Dictionary - TU Chemnitz
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Schulreise {f}; Schulfahrt {f}; Klassenfahrt {f} [Dt.] [school] school trip

Schulreisen {pl}; Schulfahrten {pl}; Klassenfahrten {pl} school trips

Schulsportwoche {f} [school] school [sport] week

Schulsportwochen {pl} school weeks

Schulsystem {n} [school] school system

Schulsysteme {pl} school systems

Schulträger {m} [Dt.]; Schulerhalter {m} [Ös.] [adm.] [school] school operator

Schulträger {pl}; Schulerhalter {pl} school operators

Schulunterricht {m} [school] school lessons

für den Schulunterricht for use in schools

Schwarm {m} Fische; Fischschwarm {m} [zool.] school of fish; shoal of fish

Fischschwärme {pl} schools of fish; shoals of fish

Sprachheilschule {f} [school] school for children with speech defects

Sprachheilschulen {pl} schools for children with speech defects

Wirtschaftsuniversität {f} [stud.] school of economics

Wirtschaftsuniversität {f} university of economics

Oberlehrer {m} school teacher

Oberlehrer {m} know-it-all

Schulart {f} school type

Schulart {f} kind of schools

Abschneiden {n} in der Schule school achievement; school performance

Bescheinigung {f} über den Schulbesuch; Schulbesuchsbestätigung {f} [Ös.] [adm.] school registration certificate; school enrolment certificate [Br.]; school enrollment certificate [Am.]

Denkrichtung {f} school of thought

Hufschlagfigur {f}; Bahnfigur {f} (Dressurreiten) [sport] school figure (dressage)

Hundshai {m} (Galeorhinus galeus) [zool.] school shark; soupfin shark; snapper shark; tope shark

Philosophenschule {f} [phil.] school of philosophy; school of philosophers

Schulabschluss {m} [school] [listen] school degree; (secondary) school qualifications

Schulangst {f} [psych.] school phobia

Schulaufsicht {f}; Schulaufsichtsbehörde {f} [school] school supervising; school supervising authority

Schulausbildung {f} [school] school education

Schulbedarf {m}; Schulmaterial {n} school supplies; school material

Schulbesuch {m} [school] school attendance

Schulenglisch {n} [school] school English

Schulfunk {m} school broadcasting

Schulfunksendung {f}; Radiokolleg {n} school radio broadcast

Schulgelände {n} [school] school grounds

Schulgeld {n}; Schulgebühr {f} [fin.] school fee; school tuition fees [Br.]; tuition [Am.] [listen]

Schuljugend {f} school children

Schulkenntnisse {f} [school] school knowledge; knowledge acquired at school

Schullaufbahn {f} [school] school career

Schulleitung {f} [school] school management

Schulordnung {f} [school] school regulations; school rules

Schulrat {m}; Schulrätin {f} [school] school inspector

Schulspeisung {f} [school] school lunch

der Schulsport {m} [school] [sport] school sport

festliche Schulveranstaltung {f}; Schulfest {n} school function

Schulverwaltung {f} [school] school administration

Schulverweigerung {f} [psych.] school avoidance; school refusal

Schulwegsicherung {f} school crossing patrolling

Schulzeit {f} [school] school days

Schulzeugnis {n}; Zeugnis {n} [school] [listen] school report [Br.]; report card [Am.]; school certificate

Schulzweig {m} [school] school branch

schwärmen; einen Schwarm bilden {vi} to school

Landschulheim {n} school camp

Kunstgewerbeschule {f} [hist.] school of arts and crafts; arts and crafts school

Schullandheim {n} school camp

Schulsachen {pl} school things; school stuff [coll.]

höhere Schule {f}; allgemeinbildende höhere Schule {f} /AHS/ [Ös.]; Gymnasium {n}; Oberschule {f} [Dt.]; Maturitätsschule {f} [Schw.]; Lyzeum {n} [Schw.] [school] secondary school; secondary high school [Am.]; grammar school [Br.]; high school [Am.] [listen]

höhere Schulen {pl}; allgemeinbildende höhere Schulen {pl}; Gymnasien {pl}; Oberschulen {pl}; Maturitätsschulen {pl}; Lyzeen {pl} secondary schools; secondary high schools; grammar schools; high schools

erweiterte Oberschule {f} extended secondary school; extended comprehensive school

Fachgymnasium {n}; Fachoberschule {f} specialized secondary school; secondary school; secondary (high) school specializing in particular subjects

Mädchengymnasium {n} secondary school for girls; grammar school for girls

polytechnische Oberschule {f} polytechnic secondary school

Pflichtschule {f}; Schulobligatorium {n} [Schw.] [school] compulsory school (system); compulsory schooling; compulsory education

nach Abschluss der Pflichtschule after completing/leaving compulsory school(ing); after the end of compulsory education

Personen, deren höchste abgeschlossene Ausbildung die Pflichtschule ist people whose highest completed level of education is compulsory schooling

die Pflichtschule ohne Abschluss verlassen to leave compulsory school with incomplete certificates

Bei Abschluss der Pflichtschule sollten alle eine Fremdsprache gut sprechen können. All those leaving compulsory education should be able to communicate well in a foreign language.

Gesamtschule {f}; Einheitsschule {f} [school] comprehensive school; comp [Br.]

Gesamtschulen {pl}; Einheitsschulen {pl} comprehensive schools; comps

integrierte Gesamtschule integrated comprehensive school

kooperative/additive Gesamtschule cooperative comprehensive school

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