} [constr.]

cut-off wall construction material Dichtwandbaustoff {m} [constr.]

cut-off wall containment Dichtwandumschließung {f} [constr.]

cut-off frequency; cutoff frequency; corner frequency; break frequency; critical frequency Grenzfrequenz {f} [electr.] [techn.]

cut-off frequencies; cutoff frequencies; corner frequencies; break frequencies; critical frequencies Grenzfrequenzen {pl}

cut-off voltage Sperrspannung {f} [electr.]

cut-off point Trennlinie {f}

cut-off meander of the river Rhine Altrhein {m} [geogr.]

cut-off knife Abschneidemesser {n} [techn.]

magazine cut-off lever Magazinsperrhebel {m} [mil.]

magazine cut-off levers Magazinsperrhebel {pl}

magazine cut-off plunger Haltestift für den Magazinsperrhebel

cutting wire; cut-off wire Abschneidedraht {m}

stop valve; shut-off valve /S.V./; cut-off valve; blocking valve Absperrventil {n}; Sperrventil {n}; Abschlussventil {n}

stop valves; shut-off valves; cut-off valves; blocking valves Absperrventile {pl}; Sperrventile {pl}; Abschlussventile {pl}

parting-off grinding; cut-off grinding; abrasive cut-off; abrasive cutting Abstechschleifen {n} [techn.]

the cut-off meander of a river die Altarme {pl} eines Flusses [geogr.]

cut-off Ausschaltung {f}

diaphragm wall head (cut-off wall) Dichtwandkopf {m} [constr.]

grouting equipment (cut-off wall construction) Einpressanlage {f}; Verpressanlage {f}; Injektionsanlage {f} (Dichtwandbau) [constr.]

grouting hose (cut-off wall construction) Einpressschlauch {m}; Verpressschlauch {m}; Injektionsschlauch {m} (Dichtwandbau) [constr.]

Q-cut-off frequency (semiconductors) Gütegrenzfrequenz {f} (Halbleiter) [electr.]

idle cut-off valve Leerlaufabschaltventil {n} [techn.]

idle cut-off valves Leerlaufabschaltventile {pl}

magazine cut-off; magazine stop; magazine (tube) stud Magazinsperre {f} [mil.]

bentonite slurry; slurry for cut-off walls Schlitzwandmasse {f}; Dichtwandmasse {f} [constr.]

overrun cut-off; fuel cut-off in the overrun Schubabschaltung {f} [auto]

deceleration fuel cut-off (astronautics) Schubabschaltung {f} (Raumfahrt)

parting tool; part-off tool; recessing tool; cut-off tool; grooving tool; knife tool Stechdrehmeißel {m}; Seitendrehmeißel {m}; Abstechmeißel {m}; Abstechstahl {m} [techn.]

parting tools; part-off tools; recessing tools; cut-off tools; grooving tools; knife tools Stechdrehmeißel {pl}; Seitendrehmeißel {pl}; Abstechmeißel {pl}; Abstechstähle {pl}

power cut-off Stromabschaltung {f}; Stromsperre {f} [electr.]

power cut-offs Stromabschaltungen {pl}; Stromsperren {pl}

power cut-off; breaking-off of circuit; interruption of circuit; outage [listen] Stromabschaltung {f}; Stromsperre {f}; Stromunterbrechung {f} [electr.]

overload cut-off; overload switch-off; overloadsecurity stop Überlastabschaltung {f} [techn.]

preclusive time-limit; cut-off period; limitation period; preclusion period; term of exclusion Ausschlussfrist {f} [jur.]

deadline; cut-off time [listen] Annahmeschluss {m}

sequential analysis Sequentialanalyse {f} [statist.]

cut-off of a sequential analysis Abbruch einer Sequentialanalyse

wavelength Wellenlänge {f} [phys.]

wavelengths Wellenlängen {pl}

tuned-in auf der richtigen Wellenlänge

critical wave-length; cut-off wavelength kritische Wellenlänge [techn.]

wavelength division multiplexing /WDM/ Wellenlängen-Multiplex ...

to be on the same wavelength; to speak the same language; to be on the same sheet of music [Am.] [coll.] [fig.] auf der gleichen Wellenlänge sein / liegen; die gleiche Sprache sprechen [übtr.]

They are tuned to the same wavelength.; They understand each other. Sie sind auf der gleichen Wellenlänge.; Sie verstehen sich.