Dictionary - TU Chemnitz
All NounsAdjectives

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bank capital rules Eigenkapitalstandards {pl} für Banken [fin.]

additional paid in capital Eigenkapitalzuwachs {m} aus sonstigen Quellen [econ.]

a company's provision with its own funds / with capital and reserves Eigenmittelausstattung {f} eines Unternehmens [econ.]

deposit capital; capital paid up Einlagekapital {n} [fin.]

additional capital; supplementary capital; tier-2-capital (Basel Committee on Banking Supervision) Ergänzungskapital {n} (Basler Ausschuss für Bankenaufsicht) [econ.]

replacement investment; replacement of capital assets Ersatzinvestition {f} [fin.]

replacement investments; replacements of capital assets Ersatzinvestitionen {pl}

exemption order for capital gains Freistellungsauftrag {m} für Kapitalerträge [fin.]

exemption orders for capital gains Freistellungsaufträge {pl} für Kapitalerträge

outside financing; financing with outside capital; borrowing; external financing Fremdfinanzierung {f}; Außenfinanzierung {f} [fin.]

outside capital; borrowed capital; debt capital; loan capital Fremdkapital {n}; Fremdgelder {pl} [econ.] [fin.]

debt ratio; ratio of debt(s) to total capital/assets; ratio of total liabilities to total capital/assets; leverage [Am.] [listen] Fremdkapitalanteil {m}; Fremdkapitalquote {f}; Kapitalanspannung {f}; Kapitalanspannungsgrad {m}; Anspannungsgrad {m}; Kapitalanspannungskoeffizient {m}; Anspannungskoeffizient {m} [econ.]

company's capital; company capital; corporate capital [Am.] Gesellschaftskapital {n}; Firmenkapital {n} [econ.]

marginal efficiency of capital Grenzleistungsfähigkeit {f} des Kapitals [econ.]

domestic capital Inlandskapital {n} [fin.]

investment costs; capital costs Investitionskosten {pl}

investment capital funding Investitionsmittelfinanzierung {f} [fin.]

investment activity; investing activity; capital spending Investitionstätigkeit {f} [econ.]

restrained investment activity zurückhaltende Investitionstätigkeit

exodus of capital Kapitalabwanderung {f} [econ.]

raising of capital Kapitalaufnahme {f} [fin.]

increase of capital; capital increase Kapitalaufstockung {f} [econ.]

increase of share capital Kapitalaufstockung bei einer AG

raising of capital Kapitalbeschaffung {f}

equity investment; capital participation; capital investment Kapitalbeteiligung {f}; Eigenkapitalinvestition {f}; Eigenkapitaleinsatz {m} [econ.]

amount of capital; capital amount; sum of capital; capital sum Kapitalbetrag {m}; Kapitalsumme {f} [fin.]

amounts of capital; capital amounts; sums of capital; capital sums Kapitalbeträge {pl}; Kapitalsummen {pl}

net capital movement Kapitalbilanz {f}

period of capital tie-up Kapitalbindungsfrist {f} [fin.]

periods of capital tie-up Kapitalbindungsfristen {pl}

withdrawal of capital Kapitalentnahme {f} [econ.]

withdrawals of capital Kapitalentnahmen {pl}

maintenance of capital Kapitalerhaltung {f} [econ.]

return on capital employed /ROCE/ Kapitalerträge {pl} [fin.]

gains tax; capital yields tax; capital gains tax Kapitalertragssteuer {f}; Kapitalertragsteuer {f} [fin.]

gains taxes; capital yields taxes; capital gains taxes Kapitalertragssteuern {pl}; Kapitalertragsteuern {pl}

flight of capital Kapitalflucht {f}

shortage of capital Kapitalknappheit {f}

lack of capital Kapitalmangel {m}

countercyclical capital buffer (Basel Committee on Banking Supervision) antizyklisches Kapitalpolster {n}; antizyklischer Kapitalpolster {m} [Ös.] (Basler Ausschuss für Bankenaufsicht) [econ.]

output-capital ratio Kapitalproduktivität {f} [econ.]

return of capital Kapitalrückzahlung {f} [fin.]

tax on capital Kapitalsteuer {f} [fin.]

taxes on capital Kapitalsteuern {pl}

turnover of capital; capital movement; movement of capital; capital flows Kapitalverkehr {m} [fin.]

free flow of capital; free movement of capital freier Kapitalverkehr

control on capital movement Kapitalverkehrskontrolle {f}

interest on capital Kapitalzins {m}; Kapitalzinsen {pl} [fin.]

eligibility for inclusion in the tier 1-capital (Basel Committee on Banking Supervision) Kernkapitalfähigkeit {f} (Basler Ausschuss für Bankenaufsicht) [econ.]

tier-1 capital ratio; ratio of a bank's tier-1 capital (Basel Committee on Banking Supervision) Kernkapitalquote {f} (Basler Ausschuss für Bankenaufsicht) [econ.]

money and capital market Kreditmarkt {m} [fin.]

contributions to capital formation die vermögenswirksamen Leistungen [fin.]

mezzanine capital Mezzanin-Kapital {n} [fin.]

minimum capital Mindestkapital {n}

adverse balance; capital impairment Passivsaldo {n}; Unterbilanz {f} [econ.] [adm.]

human resource/asset/capital accounting Personalcontrolling {n} [econ.]

imperial capital; capital of the Reich Reichshauptstadt {f} [hist.]

venture capital; capital at risk Risikokapital {n}; Wagniskapital {n}; Beteiligungskapital {n} [fin.]

Salzburg (Austrian state and state capital) Salzburg {n} (österreichisches Bundesland und Landeshauptstadt) [geogr.]

inheritance tax [Br.]; capital transfer tax [Br.] [hist.]; gift and estate tax [Am.] Schenkungs- und Erbschaftssteuer {f} [fin.]

accession tax; capital acquisition tax personenbezogene Schenkungs- und Erbschaftssteuer

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